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11 Raspberry Companion Plants & Plants to Avoid

Raspberry is a bushy perennial that enjoys help from other companion plants in pollination and a shield from strong winds.

Best Raspberry companion plants include Garlic, Onion, Marigold, Tansy, Chives, Chamomile, Rue, Yarrow, Turnip, etc. However, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Eggplants, Chilies, etc., are the worst ones as companion plants for Raspberry.

Growing the right companion plant for Raspberry means a better yield of fruits with a lower pest invasion.

Thus, read on till the end to learn about the best friends and enemies of Raspberries with ideal care.

What are Companion Plants?

Companion planting or intercropping is a strategy to increase crop yield by leveraging their individual plus points.

For example, Corn and Beans are profusely grown together as companion plants. Here, Corn can support Beans, while Beans enrich the soil by fixing air nitrogen.

Besides, companion plants attract more pollinating agents while keeping intruding pests at bay.

ripe red fruit of raspberry on a branch
Raspberry prefers help from the right companion plants to stay pests-free rather than chemical pest repellants.

Therefore, the plants that increase productivity while offering other benefits when grown together are companion plants.

However, some plants cause detrimental effects and are called bad companion plants.

Benefits of Companion Planting

Here are the benefits of companion or mixed planting.

  • Attracts helpful pollinating agents: Some plant relatively attracts more helpful insects like bees, butterflies, and ladybirds.
  • Boosts plant growth: Some plants release chemicals that aid neighboring plants’ growth rate.
  • Repels harmful pests: Marigold, Garlic repels pests away while nasturtium attracts aphids, so they act as a decoy plant.
  • Regulates and fixes nutrient content in the soil: Leguminosae plants keep the soil healthy and nutrient-rich.
  • Provide natural mulch: Ground cover preventing soil erosion and weed growth.
  • Adds shade and support: Protective shield from direct sunlight and natural stake for climbers.
  • Efficient use of space: Optimal land utilization by growing multiple plants.

10+ Raspberry Companion Plants

The best companion plants for growing along with Raspberry are:

What to Plant with RaspberryWhat Not to Plant
Marigold and ChamomilePepper
Onion and GarlicChillies
Chervil and ChivesStrawberries
Mint and ThymeFennel

1. Legumes

Legumes are promising companion plants for their nitrogen fixation properties.

They get along well with Raspberries and provide essential nitrogen with their bacteria in root nodules.

Furthermore, they act as a natural mulch and help the soil retain moisture without making it soggy.

Some legume crops best suited for Raspberries are Soybeans, Peanuts, Chickpeas and Lentils.

2. Onion

Onion acts as an excellent pest-deterring agent due to their pungent smell.

By planting Onions near, you can keep pests like aphids and beetles away from your Raspberries.

Aim to plant Onions before the Raspberry harvest or in the fall for optimal results.

3. Garlic

Like Onion, Garlic is also a member of the Allium plant family with intense smells that repel pests.

With minimal care needs, they flawlessly thrive while keeping your Raspberry protected from weevils and spider mites.

garlic cloves and bulbs ready to be planted as a companion plant for raspberry
You can plant multiple Garlic cloves around a plant in a circular fashion to keep a natural pest-repellent shield.

You can leverage their pest-repelling property by growing them between the Raspberry bushes.

4. Marigold

Native to Mexico, Marigolds release chemicals from their roots that discourage nematode invasion.

Furthermore, they can also serve as a trap crop and kill pests.

Additionally, the Marigold flower attracts butterflies and bees, which are excellent pollinators.

5. Chervil

Chervil is another suitable companion herb for Raspberry with natural pest-repellant properties.

Their distinct, intense smell keeps off pests from your Raspberry while encouraging pollinators to come by.

Also, they grow well in the shade of the Raspberry plant without contesting for nutrients.

6. Chives

Chives belong to the Allium family, and hence they produce a strong aroma that can repel various insects.

Generally, Chives repel insects like Japanese beetles, rust flies and aphids.

They are easy-going perennials, so they will revisit next year to protect your Raspberry from pests.

7. Chamomile

Chamomile produces beautiful flowers along with a strong aroma that discourages pests.

However, the bright flowers of Chamomile attract natural pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Best Raspberry Companion Plants - Chamomile
Chamomile flowers attract primary pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Furthermore, they surely add an aesthetic element to your home garden.

This flowering plant’s anti-fungal and antibacterial properties are highly beneficial for Raspberries to keep them healthy.

8. Mint

Although we profusely use Mint for its unique aroma, pests seem to loathe them and steer away from it.

Some common pests that detest Mint smell are Japanese beetles and aphids.

Therefore, planting Mint and Raspberry can protect them from those insects and keep them healthy.

9. Nasturtium

Pests like squash bugs don’t like the smell of Nasturtium flower. Due to this, they rarely enter the field with these flowers.

Meanwhile, they attract aphids and can be a distraction to keep your Raspberry free from aphids.

Similarly, they add aesthetic beauty and provide a gorgeous view while keeping bad insects away.

10. Thyme

Thyme is a low-maintenance herb with fast growth and rapid multiplication.

While they add a pleasant fragrance to your garden, they keep your Raspberry safe from pests.

Thyme also produces aromatic oils that activate helpful chemicals that make Raspberry more delicious.

11. Turnip

Turnip is one of the fast-growing vegetables that proliferate along Raspberries.

They also release a pungent smell and keep pests like harlequin beetles and aphids away.

In addition, they are great cover crops that help improve garden soil.

Worst Plants to Grow with Raspberry Plant

Several plants have harmful effects when grown together with the Raspberry plant.

Different facts are responsible for those plants to become harmful while growing together with the Raspberry plant.

Some of such plants are given below, which you shouldn’t grow together with Raspberries:

1. Nightshade Plants

Nightshade plants like potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, and peppers, are all bad companion plants for Raspberry.

They are highly prone to get fungal diseases like blight. So, planting them near Raspberry increases the chances of spreading.

green unripe tomato
Nightshade family members should not be planted together with Raspberry.

Blight can highly affect the growth and development of Raspberry, sometimes causing death as well.

Therefore, keeping these plants away from your Raspberry plant is always wise to keep it healthy and happy.

Besides, the soil of the blight-infected potato also harbors the spore of this disease.

So, avoid using the same space where once potato, tomato, or eggplant was grown to plant your Raspberry.

2. Allelopathic Plants

Allelopathic plants release a harmful chemical that affects the growth and development of other plants.

Some allelopathic plants that must not be grown along Raspberry are Fennel, Pea, Tomato, etc.

Thus, avoid planting Raspberry bushes near such plants to avoid detrimental effects.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries and Raspberries can be a delicious combo for your fruit bowl. However, their combination in the garden is not quite advisable.

Strawberry is highly susceptible to the fungal disease verticillium wilt. It also attacks Raspberries equally.

This wilt can be detrimental to the Raspberry if not treated on time.

Therefore, it is better to keep strawberries away from Raspberries to keep them safe.

4. Other Berries plant

Although different berries make excellent salads, they do not get along.

Furthermore, their basic needs also vary, making them bad companions for each other.

Some berry plants that are bad companion plants of Raspberry are Blackberries, Gooseberries and Blueberries.

Factors to Grow Raspberry Companion Plants

While using companion planting for Raspberries in your home garden, you should take care of the following things:

  • Growing season: Plant a companion plant that grows in the same season as the Raspberry.
  • Water requirement: Aim for plants with identical watering needs to avoid overwatering or underwatering issues.
  • Sunlight requirements: Raspberries thrive in full direct sunlight, so opt for companion plants that thrive in such sunlight.
  • Main Pollinators: Bees and butterflies are the primary pollinators, so aim for the plant that attracts those.
  • Unhealthy Competitors: Ensure the companion plant doesn’t compete with Raspberry for water and nutrients.
  • Spacing: Although companion planting leverages efficient use of space, ensure companion plants do not invade the space required to grow.
  • Usefulness: Try to use plants that can be useful as food for humans. Otherwise, you can add a flowering plant to increase the garden’s aesthetic.

FAQs about Rasberry Companion Plants

What is the Best Place to Grow Raspberry?

Raspberry grows best in full sunlight and acidic soil of pH 5.6 to 6.2, enriched with organic matter.

Can I Grow the Raspberry Plant in Full Shade?

No, Raspberries are sun-loving plants and don’t grow to their full potential in the shade. Provide more sun to get more and better fruits.

Can Blueberries be planted near Raspberries?

No, they have distinct growing needs and do not prefer to grow along. Thus, you should avoid planting Blueberries with Raspberries.

Wrapping Up…

Raspberry bushes are easy to grow but are often disturbed by pests and fungal diseases like verticillium wilt.

Thus, aid Raspberry bushes with the correct companion plants and enjoy juicy, nutrient-rich fruits yearly.

Happy Gardening!

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