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Garlic Companion Plants (What to Grow & What not to)

Garlic not only elevates the taste of your entree and main course, but Garlic also offers benefits to many surrounding plants as a companion.

Generally, the best Garlic companion plants include Tomatoes, Lettuce, Chamomile, fruit trees, and Roses. 

If you do not feel comfortable using chemical pesticides but wondering about natural means, Garlic is the one you need.

However, strictly avoid growing Beans, Parsley, and other Alliums with Garlic, as they can potentially halt the growth of all accompanying plants.

What are the Benefits of Garlic as Companion Plant?

Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the most popular herbs all over the globe for its fantastic flavor.

Although this beneficial plant is a perennial vegetable, many people grow it as annual, for its pungent flavor from the bulb that adds depth and umami to any dish.

Green Garlic plants in field
Garlic takes about 8-9 months to grow into a mature plant.

Many other Garlic benefits include boosting the immune system and preventing cancer.

Apart from the health benefits, Garlic is an excellent companion plant.

You simply plant the Garlic in the fall and wait for it to act as a natural insect repellant and attract pollinators helping the companion plants.

1. Natural Insects Repellant 

Gardeners are often troubled by insects when growing vegetables, but growing Garlic in companion with them is the solution.

Due to the strong scent of Garlic, it acts as an ideal natural insect-repellant plant. 

Some insects that steer away from Garlic are Aphids, Mites, Caterpillars, Japanese Bettles, and even Mosquitoes.

Therefore, by placing Garlic plants, you can ward off insects from your garden.

2. Attract Pollinating Insects

While standing firm and tall, guarding against eyesore insects, Garlic attracts important pollinators.

Generally, Garlic attracts bees, ladybugs, and butterflies, which helps to pollinate your plant.

Furthermore, Garlic produces pinkish-white flowers from Spring to Summer that also help to attract butterflies.

However, you shall not remove the Garlic scapes if you plan to see beautiful blooms of Garlic.

3. Improves Soil Nutrition

Another important benefit of planting Garlic plants as a companion is that they do not announce a competition for nutrients.

In contrast, Garlic reduces the chances of fungal infection to its neighbours as Garlic bulbs release sulfur.

But some plants tend to begin nutrition rivalry, causing negative impacts on growth.

Therefore, Garlic is a great companion plant that helps to maintain soil better.

10 Best Companion Plants For Garlic

Now you know the benefits of Garlic as a companion plant, but you might be wondering what goes well with Garlic.

Generally, you need to consider identical or similar plant care requirements before planting them together.

Garlic plant intercropping with other crops.
To give your fruit trees a Garlic companionship, sow a few Garlic cloves with a pointy edge facing upward at about two inches of depth.

Garlic prefers full sun for at least 6 hours with well-draining soil rich in organic matter of pH 6 to 8.

As the Garlic grows and matures, it can reach almost one and a half feet with an erect growing habit.

Therefore, you need to choose plants that have similar growing care requirements.

Did you know that you can grow Garlic companion plants also as Tulbaghia violacea aka Society Garlic companion plants as they have similar growing requirements?

1. Fruit Trees

Fruiting plants like Apples, Peaches, Apricots, and Pear trees enjoy the companionship of Garlic. 

The antifungal property of Garlic bulbs plays a crucial role in preventing potential infection problems.

As a companion plant, Garlic seemingly helps Apple trees fight Apple scab problems and curling leaves in Peaches.

Generally, Garlic will stay on guard throughout all warm seasons but retire during winter.

2. Tomatoes

Growing shiny, juicy Tomatoes without using chemical pesticides is often rare. Some of the sworn enemies of Tomatoes include Spider mites, Aphids, and Beetles.

But intercropping Garlic with Tomatoes can be a great rescuer to keep the plant insects free.

Moreover, you shall preplan the intercropping by growing them 1.5 to 2 feet apart to protect them from struggling for space.

Try planting tomatoes between the Garlic plants in the late spring or fall to prevent Tomatoes from weeds.

3. Lettuce

Lettuce and Garlic are good companion not only on your table but also as neighbouring plants.

To do optimal intercropping, consider planting Garlic in the fall and sowing Lettuce seeds in Spring.

By intercropping Lettuce and Garlic, you can increase the yield by efficiently using space.

Planting both Lettuce and Garlic together can eliminate weed growth and repel insects.

Fun Fact: You can also grow Lettuce as an Onion companion plant.

4. Potatoes

Do you know? According to a study, Potatoes in the Garlic companionship help control Potato Beetle.

Meanwhile, Garlic’s intense fragrance helps perplex insects that love to feast upon Potatoes.

Therefore, you shall practice intercropping Potatoes and Garlic together.

For efficient intercropping, try circularly planting Garlic around the Potato mound.

5. Carrots

When planted together, Carrots and Garlic share a symbiotic relationship.

Specifically, it means that both plants look out for each other and provide help.

Garlic keeps away insects that feast upon Carrots, such as Carrot flies, whereas the Carrot prevents pest infestation on Garlic.

Therefore, you should grow Carrots between the rigid and tall defence of the Garlic plant.

6. Cabbage

In addition to its antifungal and pest-repellent properties, Garlic is an effective rodent deterrent.

Some animals that dislike the Garlic smell are rabbits, squirrels, moose, and deer.

Hence, surrounding leafy vegetables like Cabbage with Garlic protects them from being eaten by Cabbage loopers, Cabbage maggots, Cabbage worms, and Japanese beetles.

7. Peppers

Another plant that prefers to have the defensive wall of Garlic, along with many other benefits, is Pepper.

A study about the Pepper Garlic intercropping system showed it increased soil fertility.

Rather than planting the Peppers alone, you shall use Garlic around them to naturally boost the soil quality.

The study also mentions pepper-garlic intercropping as a cost-effective and eco-friendly organic system.

8. Chamomile

If you enjoy Chamomile tea and have it growing in your garden, you should plant Garlic around it.

The intercropping of Chamomile and Garlic seemed to elevate the quality of the Chamomile.

Furthermore, as a companion plant, Garlic helps grow Chamomile.

Similarly, you can use the benefits of Garlic companionship with other herbs like Dill.

9. Roses

Frustrated with bugs eating your gorgeous Roses every time? The intense scent of Garlic is on the rescue to protect your Roses. 

Interestingly, Stinking Rose is the common name for Garlic for its strong, intense scent and its relation to the Allium family.

Moreover, the pungent sulphuric Garlic protects the sweet fragrant Roses from aphid infestation.

For that, you need to plant them at a safe distance of 30-45 cm apart

10. Geraniums

Geraniums enjoy and get encouraged for better growth from Garlic companionship.

A research study found a significant increase of almost two folds in the yield of Geranium herbs and essential oil when planted with Garlic.

Moreover, Garlic protects the Geranium from insect invasions while attracting pollinators when planted at a distance of 1 to 1.5 feet apart.

For more efficient results, you shall plant two rows of Garlic between the two rows of Geranium.

Some Bad Companion Plants for Garlic

Even though there are tons of plants that prefer to stay around Garlic, some plants do not get along with Garlic.

Moreover, plants’ care need is crucial in determining whether they will go together.

Garlic plants with bulbs.
To give your fruit trees a Garlic companionship, sow a few Garlic cloves with a pointy edge facing upward at about two inches of depth.

Often the wrong choice of plants for intercropping with Garlic results in more damage with degrading plants’ health.

Due to the sulfur release from the Garlic roots, many plants suffer from sulfur toxicity.

Some of the plants that should not be planted anywhere near Garlic to avoid stunted growth are:

  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Asparagus
  • Parsley
  • Sage
  • Other Alliums

There is an ongoing debate among gardeners on whether to plant Garlic as a companion to Strawberries.

Many gardeners claim to keep Garlic near Strawberries helped to reduce and control pest infestation.

But, some claim that Garlic stunts the growth of Strawberries while discouraging the production of berries.

Therefore, plant Garlic and Strawberries in alternate rows while maintaining a wide gap between them.

Care Tips for Garlic While Planting with Companion Plants

Now the hard part of choosing which plant to grow along Garlic is over. You need to know how to provide optimal care.

Therefore, follow the care routine outlined below to keep Garlic plants happy and healthy.

  • Water your plants every three to five days to keep the soil hydrated.
  • Apply some fertilizer during early Spring with Nitrogen-rich fertilizers like chicken manure to promote optimal growth.
  • If you have flowering plants as companion plants, opt for Phosphoric fertilizers to encourage blossoms.
  • Find an optimal place for plants to get full sun for 6 to 7 hours daily.
  • Keep a close eye on plants for potential signs of improper conditions and problems.

From Editorial Team


Maintain the soil well draining with proper aeration and a slightly acidic nature.

Moreover, the adaptable qualities of Garlic act as a shield in the midst of it, protecting and promoting the better growth of its companion plants.

Happy Gardening!

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