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Blackberry Companion Plants [What to Grow & Avoid]

Overwhelmingly bushy and quick-growing Blackberry outpaces most houseplants. Only a few plants find true companionship beside them but with proper spacing.

Generally, Blackberry companion plants include ornamental trees, berry and nut-producing shrubs, vining plants, and aromatic and ground-covering herbs. But avoid planting Raspberries, Asparagus, Nightshade Vegetables, and Carrots with Blackberries.

Continue reading to learn companion planting benefits and some excellent plants for Blackberries.                                            

Why Group Blackberry with Companion Plants? 

Companion planting offers mutual benefits to Blackberries and associated plants.  

  • Some companion plants help deter pest infestation or pathogenic fungi in Blackberries.
  • Blackberry bush provides shade to the ground-dwelling companion plants from strong sunlight.
  • Many companion herbs captivate pollinators due to their vibrantly colored and aromatic flowers, benefiting Blackberries.
  • Some trees and ground cover companion plants hold the soil together around Blackberries and prevent topsoil runoff.
Image represents Blackberry plant fruits
Certain herbs can shoot up the yield of Blackberry fruits when planted together in companionship.
  • Some plants improve the yield of Blackberries, offering abundant fruit harvest for gardeners. 
  • A few tree companions capture moisture, thanks to their leaves that drop water in the soil around the Blackberry bushes.
  • Trees offer accessible nutrient sources or insulation for Blackberries due to the annual shedding of dead leaves and branches.

Good Blackberry Companion Plants

Choosing the right companion plants for your Blackberry bushes can help them thrive.

Also, knowing what companion plants you need around your main plant is a bonus.

1. Companion Trees

Many people prefer planting trees around the Blackberries for better growth.

These large trees store moisture in their canopies and can thus shed nutrients like leafy mulch, serving the undergrowing Blackberry plantations.

Consider hosting enormous trees, such as White Oak, Pacific Madrone, Pears, and Almonds, about 5-10 feet from the Blackberry bushes.
Image represents Blackberry plantations
Blackberries can benefit from tall trees, but you must grow them equally to avoid competition between the plants.

Blackberries prefer full sun, but some small shrubby trees like partial shade. Planting such trees near Blackberries will offer them a suitable semi-shade habitat. 

Additionally, Blackberries produce flowers with nectar that lure in pollinators, benefiting the trees during the pollination phase.

2. Companion Shrubs

Lower shrubs can be good companions for Blackberries as these shrubs tolerate the shade offered by taller Blackberry bushes.

You can plant other shrubs, such as Hazelnuts, Serviceberries, Blueberries, and Thimbleberries, about 3-5 feet away from Blackberry plantations to fill gaps.

Moreover, these shrubs help disorient pests eager to feed on your Blackberries.

Gardeners recommend fruit-bearing shrubs as companion plants for Blackberries to elevate their harvest.

Additionally, flowering and fruiting shrubs are bees and butterfly magnets, which serve them with pollens.

Image illustrates Blackberry companion plants
Blackberries grow comfortably beside special plants that have similar growing conditions.

3. Companion Ground Cover Herbs

Planting tall herbs between or around Blackberry plants encourages pollination and acts as an aromatic insect-repelling barrier.

These herbs include Mint, Hyssop, Tansy, Rue, Bee Balm, Lemon Balm, Garlic, Onions, Chives, and Borage, which require about 6-12 inches of root space.

You can skirt Blackberry bushes with fragrant herbs in garden beds. However, avoid letting Blackberry overgrowth overwhelm the herbs.

Moreover, several herbs also have nitrogen-fixing abilities, enriching the soil with nitrogen, a crucial nutrient for Blackberries.

These short-staggering herbs are also great ground covers that easily detain the growth of unwanted weeds.

4. Companion Climbers & Vining Plants 

Many vining plants and climbers support Blackberries by offering shade, inviting pollinators, tilling the topsoil, and fortifying the substrate with nutrients.

Some favorites of Blackberries are Beans, Grapes, and Peas, which need to be planted about 3-5 feet apart from Blackberry bushes on wooden or metal trellises
Image represents Blackberry plant growing in trellis
Trellis allows the Blackberry bush to spiral higher, offering shade for the low-growing companion plants.

However, vining plants or climbers can grow aggressively and latch on the Blackberry bushes.

These can tangle with the Blackberry plants, halting their growth.

5. Companion Flowers

Some of the beneficial Blackberry companion flowers are Sunflowers and Roses.

Their vividly beautiful and highly aromatic blooms of Sunflowers lure pollinators.

Additionally, the prickles in Roses guard Blackberries against garden critters.

What Not to Plant with Blackberries?

You must avoid the following plants if you want your Blackberries to grow without constraints and full lives free of diseases.

Bad CompanionsReason to Avoid Them
RaspberriesThey share same diseases that can transmit quickly to one another
CarrotsHigh need of nutrients (competition)
Nightshade Vegetables (Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplants, etc.)Can transmit deadly diseases and insects to Blueberry and vice versa
AsparagusSlow-growing plant with high nutrients demands


Blackberry plantations not only offer some of the sweetest summertime fruits but also improve the condition of your garden.

They are comfy next-door garden neighbors for most plants but require trellis support and well-marginalized plantation distance!

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