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10+ Popular Types of Potatoes in UK

Surprisingly, there are over 4000 types worldwide, with over 500 varieties under the umbrella of Potato alone in the UK.

The Potatoes fall under two sub-type, floury and waxy varieties, with King Edward, Cosmos, Desiree, and Sante falling under the floury type and Lady Crystal, Charlotte, Jersey Royal, Maris Peer and Nicola under the waxy type.

With the floury and waxy types come different dishes you can prepare by roasting, boiling, mashing, or preparing salads.

So stay with the article till the end to learn about the majorly used types of Potatoes.

Common Types of Potatoes in the UK

Potatoes go by the name “spuds” because they are dug upon using a sharp, narrow small knife called a spud. So do not get confused if you ever see the word.

The spuds hold different textures, tastes, and quality and are generally classified based on starch content.

And the good thing is that each type of Potato grows in the USDA zone 3 to 10.

So potato lovers, be ready to choose your favorite types from the list below depending on the recipe and dish you want.

1. Maris Peer

Maris Peer falls under the second early smaller type of Potato, having a firm, oval shape and slightly waxy texture.

The best feature of Maris Peer is they do not burst out from the peel during boiling, so you can choose them for roasting, baking and frying to add to your salads.

Meanwhile, the Potatoes have light brown, thin, smooth skin, giving a nutty, earthy taste with a dense yellow to whitish flesh.

Some dishes you can prepare using Maris Peer include French fries, chips, hashbrowns, and wedges.

Maris Peer is one of the most famous and popular varieties with the highest amount of production among potato types after Maris Piper in the UK.

2. Pink Fir Apple

One of the late main crop types of Potatoes that stays fresh for a long period is Pink Fir Apple, having long, rough textures with unpredictable shapes.

The Potato has a waxy texture, thick, knobby-shaped skin, and difficulty peeling, making them fit for boiling, roasting, and salads.

Huge lump of Stir fir apple, a red type of potatoes is lying on the ground filled with green grasses and a gardening fork is lying by the wall
The Pink Fir Apple has an uneven body structure and is large and elongated.

Also, another feature to identify them is their lightly tanned to pink skin with shallow eyes and creamy flesh, filled with a nutty and earthy taste.

These Potatoes are a great addition to roasted meats with garlic or half steamed and eaten as a salad.

A single Pink Fir Apple weighs around 35g. 

3. Maris Piper

Another commonly available types of Potatoes in the UK similar to Maris Peer, falling under the main type, are Maris Piper. They have an all-rounder, smooth texture.

The major feature is the oval, medium size spuds filled with a high amount of dry matter in the creamy-colored flesh with an earthy taste.

You can use the Potato by baking, mashing, frying, roasting and preparing chips.

Also, the Potato has mid-brown, medium-thick uniform skin and gives a high yield regularly.

Did you know Maris Piper was the first variety of Potato, bred as a resistant type to Potato cyst nematode in 1966? 

4. King Edward

King Edward is the oldest variety with high commercial demand, even today.

You can identify oval-shaped Potatoes from their creamy-colored skin with pinkish dots around the eyes.

They are smaller than average Potatoes and fall under the floury type having a nutty taste. 

Also, the Edward is rich in starch, suitable for boiling, mashing, roasting and baking except for salads.

The variety was introduced in 1902 and named as a tribute to King Edward VII for his enthroning in the same year.

5. Desiree

One of the versatile heirloom varieties, having medium to large sizes and oval shapes with a glossy skin is Desiree.

The major feature includes average size and semi-smooth red skin with firm, light yellow flesh filled with balanced water and starch.

A bowl containing eight to ten red type of potatoes and is lying over a slab.
The Desiree Potatoes are glossy to look with a few shallow eyes.

Because of the starch content, the Desiree falls in the all-rounder type making it suitable for mashes, roasts, chips and wedges.

While consuming the dishes, you can enjoy a creamy, sweet taste with an earthy flavor.

6. Anya

The second early type of Potato that has received approval from many chefs for having a hearty taste is the Anya.

They have uneven texture, very light-tanned, thin skin and cream-to-yellow flesh with a knobbly, oval appearance.

Also, the size of Potatoes is relatively small compared to the average Potato, but they are similar in providing nutty flavors, almost like chestnut, to your dishes.

You can boil, mash, steam, roast Anya Potatoes, and use them as an ingredient with other vegetables.

Avoid using Potato leaves in dishes without consulting the professionals or checking the toxicity.

7. Charlotte

Another second early type of Potato notable for medium to large, oblong-shaped spuds with diameters of about 4- 5 centimeters is Charlotte.

Charlotte has a firm structure that can stay in shape even after boiling. So they are good options for your salads.

Meanwhile, you can stir fry, roast, or incorporate Potatoes with a Spanish omelet, as they have a top savory sweet, nutty flavor.

Look at the light brown thin skin with cream to yellow flesh beneath it to recognize Charlotte. 

If you wish to grow Potatoes indoors, collect Beaureguard, Jewel, Bush Porto Rico or others under Sweet Potatoes

8. Nicola

Nicola falls under one of the top Potato varieties suitable for a novice gardener, introduced recently in 1973.

This Potato features light brown, thin, glossy and smooth skin with shallow eyes on it, making it a great option to eat with a peel attached.

Meanwhile, you can blend the Potato with dishes like gratin and salads by boiling, mashing, or baking, for they have a rich nutty flavor.

Another feature of identifying them is the oval to oblong, medium-sized spuds with light yellow flesh.

Nicola is a rich source of Vitamins (B6 and C) and micronutrients like fiber, manganese, and copper.

9. Jersey Royal

International Kidney or Jersey Royal has taken over the market in the UK as the people’s favorite new Potato for their distinctive nutty, sweet flavor.

Besides, the skin of Jersey Royal is so delicate that there is no need to peel them off.

They are small, elongated, and uniform, with yellow to thin brown skin under which lies a dense cream-colored flesh.

You can enjoy Jersey Royal by boiling, steaming, or having them as a salad with gem lettuce or goat’s cheese or make chips out of them.

10. Lady Christl

Lady Christl is an early type of Potato, listed among the recently introduced variety, famous for its clean look and taste.

The physical feature of Lady Christl includes a firm, buttery texture with thick, light brown to smooth yellow skin.

Also, this has a regular size with waxy yellow flesh filled with a buttery, nutty taste suitable for boiling, steaming, or sauteeing.

So you can use them for salads, chips, or as a complementary dish with meat, bread, and wedges. 

If you live in Texas, know the type you have and grow the Potatoes to make a mouthwatering dish.

Additional Types of Potatoes in the UK

There is more to add to the variety of Potatoes which you can see in the table below.

Potato TypesFeaturesPurposes
Red Duke of YorkFirst early type of Potato

Medium to large sized oval tubers with red skin and shallow eyes
Baking, roasting, sauteing, and making salads, chips
Arran Pilot First early type of Potato

Medium sized oblong spuds with light brown, smooth skin and shallow eyes
Boiling, steaming, sauteing and preparing salads
KestrelSecond early type of Potato

Regular medium sized all rounder tuber with light tan, thin skin and purple shallow eyes
Boiling, mashing, baking, roasting, making chips, and sauteing
SanteEarly maincrop type of Potato

Moderately large oval shape tuber with semi thick, yellow skin and many shallow eyes
Boiling, roasting, baking, and making chips, stews, gratins, shepherd's pie
MozartLate maincrop type of Potato

Regular sized oval, smooth tubers with red skin and many small shallow eyes
Mashing, roasting, baking, and making chips and wedges
WiljaSecond early type of Potato

Average sized round to oval, uniform shaped spuds having curve at ends with brown to yellow skin and shallow to medium eyes
Roasting, mashing, baking, boiling and mixing while preparing casseroles and wedges
Victory ArranLate maincrop type of Potato

Small to large oval to round tubers with thin, vibrant violet to dark purple skin and deep-sets of shallow eyes
Roasting, mashing, and steaming

Final Thought

There is no doubt that Potatoes have ultimately ruled out every kind of cuisine worldwide for their appearance, starch content, moisture content, and taste.

The listed types of Potatoes in the UK include sweet varieties enough to bake, light enough to be a salad, and meaty sufficient to suffice the main course.

Before you grow these Potatoes, learn about their companion plants.

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