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Monstera Acacoyaguensis : Complete Grow & Care Guide

Popular for its fenestrations, Monstera acacoyaguensis proliferates even with minimal care routine.

Generally, Monstera acacoyaguensis demands 10 hours of bright indirect sunlight with warmth of 65-75°F and 50-80% humidity. Also, they thrive best in porous, well-draining soil of 5-7.5 pH, balanced monthly fertilizer. Unless it is for taming their size, they do not need regular pruning.

You mustn’t gamble with this uncommon Monsteras’ basic care needs. Thus, read on to learn the care dynamics of Monstera adansonii acacoyaguensis.

Monstera Acacoyaguensis Overview

Monstera acacoyaguensis is a rare tropical form of adansonii. They hail their tropical beauty from Mexico and Guatemala.

Scientific NameMonstera acacoyaguensis
Family Araceae
Plant OriginMexico, Guatemala, and Belize
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial
USDA Zone10b to 12
Growth RateMedium
Growth SizeIndoor: 4-6 feet

Outdoor: Up to 20 feet
FoliageFenestrated green foliage
BloomLight yellow to green spathe and cylindrical Spadix
Bloom SeasonAll year once the plant matures
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common Diseases Leaf spot, Root rot, and Anthracnose
Common PestsMealybugs, Thrips, Scales, and Spider Mites

Monstera Acacoyaguensis: Best Care Hack

Despite their elegant large, heart-shaped leaves, they are comparatively easy to take care of.

Now, let us discuss them one by one for a better understanding and proper care of the plant.

Monstera acacoyaguensis care hack
Maintain ideal conditions for your Monstera acacoyaguensis so they can attain their maximum potential.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Belonging to the Araceae family, Monstera acacoyaguensis prefers to sit in an indirectly sunlit room of warmth 65-75°F.

With at least 10 hours of daily sunshine, they thrive without problems indoors. Similarly, they can grow outdoors in 10 to 12 USDA zones.

If your acacoyaguensis is young and juvenile, give them 14 hours of daily sun to boost its growth.

However, ensure they are not exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sun can scorch the leaves and make them turn dry and brittle.

monstera acacoyaguensis foliage
Protect your Monstera from direct sunlight, as they can get scorched and become brown and brittle with curly tips.

Low light and temperatures < 55°F slow plants’ growth and causes no fenestration.

Monstera kept in the dark shade may also have yellowing, wilting or drooping leaves.  

So, use incandescent light to give light and heat to make your plant happy.

Otherwise, rely on frost blankets or heat pads and place plants 3-5 feet away from an east or west windowsill.

2. Watering & Humidity

Monstera acacoyaguensis despises having soggy feet but prefers to have its leaves dewy (50-80%).

To please the plant, regularly mist and water them weekly using rain or distilled water. But reduce the routine to every fortnight in the dormant winter season.

If your plant’s foliage is yellowing, limping, and drooping, stop watering or misting them altogether.

However, arid soil with drooping or curling Monstera leaves signifies no water or moisture issues.

Therefore, to be on a safe boat, opt for bottom watering and add pebbles or a humidifier, so the plant stays hydrated.

Similarly, use a moisture meter to ensure the top two inches of soil is dry before watering.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Monstera acacoyaguensis are not very fussy about the soil. After all, they are epiphytic aroids taking nutrients from decaying matter.

They thrive in a well-draining, porous, acidic (5 to 7.5 pH) aroid mix. Similarly, feed them 1-1-1 fertilizer every month to boost their foliage growth.

That said, you mustn’t fertilize your plant in winter. By fertilizing in winter, you are risking overfertilization issues.

Excess nutrients can burn the roots and cause curling leaf tips, brown spots, and salt build-ups.

Meanwhile, a lack of fertilizer can result in yellow leaves, frail stems, and stunted growth.

Thus, prepare a nutrient-rich, organic mix using sphagnum moss or Coco Coir, pine bark, perlite, and compost.

4. Potting and Repotting

Monstera acacoyaguensis has neither a fast nor a slow growth rate. So, they stay put for about two years in a 6 to 8″ wide pot.

But if your Monstera has roots poking out from drainage holes, you must repot them straightaway. Besides that, potbound Monstera also does not put on any new growth. 

While repotting, aim for terracotta or wooden pots two inches bigger than the previous ones.

Remember, the pots must have multiple drain holes so the soil won’t stay soggy. If they do not have one, drill one using a driller.

For optimal growth, prepare to repot them in early spring every 2-3 years. Also, presoak the soil a night before repotting to lower repotting stress.

5. Occasional Pruning

Monstera acacoyaguensis proliferates without asking for regular pruning. But they won’t complain about you removing old, damaged foliage.

However, they scream for pruning when troubled by pests or fungal diseases. Generally, pests like mealy bugs, aphids, and spider mites attack the plant.

Meanwhile, powdery mildew, leaf spot, and bacterial blight are the fungal diseases that infect your Monstera.

Remember, overwatering and excess humidity often invite pests and root rot problems. So, ensure you are following an efficient routine.

If you notice white spots on top while powdery dew under the leaves, immediately prune them using sterilized shears.

You can also apply neem oil or fungicides and wash away the pests using a soapy water solution.

Similarly, group your Monstera with plants like sweet basils, chocolate mints, and garlic cloves, as they keep pests at bay. 

Monstera Acacoyaguensis: All About Growth

Did you know that Monstera plants use fenestrations to let light through the leaves on the lower portion of the plants? 

Monstera acacoyaguensis is a rare Monstera variety but not Monstera obliqua rare.

They have moderate, neither slow nor fast growth rates and stay active in spring and summer. However, like Monstera laniata, they stay dormant throughout the winter.

Monstera acacoyaguensis is a tropical hemiepiphytic climber that can attain 20 feet in length while maintaining a width of 3 feet in nature.

They grow on a host plant in their juvenile phase but later establish themselves on the soil.

Meanwhile, indoor ones can grow about 6 feet long with ideal care.


Also popular with the adansonii acacoyaguensis name, they are popular for their fenestrated foliage.

Interestingly, their fenestration gradually increases alongside plants’ maturity.

Therefore, if your Monstera isn’t unfurling leaves with many holes, they could still be young.

Monstera acacoyaguensis has oval-shaped, leathery, green fenestrated leaves. These leaves can get up to 3 feet long and 2 feet wide. 

Being a climber, give your indoor Monstera a moss pole as a support to lean on.

monstera acacoyaguensis leaves with water droplets
Give your Monstera acacoyaguensis a sphagnum moss pole to encourage their climbing habit.

Although rare indoors, Monstera acacoyaguensis produces a typical aroid flower or inflorescence after attaining maturity.

The inconspicuous flower has a yellowish spadix wrapped in a leathery green spathe.

After the successful pollination, they produce a Monstera fruit with viable seeds for propagation.

Toxicity of Monstera Acacoyaguensis

According to ASPCA, Monstera acacoyaguensis is toxic to pets and humans.

They contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals throughout the plant. But they do not pose any threat from skin contact.

However, symptoms like mouth irritation, excessive drooling, and vomiting can occur under ingestion.

Furthermore, severe symptoms like breathing difficulty and kidney failure can also arise.

Thus, it is advised to every pet owner to carefully position the plant away from children’s and pets’ reach.

If you suspect your kids and pets nibbled out some Monstera acacoyaguensis, give them milk as first aid and contact these helplines.

Propagation Methods for Monstera Acacoyaguensis

You can propagate Monstera acacoyaguensis via stem cutting, seeds, and layering methods. However, stem cutting is preferred over any other method.

For optimal results, aim to propagate your Monstera acacoyaguensis in early spring.

But before jumping on the train of propagation steps, ensure you have sharp shear, rooting hormone, and fresh potting mix.

1. Stem Cuttings

It is the most efficient and simple propagation method to populate Monstera acacoyaguensis.

Moreover, you can choose a growing medium, either water or soil, to root the cuttings.

  • Select a healthy stem with at least two or more nodes.
  • Cut the stem half inches below the node at a 45° angle.
  • Remove any damaged or decaying foliage left on the cutting.
  • Partially dip the cutting in a jar filled with rooting hormone and distilled water.
  • Replace the water every 2-3 days and place the jar in a bright location.
  • Within a month, you can notice new root sprouts.
  • Once the roots grow over an inch, transplant the cutting into a pot with fresh potting mix.
Pro Tip: Remember, Monsteras can not be propagated without nodes. Therefore, ensure the cutting has at least one node in it.

Similarly, you can plant the cutting immediately after it forms a callous on its cut ends.

For the potting medium, prepare a well-draining, porous, nutrient-rich soil. You can also use sphagnum moss only for rooting.

young monstera acacoyaguensis
Plan to propagate your Monstera acacoyaguensis in early spring to ensure optimal growth and successful propagation results.

Now, plant the cutting in it and keep them warm and moist.

New root growths can be visible within 3 to 4 weeks and once they outgrow the pot, consider transplanting them.

2. Seed Propagation

Propagation of Monstera acacoyaguensis via seeds is difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, stem cutting is preferred.

You can buy or harvest the Monstera seeds from the fruit. Remember, these seeds do not have a long shelf life.

Now, let us get started with the germination of Monstera seeds.

  • Presoak the seeds in lukewarm water for 24 hours.
  • Sow the Monstera seeds half an inch deep in the seed starter mix.
  • Place the germination tray in a bright, warm (70 to 80°F), humid place.
  • Mimic a mini-greenhouse by covering the tray with clear plastic.
  • Poke some holes to ensure proper air circulation.
  • Within three weeks, you can see new Monstera seedlings.

Once you notice new sprouts from the seeds, remove the plastic cover and proceed with regular care.

After the seedling puts on a couple of leaves, transplant them into an individual pot.

Monstera Acacoyaguensis for Sale

Thanks to the internet, acacoyaguensis is not that hard to get. Depending upon the size of Monstera acacoyaguensis, their prices range from $20 to $80.

Here are the verified retailers with Monstera acacoyaguensis for sale.

Place to BuyShipping Time
Canopy PlantWithin 1-5 working days
EtsyWithin 2-3 days
EcuageneraShips within 2-3 days
Tropics At HomeShips within 7-14 business days
Plant CircleShips within 7-10 days

Monstera Acacoyaguensis vs Monstera Adonsonii

Monstera acacoyaguensis and adansonii are very similar in appearance. So, you may confuse one for another.

Monstera acacoyaguensisMonstera adansonii
Leaves tend to be bigger and floppier.Leaves tend to be smaller.
Fenestrations tend to be bigger.Fenestrations tend to be smaller.
It needs more support to grow over time.It needs less support.
Fenestrations are irregular.Fenestrations are regular.
Fenestrations are in more random shapes.Fenestrations are more oval saped.
It has a much longer spadix.It has a shorter spadix.

Wrapping Up…

Monstera acacoyaguensis is the one if you are looking for easy yet excellent tropical essence to your space.

Do not worry if your Monstera does not have fenestration now! With growing maturity, they will add more and more perforations.

All The Best!

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