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Boost Your Wellness with Monstera Plant Benefits

Monstera is a tropical plant that is famous for its fenestrated leaves. But I bet you have not heard about the benefits they have to offer.

Generally, Monstera plant benefits include trapping dust, absorbing harmful toxins, humidifying the air, warding off dry skin, helping with respiratory problems, etc.

Consider reading more about the benefits and care tips if you want to grow these beautiful plants.

8 Monstera Plant Benefits

Here are some proven benefits of growing a Monstera.

1. Delicious and Nutritious Fruit

The Deliciosa sub-species of Monstera grow exotic-looking fruit that tastes equally delicious.

No wonder the Monstera plant is named ‘Deliciosa,’ meaning that it bears delicious fruits in the shape of corn.

However, as the other parts of the plant are toxic to cats, dogs, and humans, its fruiting is unlikely to be completely edible.

A mature Deliciosa plant bears fruits yearly that grow about 12 inches long.

The calcium oxalate dissipates in the ripened fruit, making it eatable; it breaks open to reveal a fleshy inside with a good fragrance that provides significant potassium and vitamin C.

It may take longer than a year for fruits to mature. You should not consume the fruit until it matures completely.

2. Aesthetic Appeal

Monstera is one of the rare houseplants grown for both fruit and décor.

An impressive-looking plant boasts large heart-shaped leaves with a hollow texture that looks equally photogenic.

You can decorate your office desk with a mini Monstera plant or create a room divider using large species like Monstera Gigas that grow 2-3 meters long.

Some Monstera species, including Monstera Albo produce variegation and are prized for their signature variegated leaves.

3. Purifies Indoor Air

Some plants are grown only for beauty, but Monstera is grown for beauty and environmental benefits.

Monstera makes a rare houseplant known for its air-cleaning properties: it converts carbon dioxide into oxygen and traps volatile organic compounds from the air through photosynthesis.

It effectively removes cancer-causing agents like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, toluene, and trichloroethylene.

Hence, Monstera makes an all-rounder houseplant.

However, you should grow at least two or three good-sized Monstera every 100 sq. ft. to remove the toxins effectively.

4. Symbolism of Happiness

According to Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing humans with their surroundings, Monstera brings happiness and stimulates big dreams.

It makes a mighty beautiful plant with some delightful symbols around the world.

Monstera Baby plant
Just looking at the beautiful leaves of Monstera can fill you with happiness.

It symbolizes long life in China, while Feng Shui associates it with an element that induces happiness, joy, good fortune, and fulfilled dreams.

Millions of Feng Shui followers worldwide decorate their homes and offices with Monstera for the same belief.

If you are one of the Feng Shui followers, you should definitely take advantage of this plant.

5. Medicinal Plant

The Monstera plant leaves, fruits, and stems have always been used as medicinal herbs.

The roots of Ceriman Monstera are infused into a beverage and used to treat arthritis in some parts of Mexico.

In Martinique, a medicine prepared from Monstera roots is used to treat snake bites.

Some parts of South America use the plant residue to cauterize wounds and leg pain. However, the calcium oxalate found in the plant is harmful to human and animal health.

Hence, specific parts of the plants are boiled well and treated before being prepared as medicine.

6. Stress Buster and Sharpens Attention

Live plants like Monstera boost the optimum oxygen level in the air to reduce stress-causing hormones.

Moreover, they encourage even heart rate and blood pressure to improve your physical and mental state.

A survey conducted by horticultural therapy has shown excellent results in reducing anxiety and depression among many growers.

Hence, growing Monstera helps elevate your senses and improve your attention to achieve greater productivity in work or study.

7. Improve Sleep Pattern

Green houseplants induce improved sleep patterns because they release significant oxygen.

Similarly, Monstera is very effective in producing oxygen and scrubbing off toxins which in turn induces sound sleep.

Even Health Line suggests people put plants in their rooms for better sleep. They naturally calm your nerves and breathing to help your sleep quickly and soundly.

Moreover, Monstera makes excellent sound barriers that help absorb minute vibrations and noises with its broad leaves.

8. Dehumidification and Odor Removal

Monstera plants boast aerial roots that absorb nutrients and humidity from the air.

Similarly, the large waxy leaves absorb and maintain indoor humidity levels and temperature.

Growing them in a high-humidity region will help maintain moisture inside the house.

Additionally, they absorb odor-causing toxins from the air and prevent mold or mildew growth, boosting fragrance around the house.

These are not all the Monstera plant benefits. Some South American countries weave baskets and fashion ropes out of dried Monstera vines.

Valuable Tips for Monstera Plants’ Care

Do you want to keep your Monstera looking forever stunning and provide all the benefits mentioned above?

These tips to ensure that your Monstera remains healthy and beautiful might interest you.


Bright-indirect light (3-4 hours)
East Facing Window

Deep watering
10-14 days in the growing season

Organic soil that retains moisture
Fertilizer icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon

Balanced liquid fertilizer
Once a month in the growing season

Optimal temperature

High humidity at least 60%

1. Light and Location

  • Place them in an east-facing window with enough indirect or diffused sunlight.
  • The leaves thrive well in moderate-lit locations with at least 50-60% sunlight.
  • When kept in a south or west-facing location, keep them at least 6 feet away from direct sunlight.

2. Proper Watering

  • Water only when the top 75% of soil dries out to prevent water saturation.
  • Watering them once in 10-14 days in the growing season and once in 21 days in fall and winter would suffice.
  • Water the plant in the morning to allow it to absorb significant moisture.

3. High Humidity

  • They require a slightly higher humidity level to thrive, at least 60%.
  • Mist the plant leaves in the spring and summer to boost humidity naturally.
  • Otherwise, add an electric humidifier to the room.

4. Moderate Temperature

  • A warm-loving plant does well in a moderately high-temperature range of 50-95°F.
  • Move them inside from the open place when the temperature drops below 50°F
  • Anything above 105°F will suck the plant dry and wilted.

5. Well-Draining Soil Mix

Note: Similarly, you can utilize plastic or ceramic pots.

6. Plant Food

  • Feed your plant with balanced All-Purpose Fertilizer (20-20-20) once a month in the growing season.
  • Alternatively, apply slow-release granular fertilizer thrice a year.
  • In addition, including compost will add organic matter to your fertilizer, making it nutrient-rich.

A discolored leaf indicates a malnourished plant and stunted growth means a chemical-stressed plant.

7. Pest and Disease Prevention

  • Avoid overwatering your plant to discourage moisture-stressed plants.
  • Regularly inspect the underside of leaves for pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs.
  • Apply insecticidal soap, Neem oil, or mild insecticide to remove pests.
  • Fungal and bacterial infection is more prominent in an excessively irrigated plant.
  • Apply fungicides containing sulfur to treat fungal diseases.
  • Prune and dispose of severely infected leaves and rotten roots.
If your Monstera is affected by thrips, you would want to read this article.

FAQs Regarding Monstera Plant Benefits

Is it good to have a Monstera plant at home?

Monstera is a plant that flaunts beautiful leaves with little fenestrations on them.

On top of that, it also has a lot of benefits, so it is good to have a Monstera at home.

It can also thrive in warm conditions and normal household humidities that can be found at homes.

Is Monstera plant good luck?

As discussed earlier, Feng Shui considers Monstera to bring good fortune and luck.

People also believe this plant attracts money. So, you can say that this plant can bring good luck.

Wrapping up…

Monstera is not only an easy-to-care plant but also easily propagated: they grow effectively from stem cuttings.

Ensure adequate care and maintenance to get a healthy plant that gives out large, hollowed, or variegated leaves, and take full pleasure in your Monstera Plant Benefits.

Bear in mind that a sick plant exhibits unusual signs like yellowing, brown spots, and leaves curling.

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