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How to Propagate Anthurium? [Three Best Methods]

Anthurium displays heart-shaped, dark green leaves alongside aerial roots that are used to propagate them.

Generally, Anthurium can be propagated using procedures like stem cuttings, root divisions, or seeds involving basic steps. And the best time to propagate Anthurium is during spring and summer.

The steps involved in propagating Anthurium, also famous as Anthurium andraeanum, are cost-efficient, letting you hold onto your love for Anthurium longer.

So have patience and learn all the required steps to propagate Anthurium and become a green thumb.

Things to Consider Before Propagating Anthurium

According to ASPCA, Anthurium is toxic to pets as it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which cause a painful burning sensation and swelling of the mouth and digestive system on ingestion.

Further, if you come in contact with its sap, it causes eye and skin irritation.

So it might sound harsh, but if you cannot keep your children and pets away from them, better not to multiply their numbers extensively.

Nonetheless, you can always keep your Anthurium on a shelf or countertop or grow them outdoors in the shade.

Here are some steps that you need to follow before propagating Anthurium.

  • Use gardening gloves before taking cuttings or splitting the roots of the plants.
  • Do not take any cuttings from the parts where you see pest infestation or diseases. The success rate will be low with infected parts.
  • Sterilize your scissors or knives with Isopropyl alcohol before taking any cuttings.
  • Soak the pots in bleaching solutions (1:9 ratio of bleach and water) for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Or, soak in a vinegar solution (1:1 ratio of vinegar and water) to clean your pots. Immediately rewash your pot with a dishwasher.
  • Choose a space safe from your pets and children before propagating.

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagate Anthurium

In general, Anthurium can be propagated by sexual and asexual methods, with root division and stem cutting under asexual and seed under sexual.

1. Propagate Anthurium by Root Division

One of the easiest and fastest Anthurium andraeanum propagation methods is the root division, which is suitable when your plant outgrows the pot.

Also, look for roots poking out from the drainage holes to split them and create a new Anthurium.

Doing so solves the rootbound problem, befitting you with double the benefits of both divisions and reducing root-bound Anthurium.

Steps to Propagate Anthurium by Division of Roots

Water the plant thoroughly the day before to loosen the soil and strengthen the roots.

  • Start by removing the top 25% of the soil from the Anthurium pot and gently tap on the bottom to separate the soil from the pot.
  • Grip the main cluster of stems and slowly take the Anthurium out.
A person is holding on the highly tangled roots of Anthurium.
Anthurium that has become root-bound should be untangled and split off to boost growth.
  • Then, split the roots of the Anthurium from the junction between the two stems.
  • You can use pruning shears or knives to untangle or divide the roots if it turns difficult only by hand.
  • Make sure each segment contains a few roots and three to four leaves.
  • Then, layer the bottom of the pot with a few pebbles and fill half of the container with potting mix.
  • Plant your newly split Anthurium and fill the pot with the potting mix from the sides.
  • Water your Anthurium thoroughly and leave it in shades away from the reach of direct sunlight.

For faster results, you can even cover the cuttings with plastic bags containing a few holes to maintain the humidity. 

By doing so, you can expect the Anthurium to give new leaves within 4 to 8 weeks of rooting.

2. Propagating Anthurium by Stem Cuttings

The Anthuriums can grow aerial roots from their stem to climb off cliffs and other trees in the wild.

And these stems containing aerial roots with at least two or more nodes can produce new Anthurium.

Better to take the cuttings in early summer and spring, which provides the ideal weather to propagate Anthurium.

Steps to Propagate Anthurium by Stem cuttings

The longer the stem, the more will be nodes, aerial roots, and leaves for propagating Anthurium.

  • Look for a mature, long stem free from disease and infestation.
  • Cut the stem beneath the nodes by leaving at least two to three leaves attached.
  • Choose the stem length according to the number of plants you want and let it callus over before propagating in soil.
  • But do not let the stem callus over if you plan to propagate Anthurium in water.

Propagation In Soil

You can dip the cutting in the rooting hormone, but it is optional in soil propagation.

However, you can dip the cuttings into antifungal powder or cinnamon powder to protect from fungal infections.

  • Prepare a nursery, clay, or terracotta pot about 5, 7, or 8 inches with good drainage holes.
  • Half-fill the pot with the orchid mix, keep the cutting at the center and fill the rest from the sides.
  • If the cuttings contain aerial roots, bury all the roots properly.
  • And if not, bury one of the nodes to develop into roots and leave the other nodes in the air to develop into shoots.
  • Water the stem thoroughly and place them in a location receiving enough bright indirect light.
The cuttings will start producing roots within a few weeks, generally within 4 to 6 weeks.

Propagation in Water

Rooting hormone is unnecessary in water propagation.

  • Take a clean, translucent glass jar and fill it with fresh water. Better to use spring or rainwater and avoid tap water.
  • Place the stem with nodes inside the water, leaving the leaves above the water level.
  • Keep changing the water every 3 to 4 days to avoid rotting and algae formation.
  • Lastly, place the jar under bright indirect light as they prefer.

Once the roots are fully developed after 3 to 4 weeks, you can propagate them in the soil.

However, you can also grow Anthurium in water.

It includes varieties of Anthurium, like Crystallinum, Fingers, Clarinervium, and magnificum.

3. Propagating Anthurium by Seeds

By far, seed propagation is the most difficult way as the flower of Anthurium is difficult to get a hold of and may wilt even before they form seeds.

However, if the Anthuriums can fertilize successfully, you will get about 15-30 seeds at once.

So start by taking a paintbrush. Gently run the brush along the spadix to collect the pollen on paper.

Store the seeds in a resealable plastic bag and keep them in the refrigerator to use when the female flower reaches the receptive stage.

After a day or two of new inflorescence appearance, spread the collected pollens using a paintbrush or your fingers.

Repeat the process until the female anthesis lasts. Next, you can see larger bumps in the spadix, which will develop into small berries.

It generally takes seven months to a year to produce fruits from the bumps of the Anthurium flower.

When the berries are ripe, pluck them and squeeze berries to get the seeds out. Each fruit bears 1 to 3 seeds.

Alternatively, you can buy from online stores to gather sufficient seeds.

Steps to Propagate Anthurium by Seeds

After collecting the seeds, you are good to go to propagate Anthurium.

  • Take a flat 2-3 inch deep container having good drainage holes.
  • Place each seed in moist sphagnum moss, coconut coir, or vermiculite.
  • You can use an individual or any large seedling container to plant seeds.
  • Press the seeds into the medium, leaving an inch(2.5 cm) between them.
  • Cover your seeds lightly, keep them moist, and maintain a temperature between 70 and 80ºF.
Your seeds will start sprouting within two weeks, but you might have to wait a year to get a new Anthurium plant.

Tips to Care for Anthurium after Propagation

Anthurium, famous as flamingo flowers, fills your home with tropical vibes and propagating them will never be regretted.

However, not being able to get new Anthurium even after all the efforts can be heartbreaking.

So try the tips below to ensure the Anthuriums propagate successfully.

  • Provide at least 6 to 7 hours of indirect bright light or keep them under grow light for about 10 to 12 hours.
  • Maintain the temperature within the range of 65-85ºF.
  • Keep a regular watering schedule and water the Anthuriums every 3 to 4 days only after checking the dryness in the topsoil.
  • Meanwhile, the humidity should be around 80% when newly propagated.
  • Provide well-draining, loose soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5.
  • Apply all-purpose 16-16-16 or 5-10-10 fertilizer twice a month during summer and reduce fertilization during winter.
  • For young anthuriums, you can also use vermiculture, bonemeal, manure, chicken litter, or homemade compost.
The white pot containing baby Anthurium inside it.
Adding pebbles and compost helps to improve the drainage of the soil.
  • Pruning is unnecessary for newly propagated Anthurium, but you can trim them off if they appear bushy.
  • Protect new seedlings from pests like Mealybugs, Aphids, Thrips, Scales, and Spider mites by spraying neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Also, Anthurium is prone to Blight, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Phytophthora, so better to spray fungicides once every three months for prevention.

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Final Thought

Propagating Anthurium becomes easier if you go with root division, but cutting and seed is also a good option.

All you need is a little effort and patience to fill your home with Anthurium and enjoy the clean, fresh air from them with year-round bloom.

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