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A Complete Guide to Grow and Care Anthurium Crystallinum

Anthurium crystallinum crafts your space aesthetically with its lush green broad leaves with variegations and well-knitted together with silver-white veins, but it comes with a price of intense care.

Generally, Anthurium crystallinum (Laceleaf plant) demands well-draining, porous soil (pH 6.0-7.0) and sufficient sunlight. High humidity (above 70%), slightly warm temperature (65-75°F), adequate fertilization, timely pruning, and repotting every two years are some of its other requirements.

Scroll the article to learn about the special care requirements and growing guide of Anthurium crystallinum.

Anthurium Crystallinum Overview

Anthurium Crystallinum falls under the rare species of Anthurium native to the rainforests of the Tropical area of Central and South America.

Although rare, Anthurium Crystallinum has intrigued horticulturists to create many ornamental hybrids, particularly Anthurium Crystallinum × Magnificum, for elegant leaves.

Scientific NameAnthurium crystallinum
Common Name Crystal Anthurium
Crystal Laceleaf
Flamingo flower
Family Araceae
Plant Type Evergreen perennials epiphyte, shrubs
USDA Zone 11 and above
Height 30-60 inches
Spread About 18 inches when grown in container
Grown For Mainly foliage
Flower Present but not very attractive, yellow-green or near white color
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans

A Complete Guide to Grow and Care Anthurium Crystallinum

The striking effect and limelight Anthurium crystallinum offers are all thanks to its precise care requirement.

With that note, let’s dive into the care requirements for your Anthurium crystallinum.

A template containing the complete care tips for Anthurium crystallinum.
Follow the tips to enjoy the exotic foliage of Anthurium all year round.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Anthurium crystallinum grows under shades of large trees in its natural environment at around 65-75ºF.

So, if kept indoors, provide a similar surrounding with at least 10-12 hours of bright indirect light and 2-3 hours of the morning sun.

anthurium crystallinum
A Healthy Anthurium Crystallinum
As for outdoor Anthurium, place them in shades as direct light burns the leaf’s edges and turns them crispy and dry with high moisture loss when aided by temperature >80ºF.

On the other hand, insufficient light stunts the growth, and the low temperature (<55ºF) causes the leaves to curl and diminish the survival rate.

You can balance light intensity by installing grow light or placing the pot near an eastern-facing window.

Installing drapes for the southern-facing window and keeping the pot of Anthurium crystallinum within 5 feet range can also be an option.

And use heating mats and a frost blanket to keep the Crystallinum warm during the cold drafts, and avoid radiators and vents.

Mulch the topsoil with straw and dried leaves to provide insulation and control the heat loss during extremities.

2. Watering & Humidity

Being a tropical plant, Anthurium crystallinum craves humidity above 70% with slightly damp and moist soil.

So water your Crystallinum once a week in summer with regular misting and twice a month in winter to maintain the same moisture level as in their natural environment.

However, while doing so, you must be careful not to waterlog the soil as they bear aerial roots that imbibe water and oxygen present in the soil.

Watering them disturbs the plant’s natural physiological function and invites root rot with fungal growth.

Meanwhile, prolonged drought with low humidity leads to curling and discoloration, turning the entire leaves yellow with falling off.

Bring the balance in humidity and moisture by grouping the Crystallinum with other plants and installing a humidifier.

The Pebble tray method can also uplift the humidity level, followed by a bottom water approach to maintain the moisture level.

Tip: Let the top 2-3 inches of the soil dry out in between waterings. You can check it by either using your finger or a moisture sensor.

3. Soil Type & Fertilizer

Growing Anthurium crystallinum in a well-draining, porous, slightly acidic (6-7 pH), and nutrient soil rich in organic matter is best.

Poorly draining soil locks water in the soil and takes up the space of tiny air pockets. As a result, the roots choke and suffocate.

So prepare the DIY soil using a potting mix, coco coir, perlite, coarse sand, sphagnum moss, and organic compost in a 1:1:1/2:1/2:1/3:1/2 ratio and fertilize with balanced fertilizer monthly in the growing season.
A person is holding on a plastic pot with wooden chips and the small seedling of Anthurium crystallinum.
The soil used for Anthurium should be well-draining and rich in porosity.

However, dilute the ratio to half as they are not heavy feeders, as overfertilization accumulates salts in the soil and burns the foliage.

Alternatively, you can buy a commercial potting mix like Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, Sun Bulb Mix, Espoma Potting Mix, and Dr. Earth Potting Soil.

The mixes already contain nutrient blends, so wait at least six months before fertilizing the commercial mixes.

But do not let them suffer from nutrient deficiency, too, as the Anthurium will show discoloration in the leaves, stunted growth, and droopy leaves.

Pro Tip: You can use charcoal, wooden chips, pine bark, rice husk, etc., to make the potting mix light and porous.

4. Potting & Repotting

The ideal pot size for your Anthurium crystallinum is 8-10 inches. However, you can use a 6 or 7 inches pot for a younger plant.

Besides the pot size, durability, aesthetic value, affordability, and accessibility of pot material also plays a vital role in shaping the plant.

After managing the pot, you can feel assured for at least two years as Crystallinum are not fussy and adores being slightly root-bound, taking up slow to moderate growth.

However, try repotting the Anthurium during spring only after the roots poke out from the drainage holes, showing sluggish growth with yellowing foliage.

Start the repotting by wearing safety gloves, removing the plant from the pot, and gripping the stem’s base.

Fetch a clean pot 2 inches wider and taller than the earlier pot, layer the new pot’s bottom with pebbles, and half-fill the pot with a well-draining mix.

Insert the plant at the center of the pot, then fill it will soil from the sides.

However, avoid filling it up to the brim to leave a small space to add compost or fertilizers in the future.

Then, water the plant thoroughly and place it in a bright area.

5. Occasional Pruning

Another essential factor for the proper growth of Anthurium crystallinum is pruning them once in 1-2 years during fall or the end of the summer.

However, you do not have to wait for fall if you notice infested, decaying, or diseased leaves.

Generally, Crystallinum is resilient and robust against pests, but Scale, Aphids, Mealybugs, Fungus Gnats, and Spider Mites still infest the plant.

So prune off the wilted, yellow leaves with dark spots and brown patches and spray neem oil or insecticidal soap to control spread.

On the other hand, diseases like Leaf spot fungus, Black nose, Root rot, and Bacterial blight come without warning alarm and feast on the leaf sap.

Thus, trim off the diseased, discolored yellow leaves or mushy roots using a sterilized pruner or spray copper fungicide.

Avoid pruning more than 20% of the plant, as it might stress it.

However, the care requirements are similar for other Anthuriums such as Anthurium forgetti and Anthurium magnificum.

Anthurium Crystallinum: Growth Habits

Generally, Anthurium crystallinum shows two different growth phases.

The plant grows fast or at a moderate rate when it is young. But, once the plant matures, its growth rate is decreased.

A mature Crystal Anthurium grows about 50 cm every 2-5 years. It produces a new leaf only in a frequency of 3 to 4 weeks.

On average, Anthurium crystallinum gains a height of about 30-60 inches and spreads about 18 inches in an enclosed environment.

However, its leaf can naturally grow up to 90 cm (60 inches) in open spaces or its native land.

They produce yellow-green or near-white flowers in clusters on the stem during spring and summer only when you provide them with the best care.

They can develop into peace lily-type spathes if appropriately grown but are not the center of attraction.

Propagating Anthurium Crystallinum

Propagation is the easiest and cheapest way to fill your home with more Anthurium crystallinum or gift it to someone.

The best time to propagate your Anthurium crystallinum is when the plant grows rapidly in spring and summer.

Root division or stem cutting is the widespread method to propagate Anthurium crystallinum.

Propagating Anthurium crystallinum Via Root Division

It is the easiest and most successful propagation method because the plant already possesses a well-developed root and shoot system.

Step 1: Moisten the soil of your Anthurium crystallinum a day before propagating it.

Step 2: Loosen the top 25% of the soil. Then, take the plant out of the pot, gripping its stem’s base.

Step 3: Untangle all the roots. Simultaneously, remove the soil from the plant.

Step 4: Now, look for sister plants or offsets. Once you find it, gently separate the baby from the mother plant using sterilized pruners or knives.

Step 5: Take a clean pot and layer its bottom with pebbles. Then, half-fill the pot with soil, sphagnum moss, or the LECA medium of your choice.

Step 6: And place the new plant at the center. Finally, fill the pot with the medium you are using.

Step 7: Water the plant thoroughly if propagating in soil and place it in a bright space.

If you are propagating the plant in water, take a clear jar and fill it with tap water. Then, place the plant and change the water once every 3-4 days.

Propagating Anthurium crystallinum Via Stem Cuttings

Anthurium crystallinum is an epiphyte that has aerial roots, and the point from where the aerial roots emerge is the plant’s node.

You can generally find the node at the base of the stem.

To propagate your Anthurium crystallinum by stem cuttings, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Choose a stem with vivid aerial nodes and 1-2 leaves.

Step 2: Cut the stem just an inch below the nodes.

Step 3: Now, the stem thus obtained is ready to be propagated.

At this point, you can apply the rooting hormone to the cuttings. However, the step is optional.

Step 4: Now, propagate the stem either in soil or water.

If you are using soil propagation, bury the nodes in the soil. Alternatively, dip the nodes into the water if you are propagating in water.

The cuttings will start producing roots in 2-4 weeks.

Make the incision at a 45-degree angle to increase the surface area for rooting.

Toxicity of Anthurium Crystallinum

Generally, all varieties of Anthurium are toxic, and so is Crystal Anthurium.

The plant contains Calcium oxalates, which cause harm to humans and pets when ingested or in contact.

If the chemical enters the human body, it causes breathing difficulty, swollen lips and tongue, nausea, vomiting, and a burning sensation in the stomach.

Likewise, it shows the signs of drooling, pawing at the mouth, and vomiting in pets and causes skin and eye irritation if you touch the sap.

Thus, I advise you to keep the plant away from the reach of children and pets.

Also, you must seek medical help if you or your children exhibit such symptoms or contact the given helpline number.

Anthurium Crystallinum For Sale

After going through all the care tips, you can bring the rare Anthurium crystallinum home.

Stores to buyShipping Time
Amazon2–3 business days
Labijo7-14 business days
Aroid Sale7-14 business days
Etsy7–14 business days

Anthurium Crystallinum vs. Clarinervium

Anthurium Clarinervium incorporates heart-shaped soft foliage with a clear separation at the top.

While leaves of Anthurium Crystallinum are spade-shaped with less separation.

Anthurium Crystallinum is also known as crystal laceleaf, and the common name for Anthurium Clarinervium is velvet cardboard anthurium.

Both the Anthurium Crystallinum and Anthurium Clarinervium bear Spathe and Spadix inflorescence.

FAQS About Anthurium Crystallinum

Is Anthurium crystallinum hard to care for?

The care requirement for Anthurium crystallinum is straightforward. However, they prefer perfection in the surrounding you provide them.

Is Anthurium crystalllinum rare?

The striking white veins over the dark green heart-shaped foliage make Anthurium crystallinum a rare variety.

It is rare to find the Crystallinum other than exotic sellers, making it highly demanding among indoor plant lovers.

From Editorial Team


The velvety foliage of Anthurium crystallinum with crisp white venation might scare you at first sight, but it is nothing to be afraid of.

The most exciting thing is that if you follow the care regimen correctly, balancing all of its requirements, it will reward you as the center decor piece.

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