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Philodendron Seeds: Complete Buying & Grow Guide

The Philodendron requires minimal care to flourish its vibrant heart-shaped leaves but demands detailed attention when the propagation from seeds comes into action.

Start by extracting the Philodendron seeds after the fruit spathe falls off and sow in a germination tray containing well-draining soil during spring. Provide the seeds with bright indirect light and a temperature of 68-73ºF with proper aeration, and wait for 2-8 weeks to see the germination.

Stay with the article to better understand seed extraction techniques, optimal conditions, and soil compositions of the Philodendron.

Philodendron Seeds Overview

With attractive green foliage and a higher survival rate, the Philodendron plant blooms only if they receive optimum growth condition to produce seeds.

In general, it takes 10-15 years for Philodendron to produce flowers and its seeds.

And it is rare for indoor Philodendrons to bloom and bear fruit. Yet it is not an impossible task at all, so do not worry.

Here’s a basic overview of Philodendron seeds.

ShapeGlobular or Ellipsoidal
Blossoming SeasonSpring to early summer
BlossomInflorescences with whitish or yellow colored spadix under spathe
Harvest SeasonLate Summer
Germination Time2-8 weeks
ToxicityFruits are toxic to pets and humans

How do you get Philodendron Seeds?

Like every other plant, Philodendron goes through pollination to produce seeds and undergoes thermogenesis to attract beetle for pollination.

However, indoor Philodendrons do not support natural pollination via beetles, so you must hand pollinate.

philodendron flower
Red Philodendron Flower

After successful pollination of the Philodendron flower, you would notice an inflorescence developing a blackened crusty appearance.

While the inflorescence develops, maintain a temperature between 65°F to 70°F along with 50% humidity to produce healthy seeds.
Fruit matures from mid-June to mid-August, so look for it to be fully ripe.

The outer hoody-like spathe will peel off itself when the fruit reaches maturity, with a cannabis-like smell all over the place, ready to be extracted.

Steps to Extract the Seeds from the Philodendron Plant

After the fruit of the Philodendron has reached maturity, you are ready to proceed toward seed extraction.

  • Remove the ripe fruit from the spadix and store it in the refrigerator before extracting the seeds for a couple of days.
  • Use one teaspoon of Pectinase enzyme per two quarts of water and sip the fruit 2-3 days before cleaning the seeds.
  • Then, place the seeds and remaining fruit pulps in a mesh sieve and use high-pressure stream water to remove the pulp away.
  • After removing everything besides the seed, spread the seeds out to let them dry in a well-ventilated room.

If you are not ready to start immediately, keep the extracted seeds in a cool, dry place.

But remember, the germination success rate drops along with stored time. So, it is better to start the propagation process right away.

Philodendron Seeds for Sale

If you did not have a Philodendron plant ready to bloom, you could buy its seeds from various stores.

AmazonWithin 5 to 6 days
EtsyWithin 3 to 7 days
Africa SeedsWithin 3 to 7 days
Rarexotic SeedsWithin 1 to 7 days
PlantflixWithin 5 days

How to Grow Philodendrons from Seeds?

Philodendron plants are challenging to grow, especially from seeds, as they test your patience and passion for plants.

However, you can get an attractive Philodendron plant by caring for it through its germination and seedling.

So follow the steps mentioned below for an efficient germination process.

Step 1: Prepare the Seed and Potting Mix

  • Presoak the seeds in lukewarm water for 1-2 days for better germination. However, you may skip this step as it is not compulsory.
  • Prepare an airy seed starting mix using peat moss, vermiculite and perlite by soaking it for a few minutes.
  • Ensure the starting mix is wet but not soggy. You can remove the excess water by squeezing the mixture.

Step 2: Planting in the Germination Tray

  • Properly clean the germination tray using isopropyl alcohol to avoid potential fungal diseases.
  • Evenly fill in the germination tray with the prepared starting mix.
  • Plant the seeds at a maximum depth of 1/3 inch, and make sure you don’t cover them with soil.
  • Ensure the seeds are 2 inches apart to avoid competition for nutrients.
  • Cover the germination tray with a clear plastic bag or mini-greenhouse to maintain a high humidity level.

Due to the tricky germination of Philodendron, here is an alternate backup plan that you may use.

  • Take a moist paper towel and sprinkle some seeds on it.
  • Fold the paper towel properly to ensure the seeds are secure in them.
  • Put the paper towel in the Ziploc plastic bag.
  • Ensure the paper towel is moist at all times. Don’t let them dry, and stay on the lookout for germination.
  • Once you see roots sprouting out, transplant them to the starting mix. Do not wait too long, as the root may attach to the paper towel causing difficulty in separation.

Step 3: Care for the Seeds During the Germination

It is the crucial phase of seeds. To ensure they are getting the ideal condition for germination, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Use a mister to spray bottle to water on seeds once a day to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  • Make sure the humidity level is maintained at a basic level (at least 60%) using a plastic cover.
  • Place the tray in a location with 8–10 hours of indirect light.
  • To warm the seeds, you can use a heating pad under the germination tray.
  • Always ensure the temperature value ranges between 68- 73°F.
  • All the essential nutrients for seeds are available in the starting mix, so you don’t need to add extra fertilizer.

Generally, the Philodendron seeds take from two to eight weeks to germinate.

After considerable seedling growth, you shall transplant them into an individual pot.

For that, gently take out the seedling using your hands and place them in six-inch pots.

Use moistened potting mix with organic fertilizer, and place each seedling at a quarter of an inch below the surface.

Care Instructions for Philodendron Seeds After Germination

Even after germinating the seeds successfully, you need to care for the Philodendron a bit longer until it enters adulthood to ensure a healthy plant.

So, look at the optimal requirement of the Philodendron seedlings for its growth.

  • Place your seedling sprout in a warm west or south-facing window with indirect sunlight. But not in direct sunlight, as they may burn them.
  • Alternatively, use LED grow lights. Keep the pot 2-3 inches under grow lights for 14-18 hours daily.
  • Maintain an optimal humidity above 60%.
  • Give them water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half its strength once a month or two to promote healthy growth.
  • Maintain the temperature between 65°F to 78°F during the daytime and around 60°F at night.
  • Either too dry or wet soil will draw pests and damage the plant. Keep an eye out for tiny pests like Mealybugs, mites, aphids, scales, whiteflies, and other fungi.
  • Remove the infected leaves and apply neem oil or insecticidal soap for pests and copper-rich fungicides to the young infected plant.

Final Thought

The most popular indoor plant with its uniquely higher survival rate, the Philodendron plant, is not easy to grow from seeds, but the process is worth it.

Help your Philodendron plant and its seeds by providing the better home they deserve.

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