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Peperomia Flower: Everything you Need to Know

Peperomia has intriguing foliage but not-so-beautiful flowers.

Generally, Peperomia produces flower spikes with green and brown long internodes/scapes. They rarely flower indoors, and when they do, it is usually in the summer. The oddly shaped flower has no specific scent.

If you want to make your Peperomia flower, follow this article for greater detail.

How Often does the Peperomia Flower?

If you have your Peperomia indoors, your plant may rarely flower. However, things may be different if your plant stands outside.

To bloom, succulents like Peperomia must be at least 4 to 6 years old.

Peperomia plant with flower in pot
The Peperomia flower spikes looks like a thin strand and does not add any value to the plant.

Most of the Peperomia varieties are perennial and bloom during summer. They usually last for two weeks.

Peperomia usually blooms only when they are happy with the care and conditions you provide them. So, you may leave them as they are.

If you are trying to make Peperomia bloom indoors, you may have a hard time.

Peperomia Flower Overview

Let’s look at the basic overview of the Peperomia flower.

StructureLong stalks that have two little stamens and pistils in them
SizeNearly 3 inches long
ColorWhite, green, or brown
FragranceNo specific fragrance
ToxicityNon-toxic to pets, kids, and adults
LifespanNearly two weeks
FruitsProduces thin, coated berry
Blooming SeasonSummer

They produce tiny seeds, but the seeds are hard to extract. You will save a lot of time if you buy seeds instead.

Peperomia Flower Pollination

When it comes to pollination, Peperomia is divided into two species. One of the species is self-compatible, and the other is self-incompatible.

Self-compatible plants can fertilize with their pollens, whereas self-incompatible ones cannot.

According to a research paper published in the National Library of Medicine, some varieties of Peperomia are self-incompatible, while most are self-compatible.

Some varieties of Peperomia produce seeds asexually by the process of agamospermy. In this process, the inner layer of the ovule produces viable seeds.

Wind, birds, and insects assist the pollination process in some varieties, whereas others perform self-pollination.

As pollen production is rare in this plant’s varieties, hand-pollination is usually deemed impossible.

How to Make a Peperomia Plant Flower?

The primary condition Peperomia needs to flower is good care.

It would be best to consider the following things to make your Peperomia flower.

  • Avoid overwatering the plant and water it every seven days or only when the top two inches of the soil are dry completely.
  • Like most indoor plants, your Peperomia needs bright but indirect sunlight.
  • To avoid overwatering, use well-draining soil. Use a mixture of perlite or coarse sand with peat moss.
  • To ensure proper growth, you can use a balanced houseplant fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10.
  • Add orchid bark to the soil to provide better air circulation on the soil.
  • The ideal temperature for the plant to flourish is between 55 to 80°F.

If you witness a problem like your flower stalks dropping off, do not worry; they usually drop off after blooming.

What Should You Do with Peperomia Plant Flowers?

Peperomia flowers do not add to the decorative value of the plant. Their foliage covers up for the lack of beauty in their flowers.

Long, ugly-looking peperomia spadix
If you notice the Peperomia flower spikes, you would want to separate them from the plant. That is if you notice them.

This plant’s flowers are not something the plant enthusiasts usually choose to bloom. They ‘happen’ while caring for the plant.

You can choose not to cut the flowering stalks as they do not usually release pollen; thus, they have less chance of being allergic to you.

But there are reasons why you should cut the flower stalks. Look below for the reasons.

  • Their flowers do not represent flowers in any way. They look like long strands that don’t have any significance.
  • They suck the nutrients directed toward the foliage, and the plant may shrink in size.

How to Cut the Peperomia Flower Spikes?

If you want to cut the flower stalks, follow the steps below to ensure that you do not mess that up.

  • Gather the tools required and disinfect them using rubbing alcohol.
  • The best time of the day to cut the flowers is early morning, as the plant is fresh and full of moisture.
  • Hold the flower stalk a few inches above the base, and snip them off using scissors. Many usually prefer cutting them as short as they can.
  • Deadheading them is also an option. We recommend deadheading the flower stalks if you don’t want to see the ugly stalks again in the current season.
  • You can also separate the flowers using your hands, but you may damage the connected stems.
  • Cut the flower off the plant properly, or you may end up damaging the plant.

Peperomia plants have various uses, but the flowers have no particular ornamental, medical or culinary uses.

Health Considerations to Keep in Mind

One of the reasons why Peperomia is popular is because of its non-toxicity.

You can let your pets and kids play around with this plant without being paranoid.

According to ASPCA, Varieties that fall in the Peperomia genus are non-toxic to cats, dogs, and other pets.

But, certain risks are associated with this plant despite its non-toxicity. Some of those risks are listed below.

  • The pets may choke on the leaves of the plant.
  • If the pets eat the plant after you fertilize them, they may incur serious risks.
  • Your pets may tumble the pot of the plant and suffer heavy damage.

If any of the above incidents happen to your pet, contact the Animal Humane Society to give immediate treatment to your pet.

You can also contact any of the following hotlines:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean when a Peperomia flowers?

Peperomia plant only flowers when it is happy with the conditions you provide it with.

So, if your Peperomia flowers, it means you are doing a great job as its plant parent.

2. Why is my Peperomia not flowering?

Sometimes your Peperomia may skip flowering because it is facing anomalies in the amount of light and water you provide.

Too much or too little water, too much or too little sun, and other factors may hinder the plant from producing flowers.

If the plant is already limp and droopy, you cannot expect it to flower.

To Conclude…

Peperomia may add decorative charm to your house, but their flowers are nothing to be proud of.

They have a hideous appearance, no smell, and no particular uses that anyone can boast about.

Nevertheless, the blooms signify that you provide good care to the plant. So, good luck with your Peperomia!

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