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Growing Anthurium Luxurians [5 Best Care Tips]

The signature deep green heart-shaped foliage with blistered texture and surprisingly easy care makes Anthurium luxurians popular among plant lovers.

Generally, Anthurium luxurians thrive in 6-8 hours of bright indirect light, moist, well-draining soil, a temperature of 65-90ºF, and 60-80% humidity, with watering every 3-4 days. And try repotting them every year with occasional pruning and apply a dose of diluted balanced fertilizer every three months.

Follow the care guide till the end to minimize the mistake and promote the successful growth of Anthurium luxurians.

Anthurium Luxurians Overview

Anthurium luxurians is native to South America but was discovered in the Columbia rainforest.

Scientific nameAnthurium luxurians
Common nameAnthurium, Tail Flower, Flamingo Flower, Lace Leaf, Quilted Hearts
USDA zone10-12
NatureTropical evergreen epiphyte
Growth RateSlow to moderate
FoliageA pale porcelain colored young bullate leaves turning dark green over time
Maximum size15 inches height with leaves up to 2.1 feet in length
BloomsCreamy white spathe and pink-red inflorescence
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans
Don’t get Confused!! Luxurians were formerly known as Anthurium Splendidum but are two different plants.

Care Advice For Anthurium Luxurians

If you have Anthurium luxurians in your home or intend to bring it someday, focus on optimal conditions to let it grow to its full potential.

A complete template containing the care tips for Anthurium luxurians
Follow the tips to make the Anthurium bloom and enjoy the bullate leaves.

1. Sunlight and Temperature

Bright filtered sunlight with warm temperatures, similar to the tropical rainforest, is ideal for the Anthurium luxurians.

Anthurium luxurians require 6-8 hours of indirect bright sunlight with a temperature of 65-90ºF for healthy growth.

Though the aroid plant prefers a warm temperature, keeping it away from harsh sunlight is better as it scorches, burns, and discolors the beautiful foliage.

And while balancing the light, do remember not to let the temperature drop below 50ºF with the light as it stunts the plant growth and gives droopy leaves.

An anthurium plant in a white pot decorated with small pebbles along with other house plants.
Anthurium Luxurians emergent leaf in the morning sun

The best indoor location is 2-3 feet away from the south-facing window, and if there is inadequate light, install grow light.

For safety, keep the Anthurium luxurians away from the heating and cooling vents to prevent fluctuating temperatures.

2. Water & Humidity

Anthurium luxurians is a humidity lover ranging from 60-80%, with watering once every 3-4 days on summer days.

Ensure 1.5-2 inches of soil is dry before watering, as it may cause overwatering in Anthurium, leading to yellow leaves led by root rot.

Meanwhile, Anthurium luxurians are more drought-sensitive when the new leaf grows out. It needs more water to develop into big leaves.

So follow the watering schedule and humidity since low humidity causes curling and brown tips in leaves. At the same time, high humidity causes bacterial and fungal diseases.

To maintain the humidity level, use a humidifier, try the pebble tray method, or place them in the kitchen or bathroom.

The Anthurium luxurians enter the dormancy stage during winter so watering in intervals of 10-12 days is enough.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

The soil perfect for Anthurium luxurians should have proper aeration, be well-draining, nutrient-rich, and be slightly acidic (5.5-6.5 pH).

You can prepare the soil mix by mixing perlite or charcoal, bark, or peat moss to increase moisture retention and regular potting soil in a ratio of 3:5:2.
If you are not good at preparing soil mixtures, look for commercial mixes like Anthurium Plant Potting Mix, Wonder Organic Mix, and All-natural Orchid Mix.

These mixes might require less fertilizer but enrich the DIY mix with a slow-release fertilizer once every three months in the growing season. Make sure to dilute the fertilizer to 1/4th of the strength.

Let the plant rest during dormancy in winter, or else overfertilization may occur, causing burns and brown margins on the leaves.

You can also check on overfertilization by looking at the salt accumulated on the surface of the soil mix. Treat it by washing off the soil in running water.

4. Potting and Repotting

Anthurium luxurians can adjust themselves in a container for a long time if provided with a terracotta pot of 5 inches.

However, you can try repotting your Anthurium luxurians yearly or when the plant outgrows the current pot to promote healthy growth.

Generally, root-bound signs like roots poking from the drainage hole, quick-drying soil, weaker stem, and discolored leaves indicate the need for immediate repotting.

You can start the repotting by watering the plant a day before repotting to loosen the soil.

Then, gently remove the Luxurians from the container, separate root bounds, and cut the damaged roots by wearing gardening gloves.

Fill a terracotta or plastic pot, one size bigger than the previous one, and half-fill with potting mix. Place the plant in the center and cover the remaining.

A plant growing in a plastic pot having 10 to 15 drainage hole.
A plastic pot having enough drainage holes allows excess water to drain out.

Remember, the best time for repotting Luxurians is in spring and summer.

It prevents repotting stress and lets the plant quickly adjust to the new environment compared to winter.

Do not fertilize the plant for six months after repotting, as the mix already contains slow-releasing fertilizer.

5. Occasional Pruning

Prune the Anthurium luxurians annually just before or in the growing season whenever you see discolored foliage, yellow leaves, or infected parts.

Improper watering and high humidity facilitate the breeding of pests like Mealybugs, Spider mites, Thrips, Scales, and Aphids that suck the sap of the leaves.

To identify their presence, look over the symptoms like a yellow halo, white residues, black spots, and droopy leaves.

After identifying, treat the pests by spraying insecticidal soap or neem oil. You can also place the plant under running water or dab it with alcohol-dipped cotton swabs.

The conditions inciting pests also lead to the attack of diseases like Rhizoctonia solani, Bacterial blight, and Bacterial wilt.

The diseased Anthurium luxurians show symptoms like yellow, wilted leaves, a mushy smell from the base, brown spots, and falling leaves.

Separate the infected plant from the group and prune off the damaged leaves. Also, treat other Luxurians with a copper-rich fungicide to prevent further spread.

Prune your Luxurians only in the growing season, as the plant can recover from a shock more steadily in the growing season.

Anthurium Luxurians: All About Growth Rate

Anthurium luxurians grow slowly and steadily at their own pace to reach a height of 15 inches, taking 3 to 4 weeks to give a new leaf.

The young leaf of Luxurians is light green and golden bronze that later turns into dark black-green, attaining about 2.1 feet in length and 1.6 feet in width.

However, a single leaf can sometimes grow up to 25 inches long and 18 inches wide, given the compact size of Luxurians.

The blister-patterned, pebble leaves with deep visible veins have an uneven surface that allows the plant to capture light from all directions.

Also, the Anthurium luxurians have short stems with thick heart-shaped leaves stretching over them.

Meanwhile, the blooms with creamy white spathe and pink-red inflorescence appear on the base background compared to the showy floral displays of other Anthurium flowers.

When the plant reaches full maturity in the right environmental conditions, the flower bloom throughout the year.

Toxicity of Anthurium Luxurians

According to the ASPCA, Calcium Oxalate Crystals are present in Anthurium luxurians, making it toxic to humans and pets.

If ingested, it causes oral irritation, vomiting, and uneasiness to the pets, whereas breathing difficulty, lips swelling, and allergies to people.

The plant can cause eye and skin irritation to some people, so wear gloves, masks, and goggles while repotting, pruning, propagating, and caring for Anthurium luxurians.

And in case of ingestion or severe cases caused by Anthurium luxurians, contact the immediate helpline number.

Propagation Methods for Anthurium Luxurians

Being a rare and expensive Anthurium variety, learning to propagate the Luxurians will save money and help you include more members in the collection.

However, timing is the most crucial aspect while propagating, so make sure to do it during the early spring days to boost the new growth.

Meanwhile, propagating Anthurium is easy. Also, you can multiply Luxurians using three possible methods.

1. Propagation through Planting the Seeds

Seed propagation takes longer, so you need to be patient and let the plant grow at its own pace.

  • Collect the seed from the bloom of the Anthurium or buy from online stores.
  • Soak the seed in water for at least two hours.
  • Fill a terracotta or unglazed ceramic pot with a potting mix similar to a mature plant mix.
  • Then, sprinkle the seed over the soil and ensure not to sow deep.
  • Afterward, mist the soil to moisten it and place it in a greenhouse or area with ample light.
  • You can also cover the pot with plastic to maintain humidity and protect it from enemy attack.

Let the roots develop fully before repotting to a new container as the new shoot of the Luxurians sprouts within two months of sowing.

2. Propagation through Division of the Roots

Propagating the Anthurium luxurians through the division of the roots is an easy and fast method.

  • Firstly, take the plant out carefully from the container. Make sure not to damage the roots.
  • Untangle the root bound with your hands or a sterilized knife.
  • Inspect the root and look for petioles growing from the rhizomes in the roots.
  • Cut the roots with a sterilized knife without damaging them.
  • Remember, the plant must contain both the stem and roots to propagate.
  • Finally, plant the divided roots in the soil and water them appropriately.

Cuttings will show growth within 3-4 weeks if provided with ideal conditions for development.

After propagating, the plant experiences shock but slowly adjusts to the new environment. When the cuttings develop several fresh leaves, you can repot them.

3. Propagation through Stem Cuttings

You can perform Luxurians’ propagation through stem cuttings in soil and water.

  • Firstly, take the whole plant from the pot.
  • Cut the stems into several pieces at least 4-5 inches long with a mature leaf or leaf bud on top.
  • Dip the cutting in cinnamon powder to prevent bacterial infections.
  • Then, plant the stem in a potting mix and cover the pot with plastic. This help to maintain moisture and humidity for growth.
  • Under optimal growth requirements, the cutting will develop roots and leaves within a few weeks.
  • When the plants grow large enough to handle, transplant them into a large pot.

You can propagate the cut stem or divided roots in a jar or glass with water.

But take special care when propagating Anthurium luxurians through a water medium, as leaves or stems are more likely to rot.

  • Submerge the bottom of the stem cuttings and roots ( for root division) entirely in water.
  • However, do not let the leaves be underwater, as they will rot.
  • Keep on inspecting the plant for root growth.
  • After the roots develop, repot them in a well-draining potting medium.

Get a reference from this video!

Where to Buy Anthurium luxurians

After learning all the step-wise care for Anthurium luxurians, you are ready to bring one of the rare varieties into your home.

Anthurium luxurians price can, however vary considering its peak season.

StoreDelivery Time
Vedas Plant Shop1-3 business days
Carnivero2-8 business days
Ecuagenera15-30 business days
Etsy10-17 business days

Anthurium Luxurians Vs. Anthurium Radicans

Radicans and Luxurians resemble each other, for they both have bullate leaves with bumps on the surface. 

However, the difference that tells them apart is the leaves of Radicans are more pointed and lighter in the shade than Luxurians, and the leaves of Luxurians are more oval and wider than Radicans.

Difference between in the leaves of Anthurium Luxurians vs Radicans.
A side-by-side comparison would help you understand the difference clearly.

Fun Fact: There exists a hybrid or a of crossing luxuriant and radicans, Anthurium luxurians × radicans.

FAQs About Anthurium Luxurians

How do you identify Anthurium luxurians?

You can identify the Anthurium luxurians from the shiny, leathery, heart-shaped leaves covered with bumps on the surface that looks similar to crocodile skins.

Also, the leaves change color from pale porcelain at an early stage into dark black-green as it attains maturity.

Is Anthurium luxurians rare?

Anthurium luxurians are a rare specimen to get your hands on as a hybrid variety. This is why Anthurium luxurians is so expensive and rare to buy from stores. Further, its hybrids, like  Anthurium radicans × luxurians and Anthurium villenaorum × luxurians, can be more costly.

From Editorial Team

Provide Optimal Care!

Anthurium luxurians tops the list of the best indoor plants as it can reflect light from its leathery leaves giving a bright appearance to the indoors.

Ensure to provide it with enough light and warm temperatures and protect it from the attacks of pests to enjoy the vibrant foliage.

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