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Anthurium Seeds [Is Growth Possible? Where Can You Buy It?]

The Anthurium plants can flap its glossy heart-shaped foliage and vibrant flowers even when propgated via seeds, but getting your hand on Anthurium seeds is a big task.

Generally, the spadix of Anthurium bears berries with seeds 2-3 mm, with red-orange, yellow and brown in color produced after cross-pollination or hand-pollination. Mature berries are squeezed, and seeds are extracted, which can successfully germinate in 1-2 weeks and then transplanted.

Follow along to have an in-depth understanding from seed extraction to germinating into a new plant.

Overview of Anthurium Seeds 

Anthurium seeds are extracted from colorful berries that develop 6-7 months after pollination.

Each berry on the spadix contains 1-2 seeds, which may differ in color based on the variety cultivated.

The table below has detailed information about the seeds.

ColorRed-orange, yellow or brown
Size2-3 mm
WeightAbout 0.003g
Berry shapeDepressed globose or 5-8 mm apiculate obovate
Number of SeedsTwo seeds per berry (one seed per locule)
HarvestingWhen one-third to two-third of the flowers on the spadix open fully
Germination Time15-17 days

Do Anthurium Grow from Seeds?

Propagating Anthuriums through seeds is not a very popular method, for it requires more effort and patience.

However, it’s possible to germinate Anthurium seeds into a new plant. 

Although Flamingo’s plant seed collection is a tedious job, the seeds are not viable over a longer period.

You need to start the germination process soon after harvesting seeds.

A collage with a Pink Anthurium plant on the left and the picture of its reddish-orange seeds on a paper towel on the rightside.
Anthurium produces seeds in red-yellow color.

Further, only by fulfilling the care requirements could this process produce blooms in 2 to 4 years after pollination, which is why, gardeners gravitate towards more assuring methods of populating their Anthurium, i.e., via cuttings and root division. 

Anthurium Seeds for Sale

Seeds of many Anthurium varieties may not be readily available in the market, especially the exotic ones.

However, here are some sites to look for seeds online.

eBayMore than 12 business days
Green seed garden 2-3 business days
Amazon5-8 business days
Etsy3-7 business days

Harvesting Anthurium Seeds

Similar to many plants, seeds in Anthurium produce after pollination.

Anthurium bears perfect flowers year-round, once every 3 months. But, the flower is protogynous, stigma matures before the anther.

This enables plants in the wild to have intriguing hybrids by cross-pollination but discourages self-pollination.

Therefore, to get the seeds, you need to start collecting the pollens and brushing them onto the stigma on the spadix of an Anthurium.
Anthurium fruits take around a half a year to mature.

After pollination, the berry first appears as a greenish-yellow, pea-like structure which eventually turns brown after 6 months.

Eventually, the berries ruptures, releasing the seeds covered in a soft, jelly-like substance. 

Soak the berry, then squeeze the pulp to extract the seeds swirling the liquid to help wash off the pulp. 

Pulp on the seed can lead to infections, for which you can use a sieve to rinse the seed thoroughly.

Further, dry the clean seeds on white paper or a paper towel. Now it’s ready for a sow in your garden. 

You can store the seeds in a ziplock bag and keep them in a cool, dark, or dry place for future use.

How to Grow Anthuriums from Seeds?

You need the materials below to grow an entire Anthurium plant from seeds.

Materials Required Purpose
Fresh Seeds To sowing and germinate saplings
Potting MixActs as the base for germination while maintaining moisture
Humidity Dome To maintain ideal humidity for germination
Seedling StarterTo better germinate seeds upto seedling stage
Heating Pad To maintain ideal temperature to support germination
Plastic BagTo mix the potting mix without messing the floor.

Step 1: Get the Seeds Ready

  • Take the required amount of viable seeds. 
  • Soak the seeds in warm water with hydrogen peroxide for a few hours to soften the seed coat before planting them.
  • If the seeds are fresh, you need not soak them in water.

Step 2: Seed Germination

  • Fill the disinfected germination tray with well-aerated potting mixes or create your own, incorporating an equal ratio of peat, perlite, and bark. 
  • Lightly press the seed an inch into the substrate.
  • Mist the seedling tray and cover it with a clear plastic bag to mimic a greenhouse that maintains the high humidity required for germination. 
  • After the seeds sprout in 1 to 2 weeks, remove the plastic cover. 

Further, light is the crucial factor at this point. 

Insufficient light result in small, spindy stalk and small leaves.

If you need visual help, you can check out this!

Step 3: Care for Anthurium Seeds During Germination

Germination of seed requires proper light, humidity, and temperature condition.

  • Place the germination tray over a heating mat to maintain the warmth.
  • Ensure the temperature is at least 70°F to facilitate quick germination.
  • Use a spray bottle to moisten the germinating medium. Make sure not to drench the soil, as it may suffocate the seed. 
  • Get a humidifier when the plastic cover fails to sustain the required humidity (at least 60%).
Anthurium seedlings grow best in the potting mix of peat, perlite, and bark.
 The seeds takes 2-3 weeks for root formation to the emergence of young leaflets.

You may transplant the seedlings after letting the roots strengthen and 2-3 three true leaves appear. 

Tips to Care for Anthurium Seedlings After Propagation

For your propagated anthurium to grow to its fullest, adhere to the following list of basic care requirements.

Care RequirementSpecification
Sunlight1. Provide 6 to 7 hours of indirect sunlight.
2. You can also use LED lights (about 10-12 hours).
TemperatureMaintain between 65-85 °F.
WateringWater every 3 to 4 days in summer and thrice a month in winter.
HumidityAbove 60% of the relative humidity.
Soil 1. Choose porous, well drained aerated soil
2. Maintain soil pH between 5.5 and 6.5
Fertilization1. Mix 7 to 10% of organic fertilizer ( vermiculture, bonemeal, manure, chicken litter) for young anthuriums.
2. Increase the amount of phosphorus during blooming period.
Pruning1. Trim wilted or dead blossoms down to the base of the stem.
2. Use a good quality of tools as it prevent from bacterial infection and pests.
RepottingRepot in 2-3 years.

Wrapping up… 

Growing Anthurium through seeds can be an adventurous journey, as dry seed equals to dead seed. So make sure you seed gets regular airing. 

Once you germinate and provide optimum condition, nothing will stop you from going into a mini jungle of Anthuriums.

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