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Spider Plants Seeds [Steps to Harvest & Grow]

Growing Spider Plant from seeds is not as straightforward as growing it from offshoots, but it is possible. So, growing a new Spider plant from seeds necessitates proper storage and quick action.

Generally, to grow the Spider plant from seed, harvest the seed in the spring or summer and soak the seeds overnight in water for faster sprouting. Sow the seeds in organic-rich soil, water the soil regularly, and wait till one month for germination.

These seeds do not store well, so seed sellers resist keeping them. The most important thing to remember is that planting new seeds as soon as possible produces better results.

Read to gulp the entire process in a handy note!

What do Spider Plant Seeds Look Like?

Spider Plant shoots a 24 inches long stems to yield a tiny white star shaped flowers with 3 to 6 petals.  Once these Spider Plant flowers dry to berry, the seeds emerge from the pod. 

ShapeRound and flat
Seeds Per Pod3-4 seeds
Harvesting SeasonAfter the flowers fade in the Spring & Summer
Viable Period6 months
Seed Sowing TimeLater winter or early spring
Germination InitiatorWater
Germination Time12-16 days
ToxicityNon toxic

Harvesting Spider Plant Seeds

Wait until your Spider plant produces flowers, which need pollination through bees, wind, and water. Or you can also hand pollinate using a cotton swab by brushing the flower.

Your Spider plant will bear flowers that will eventually fade after 2 to 3 weeks. 

Spider Plant seed pods will sprout in the Spider plant after the disappearance of the flower. These green pods will bear the seeds.

Simply wait for the pods to dry, split open and drop their seeds naturally.  So, have a clean and dry sheet of cloth or paper handy to gather the seeds that fall.  

the process of seeding
It may take for Spider Plant to bear seeds anywhere from 3 to 5 years.

You can save these Spider Plant seeds for later use or plant them immediately in the preferred spot.

Note: If you store the seeds properly, you can have perfectly usable seeds for up to six months. Any older seeds may fail to grow Spider Plants.

Also, another trick while storing the seeds of this amazing plant is to maintain a low moisture level of 5% and room temperature in the storing area.

Best Time to Grow Spider Plant Seed

If you wish to grow the Spider plant from seed, you can sow the seeds at any time of year.

However, to get the optimum results, grow the seeds throughout their growing season, which is in the spring and summer.

You can also grow the seeds during the late fall, as the weather pattern changes in the fall, with more rain and cooler temperatures, promoting seed germination.

As fewer pests in the fall, the spider plant may thrive without being stressed. The spider plant growth is also determined by the care they receive.

In addition, if you choose to grow in spring, you may need to put in a bit more effort.

For sowing seeds in spring, you can place your seed in a zip-lock plastic bag with a few tablespoons of moist soil and place it in the refrigerator.

Afterward, you can plant the seed in a sunny location, and the seed should germinate. Then you can transfer the seedlings when they are large enough.

How to Plant Spider Plant Seeds?

Spider Plants thrive in light shade and well-draining soil and can even be grown outside zones 9-11.

This plant requires indirect light and higher humidity when grown inside. So, growing the plant from seeds is best if you sow the seed near a sunny window in a steamy bathroom.

However, as long as they have adequate sunlight, they are relatively tolerant to various environments.

Step 1 – Prepare the Required Materials 

Step 2 – Plant the Seeds

  • Select a potting soil with enough moisture and place it in a location with bright indirect sunlight.
  • Then, sow the seeds in the potting mix about 1.25 cm deep and keep them warm and wet.
  • Maintain enough space between successive seed sowing. Make sure not to plant more than one seed per square foot.
  • As Spider Plants take a long time to germinate, look after your seedlings and get all the required nutrients.
  • Do not transplant seedlings too soon; wait until they have grown out a little before moving them to a new pot.
The germination rate of Spider plant seeds depends on the freshness of seeds. You should notice little Spider plant seedlings emerging from the soil in two to three weeks.

Tips: It is best to sow a large number of seeds at once to increase the probability of successful germination.

Step 3: Care for Spider Plant Seeds During Germination

  • Water the seed at least once daily to keep the soil moist, not permitting it to dry. If the soil dries up, it will slow the germination.
  • Maintain a temperature range of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • You can also use a heating pad to maintain the ideal temperature for seeds to germinate faster.
  • Maintain the humidity around 50% – 70% while the seed is germinating. You can also use a humidity dome to get a higher germination rate for your seeds.
  • Check to determine if the Spider plant seedlings have adequate leaves before transplanting. Allow at least 4-5 weeks for the seedling to grow.


Care Instructions for Spider Plant Seeds After Germination

If you have planted the seeds, it’s very easy to harden off the seedlings and young Spider Plants. Thus, the recently potted young plants may need the following care requirements.  

  • Keep the plant in a warm west or south-facing window with indirect sunlight. The seedlings will die prematurely if exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Depending on how much sun and heat they get, water the Spider plant seedling once or twice a day. A spray bottle is an excellent way to water seedlings and moisten the soil without over-watering the seedlings.
  • The Spider plant will show excellent results if the temperature is between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Remember to keep the plant away from drafts, and air conditioning vents as temperatures below 50°F are unsuitable.
  • Spider Plants do fine in low humidity but will thrive in higher humidities. Ideally, maintain the humidity around your plants around 40%-60%.
  • During the growing season, you should only use fertilizer once a month. The suitable method is to use a modest amount of liquid fertilizer.
  • Be aware that pests might harm your plant before reaching full maturity, so watch out. Pesticides and hand-picking bugs may be helpful in this situation.

If you plan to relocate the seedling, gradually increase the outdoor exposure to one hour every day to adapt the seedlings to more diffused sun and wind.

Spider Plant Seeds for Sale

To grow a Spider plant from seed, you need to have a mother plant, where you can harvest the seeds and sow. If not, you got no other option rather than to buy one.

Africa Seeds
Within 4-8 business days from when you placed the order
within 1-15 business days from when you placed the order

From Editorial Team


Spider Plants are aggressive in reseeding, so you need to deadhead the spent flowers to make them dry.  

Once they produce seeds, harvest them and save them in the cold place.  Also, you can sow the seeds as soon as possible after harvesting. 

Ensure you finish planting the seeds within 6 months after harvesting. 

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