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How to Make Pothos Climb – Quick Guide

Growing Pothos might seem easy, but making it climb can be challenging as it is a trailing vine. It needs suitable training and assistance to grow up vertically.

Generally, Pothos tied to different totems like stakes, moss poles, or trellis for support can grow vertically upward. Also, placing them along the walls can boost vertical growth and structure. Otherwise, latch it to the tall trees to turn it into “vining creepers.”

Furthermore, learn the training tips to make your Pothos an enthusiastic climber with thick foliage by scrolling till the end.

Does Pothos Prefer to Climb or Hang?

As a generously vining plant, Pothos are famous for their adaptability.

Either you hang them by the patio or stake them with a moss pole, they will thrive.

However, the plant will grow better when climbing instead of hanging downwards.

It is mainly because providing vertical support will help the vining branches reach the sunlight and produce bigger and better leaves.

In contrast, the hanging Pothos will produce longer vines yet lesser foliage, which may make your Pothos look less fuller.

So many growers prefer staking the Pothos on a pole or other support to encourage taller growth and prevent pest infestation, which is common in short plants.

Therefore, you should train the arching branches to grab the surrounding support, especially in the initial phase.

Once acclimatized to the vertical support, it will continue attaching further and proliferate upwards.

When to Train Pothos to Climb?

Although you can train Pothos to climb anytime, training it early will give it a headstart.

Allow the Pothos to grow more robust in the initial years as a trailing vine. Later, after a year and a half, you can begin the training.

However, do not start training the Pothos as a climber when the cuttings are in the rooting phase, as they are fragile to support the vines.

Begin only after the Pothos has gained a robust support system and has taken up enough growth, allowing you to wrap the fully grown branches around a pole.

Doing so ensures the Pothos give out more giant leaves and grow healthy even as climbers.

How to Make Pothos Climb?

Pothos are relatively easy to train to climb, but you need to provide a suitable climbing medium and light source as they naturally bend towards the light.

Choose the correct type of support to ensure that your Pothos continues climbing up using their aerial roots, and regularly prune the leaves and arching stems to encourage even and fuller growth.

Within a few weeks, your Pothos will make a beautiful cascading vine. Here are a few climbing mediums available for the Pothos plant.

Type of SupportSpecification
Moss PoleMoss pole emulates natural growing medium for Pothos allowing it to attach and stimulate growth.
TrellisTrellis framework provides Pothos to latch onto it and climb. The taller the trellis, the more Pothos will grow.
WallStaking arching branches to the wall allows it to climb along the surface.
Wood PlantsPothos is an epiphtye that will naturally latch on other plants such as trees to climb up.
Bamboo PoleBamboo pole works like an ordinary pole which provides support for vertical growth.
HoopA circular shaped support for potted pothos to start climbing

Each climbing medium will have a slightly different effect on the plant.

Moss poles encourage enormous leaf growth, which other support may fail to provide.

Trellis and trees encourage lush cascading vines that appear fuller and more overwhelming.

On the other hand, Pothos staked by the wall may look leggy due to limited support.

How to Make Pothos Climb the Pole?

A moss pole or a moss stick, bamboo stake, climbing pole, or moss totem provides vertical support and a growing medium for the plant.

Moss poles can provide additional moisture and micronutrients to Pothos’ adventitious root system as they are made of preserved sphagnum moss.

Moreover, Pothos trained to climb using the moss pole also exhibits larger leaves.

Here is the step-by-step guide to making Pothos climb the moss pole.

  • Start with moistening the moss pole to make it appropriate for growth. Mist it lightly with water.
  • Stake the pole at the center or back of the Pothos pot, ensuring that the stems quickly latch onto it.
  • If the plant is already established, consider removing it before inserting the moss pole and repot it again.
  • Wrap the longest stem around the moss pole and secure it as you go. Do the same for other long stems.
  • Use a velcro strip, floral pin, hairpin, garden twine, or rope to attach the pins every 3-5 inches to secure the vine.

It is only a matter of weeks before your Pothos learns to bind itself to the pole.

Once your Pothos outgrows the pole, hang the overarching stems using a string or clasp it on the trellis or wall to continue the vertical growth.

How to Train Pothos to Climb a Wall?

Training Pothos to climb a wall may be challenging because they would not quickly hold onto the smooth surface.

Instead, you can hook the overarching Pothos to the wall using strings or pins so they stay in shape and continue growing vertically.

Here is a step-by-step guide to training Pothos to climb a wall.

  • Start with arranging anchors like nails or fish hooks on the wall to prevent the Pothos aerial roots from hooking directly onto the wall.
  • Arrange them in any decorative pattern and attach the Pothos tendril on each nail for support.
  • You could clip them all over the fence or surround them along the window frame.
  • Start with the long stem and work your way to the shortest.

Alternatively, you can use the trellis that works similarly to a tree or wall to train Pothos to climb.

Place the plant close to the trellis and hook the tendrils to its bottom using nails or rope to support it.

Once it latches to the trellis, it will begin circling the trellis holes and grow further.

Watch the video for more tips,

How to Make Pothos a Vining Creeper?

In their natural habitat, vining Pothos would attach to the tall trees to grow toward the sunlight.

Training Pothos to grow along the tree in the garden is pretty much the same where you need to arrange the nails or hooks along the tree and attach the Pothos tendrils to climb it.

To encourage healthy growth, tie the plant around it with a rope and trim the leggy growth and decayed foliage.

Once the plant learns the trick, it will latch its aerial roots onto the tree as a hook and begin climbing automatically.

Tips to Encourage Pothos Climb

Ensure comprehensive care and conditioning, as not all climbing Pothos will grow taller, bear bushier foliage, or attain large-looking leaves.

Here are some tips to encourage Pothos to climb.

  • Prune your Pothos at least once a month in spring and summer to make them appear fuller. Remove the leggy stem and tiny spent leaves.
  • The vining Pothos requires 12 or more hours of bright indirect light daily for optimal growth.
  • Ensure a warm temperature between 70-90°F in the growing season to mimic its tropical habitat.
  • Use an all-purpose potting mix with peat moss, coir, perlite, and vermiculite to encourage root growth.
Pothos climbing with a help of moss pole
Moss pole helps to provide additional nutrients and supports the plant’s vertical growth.
  • Water your Pothos once every 1-2 weeks in the growing season to keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering.
  • Use a room humidifier to keep humidity between 50 and 70%. Otherwise, grow in more humid areas such as the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Wash your Pothos with clean, tepid water regularly to prevent dust and pests from setting.
  • Fertilize them with 10-0-10 or 20-20-20 NPK fertilizer every two to three weeks in spring and summer to boost root and stem growth.
  • Pothos roots grow a few inches every year. Repot them annually in spring in a pot 2-3 inches larger than the previous one.

How to Make a DIY Moss Pole?

If you are not up for buying a moss pole, you should look forward to making one yourself.

It is easier than you can imagine and sturdier than pre-made ones.

  • Start with acquiring 1/2″ 19-gauge PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) coated mesh (2 feet long), plastic-coated wire twist, and sphagnum moss.
  • Pre-soak sphagnum moss in water for about 15 to 20 minutes. The amount will depend on how big or the number of poles you want.
  • Bend the mesh into a cylindrical form about 2 feet long and 4-5 inches bigger in circumference to provide enough room for tendrils to grow.
  • Use wire scissors to cut the mesh into shape.
  • Pack the cylinder with pre-moistened sphagnum moss to make a thick post.
  • Stich up the mesh with plastic-coated wire to prevent moss from falling.

Your moss pole is ready to be used as the support pole. Ensure to moisten it before using.

Moss pole for climbing Pothos
You can make a DIY Moss pole easily at home.

FAQs About Pothos: Climbing or Vining

Should you let Pothos climb or hang?

Pothos plant has trailing vines, so they are good to go with climbing and hanging.

However, it is better to let them climb to ensure more prominent and fuller leaves from your Pothos.

How Long does it take for Pothos to Climb?

If you start growing Pothos from cuttings, it will take 1 to 2 years for your plant to climb.

On the other hand, mature Pothos takes a few weeks to a few months to start climbing.

Expect your vining Pothos to grow around 12 inches (30 cm) monthly during the growing season.

From Editorial Team


Pothos has sturdy aerial roots that allow them to flourish in the wild cultivation alongside trees up to 60 feet but can grow up to an average of 12 to 18 feet indoors.

So instead of letting Pothos trail indoors and give an untidy look, tie the branches by the supports to confine its growing area.

However, do it correctly to prevent the risk of damaging the stems or stunting their growth.

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