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Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos [Confusion Solved!]

The world is putting its money on Snow Queen vs. Marble Queen Pothos, for they have a close resemblance and are often mistaken as the same, but that is where you go wrong.

Snow Queen’s leaves tend to be more white, but Marble Queen has an almost equal proportion of green and white. Also, Marble Queen is creamy, not pure white. On the other hand, Snow Queen is pure white and pale green variegation.

Thus, continue till the end to identify differences in leaves, growth, light demands, and other factors for Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos.

Is Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos the Same?

The answer is NO! Although they belong to the same species, Epipremnum aureum, Snow Queen and Marble Queen are different cultivars of Pothos.

All Pothos varieties are vining plants that take the support of tree trunks to climb up or produce tendrils from the hanging baskets.

So from the vining perspective, the Snow Queen and Marble Queen hold certain similarities, but they are entirely different concerning the foliage.

Similarly, the toxicity level of the Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos is the same, being poisonous to touch and chew. So keep them away from children and pets.

Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos: The Differences

Although it is often difficult to point out the difference between Snow and Marble Queen Pothos, there are still minor differences between the individuals.

Examining the characteristics of these species in greater depth will prevent you from jumping to conclusions and making errors.

1. Different Foliage

The Snow Queen pothos resembles Manjula pothos. However, the uneven yellow streaks eventually fade to white.

This Snow Queen pothos also has a unique feature: the white dots on the foliage of this plant will alter depending on the amount of light.

On the other hand, Marble Queen pothos features lovely leaves with a green and white marble appearance that blends beautifully with any environment.

The Marble Queen pothos has many streaks that virtually cover the entire leaf.

2. Beautiful Variegation

When a young leaf unfolds, the variegation in Snow Queen and Marble Queen might give the same appearance at first glance.

However, the intensity of variegation changes in color, undertones, and frequency after reaching maturity, giving them a distinct feature to differentiate.

Snow Queens tend to have less green over white variegation (2:8 ratio) and appear more translucent due to their white undertones.
A comparison template of Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos
Look at the leaf variegation to get the exact identification of the Pothos.

In contrast, Marble Queens have an equal distribution of dark green variegation and white stripes (1:1 ratio). This houseplant is less translucent due to the green undertones.

3. Varying Growth Rate

The Marble Queen is an excellent choice if you would like prolific growth. It can reach 6 feet long if the right circumstances are satisfied indoors and 40 feet in the wild.

The prolific growth is because the leaves of Marble Queen Pothos hold more chlorophyll and tend to increase in length more rapidly than the Snow Queen.

Although the Snow Queen is almost the same size as the Marble Queen, it takes considerably longer for the Snow Queen to reach that size.

Altogether, Snow Queen Pothos could be ideal if you appreciate compact plants.

Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos: The Similarities

Belonging to the same parent, Pothos, makes the Snow Queen and Marble Queen have a certain resemblance.

Some of these commonalities are listed below:

  • Similar Taxonomy: Pothos plants are classified as Scindapsus aureus, Epipremnum aureum, and Rhaphidophora aurea when it comes to nomenclature. Here, the Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos specifically belong to the Epipremnum aureum species.
  • Asian Origin: The Pothos are indigenous to Southeastern Asia. So, the Marble Queen and the Snow Queen Pothos, members of the same botanical family, hold Asian roots.
  • Typical Humidity: Belonging to the same species, Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos can endure and thrive magnificently at mid-humid levels (50-70%).
  • Similar Propagation Technique: The Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos propagation techniques are simple and easy and can be propagated in soil and water with stem cuttings.
  • Aerial Roots: The Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos have aerial roots. Due to this feature, they can crawl, expand, and adjust to any environment.

The Different Care Needs [Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos]

Properly understanding the care required by the Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos is critical as they hold different requirements.

As a result, we have compiled the following plant-care suggestions for you.

1. Light and Temperature

Deliver continuous and indirect bright light for Snow Queen Pothos as they need more light to maintain their variegation.

Keeping the Snow Queen 2 feet away from any intense light source is sufficient, as the direct sun can scorch the leaves and change color to brown.

Marble Queen, unlike Snow Queen, requires medium to bright indirect sunshine. Low light conditions also have little effect on the plant.

However, it is preferable to have medium-bright lighting. As a result, keep it 1-2 feet away from the light source.

The statistics are nearly identical when we examine how much heat the two plants can withstand, ranging from 65-85ºF.

2. Soil and Watering

The Snow Queen and Marble Queen are not demanding plants regarding the soil as they both can thrive well in slightly acidic (6.0-6.5 pH), loose, and well-draining soil.

However, the watering requirement differs depending on the cultivar.

Snow Queen requires watering once every ten days, while Marble Queen demands watering weekly in the summer seasons. You do not need to water the plant as much in the wintertime.

Also, before the following watering schedule, ensure that 50 percent of the section of the topsoil is dry to prevent root rot and soggy condition.

3. Fertilizing Requirements

Considering the growth rate, Marble Queen Pothos are more vigorous growers, requiring more fertilizer than Snow Queen Pothos.

So better to use a slow-releasing water-soluble fertilizer twice in the growing season for Marble Queen.

On the other hand, fertilizing the Snow Queen with slow-releasing NPK 10-10-10 once at the beginning of the growing season will do the work.

The concrete use of fertilizer for Pothos will give your plant a boost of energy for the rest of the season.

4. Pruning as Needed

The vigorous grower, Marble Queen, requires comparable more pruning than the slow grower, Snow Queen Pothos.

Although you can trim off Pothos’s yellow, dead, curled leaves any time of the year, it is better to wait for the early spring before pruning.

Active growing season minimizes the risk of pruning stress to the Pothos as they become susceptible and delicate after pruning.

Also, position them in a location with adequate air circulation and cover them to recover the freshly clipped stem top.

If you clipped the Pothos in the summer, it is best to water it daily to keep up with the plant’s needs.

5. Container Size

The Marble Queen requires more area to establish its roots because it is a more aggressive plant. On the other hand, the Snow Queen can naturally grow sufficiently in a bit of space.

The Marble Queen requires a pot that is a minimum of 8 inches wide and as shallow as desirable for healthy function.

You can use a 6 x 6-inch pot for the Snow Queen Pothos.

If you desire a larger plant, you can use a larger container. However, the Snow Queen will still need a pot that is 30% smaller than the Marble Queen’s.

Both plants must have good drainage in their pots to discharge extra moisture, as root rot can occur alternatively.

Common Problems: Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos

1. Susceptible to Pest

Marble Queen and Snow Queen are susceptible to pesky bugs occasionally, especially if the soil remains damp for extended periods.

Spider mites, thrips, and mealybugs are some of the most common bugs that can be treated successfully using essential home remedies.

If you detect an infestation, clean the leaves and stem of your pretty Pothos with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

Repeat this process a few times a week for two months to eradicate the pests, or go for neem oil and insecticidal soaps for faster results.

2. Susceptible to Diseases

The Marble Queen pothos is less prone to fungal diseases, but the Snow Queen seems more sensitive.

Brown stains on the foliage are generally apparent as the disease begins.

Ensure the Snow Queen is placed in an area with plenty of air movement and has no obstacles or plants within 1 foot of the plant obstructing airflow.

The Snow Queen’s growing area must be well-vented. If the illness has indeed infected the plant, you can address them by cutting off the damaged part and using a copper-rich fungicide.

The infestation is likewise similar to Marble Queen. This kind has a higher resistance but can still be harmed less frequently than Snow Queen.

Sneak a Peek!

Look at the table below for a quick review of the similarities and differences between Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos.

Factors Snow Queen Marble Queen
VariegationMore white (80% white and 20% green)Equal Variegation (50% white and 50% green)
Leaves Heart-shaped and more translucentHeart-shaped and a little translucent
Growth rateSlowerFaster
Light requirements Bright and indirect sunlight Medium-bright indirect sunlight or low light
Temperature 65-85ºF65-85ºF
SoilFast draining regular potting soil Fast draining regular potting soil
Fertilizer Slow-release fertilizer (NPK 10-10-10)Well-balanced and general-purpose water soluble fertilizer
WaterOnce in 7-10 daysOnce a week

FAQs About Snow Queen Vs. Marble Queen Pothos

1. Is Snow Queen Pothos slow growing?

Yes. The Snow Queen falls under the category of slow-growing Pothos, lacking chlorophyll due to the amount of variegation present.

2. How do you get Marble Queen Pothos more white?

Marble Queen Pothos has equal distribution of white and green on the leaves, but you can make it more white by keeping it under the reach of bright indirect light.

To boost the white variegation, you can place the plant in direct sun for at least 3-4 hours daily or under grow light.

To Conclude

Despite originating from the same species family, Epipremnum aureum, these two Pothos have distinct characteristics, and their foliage is the most significant distinction.

The domineering Snow Queen is more towards the pointier side, while the Marble Queen is the more energetic and fussier counterpart.

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