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Philodendron Splendid: Complete Grow & Care Guide

Philodendron Splendid require a natural habitat-like room setting to sustain their broad velvety green foliage.

For flawless growth of Philodendron Splendid, maintain 55°F to 80°F temperature, 60% humidity, nutrient-rich and well-draining soil, 6-8 hours of bright indirect sunlight, weekly watering, and nitrogen-rich monthly fertilizer.

Moreover, they would grow relatively quickly when provided with great care but do not mistake them for their vining counterparts.

Read on to learn how to best care for Philodendron Splendid plant at home.

Overview of Philodendron Splendid

Philodendron Splendid is a hybrid cultivar of Philodendron melanochrysum and verrucosum.

They hail their signature large, spear-shaped leaves with an almost purple shine from the tropical rainforests of Ecuador.

Scientific NamePhilodendron verrucosum x melanochrysum
Common NamePhilodendron Splendid
NativeSouth America
Growth ZoneUSDA Hardiness Zones 10-11
Plant TypeEpiphytic plant
Growth SizeGrows 5-6 feet long
Grows up to 10 feet long in the natural habitat
Grown ForLarge, spear-shaped leaves with
blushing red undersides
Foliage TypeSpear-headed
Leaf size1 feet wide and 2 feet long
FloweringSmall flowers with cream or yellow stripes
Flowering SeasonMay to July
Spring to late-spring
AvailabilitySold through rare and exotic plant sellers
ToxicityToxic to pets and human

Philodendron Splendid-Complete Grow & Care Guide

The key to flawlessly growing the Philodendron Splendid is mimicking their habitat-like setting.

Here is a quick care hack for the optimal growth of Philodendron Splendid.

ParameterIdeal Requirements
Sunlight and LocationBright indirect sunlight

Placed east-facing window or 4-5 feet away from the south-facing window
Watering Regular watering every 9-10 days in the growing season

Every 15-20 days in fall and winter
Temperature18°C to 25°C (64-77°F)
SoilA loose, rich and well-draining soil
FertilizerFeed organic houseplant fertilizer rich in Nitrogen every month in the growing season

Cut back on fertilization during dormancy
Potting and RepottingOnce every year in the spring
PruningTrim old, decayed, and brown leaves

Prune only in summer or spring
PropagationStem cutting or air-layering
Pest and DiseasesAphids, Mealybugs, Spider mites and Scale

Bacterial Leaf Spot, Bacterial Blight

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Philodendron Splendid love warm environments of temperatures 55-80°F with 4-6 hours of bright indirect sunlight daily.

Strategically place Splendid plants 3-5 feet away in an east or southeast window where they can enjoy a few hours of the morning sun.

However, avoid excessive direct sunlight, as too much heat can quickly dehydrate and burn plants’ leaves.

Here are the signs of improper lighting in the Philodendron plant.

Low Light ProblemsLight Saturation Problems
It causes stunted, leggy, and dull growth.It causes a high transpiration rate, and leaves start to curl.
Leaves appear yellow, disclosed, and smaller in size.Extreme heat breakdowns the chlorophyll, so the leaves appear pale or bleached.
Low chlorophyll leads to less pigmented leaves.Burning of leaf and leaf scorch.

Likewise, Philodendron leaves begin to curl when exposed to temperatures below 50°F. Thus, other than USDA 10-11 zones, move them indoors.

Lack of prompt rescue from cold stress will push back growth alongside wilting, yellowing leaves.

Therefore, aim for frost blankets, sheer curtains, grow lights with the correct color and heat pads to keep plants warm and happy.

2. Water & Humidity

Philodendron Splendid is a rainforest plant requiring moist soil with a high humidity level of 60% or more.

Keep Philodendron hydrated by fetching rainwater every 7-10 days in the growing season. Or, let the top half of the soil or the first few inches dry out between watering.

Likewise, water once every 15-20 days in fall and winter to avoid overwatering Philodendron Splendid.

Overwatered SignsUnder-watered Signs
Dark-colored soilLight greyish soil
Browning or darkening leavesYellowed leaves with a crispy texture
Lower stem decayWilted or curled leaves
Smelly potting mediumHard to touch stems

Similarly, too low humidity causes wilting, curling and yellowing leaves with brown leaf tips.

On the other hand, excess humidity results in plants rotting with patches of gray mold and a sudden increase in fungal growth.

Therefore, follow a bottom-watering approach with an occasional overhead shower. You can also incorporate a pebble tray underneath the pot.

Furthermore, use a soil moisture meter before watering and misting the plants in the morning.

 3. Soil & Fertilizer

Philodendron Splendid prefers a well-draining nutrient-rich soil mix (pH 5-6) that does not trap water.

Philodendron Splendid
Philodendron Splendid in Moss Pole
Prepare ideal Splendid Philodendron soil by mixing orchid bark, peat moss or coco coir, perlite, and a fine layer of sterilized compost.

Meanwhile, aim for monthly nitrous fertilization in the growing seasons to replenish nutrients and help them attain large leaves and tall stature.

Alternatively, introduce slow-release granular fertilizer every 2-3 months in the growing season.

However, strictly cut back on fertilizing in fall and winter when the plant is resting to avoid chemical stress.

Signs of Under-fertilizationSigns of Over-fertilization
Faint and pale foliageLeaves start turning brown
Frail stemWithering of lower leaves
Yellowing of leavesStem starts turning yellow and the leaves start wilting
Falling off of leavesFertilizer crusts and salt buildup on the soil surface and roots
Slow plant growth or stunted growthLeaf tips and margins start to turn brown

If you mistakenly overfertilize your plant, run the pot under the water to flush out excess salts.

Also, always dilute the liquid solution to half-strength and apply it a few inches away from the roots.

4. Potting & Repotting

Repot your Philodendron Splendid when it has overgrown its terracotta pot or needs a fresh soil mix.

Ideally, the plant would get double its size yearly, requiring yearly repotting in spring in a container at least 1-2″ bigger than the previous one.

The root-bound plant shows other signs like yellowing and drooping foliage, poor water drainage, and slowed growth.

Besides that, you might be compelled to repot Philodendron Splendid when they are troubled by fungal diseases.

Root rotDrooping and rapidly yellowing leaves, stunted growth and a rotten brown base is the primary sign of possible root rot.

Brown and mushy texture on the root is another sign.
Rust SpotsTiny specks or spots on leaves that range in color from orange to rusty-brown, brownish-yellow, purple and red.
Fungal InfectionA fungus that invites a range of plant diseases; mildew, fusarium wilt, rhizoctonia rot, etc.

It may cause plant stress, stunted growth, and drooping leaves.
Bacterial BlightIt is caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. Dieffenbachiae.

It forms transparent spots on leaf edges that develop brown with tan or yellow halos.
Algal Leaf SpotIt is a foliar disease common with the plant suffering from high humid condition.

It is caused by parasitic alga called Cephaleuros Virscens.

Often these issues are brought on by improper management of humidity and watering habits.

In such peril, carefully repot the plant after applying fungicides and pruning off infected parts.

Always clean the leaves using soapy water to prevent fungal infection, and regularly apply neem oil.

Note: The plant may droop and give away some leaves after transplanting. Do not worry, as it will soon revive.

5. Regular Pruning

Philodendron Splendid requires regular pruning in spring and summer to remove spent vegetation.

Start with removing brown, decayed, and old leaves to redirect the plant’s energy toward healthy growth.

Likewise, Philodendron Splendid grown in excess humidity and moisture are prone to pest attacks and require immediate pruning to control spread.

Some of the common Philodendron plant pests are aphids, scales and mealybugs.

In such a perilous time, prune off badly affected parts and apply insecticidal soap or neem oil.

To prevent them from appearing again, regularly apply horticultural oil or isopropyl alcohol to remove pests and their eggs.

Growth Rate of Philodendron Splendid

A mature Philodendron Splendid can grow over four to six feet tall but can attain up to 10 feet height when grown in a natural setting.

However, they compensate for their height with broad, monstrous foliage spanning two feet long and one foot wide.

The velvety heart-shaped leaves are green with a purple hue and reddish undersides and feature cream-colored veins.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, Philodendron leaves offer air purifying benefits alongside other medical uses.

small philodendron splendid

Philodendron Splendid actively unfurls new leaves in spring and summer but undergoes dormancy in winter.

After maturing, usually 10 to 15 years, they produce typical Philodendron inflorescence and fruits after successful pollination.

The Splendid flower consists of porous spadix under a white or red softy spathe that gives a solid sweet scent.

Toxicity of Philodendron Splendid

All Philodendron species are poisonous and toxic to pets and even humans.

Therefore, Splendid is no exception and contains toxic calcium oxalate crystals that cause oral irritation in dogs, cats and humans.

Accidental consumption can result in stomach discomfort, vomiting, excessive drooling and no appetite.

The symptoms can worsen and turn lethal if ingested in larger amounts.

Severe poisoning causes swollen respiratory tracts, making breathing and swallowing difficult, cardiac issues, and kidney failure.

So, immediately seek medical help if you suspect your pet is mulching Splendid Philodendron.

Propagating Philodendron Splendid

Philodendron Splendid can be propagated at home via stem cutting and air layering.

For efficient propagation, you can aim for spring or summer.

But before hopping onto the propagation train, gather tools like a gardening knife, potting mix and rooting hormone.

1. Propagating via Stem Cutting

Given the correct growing condition, each stem cutting can produce a new, healthy plant.

So, thoroughly inspect and look for a healthy stem with the node intact.

  • Cut the stem just below the node ensuring the cutting has 2-3 nodes and 1-2 leaves.
  • Or, cut the oversized stem and distribute the stand into multiple cuttings measuring 3-4 inches.
  • Leave it aside to let the cut end produce callous, which helps with regrowth.
  • Rooting in Water: Submerge the stem with leaves hanging outside in a jar filled with water and rooting hormone.
  • Leave it in a warm place with indirect sunlight.
  • Replace the water every 4-5 days.
  • Rooting in Soil: Slide the stem into the soil and mix it with the leaves hanging outside.
  • Regularly moisten the soil by misting daily and keeping it at 70-75°F.

In both cases, the stem cutting should produce feeder roots within a few weeks.

Once the root grows one inch long, remove it from the current medium and grow it in a container with the ideal potting mix.

2. Propagating via Air Layering

Although air layering is rarely carried out due to unfamiliarity with the process, it often offers successful results.

It involves attaching the cutting to its source with a layer of peat moss to induce new growth.

  • Cut midway through a stem at an angle of 45°.
  • Apply sphagnum peat moss on the cut and wrap the area with plastic using a rope to keep it in place.
  • Within two weeks, you can notice new growth sprout.
  • Let it be for a while until the recent development becomes more prominent.

Detach the growth from the parent plant and grow it in a container with the appropriate potting mix.

Where to Buy Philodendron Splendid?

Philodendron Splendid are not rare, so you can easily find them in local nurseries and plant sellers.

In general, a Splendid plant typically costs between $20 and $80.

Here, I have enlisted some online retailers with Philodendron Splendid for sale.

Buying OptionsDelivery
EtsyDelivery within 5-6 days
Aroid MarketDelivery within 1-2 weeks
Peace Love and HappinessDelivery within 2-3 days
CarniveroDelivery within 1-3 days
Aroid NurseryDelivery within 1-3 weeks

Philodendron Splendid vs. Gloriosum

At first glimpse, Philodendron Splendid and Gloriosum may look similar.

Thanks to their large, velvety leaves, it is hard to tell them apart.

However, if you look closely, Gloriosum boasts thicker leaves with more defined veins.

On the other hand, Gloriosum grows as a crawler, whereas Splendid will climb upwards.

Philodendron Gloriosum also withstands slightly higher temperatures and may grow more slowly than Splendid.

FAQs about Philodendron Splendid

Why is my Philodendron Splendid Leaf Browning?

Browning of leaves, such as brown spots and browning tips, may indicate it is getting too light than it is expected to be.

The chlorosis will lead to the appearance of brown spots and leaf tips. Moving your plant a few feet away from the window, door, or patio is a solution.

Can Philodendron Splendid Climb?

Unlike most Philodendron species, Splendid cannot climb like a vine using a trellis.

However, it is still a climber that will only grow to about five or six feet.

From Editorial Team

Waxy Green Leaves With Darker Nature!

Although leaves of Philodendron Splendid act as an excellent air purifier, they are toxic to pets.

Thus, keep the plants safe and away from pets and kids to avoid unpleasant events. Or, use pet repellent sprays to keep pets away.

All The Best!

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