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Philodendron Gloriosum – Ultimate Care and Growing Guide

Philodendron gloriosum meaning “the glorious one,” is a valuable and expensive rare Philodendron species with white venation in the creeping foliage and easy care tips.

Generally, Philodendron gloriosum prefers bright indirect light, well-draining soil, and temperatures of 65-85℉. Furthermore, they require a 60% humidity, watering weekly in summer, feeding monthly with a balanced fertilizer, biyearly repotting, and yearly pruning.

Scroll down to get the detailed information regarding the characters and environmental care requirements of Philodendron gloriosum.

Overview of Philodendron Gloriosum

The crawling Philodendron gloriosum belonging to the Araceae family has flashy heart-shaped leaves and beautiful foliage that curls over the ground and is also known as the Swiss Cheese plant.

Moreover, this plant shares some morphological similarities with other varieties of Philodendron, such as Philodendron verrucosum, Philodendron billietiae, Silversword Philodendron, and Philodendron rugosum.

However, the foliage of Philodendron gloriosum zebra differs Philodendron gloriosum by incorporating more white veins.

Scientific NamePhilodendron gloriosum
Common NameAnthurium Gloriosum
Velvet Philodendron
USDA zone10-12
Plant typeTropical, creeping, evergreen perennial plant
Grown forVelvety foliage, sometimes for flower
Leaf size100 cm long
30-40 cm wide
FoliageVelvety heart shaped green foliage with creamy white or pink veins
Blooming PeriodMay to July
FlowerSpike called spadix and leaf like bract spathe makes flower
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans

Philodendron Gloriosum -Ultimate Care and Growing Guide

Green leaves with pale to striking white veins of this Philodendron need tropics-like climatic conditions to keep thriving.

A template containing the complete care guide for Philodendron gloriosum
Follow the tips to keep enjoying the velvety foliage throughout the year.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Philodendron gloriosum loves to stay in bright indirect, or dappled sunlight for at least 8 hours daily with a temperature of 65-85ºF.

At the same time, the velvety plant needs protection from direct sunlight and locations receiving cold breezes as direct light scorches the leaf edges and cold drafts stunt the growth.

And while correcting the light and temperature, do not make your Philodendron suffer from low light conditions as it causes irreversible loss of color of the leaves.

So place in an east or west-facing window receiving morning sun and use a bright-colored curtain for dappled light.

Maintain the temperature using a heating mat or mulches to prevent heat loss and avoid heating vents and radiators to ensure a constant temperature.

You can even keep the Philodendron gloriosum in a 2 feet coverage of grow light to fulfill the light requirement and in the shade if kept outdoors.

2. Watering & Humidity

Philodendron gloriosum, as a tropical plant, loves high humidity and moist but not soggy feet most of the time.

Therefore, maintain a humidity level of 60-80% and water them weekly or twice a week in summer and once every two weeks in winter for optimum growth.

However, checking plants’ water needs before watering is necessary as overwatering can cause root rot and fungal growth while underwatering leads to crispy and yellow leaves.

So to avoid both conditions, water the Gloriosum at a specific interval only after checking the dryness of the mix (1-3 inches) using a wooden stick or finger.

You can even group the plant, install a humidifier, or use the humidity trays to serve air and soil moisture.

A mini watering can or spray bottle can help control the water applied to the Philodendron.

Besides, if you use tap or drinking water, let the water stay for 24 hrs to decrease the harmful effects of chlorine and fluorine on the plant.

3. Soil Type & Fertilizer

Well-draining, slightly acidic soil (6-7.5 pH), aerated soil with high organic matter is best for thriving Philodendron gloriosum.

Prepare a DIY using peat moss, coconut coir, sphagnum moss, organic perlite, and pine bark chips in a 2:2:1:1:1 ratio and fertilize the soil monthly with half-diluted balanced feed.

Add charcoal to the potting mix to prevent mold infections on the roots and provide slow-releasing feed for Philodendron gloriosum.

You can add clay to increase soil’s water retention but use it in minimum amounts as it holds more water and may cause root rot.

Alternatively, buy pre-made potting soil like Premium Monstera Potting Soil, House Plant Potting Soil, Espoma Organic Potting Mix, and rePotme Tropical Soil Mix.

However, fertilize the store-bought mix only after six months of potting to avoid overfertilization, which weakens and burns the leaves and roots of Gloriosum.

Meanwhile, calcium and magnesium deficiency causes yellow spots to turn brown on leaves.

So better to use organic fertilizers like eggshells, fish tank water, and coffee filter to keep the Gloriosum well fed with slow-releasers.

You can pass feeding during the winter season as they are generally dormant.

4. Potting & Repotting

Philodendron gloriosum grows efficiently in a terracotta pot. However, ensure the pot has at least 2-3 drainage holes to not store water for too long.

A plastic, wooden, or cemented pot can also be used. But metal and glass pots are not suitable due to inadequate drainage facilities.

Choosing the ideal pot saves you from repotting for at least two years as the Philodendron slowly takes up being rootbound.
A person is holding on a black pot containing the seedling of a plant.
The right pot ensures the healthy growth of the Philodendron.

However, look over the signs like roots poking from the drainage holes and water pooling on the soil surface to understand the repotting need of Philodendron.

Start the repotting in the late winter or early spring by selecting a terracotta pot at least 2 inches larger than the old pot with 2-3 drainage holes.

Water the plant 12-24 hrs before repotting and cut the roots poking out from the drainage hole using sterilized pruners or knives.

Turn the Philodendron gloriosum upside down and tap at the base of the container to remove the plant altogether and remove one-third of the soil from the root ball.

Cut off excess roots and too-big rhizomes. Allow a couple of hours for callous to appear.

Then, fill one-third of the pot with soil mix and place the plant at the center. Afterward, fill the pot by allowing the rhizome remains partially above the ground.

Lastly, place the pot in a bright indirect light, and water it thoroughly to prevent the Philodendron from repotting shock.

5. Occasional Pruning

Pruning of Philodendron gloriosum is rarely necessary. However, cutting off and removing diseased and damaged leaves maintains the healthy growth of plants.

Some commonly seen pests on Philodendron gloriosum are spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats, whitefly, scales, and mealybugs.

The pests are the reason for the yellow rust-colored spots, silky web, and cotton-like substances around the leaves.

You can control them manually by hand-picking or spraying neem oil and insecticidal soap. Also, trimming the damaged leaves saves further infestation.

While the spots on the leaf margin that turn rusty brown with yellow rings and a foul smell from the root are due to common diseases like Bacterial leaf spots and Root rot.

Prevent the spread by isolating the diseased Gloriosum and trimming the damaged leaves. Also, spray copper fungicide to control future spread.

Philodendron Gloriosum: Growth Habits

Philodendron gloriosum is a crawling plant with only leaves above the ground and is mainly grown for its large dark green to velvety heart-shaped leaves.

The flat green leaves complement striking pinkish veins that turn creamy white as the plant matures.

The maximum growth of Philodendron gloriosum can be about 6 feet tall with a single leaf of size 20-100 cm long and 30-40 cm wide.

However, Philodendron gloriosum, a slow grower, can take up to 2 months for a leaf to appear over a spike.

Meanwhile, like any other Philodendron, gloriosum flowers in its natural habitat when it matures in almost 15-16 years.

It is rare to see a Philodendron blooming indoors, but if you are patient and lucky enough, your Philodendron gloriosum may bloom.

The flower is white and yellow with a funnel-like shape that flaunts the leaf-like bract called a spathe and a flowering spike called a spadix.

Philodendron gloriosum blooms during spring and early summer when the temperature becomes warm.

Philodendron Gloriosum Propagation Methods

Propagating Philodendron gloriosum is easy and can be performed by a beginner in gardening.

Spring or early summer is the best time to propagate a Philodendron.

And the easiest and quickest method for propagating Gloriosum is rhizome cutting. Besides, it can also be propagated by seeds as well.

Propagation Via Rhizome Cutting

To propagate Philodendron gloriosum with rhizome, select the healthy rhizome that gives off a light tan to a yellowish-white color and has at least two nodes.

It should not have any dark-colored or water-soaked areas.

  • Select a suitable rhizome portion between two leaves, about 3 inches long.
  • Ensure the cut portion has at least a leaf, and leave at least two leaves on the mother plant.
  • Make a clear and even cut.
  • Let the rhizome stay in the air for a couple of hours to help develop a callous on the cut part.
  • Use Cinnamon on the cut part as a disinfectant that helps to heal the wound.
  • Then place the cut in a fresh mix of sphagnum moss and perlite.
  • Keep the moss moist and put it in a ziplock bag or a container with a lid to preserve moisture.
  • Open the bag or lid once a day to allow fresh air circulation.

Within 2-4 weeks, roots will be 2-3 inches long.

Now plant the rhizome in a fresh well-draining potting mix.

Propagation Via Seeds

You can collect the seeds during the summer season and plant them immediately.

  • Place the seeds in lukewarm water for 24-48 hours.
  • Plant the seeds about 1/3 inch (1 cm) deep and at least 2 inches (5 cm) apart on well-draining soil full of organic matter.
  • Cover the soil with plastic mulch to maintain humidity and let it stay in a bright place with plenty of indirect sunlight.
  • Check the soil regularly and rinse it to prevent it from getting dry. You can use a spray bottle to spray water once a week.

With conditions similar to a mature plant and a temperature of 70ºF, the seeds will germinate within a month.

Then transplant the seedling into a pot.

Toxicity of Philodendron Gloriosum

Most aroids like Laceleaf and other Philodendron varieties, including Gloriosum, Paraiso Verde, and Giganteum, contain toxic insoluble Calcium oxalate crystals.

Calcium oxalate crystals, if ingested, cause irritation and swelling of the mouth and throat in children and gastrointestinal discomfort in pets.

Drooling, nausea, and vomiting may also be seen in more severe cases.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep this stunning plant away from the reach of pets and children.

In case of ingestion, seek immediate help from a medical professional. For your pets, thoroughly clean their mouth and take them to the veterinarian.

You can also contact the immediate helpline number to prevent any severe damage.

Philodendron Gloriosum For Sale

After learning all of the care tips on Philodendron gloriosum, you are ready to bring one of the rare species home.

Stores to buyShipping Time
Aroid market14-21 business days
Steves Leaves7 business days
Aroid Sale10-15 business days
Etsy14–21 business days

Philodendron Gloriosum Vs. Glorious

Young Gloriosum and Glorious can even leave any green thumbs in a dilemma at first sight, but they are both different species of Philodendron.

However, the similarity is because Philodendron glorious is the hybrid of the cross between Gloriosum and Melanochrysum.

So look at the difference below for a distinct overview between the Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron glorious.

A comparison template between Philodendron gloriosum and glorious
Both of the species are unique and rare.

Philodendron McDowell Vs. Gloriosum

Differentiating the Gloriosum and McDowell is not a tough job, as both have distinct differences in leaf structure.

The leaf of Gloriosum is much darker than McDowell, with a more prominent white middle rib.

Also, the Philodendron mcdowell has deep, sunken linear veins from the middle that make the broader side appear higher than the midvein.

FAQs About Philodendron Gloriosum

Is Philodendron gloriosum a climber or crawler?

Philodendron gloriosum are creepers and don’t climb trellises, poles, or trees.

The stem of this plant grows horizontally with the help of the crawling rhizome. Therefore, it creeps the ground even in its natural habitat.

Is Philodendron gloriosum rare?

Philodendron gloriosum is a variegated terrestrial Philodendron. As variegation in Philodendrons is due to mutation, such plants are rare and more expensive than non-variegated ones.

Also, this plant is listed as a vulnerable group by the IUCN Redlist, making it more precious.

From Editorial Team


Moreover, the velvety and stunning leaves make the Philodendron a highly demanding and rare variety with a high purchase price.

Support your Philodendron plant with moss poles to boost its growth.

Additionally, use Terracotta flowerpots for Philodendron plants.

1 comment
  1. Philodendron Gloriosum is a plant with beautiful leaves and I really like it, great info about this plant. Thanks for your post.

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