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Monstera Standleyana: Best Care Tips

The beautiful variegation of Monstera standleyana may fade over time if you do not adapt to a proper care routine.

Monstera standleyana thrives in bright indirect sunlight with a warmth of 65°-80°F. For efficient growth, maintain 50-80% humidity, followed by monthly fertilization. Use loose aery aroid soil of pH 5.5-7 that won’t get soggy with watering 2-3 times a week.

Let me guide you to make your Monstera standleyana a compact Monster with an ideal care routine.

Monstera Standleyana Overview

Monstera standleyana is a tropical plant hailing from South America. They are popular for their climbing nature with variegated leaves.

Scientific NameMonstera Standleyana
Common NamesFive Holes Plant, Albo Variegata
Growth Zone9a to 11b
Growth RateSlow growth rate
Growth SizeIndoor 3-5 feet tall

Outdoor Up to 20 feet
Growth HabitEvergreen epiphytic climbing vine
FoliageDark-green leaves striped with white or silvery variegates
Grown forFoliage
FlowerSmall white or yellow
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets

Monstera Standleyana: Best Care Hacks

Let us start with an in-depth ideal care routine for Monstera standleyana, shall we?

monstera standleyana care hack
Monstera standleyana albo is not a Philodendron cobra, but they belong to the same Aroid plant family.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

The Monstera standleyana proliferates in an indirectly sunlit warm room with a temperature of 65-80°F.

To ensure they get six hours of sunshine daily, you can place them in an east-facing window. Similarly, you can place them outdoors if you are from 9a to 11b USDA zones.

That said, ensure to keep them a few feet away from the window in winter so they don’t catch cold drafts.

Furthermore, temperatures below 55°F can contribute to leggy, scarce or no growth.

You can aim to use an incandescent grow light (10 hours) that gives heat and light or use heating pads.

Remember, direct sun and high temperatures are also harmful. They cause the plant to wilt, turn yellow or brown and have dry, crispy leaf edges.

2. Watering & Humidity

Monstera standleyana won’t complain, even if you forget to water them occasionally. But they will make a fuss if you drop the humidity below 40%.

For optimal growth, try to mimic the natural conditions. To do so, fetch them distilled or rainwater 2-3 times a week with regular morning misting to keep humidity >50%.

However, a hard and fast rule may not be enough as your standleyana needs more water in spring and summer. Conversely, water your plant once a week or two in winter.

Overwatered Monstera tends to have yellow leaves, root rot and slowed plant growth

Furthermore, consistently soggy soil and high humidity invite pests and fungal diseases.

watering tips to water your plants
Keep your Monstera hydrated by following these tips.

But lack of water or low humidity causes the leaves to wilt, droop, curl and halt growth.

To keep both watering needs and humidity levels in check, aim for bottom watering with a few pebbles on.

You can also let the top inches of soil dry out before watering. Aim to use chopsticks or a moisture meter.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Monstera standleyana stays problem-free when provided with nutrient-rich, well-draining soil.

They are fond of porous, loose, acidic soil of pH 5 – 7 with medium water retention. Give them 10-10-10 fertilizers monthly in spring and summer to boost their growth.

You are most likely to overfertilize the plant in winter as they stay dormant. So refrain from fertilizing in winter. 

Generally, excess fertilizer cause salt build-ups on top of the soil with root burns. Similarly, they cause curling leaf tips and brown spots on droopy leaves.

Conversely, low fertilizer causes stunted or leggy growth along with discoloration of leaves.

Aim for the ideal potting mix and dilute the fertilizer before applying it to be on a safe boat.

You can prepare the homemade organic mix for your Monstera using perlite, orchid barks, compost and peat moss. Otherwise, rely on the aroid mix or gardener premium.

4. Potting & Repotting

Unlike Monstera dissecta, which stays put in the same spot for 2 to 3 years, standleyana needs yearly repotting.

Generally, the sign of standleyana needing to be repot is poking roots from the drain holes. Besides, rootbound also causes waterlogging and root crowding on the topsoil.

Before repotting in spring, loosen the soil by soaking them overnight with thorough watering.

To provide enough room for roots to grow, use terracotta or ceramic pots 2″ bigger than the previous pot. 

Remember, drain holes are a must in a pot, so if they do not have one, make one using a driller.

While at it, untangle the roots and prune off the damaged or infected ones.

Later, proceed with a regular care routine and do not worry if they droop a bit right after repotting.

5. Pruning

Monstera standleyana enjoys and benefits from regular pruning of old, decaying or damaged parts.

Moreover, you must prune the parts that host fungus gnats, mealy bugs, scales and spider mites. Also, the only effective control measure is pruning off the parts infected by bacterial black spots.

Prevention is better than cure, so avoid excess water and humidity to prevent such problems.

Similarly, you can apply neem oil or fungicides and clean the leaves using a soapy solution.

If your standleyana is getting out of shape, you can prune 1/3rd of them and give the desired shape.

Furthermore, trimmed healthy stems can also be used for propagation. So, ensure to cut them at a 45° angle using a sterilized pruner.

Monstera Standleyana: All About Growth Rate

Monstera standleyana is an evergreen tropical hemi-epiphyte with a considerably slow growth rate.

They can climb up to 20 feet in their natural habitat but attain up to 5 feet when kept indoors.

The active growing season for standleyana is during spring and summer. Consequently, winter is their dormant season.

Monstera standleyana foliage
Monstera standleyana can have creamy white or yellowish variegations depending on the variety.

Being an active climber, you must provide them with a solid plant totem to support their stature.


Monstera standleyana is a smaller version of Monstera with a compact foliage density.

They have 6″ long and 5″ wide oblong-shaped green foliage with creamy yellow variegations.
But their leaves do not feature holes as in Monstera adansonii, yet they are named five holes plant.

Monstera standleyana is often confused with Philodendron standleyana or cobra. It is because the variegated leaves of both plants look the same.

Monstera standleyana var.Features
Standleyana Albo variegataBoasts white speckles and white variegations on parts of the plant
Standleyana var. YellowFlaunts yellowish to creamy white patches and stripes on leaves. They may also complete yellow leaves.
Standleyana var. whiteStunning white blotches on leaves and even on stem.

The standleyana kept indoors are very unlikely to produce a typical aroid inflorescence.

But in nature, they produce small white spadix wrapped around yellowish spathe after maturing.

Toxicity of Monstera Standleyana

According to the ASPCA, Monstera standleyana is toxic to all pets and humans.

Every Monstera species contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals throughout its body parts.

Mouth irritation, abnormal drooling and vomiting are the signs of Monstera poisoning in your pets.

But severe poisoning can result in breathing problems due to swollen respiratory tract and kidney failure.

That said, they do not pose a threat from normal skin contact.

As a first aid, give your pet milk to ease the burning sensation and immediately seek out professional help.

Here are a few hotlines to rely on if you are skeptical of your pets nibbling Monstera standleyana.

Propagation Methods for Monstera Standleyana

Monstera standleyana can be propagated via stem cutting and air layering methods.

Spring is the best time of the year to propagate your Monstera standleyana.

Now, before jumping into the propagation, gather these necessary tools like a rooting hormone, pruning shears and fresh potting mix.

1. Stem Cuttings

As Monstera propagation is not feasible without nodes, ensure to cut a 6″ to 8″ inch healthy stem with at least two leaf nodes.

  • Make a clean, smooth cut at a 45° angle right below a node.
  • Wrap the stem cutting in a moist water towel and let it be till callus forms.
  • Plant the cutting an inch deep in fresh soil mixed with rooting hormone.
  • Place the pot in a bright spot location and ensure optimal humidity.
  • Within a month, new root growth should be visible.
  • Transplant the cutting once they outgrow the pot.

Instead of planting cuttings, let them sit over a jar filled with rooting hormone and water.

Once the roots grow over an inch long, you can consider transplanting them in a fresh potting mix.

2. Air Layering

Air layering is the more advanced technique of propagation. This method of propagation needs more patience.

  • Choose a healthy stem with a node and carefully scrape the skin below the node.
  • Use a moss ball to prevent the cut from closing.
  • Wrap the cut part of the stem with cling wrap.
  • Poke some holes in the cling wrap for air circulation.
  • Dampen the sphagnum moss now and then.
  • Within two months, new aerial root growth should be visible.
  • Cut the stem with inch-long new roots and plant them in a fresh mix.

Where To Buy Monstera Standleyana

Monstera standleyana and its albo variegata are a bit rare to find. That is why they have high price than any other Monsteras.

Here are verified online retailers you can rely on to buy Monstera standleyana.

Places To BuyDelivery
EtsyAbout 10 days after placing order
Aroid saleWithin 6-10 days
Yume GardenWithin two weeks
StevesleavesTakes almost a week
AroidmarketShips within 4 to 7 working days

Wrapping Up…

Monstera standleyana is a compact version of Monstera that flaunts its small yet faster-maturing leaves.

But true to its Monstera name, they could become a true monster to your pets, so ensure to keep them away from your pets and kids.

Happy Gardening!!!

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