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Top 5 Ways to Care & Grow Monstera Adansonii Variegated [Updated 2023]

The originality of the Monstera Adansonii Variegated dwells around its white-green perforated leaves, appearing only 3-4 years after the plant attains maturity under proper care.

Generally, Monstera Adansonii Variegated prefers 8-10 hours of indirect bright sunlight, temperatures of 65-80ºF, 50-90% surrounding humidity, and well-draining soil. Offer weekly or biweekly watering care, fertilizer application every 2 weeks, and repotting every 2 years with occasional pruning.

Resume learning to fetch tips for backing your Monstera Adansonii Variegated and keep it safe from upshots.

Overview of Monstera Adansonii Variegated 

Monstera Adansonii Variegated is famous for its white and pale green variegated leaves, making it rare and expensive.

The leaves of the plant are also peppered with gaps allowing it to evade direct sunlight.

The plant is a variegated cultivar of Monstera adansonii, an epiphytic climber with fenestrated green leaves and inhabitant of Central and South American tropical rainforests.
A Monstera Variegated plant growing in moss pole
The Moss Pole allows Monstera to climb and support its upward growth.

Additionally, the plant shows considerable resemblances with other variegated Monstera cultivars, peculiarly with Monstera Adansonii Albo Variegata. 

Scientific NameMonstera adansonii 'Variegated'
Common NameSwiss Cheese Plant

Adanson's Monstera

Five Holes Plant
USDA Zones9-12
Plant TypePerennial Herbaceous Evergreen Climbing Epiphyte
Growth Size3-8 feet tall indoors

13 feet tall in the wild
Growth RateModerate to Fast
LeafLance-shaped with perforations and pale green & white in color
Foliage Size1-3 feet length
FlowerSpathe & Spadix Inflorescence
ToxicityToxic to pets & humans

Monstera Adansonii Variegated Care Guide

Here are some points that can help you overcome the struggles while caring for the Monstera Adansonii Variegated.

A template containing a complete care tips for Monstera Adansonii Variegated.
Follow the care as per the guidance to keep the Adansonii Variegated healthy.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Many Albino Monstera cultivars require low light than pure breeds. They are also expensive and rare to have!

Similarly, provide the Monstera Adansonii Variegated with at least 8-10 hours of bright indirect light with a temperature of 65°F-80°F.

Additionally, Adansonii Variegated leaves retain less chlorophyll. Therefore, they demand more light than others aided by warm temperatures.

However, do not try to keep the plant under direct light as it bleaches the leaves with sunburn on the edges and tips.

Also, lack of light with cold drafts (< 28ºF) makes their leaves lose their variegations.

So situate your Adansonii Variegated near an east-facing window and use frost blankets and heating pads to keep the plant warm.

You can install a grow light and keep the Monstera under it for at least 8-12 hours if there is no natural light.

2. Water & Humidity

Monstera Adansonii Variegated prefers damp soil with 50-90% ambient humidity.

So, watering your Adansonii Variegated biweekly in spring and summer and every 2 weeks during fall and winter fulfills its requirement.

However, be wary of overwatering, as it blocks oxygen flow and leads to root rot, welcoming various diseases.

Ensure at least the top 1-2 inches of the soil is dry and keep a gap between watering by maintaining humidity but not for a longer stand.

Underwatering creates dried and hard soil that prevents the transportation of nutrients to the roots.

The blockage makes the roots unhealthy and dead over an extended period while the leaves curl, droop, and wilt over time.

So balance the moisture content by enriching the humidity with an electric humidifier or using the humidity tray method.

Brown Monstera leaves
Leaf browning is a common symptom that occurs due to underwatering, excessive sunlight, or imprudent fertilizer application.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

The Variegated Monstera Adansonii grows in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil with a pH range of 5.5-7.5.

Well-draining soil prevents the plant from being overwatered and permits water to seep through the soil, while nutrient riches befit healthy growth.

You can prepare the DIY mix using orchid bark, peat moss, organic perlite, and horticultural charcoal in a ratio of 5:1:1:1.

Offer half-diluted balanced fertilizer (20-20-20) bimonthly during the growing season, diluted to half the strength.

However, if your plant is overfertilized, you can notice yellow leaves, burnt foliage, and stunted growth with salt build-ups on the topsoil.

To remove the salt buildup, wash off the soil in distilled water.

Also, cease fertilizing the Adansonii Variegated in winter to prevent overfertilization as they enter dormancy.

4. Potting & Repotting

Monstera Adansonii Variegated does not like being in a compact pot for extended periods as they require open space for root growth.

So you might need to repot the plant every 2 years in the early spring into a pot 1-2 inches bigger than the current one.

Repotting the Adansonii Variegated in the active growing season helps to recover it from the stress as it generates new leaves, stalks, and roots.

You can notice signs like roots urging from drainage holes, yellow or brown leaves, stern soil, and curled roots.

Start by watering the Adansonii Variegated a couple of days before repotting.

Then, ease the soil by tapping the bottom of the container, tug the plant from the pot, and untangle the root ball.

Trim deteriorating roots with pruning shears to prevent infection spread.

Half-fill a terracotta pot with potting mix and place the plant in the center. Refill the sides with some more soil mixture up to the top.

A person holding on a small black pot containing plantlets of Monstera
Add pebbles to the potting mix to increase the drainage capacity.

Water the repotted plant thoroughly and let Adansonii Variegated stay in the location, receiving bright indirect light.

The plant may droop due to transplant shock, which is normal. Continue with usual care, allowing the plant to adapt naturally.

5. Occasional Pruning

Excess growth is when pruning comes into action, and it becomes a must if your Monstera Adansonii Variegated has withered, damaged, or diseased leaves.

Commonly pests like spider mites, brown scales, mealybugs, and aphids attack Adansonni Variegated, leaving behind fine webs, white residue, and blemishes on leaves.

You can control their colonies using neem oil sprays, insecticidal soap, or wiping the infested area with alcohol-dipped cotton wipes.

However, Adansonii is prone to diseases like bacterial blight, wilt, root rot, and anthracnose.

You can identify their presence from symptoms like yellow water-soaked lesions in leaf edges, veins and stems turning brown, and foul smell from roots.

Prune off the damaged leaf when you notice the diseased leaf and isolate the plant to control the further spread.

Lastly, treat the Monstera Adansonii Variegated with copper-rich fungicides to control the disease effectively.

Prune the Variegated Monstera Adansonii every spring since these houseplants remain dormant during winter.

Monstera Adansonii Variegated: Growth Habit

Monstera Adansonii Variegated takes up good growth, attaining at least 1-2 feet yearly to reach a mature height of 3-8 feet indoors and 13 feet in the wild.

Meanwhile, its lance-shaped leaf can grow up to 1-3 feet, adorning fenestrations and pale green and white smudges during maturity.

Besides, Monstera Adansonii, has many ornamental cultivars, such as Monstera Adansonii Albo Variegata, Monstera Adansonii Albo Aurea, Monstera Adansonii Variegated Tricolor, etc.

All these display parallel leaf shapes, sizes, growth rates, and perforations, with only a slight difference in the number of variegation colorings.

Moreover, the Variegated Monstera Adansonii rarely blooms, but depending on its aroid heritage, it may give out spathe and spadix inflorescence as flowers.

The inflorescence is comparable to other aroids in structure and function, like Philodendrons and Anthuriums. 

Is Variegated Adansonii Monstera Toxic to Humans & Pets?

According to ASPCA, the entire Monstera genus is mildly toxic to humans and pets, including the Adansonii Variegated.

A high amount of calcium oxalate crystals on the leaves, roots, and stems leads to toxicity.

The typical symptom ignited from the touch is skin irritation, such as itchiness and rashes, with gastrointestinal discomfort on consumption.

Meanwhile, it can create difficulty breathing, swelling, burning, vomiting, and irritation around your pet’s mouth or food pipe.

So contact the immediate helpline number on noticing any signs of Monstera toxicity before the conditions get out of control.

How to Propagate Variegated Monstera Adansonii?

Propagating Adansonii Variegated is difficult as it has only one successful method, i.e., stem cutting.

Although it flowers and produces seeds sometimes, plants developed from seeds lack variegation, giving monochromatic leaves.

So better to propagate Monstera Adansonii cuttings. Moreover, the cutting allows rooting in both soil and water medium.

Step 1: Get Stem Cuttings

Always use sterilized pruners to get stem cuts.

  • Choose a healthy plant having no yellow or damaged leaves.
  • Cut the stem leaving at least 2 nodes and leaves attached to a 3-4 inches long stem.
  • Leave the stem cut in a warm area for about a week to scab over.

Step 2: Rooting the Cutting

You can root your fresh cutting for propagation by choosing the potting medium; water or soil.

A. Propagation in Soil Medium

Propagating the cuttings directly in the soil leaves you out of the trouble of transplanting after the root growth.

  • Get a terracotta pot with enough drainage holes and a suitable potting mix.
  • Dig the soil around 2 inches deep and stick the stem inside.
  • Tuck it well and firm it by adding the soil from the sides.
  • Make the stem stand tall using a stick pole or a thin branch.
  • Cover the cuttings with a plastic bag to secure humidity and temperature.
  • Mist the soil to keep it moist till new roots and leaves develop.

B. Propagation in Water

Propagating the cuttings in water lets you check on the entire growth process and promotes faster rooting.

  • Fill a transparent glass or jar with a clean, room-temperature distilled rooting hormone solution.
  • Place the cutting in the jar with water. Be mindful not to drown it with the leaves to prevent the leaves from decaying.
  • Refill the water every 2-5 days to avert diseases and rotting.

After 2-3 weeks, roots develop, and you can transfer the rooted stem to a soil-filled pot after the roots grow up to 3-5 inches long.

Take reference from the video below!

Monstera Adansonii Variegated for Sale

Although Monstera Adansonii Variegated is rare, you can still buy it in these shops and add it to your indoor collection.

Shops/ SitesDelivery/ Shipping Period
AmazonWithin 4-5 days after placing an order
Aroid MarketWithin 1-3 weeks after placing an order
EtsyWithin 14-24 days after placing an order
EcuageneraWithin 24 hours after placing an order

From Editorial Team


Monstera plants are also great air purifiers that add freshness and aesthetic appeal to your overall indoor space outlook.

For top-fledged growth, provide your plant with bright indirect light and warm temperature, protecting it from cold drafts and pests attack.

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