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Mint With Purple Stem- Is It Normal? [Real] REASONS + FIXES

Within 20-30 species and 7500 varieties of Mint plants, some even come with purple stem. However, these purple stems may not always be natural!

Generally, Mint with purple stem may imply a plant suffering from nutrient deficiencies, lacking sunlight, undergoing cold stress or is ambushed by pests and diseases. But some hybrid Mint varieties with purple stems are also well-formed naturally. 

Let’s learn more about Mint plants and their varieties while also grasping the idea of growing them in your area.

What Is A Mint With Purple Stem?

Mints (Mentha species) come in different varieties, have culinary and medicinal uses, and serve as companion plants.

Banana Mints, Pepper Mints, Apple Mints, Chocolate Mints, and Ginger Mints, to name a few, which are hybrid cultivars with different flavor profiles.

Image illustrates the signs of Mint stem turning purple
Mint plants turn their leaves and stem purple due to nutrient deficiency, lack of sunlight, cold stress, and pest or disease infestation.

However, Mint varieties don’t only differ in flavors and pungency but also have distinct appearances, with some Mints having purple stems rather than green, black, or reddish tinges.

Sometimes, Mint plants with purple stems indicate the plant may lack phosphorous and sunlight, suffer from cold stress, or be under attack from pests and diseases.

But you can counter these issues by offering your Mint plants the following measures.

  • Using phosphorous-based fertilizers (every 2-4 weeks during spring)
  • Providing 6-8 hours of direct sunlight (and 2-5 hours of partial glow)
  • Sustaining surrounding temperatures between 65°F and 75°F
  • Applying neem oil during pest and diseases outbreaks

What Are Some Different Types Of Mint Plants With Purple Stem?

Environmental issues, nutrient deficiencies, and outbreaks are not the only reasons Mints turn their stem purple.

Some different Mint plant varieties with purple stems are also naturally available. Let’s list them out!

1. Perilla Mint

Perilla Mints have dark green to purple stems and foliage.

The leaves of Perilla Mints have wide denty margins and are oval (ovate or egg-shaped) leaves with acute tips.

Additionally, Perilla Mints can grow about 1-2 feet tall and wide.

They are also hardy from USDA zones 3-10.

2. Orange Mint

Orange Mints have green to dark purple stems and leaves with citrusy aromas.

However, the foliage of Orange Mints gets a reddish tinge during fall.

Further, the leaves of Orange Mints are almost round with dully serrated margins and blunt tips.

Orange Mints can get 2 feet tall and 1.5 feet wide as a fast-growing Mint variety.

Also, Orange Mints are hardy from USDA zones 4-11.

Image illustrates leaves of different Mint varieties
You can distinguish between the Mint varieties from their leaves.

3. Pepper Mint

Strong-scented and aromatic Pepper Mints have dark to bright green leaves with square purple stems and leaf tips.

Moreover, the leaves bear tight serrations and are ovoid to ovate in shapes.

When grown properly, they become 1.5-2.5 feet tall and about 2 feet wide.

Further, Pepper Mints prefer a hardiness zone ranging from 3-8.

How To Care For Mint Plants?

Offer water to your Mint plants every 1-3 times a week, depending on how hot it is. You can also fertilize the Mint plants monthly during growing seasons.

Also, prune your Mint plants about one-third to one-half to keep their growth compact during the fall before the first frost. But, repot it in larger terracotta planters every 1-2 years for more spacious growth.

4. Margarita Mint

Margarita Mints carry the typical ‘minty’ aroma with a light limey fragrance and bear light green leaves with purple edges and stems.

The leaves are elliptically ovate in shape with the standard minty marginal serrations.

Margarita Mints can grow 1.5-2 feet tall and wide, but you can keep it pot-sized with occasional pruning.

Moreover, they prefer a USDA hardiness zone from 5-8 and grow best with full sunlight.

5. Chocolate Mint

Chocolate Mints are perhaps the best-known standard Mint of all the Mint varieties, with purple stems and green leaves.

In Chocolate Mints, the leaves are ovate with faint marginal serrations.

Chocolate Mints can grow about 3 feet tall and wide with a quick growth rate.

Further, Chocolate Mints are hardy from USDA zones 5-9a.

From Editorial Team


Mints can combat many bodily disorders, but eating too much of it can harm you and your pets.

A few leaves per day will not cause any trouble. However, ensure to infuse it as a form of supplement.

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