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A Complete Guide to Manjula Pothos Care

Manjula Pothos has the most striking white variegation, but the sad part is it can revert without optimum bright light.

Generally, Manjula Pothos thrive in bright indirect light with a temperature of 64-84°F and humidity above 60%. In addition, it requires well-draining soil, watering every 2-3 weeks, monthly feeding, and repotting every 2-3 years with occasional pruning.

The white striation of Manjula Pothos is its most remarkable characteristic. So read on to maintain the variegation throughout the year.

Overview of Manjula Pothos

Manjula Pothos, a native to Asia with concentrations in China, India, and the Pacific Islands, is a patented variety of Pothos developed at the University of Florida.

Scientific Name Epipremnum aureum Manjula
Common Name Manjula Pothos
Happy Leaf Pothos
Jewel Pothos
Family Araceae
USDA11 to 12
NaturePerennial Evergreen Vine
Average Height6 ft long
3 ft wide
Foliage Large, undulating leaves fused with splashes, swirls and dapples of white
Growth RateSlow to moderate
Growth Habits More mounding/bushy growth habit
Growing TimeSpring/Summer
Toxicity Toxic humans and animals

A Complete Guide to Manjula Pothos Care

Provide the stunning Manjula Pothos, in any house or terrarium, with the greatest possible care to enjoy the dark to light heart-shaped green leaves.

A template containing the complete care tips for Manjula Pothos
Follow the tips to keep the velvety foliage flourishing.

1. Sunlight and Temperature

The Manjula Pothos isn’t particular about lighting but demands a moderate to warm temperature as they are not cold-resistant.

Bright, medium and low-light environments providing at least 6-8 hours of indirect light and a minimum temperature of 64-84ºF is enough for the Pothos.

However, it cannot stand direct sunlight as it causes leaves to dry and have black or bleached patches with burns.

Likewise, keep Manjula out of dark regions and corners, as insufficient light invites cold drafts, leading to a loss in variegation with pale or yellow dried leaves.

Given these circumstances, an east-facing window where the morning sun shines brightly is ideal.

Also, keep the heating mat under the pot or mulch the topsoil to give continuous warmth by preventing heat loss.

For a dark room, keep the Pothos under the grow light for at least 7-8 hours and cover them with a frost blanket to protect them from drafts.

Variegated foliage plants require more light since their two-toned leaves contain less chlorophyll, which is required for growth.

2. Water & Humidity

Ensure the soil is completely dry between watering sessions and has medium to high humidity (60-90%) around the Manjula Pothos.

The optimum watering schedule for Pothos is once every 2-3 weeks as they like to be moist but not soggy with extra humidity.

However, do not overdo the watering as it may lead to water logging around the soil and cause the slow growth of plants, followed by root rot and browning of leaves.

On the other hand, do not forget to water them once the top 2 to 3 inches of soil dries, or the stem may drop to the ground with dry yellow leaves.

Similarly, keep a regular check for humidity with the help of a hygrometer. Install a humidifier if the humidity is low.

Using the humidity trays, placing the Manjula Pothos in the bathroom, or grouping the plants can also boost the humidity.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Manjula Pothos prefers airy loamy, well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral (6.0-6.5 pH) soil enriched with organic matter.

Prepare a DIY using peat moss and perlite in a 2:1 ratio, and aid the soil with monthly, half-diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer during spring and summer. But cease winter feeding.

Using orchid bark, coco coir, and vermiculite in your soil mixture is also recommended to increase porosity.

Alternatively, you can buy online potting mixes, like Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, Soil Sunrise Potting Mixture, and Espoma Organic Soil.

But restrain from fertilizing the store-bought mix for at least six months to prevent overfertilization which may burn the leaves and turn them yellow.

Meanwhile, do not leave the Pothos till they turn completely brown and crispy, as it is a sign of nutrient-deficient Pothos.

In such a case, water the plant before feeding it to avoid fertilizer build-up and allow nutrient absorption by the roots readily.

4. Potting and Repotting

Go for at least 4 to 6 inches terracotta pot for Manjula Pothos, as they do not outgrow their pot for at least 2-3 years.

However, try repotting the Pothos during the spring if you notice any roots poking from the drainage holes and tight soil as they have become rootbound.

Start by getting a container about 2 inches bigger than the one you’re using right now.

You’ll also want some new potting soil that is well-draining. You can improve the drainage by adding perlite or pumice.

Now, remove the plant from its present container with care.

Then, fill the bottom of the new pot with dirt and place the plant in it to stand out at the same height as in its former habitat.

Backfill the hole with soil. However, do not compact it too tightly and maintain it free so that air and water can readily reach the roots.

Lastly, water your plant thoroughly.

5. Occasional Pruning

As a trailing plant, pruning is necessary to maintain Manjula Pothos since vines that have not been cut will trail 8 to 10 feet long.

Also, you must prune to remove damaged yellow, discolored leaves due to any pest infestation or disease and make the Pothos fuller.

Common pests attacking Manjula includes Mealybugs, Spider mites, and Scales, responsible for the yellowing with white cottony masses on the leaves and stems.

So better to spray neem oil or insecticidal soap to control the pests. You can also place the plant under running water and dry it afterward.

Meanwhile, Rhizoctonia root rot, Botrytis blight, and Bacterial wilt are common diseases in Pothos, resulting in necrotic patches, mushy stems and roots with black veined leaves.

The only solution for the disease is to prune off the damaged part and apply copper-rich fungicide to control further spread.

You should prune your Pothos in the growing seasons, summer and spring.

Manjula Pothos: All About Growth Habits

Like other Pothos relatives, the Manjula is recognized for its beautiful leaves.

The most remarkable characteristic of Manjula Pothos is the white variegations that appear to be brushstrokes of cream patches on the green leaves.

On the leaf margins, the Manjula has a more solid green hue, similar to the Pearl and Jade Pothos in appearance.

However, the leaves of the Manjula are more white than green, and they are also broader and rounder.

A black pot containing the leaves of Pothos is lying over a table
The leaves are more variegated, making them a slow-growing plant.
Similarly, Manjula Pothos grows slowly because of its silver, cream, and white variegation, attaining a height of about 6 feet indoors but about 20 to 40 feet in the wild.

In conclusion, the Manjula Pothos is a slow-growing, compact, trailing, cascading variety with thick leaves.

Method of Propagating Manjula Pothos

Stem cuttings are an easy way to reproduce Manjula Pothos. Taking cuttings can not only help you grow new plants, but it will also help you save money.

You can successfully propagate your Manjula Pothos most effectively in July and August.

Follow these methods to grow your Manjula Pothos from stem cuttings:

  • Choose a healthy stem with 2 to 3 leaves and take 4-5 inch long stem cuttings below a leaf node for new roots to sprout on the cutting.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting and immerse the exposed stem in a jar or container with water.
  • To keep the cutting fresh, place it in a spot that receives bright, indirect light and refill the water once a week.
  • After a few weeks, you should start to see roots emerge.

You may transplant the cuttings in a pre-moistened, well-draining potting mix once the roots are at least one inch long.

To assist the roots in acclimatizing to the soil, keep the cuttings equally wet during the first 1-2 weeks after planting.

You can resume a regular watering routine after the first few weeks.

Flowering is rare in Manjula Pothos, so trying to propagate from seeds would be a lost cause.

Toxicity of Manjula Pothos

Unfortunately, Manjula, a member of the Pothos family, contains insoluble Calcium oxalates, which are toxic to humans and pets.

Touching the plant leaves may not show immediate reactions, but chewing the leaves will surely do and result in mouth irritation.

Cats and dogs show the symptoms like inflammation, vomiting, burning sensations, drooling and decreased appetite.

Therefore, watch out for the location you place the Manjula Pothos. Ensure it is out of the reach of furry pets and playful children.

The plant will induce inflammation, vomiting, and other unpleasant side effects if consumed.

Contact the nearby vet or immediate helpline number if your pet has ingested a potentially harmful substance.

Take reference from the video for any visual aid!

Manjula Pothos For Sale

Although the availability of Manjula Pothos is not as common as the Golden Pothos, making it a rare variety, you can look for the online sites below to bring one.

Places to Buy Shipping Details
EtsyWithin 5-8 days
PlantvineWithin 7-10 business days
PlantlyWithin 1-5 days depending upon location
Gabriella PlantsWithin 7 days of Purchase

Manjula Pothos Vs. Marble Queen

The drawback of each variegated variety of Pothos is the similarity in their leaves, making it difficult for us to differentiate them.

And the most common confusion creating variety is the Manjula Pothos and Marble Queen Pothos.

However, you can distinctly identify the leaves, as Manjula has a combination of white, cream and green, while Marble Queen has a combination of white over green.

Similarly, the Manjula has a rough leaf texture compared to the smooth and waxy Marble Queen.

Also, the leaves of Manjula are shorter and more rounded than Marble Queen, which has long, pointed leaves.

FAQs About Manjula Pothos

Is a Manjula Pothos rare?

Debatable, but most Pothos lover claims the Manjula Pothos to be rare as it is not as readily available as other common Pothos varieties like Devil’s ivy.

However, the number of stores selling the Manjula has increased over the past few years, making it easy to buy and care for.

Why are Manjula Pothos so expensive?

Manjula Pothos are famous for their variegation, making them expensive but affordable.

However, the most expensive among the Pothos variety is the Harlequin Pothos.

From Editorial Team


Pothos has lately seen many new kinds, with stunning leaf variegation, making it one of the most popular plants on the market.

They’ll be a significant hit in your home or business with their enormous, mottled green and white leaves and ability to survive all kinds of weather.

With the abovementioned guide, I hope your Manjula Pothos will thrive into a luscious happy plant.

Happy Gardening!

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