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10+ Magical Plants With Names & Pictures

If you are a Harry Potter fan, you may have heard about stupefying Magical Plants. Likewise, many real-world herbs also bag medicinal benefits, attract pollinators, and fortify your garden.  

Generally, there are many Magical Plants to add to the garden, but some renowned names include Shame Plant, Mandrake, Vervain, Henbane, Datura, Artemisia, Nightshade, Yarrow, Stone Plants, Tillandsia, Venus Fly Trap, and Wolfsbane.

So, to learn about their growing methods and use these least-known Magical Plants, read the article until the end!

Do Magical Plants Exist?

Many plants serve as great garden companions for other plants, help lure pollinators and relieve bodily disorders.

Movies, fables, and books have always lauded Magical Plants that heal grave wounds, climb above the clouds, and create magic potions.

However, the otherworldly magical properties of these plants are ghost stories and fictional.

Magical Plants have mystical healing or opiating properties due to some “magical chemicals” that do most tricks, making muggles think they are mystical.

10+ Magical Plants with Names & Pictures

Here are a few Magical Plants you can consider decorating your garden and home.

1. Shame Plant or Touch-Me-Not

The Shame Plant (Mimosa pudica) stands by its name and will fold its leaves when you attempt to touch it.

Also known as ‘Touch-Me-Not,’ these Central and South American natives have the most sensitive leaves.

The leaves of this plant close in the darkness and open in the daylight. Technically, this type of gesture is called the ‘nyctinastic movement.’

Magical Powers: Leaves have medicinal properties for treating urinary disorders, piles, dysentery, etc.

Image represents a flowering Shame Plant
Shame Plant has sensitive leaves that furl and unfurl based on touch and light senses.

Additionally, the Shame Plant bears prickles in the stems and petioles with fuzzy and ball-like flowers at the tip of the stems.

To grow this plant, keep it in bright indirect light for 8 hours daily near an east-facing window.

Also, the plant needs a well-draining soil admixed semi-diluted high-potassium fertilizer weekly during spring and summer.

2. Vervain

Vervain (Verbena species) is often mentioned in folklore and tales of vampires and is also called ‘Enchanter’s Herb.’

There are tales of Vervain’s uses in magical potions and spells, deeming it a mythical plant.

Since the Roman empire, people have used Vervains to deter vampires, black magic, and conjure spiritual practices. 

Magical Powers: The whole plant has medicinal powers like relieving tumors, offering antimicrobial abilities, and protecting from the bad vibes of depression. 

Image represents flowering Vervain plants
Vervain blooms with lavender to purple color flowers along a tall flowering spike and is a highly medicinal plant used since ancient times.

Also known as ‘Holy Herb,’ it is mixed into a potion to treat inflammation and increase lactation in women and wounds.

Vervains grow efficiently in zones 3-9 and flowers throughout the spring until fall with pink, lavender, blue, and purple blooms. 

They grow as lush garden-bordering plants when fed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks in spring and summer.

3. Henbane

Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) is a part of the Solanaceae or deadly nightshade family, which bear yellowish bell-shaped flowers with purple veins.

The plant is notoriously toxic and contains alkaloids, like hyoscyamine and scopolamine, which can cause excessive drooling, headache, vomiting, and tremors.

Magical Powers: Plant parts have many uses in traditional medicinal practices for treating epilepsy, psychosis, and stomachache and relive neuralgic pains.

Image represents Henbane plant flower
Henbane plant has gorgeous bell-shaped blooms but are highly toxic and are believed to have magical healing quirks.

Also known as the ‘Witch’s Drug,’ Henbane was often made into potions that caused powerful hallucinations, like flying.

The plant emits a foul, fishy smell which helps repel many pests and predators, so consider planting them close to the borders in a porous, sandy, loamy soil.

Also, they grow well in zones 4-8 under direct sunlight for 6-8 hours daily in spring and summer and are fed with bloom-boosting feed once before heat spells. 

4. Datura

Datura (Datura species) is a flowering plant from the nightshade family Solanaceae, like Henbane.

It gloats funnel-shaped, light purple to white flowers, large, lobed leaves, and spiky fruits with hallucinogenic quirks.

Magical Powers: Plant parts contain antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer, and antifungal tropane alkaloids, which render solid visual delusions and a natural remedy for body pains.

Image represents a flowering and fruiting Datura plant
Datura plant has psychedelic compounds in the flowers and fruits that can give its user the sense of hallucinations and is a vital medicinal plant.

Additionally, the Datura plant is culturally significant, with uses in ceremonial and festival practices.

The plant grows in 6 hours of full sunlight daily in zones 6-10 and prefers humus-rich soil.

Although a mature Datura plant becomes a little drought tolerant, its seedlings need much water during their growing phase. 

The flowers emit a honey-suckle-like scent, which lures nighttime pollinators like sphinx moths and daytime visitors like honeybees.

5. Wolfsbane

Wolfsbane (Aconitum species), known as ‘Monkshood’ or ‘Aconite,’ is a highly toxic plant, but its roots are vital components in many magical potions.

Additionally, Ancient Greeks laced the arrows with poisonous plant parts to hunt wolves, hence its name!

According to Greek mythology, Wolfsbane’s poisonous sap first poured from the mouth of Cerebus, the hell-guarding three-headed dog.

Medicinal Powers: In China and India, the plant is a crucial part of traditional restorative practices for healing asthma, gastroenteritis, and joint and abdominal pains.

Image represents flowers of Monkshood or Wolfsbane
Wolfsbane is one of the most poisonous plant species in the world, and all its parts contain the toxic ‘aconitine.’

When growing Wolfsbane, consider keeping them in partial shade in the afternoon and full sunlight.

The plant tops purple-colored blooms during summer to early fall from zones 3-8, but it may have a long flowering period in colder regions.

6. Mandrake

Mandrakes (Mandragora species) belong to the Solanaceae family, with rosette, bell-shaped purple to yellow-green flowers.

With large taproots that can grow up to 2 feet underground, the plant boasts comparatively thin stems and leaves.

Mandrake roots unusually look like a human body, which is why it’s associated with witchcraft.

Additionally, there’s a myth that a demon lives in the roots of Mandrake and will kill anyone who tries to uproot the plant.

Magical Powers: The fruits and roots of certain Mandrake species, such as Mandragora autumnalis, are traditional medicines for metabolic disorders.

Image represents the roots of Mandrake plant
The humanly-looking Mandrake roots are still notoriously used in witchcraft and black magic practices.

The plant works as a soporific (sleep-inciting) and a pain reliever and has been a part of many medicinal practices.

For a prolific blooming spell, you must render sandy and fluffy soil and at least 8 hours of bright indirect sunlight. 

7. Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea species) is a popular flowering herb plant in many parts of Asia, Europe, and North America.

To ancients, Yarrow was called Herba Militia or ‘Military Herb.’ According to the legends, Achilles used Yarrow to stitch the wounds of his soldiers.

Magical Powers: The extracts of Yarrow show antibacterial and antioxidant activities and have possible uses in organic drugs.

Image represents flowers of Yarrow plant
Yarrow acts as an excellent ground cover for spring and begets umbrella-shaped flower clusters with a sweet smell that helps to attract pollinators.

In European folk medicines, Yarrows are utilized to increase saliva content and stomach acids in humans to aid digestion.

You can grow the Yarrow as an outdoor or an indoor plant from zones 3-9, and it spawns clusters of colorful blooms from mid-spring to fall. 

They flower best in 6+ hours of full sun and well-draining arid soils during peak growing seasons. Usually, people grow Yarrows as groundcovers.

8. Deadly Nightshade

The poisonous Deadly Nightshade (Atropa bella-donna) falls in the Solanaceae family, and its roots, leaves, and fruits contain fatal alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine).

Most poisoning symptoms of the plant surface in children who try to consume their seemingly edible black poisonous berries.

The plant is associated with black magic practices and witchcraft as its paste was topically applied as an ointment to give the delusion of flying!

Magical Powers: Ophthalmologists use atropine eye drops to dilate pupils during eye checkups, and lab tests on phytochemicals show an increase in the mortality rate of cattle ticks.

Image represents flowers of Deadly Nightshade plant
Deadly Nightshade is a member of the Solanaceae family and has toxic flowers and berries loaded with ‘atropine’ that can cause blurring vision, body convulsions, and eventually death.

From late spring to early fall, the plant bears brownish-purple bell-shaped flowers, which slowly change to round and jet-black berries.

However, the plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight to grow, blossom, and bear the poisonous fruits.

Their toxicity deters herbivores and pests, so they serve as excellent border and companion plants for potatoes, tomatoes, chilies, and tobacco.

9. Artemisia

Mugworts or Wormwoods (Artemisia species) is a beneficial medicinal plant belonging to the plant family Asteraceae.

Historians believe the name refers to the Greek goddess Artemis and is used for magic, ritual, and medicine, but eating it raw may cause hallucinations.

Magical Powers: Artemisia plant parts treat lung diseases, worm infections, heart attacks, cancers, gastric upsets, etc.

Image represents Artemisia plant
Artemisia leaves have ‘caryophyllene,’ a peppery substance that gives the plant parts a spicy taste.

In many people, Mugworts can have adverse effects like rashes and allergies on the skin, resulting from dermal or ocular contact.

Moreover, Artemisia can grow as an indoor or outdoor plant from zones 3-10.

They love at least 6-8 hours of filtered sunlight daily and well-draining soil with lots of organic matter.

Although a foliage plant, fertilizer application is not necessary if you offer it with nutrient-rich soil.

10. Living Stone

Lithops species or Living Stones are succulents, a member of Aizoaceae.

They require 4-6 hours of intense sunlight in the morning, some shade in the afternoon, and highly porous cactus soil.

Magical Powers: Living Stones have evolved to look like small pebbles that help them to camouflage and avoid predators.

Image represents potted Living Stone plants
Living Stone plants are succulents that share an uncanny resemblance with tiny pebbles that helps to blend in the surroundings of the desert.

It resembles rock sprouting showy white or yellow flowers, growing and maturing slowly, taking 3-4 years to bloom. 

If you grow Living Stones in a pebble tray, you won’t notice it as its color and texture match that of small rocks!

11. Venus Flytrap

Dionaea species or Venus Flytraps are available in several baffling forms as they have modified leaves in the form of hinging traps.

The plant requires 4-6 hours of direct sunlight and well-draining sphagnum-loaded soil with acidic pH of around 3.5-5.5.

Magical Powers: The traps catch small prey like insects and tiny animals, close the lobes, and begin digesting, which may take around 5-12 days.

Image represents Venus Flytrap plant capturing its prey
Venus Flytraps are predatory plants with modified leaves in the form of trap jaws containing juices that can easily digest their prey whole within a matter of days.

Harry Potter movies have negatively portrayed Venus Flytraps as aggressive plants which are harmless and reduce unwanted bugs indoors. 

12. Tillandsia

Air Plants or Tillandsia species are named aptly so due to their ability to uptake moisture and nutrients from the air using their leaves and scales. 

Belonging to the Bromeliaceae family, these plants are epiphytes and enjoy blooming in spring and summer.

Magical Powers: These plants don’t have any roots, so they are perfect for open desert terrariums with rocks and dead branches, allowing them to cling to the substrate.

Image represents an open terrarium for Tillandsia plants
Open glass terrariums are fitting for rootless Tillandsia, which grows solely with the nutrients and moisture from the air.

For full growth, water them weekly or soak them for 2-3 hours if you live in a drier climate.

You can also situate them indoors near an east-facing window for 4-6 hours daily for bright indirect sunlight.

From Editorial Team

There are various Magical Plants worldwide, each requiring a conducive yet unique growing environment or care.

Therefore, talk with the botanist or supplier, or follow this guide to find pick-up supervision for your magical plant.

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