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Anthurium Weberbaueri: Buy & Care Guide

Are you looking for a colorful Anthurium species that are rare and easy to care for? If that’s the case, Anthurium weberbaueri, with its velvety, glossy leaves, is the plant for you.

Additionally, if you enjoy collecting unique Anthurium species, get a weberbaueri as soon as possible.

With the minimal growth environment, your weberbaueri can thrive in your home. Aside from that, the plant can aid your decor and purify the air.

Generally, Anthurium weberbaueri requires 7-8 hours of bright indirect light, room-like humidity, and temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It also necessitates bimonthly feeding, re-potting, and pruning every 2-3 years. 

Anthurium weberbaueri (Source: ecuagenera)

However, primary care isn’t enough for the Anthurium weberbaueri to thrive; it also needs your attention several times a week. 

Simply ensure that you meet the essential need, which I shall describe throughout the article.

Overview of Anthurium Weberbaueri

Did you know that the Anthurium weberbaueri got its name after the eminent botanist August Weberbaueri?

August weberbaueri was a German biologist and pioneer explorer of Peruvian and Andean plant life.

Furthermore, Anthurium weberbaueri is native to the eastern Andes, where altitudes range from 500 to 1500 meters.

Additionally, it is a terrestrially spreading epiphytic plant.

A table with more information on Anthurium weberbaueri is below.

Scientific NameAnthurium weberbeuri
NativePeru, Bolivia
Growth ZoneUSDA 10 or higher
Plant TypeEvergreen
Growth Size2-3 feet tall and about 2 feet wide
Growth habitModerate to Fast
FoliageVelvety glossy leaves
FloweringRare or None
Soil pH5.5-6.5
ToxicityToxic to Humans and Pets
Common PestsMealybugs, Whiteflies, Scales, Aphids, and Spider mites
Horticultural DiseasesBacterial blight, Leaf Spot, and Root rot

Where to Buy Anthurium Weberbaueri?

If you own Anthurium weberbaueri, propagating it is the most cost-effective alternative.

You might look for one at local nurseries and plant stores if you don’t have one.

Additionally, this plant is also available on several various websites. Let’s look at a few to help you manage your purchasing procedure.

Where to BuyPros/Cons
EtsyPros: Expect to receive your delivery within 7-10 days.
Cons: Not many items are available
ecuagenera (europe)Pros: Shipped worldwide through Germany.
Cons: Can be delayed.
Us amazon plantsPros: Availability of assorted tropical species
Cons: Slight expensive along with shipping fee.
ecuageneraPros: Cost effective and return policy
Cons: Slow shipping.

Anthurium Weberbaueri: Complete Grow & Care Guide

Anthurium weberbaueri thrives extraordinarily well when given the correct setting.

To keep your Anthurium weberbaueri happy, you can create a favorable growing environment that resembles tropical forests.

Anthurium Weberbaueri (Source: ecuagenera)

Furthermore, weberbaueri is a low-maintenance plant.

Therefore, it doesn’t require much trimming or repotting and thrives in most residential environments.

Here are some more Anthurium weberbaueri care and propagation suggestions.

FactorsFavorable Parameters
Sunlight8 hours of bright indirect sunlight
WateringOnce or twice a week in summer and once a month in winter
Temperature70-90 degrees Fahrenheit
Humidity40-60% of the relative humidity
Soil TypeHighly organic and porous potting mix
Soil pH5.5 - 6.5
FertilizerSlow-release liquid fertilizer, bimonthly
Re-pottingOnce in 2-3 years
PruningOnce a year in the autumn season
PropagationRoot division, Stem Cuttings and Via seeds

1. Bright Indirect Sunlight and Proper Location

Anthurium weberbaueri grows naturally in the shadow or under trees. Therefore, you’ll want to mimic it with bright indirect light to medium light.

Therefore, the amount of light and the duration you expose your plant are both crucial. This plays a key role in establishing correct leaf coloring.

To keep your Anthurium weberbaueri out of direct sunlight, place it near a south-facing window with transparent curtains.

Indoor plants receiving bright indirect light (Source: Unsplash)

Anthurium weberbaueri can attain its maximum foliage growth in the spring and summer. For this, you’ll need to ensure it receives plenty of sunlight.

Additionally, the plant benefits from as least 8 hours of indirect or diffused sunlight.

Furthermore, if not given enough light and positioned correctly, your weberbaueri may have early foliage fall.

Signs of Low LightSigns of Extreme Light
It causes stunted, leggy, and dull growth.It causes a high transpiration rate, and leaves start to curl.
Leaves appear bleached, yellow, disclosed, and smaller in size.Extreme heat breakdowns the chlorophyll, so the leaves appear pale or discolored.
Low chlorophyll leads to less pigmented leaves.Burning of leaf and leaf scorch.

Tips to Provide Adequate Sunlight to Anthurium Weberbaueri

  • In summers, arrange transparent drapes in front of the window to protect your plant from direct sunlight.
  • Provide your plant as much diffused light as possible without burning it, keep it 5 to 8 feet away from the window.
  • In the winter, place it near an east-facing window where it will get direct morning sunlight.
  • Rotate your plant once a week to ensure that sunlight is even throughout its leaves.
  • In the winter, choosing a brightly lighted location, such as a patio, entrance, or east-facing window that receives early morning sunlight, is best.

Pro Tip! Use LED grow lights and fluorescent tubes in winter BUT keep the grow light 12-24 inches away from the plant so that the light can diffuse equally and evenly.

2. Moderate Watering

Anthurium weberbaueri requires more water than usual throughout the summer and spring.

This is because it proliferates, and the temperature is scorching.

If 40 percent of the soil dries out throughout the summer and spring seasons, make sure to water your plant thoroughly and regularly once or twice a week.

Watering the plant
Watering the plant (Source: Tenor)

Depending on the season, Anthurium weberbaueri will require more or less water.

You can either slow or cut off waterings in the winter season.

Whether you have overwatered or underwatered your plant, your plant will display symptoms.

Overwatered PlantUnderwatered Plant
Yellowing, limping, and droopy foliageWilted and crispy leaves
Decayed lower rootsBrown leaf edges
Slowed plant growthCurled and browned leaves
Root RotStunted foliage growth

Tips to water Anthurium Weberbaueri Correctly

  • When the upper 2-3 inches of topsoil dries out, water your Anthurium Weberbaueri.
  • You can use a friendly moisture meter to check if the topsoil is dry before each watering.
  • You must water the plant until the water drains out of the draining holes in your pot.
  • Watering from the foliage or misting too much puts your plant susceptible to fungus.
  • You can use a self-watering system to maintain the proper watering method.
  • It’s preferable to water your plant with lukewarm or room temperature water.

Tip: You can use the stick method to prevent watering issues – take a dry stick and insert it 2-3 inches deep in the soil. If it comes dry, the soil lacks moisture and needs watering.

Your plant won’t have any watering problems if you follow the measures mentioned above after observing the symptoms.

Also, watch this video for more watering tips,

3. Warm Temperature

When caring for Anthurium weberbaueri inside, it’s vital to keep track of the temperature in your home.

If the temperature in your home becomes unusually cold or hot, you may have problems.

Anthurium weberbaueri is a tropical plant that thrives at temperatures between 70-90°F (21-32°C).

Plant Tolerating High Temperature
Plant Tolerating High Temperature

When the day heats up, take the plant outside in the winter sun, but bring it back inside when night falls.

However, keep your plant away from excessive heat and suffocation in the summer.

Signs that Anthurium Weberbaueri is not receiving optimum temperature:

  • The leaves are turning yellow and falling off.
  • The rate of growth is slow and stunted.
  • The plant is starting to wilt.
  • Curled-up and drooping leaves.

Tips to Maintain Warm Temperature for Anthurium Weberbaueri

  • Keep your Anthurium weberbaueri away from cold drafts, air conditioning, and heating vents.
  • Wrap your plant in a frost blanket or a plastic bag if the temperature drops too low to avoid chilly stress.
  • To maintain optimum temperature and avoid cold stress, lay a heating pad under the pot.
Heat Mat with Digital Thermostat
Heat Mat with Digital Thermostat (Source: Amazon)
  • If the weather is high and the leaves are prone to wilting, misting can aid. To avoid plant burn, mist early in the morning.
  • Further, a layer of pine mulch on top of the soil can help retain the heat as a home treatment.
  • Using a mini greenhouse or terrarium in the winter, you may avoid cold stress for your plants.

Maintain a good air circulation, especially during the spring and summer seasons, to ensure your plant’s healthy growth.

4. Moderate Humidity

Anthuriums thrive in moist conditions. As a result, a stable humid climate will be sufficient to keep your weberbaueri content.

This plant does not like excessively humid or dry conditions, which may cause its leaves to droop and eventually fall off.

Anthurium weberbaueri enjoys a humidity level of 40 to 60%.

Room humidifier for plants
Electric Humidifier (Source: Amazon)

Nonetheless, this range demonstrates that the plant is also not fond of very low humidity.

As a result, avoid using air conditioning, vents, or heaters, which can dry out the leaves and cause harm.

If the humidity fluctuates frequently, you should use extreme caution. Your plant could display a few distinct signs.

Signs of Low Humidity Signs of High Humidity
Shriveling of leavesMold or mildew growth on the plant
Leaves turning brown and crispyInfections with fungi
Leaves and stalks show wiltingPatches of grey mold
Yellow leaves may begin to fallExcessive humidity can show Growth of mold on the pot and potting soil as well

Follow the instructions below to maintain the humidity if you observe any signs or symptoms.

Tips to Maintain Humidity for Anthurium Weberbaueri

  • You may boost the humidity in your room with a humidifier, and you can monitor it using a hygrometer.
  • Simply place a pebble tray with water underneath your leaf.
  • If you notice indicators of low humidity, think about misting the leaves.
  • Proper room ventilation can help any excess moisture escape by circulating the air.
  • In the winter, relocate your plant to rooms with greater humidity levels in your house, such as the kitchen or the bathroom.

Note: The longer moisture stays on the leaf’s surface, the greater the chance of bacterial and fungal growth.

5. Well-draining Potting Soil

Your Anthurium weberbaueri will remain in a specific potting mix until you repot them. So, it is crucial to achieve the ideal consistency.

Anthurium weberbaueri grows best in well-draining, aerated soil with a neutral pH (5.5-6.5).

Potting mix
Preparation of Potting mix for Anthurium weberbaueri (Source: Pexels)

For Anthurium Weberbaueri, make a well-draining organic soil with 20% perlite and 80% regular proprietary houseplant compost mix.

Cactus soil mixed with peat moss and perlite, on the other hand, might work well.

These mixtures naturally have a neutral or slightly acidic feel that lets your plant grow well.

Note: You must be careful when making the potting mix to avoid excessive water retention and possible root rot.

Further, you can also try making a potting mix by combining the ingredients below.

  • One part of perlite or pumice
  • One part of cacti and succulent mix
  • 1/3 part of cocopeat or peat moss
  • And 1/3 part of organic compost (Worm casting, animal manure, chicken litter, etc.)

However, if you are fond of commercially ready-made potting soil or even if you are a new plant parent, we are here to help you.

Here are some of the recommendations.

6. Bimonthly Fertilization

Before purchasing any fertilizer, you must first choose what fertilizer to feed and how often to provide your Anthurium weberbaueri.

You should also note that Anthurium weberbaueri cannot tolerate too much potassium in the soil.

Fertilize your Anthurium weberbaueri every 6-8 weeks during the growing season with slow-release liquid fertilizer.

Woman pours liquid mineral fertilizer, in watering can with water
Woman pouring liquid fertilizer into the watering can (Source: Stocklib)

If you are worried about the plant’s overall health, you can always use the balanced fertilizer 10-10-10; if you want a great bloom, you can use high phosphorus.

Stop feeding the plants in the winter as they won’t grow much in the chilly weather.

You can buy organic fertilizers from the store or use regular handmade compost and manure.

Here are some of the common fertilizers for Anthurium Weberbaueri,

The fertilizer above has three numerals: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N.P.K).

If your plant displays any of the signs listed below, you may have over or under-fertilized your plant.

Signs of Under-fertilizationSigns of Over-fertilization
Faint and pale foliageLeaves start turning brown
Frail stemWithering of lower leaves
Yellowing of leavesStem starts turning yellow and the leaves start wilting
Falling off of leavesFertilizer crusts and salt buildup on the soil surface and roots
Slow plant growth or stunted growthLeaf tips and margins start to turn brown

Tips to Fertilize your Anthurium Weberbaueri Correctly

  • To avoid fertilizer burn, ensure the fertilizers don’t come into contact with the stem or leaves.
  • Dilute the fertilizer to 1/4 strength and only fertilize at the designated times to prevent over-fertilization.
  • Moisture aids in nutrient uptake. So, before fertilizing the plant, I recommend you water it first.
  • Always use the fertilizer during the growing season.

Note: If the salt accumulation is excessively high, you can use  Osmcote 14-14-14 or Nutricote 13-13-13 to balance the adverse effects caused by over-fertilization.

7. Repotting Anthurium Weberbaueri

Anthurium weberbaueri requires repotting every couple of years to preserve its tiny, bushy shape and proper root growth.

Repotting is required since your plant might grow rapidly throughout the year and become root-bound.

During the growing season, repot your Anthurium weberbaueri once every two to three years.

Root bound problems
Root bound in Anthurium (Source: Unsplash)

You’ll need to transfer them into larger pots with fresh soil mix once they’ve outgrown their original pots.

You should consider repotting the plant if your plant has root bound, root rots, or fungal or bacterial infestations.

You need to consider repotting the plant for various reasons. Check the below-mentioned signs and symptoms.

Signs your Anthurium Weberbaueri Needs Re-potting

  • Your Anthurium weberbaueri’s roots are poking through the drainage holes in the pot.
  • Due to a lack of area for developing roots, the plant begins to lift itself from the pot.
  • The soil is always wet and holds an excessive amount of moisture.
  • Foliage shows signs of stunted development.
  • Leaves deterioration to yellow or brown last longer.

Instruments Required to Repot Anthurium Weberbaueri

Check the table below for the tools required while repotting Anthurium Weberbaueri

Materials RequiredSpecification
Fresh potting mixTo prepare soil mix for planting
Gardening Gloves To avoid hands getting dirty and also to avoid infection
Pruning shears To cut extended roots and leaves
Garden trowelTo take soil out and pour in the pot
Garden ForkTo loosen and turn over soil
Planting PotsFor planting the plant

Steps to re-pot Anthurium Weberbaueri

Here is a step-by-step repotting procedure to help you through the process and make it go more smoothly.

  • Always water the plant on the last day before re-potting.
  • Get a new planter 1-2 inches larger than the previous pot.
  • Loose the top 25% of the soil using a fork or garden trowel
  • Next, hold a tight grip on the base of the stem and take the plant off the pot.
Potting mix in a pot
Preparation of Potting mix (Source: Stocklib)
  • Inspect thoroughly for root rot, and trim some of the roots.
  • Similarly, you can always prune your plant at this point.
  • Fill the 2/3rd portion of the new planter with fresh potting mix.
  • Place the plant at the center, fill the potting mix, and gently press the soil mix the stabilize the plant.
  • Lastly, water the plant and place it in a bright area.

The plant may appear wiled and dropped due to transplant shock. It will revive naturally after a couple of days when it adapts successfully.

8. Scantly Pruning

Anthurium weberbaueri requires just periodic pruning because it is not a tall plant.

Anthurium weberbaueri requires pruning once every two to three years.

To encourage new growth, it is necessary to prune leaves and stems that have become brown or yellow.

Techniques to Prune the Plant
Techniques to Prune Plants (Source:

If your Anthurium weberbaueri becomes leggy, you can easily trim it to encourage younger growth.

You can also remove some leaves from the plant’s lower area to change your plant’s appearance.

Similarly, trim away any undesired sections at the end of the winter season so your plant will thrive in the spring.

Make sure you have gardening gloves and pruning shears before beginning the trimming process.

Tips to Prune Anthurium Weberbaueri

  • First, examine your plant and decide which leaves or stems to prune.
  • Use gloves to save your hands from the plant’s sap for safety and allergies, which can irritate your skin.
  • Get a pair of sterile pruning spears to avoid infecting the plant.
  • From the lower leaves, start the trimming process. 
  • Make sure to cut off the discolored, yellow, or brown leaves.

Pro Tip: Do not prune more than 25% of the plant at a time.

Growth Rate, Foliage, and Flower of Anthurium Weberbaueri

Anthurium weberbaueri can provide velvety foliage all year if you make sure to meet all the requirements.

The eastern Andes are the most typical growth habitat, with altitudes ranging from 500 to 1500 meters.

Anthurium weberbaueri has a lovely velvety leaf with 5-7 parallel solid veins.

Anthurium weberbaueri Leaf (Source: ecuagenera)

As the plant matures, the color becomes more affluent. Further, the lower side of the leaf has a crimson tint. 

This plant is not a fast grower, so they grow slowly to moderately and can reach 2 feet in length in the growing season.

As, Anthurium weberbaueri blossoms rarely, you should concentrate on increasing the foliage instead.

However, the flower of Anthurium weberbaueri consists of a spadix and spathe supported by a peduncle.

The flower of Anthurium weberbaueri is reddish or greenish in color.

The blooms only appear once a year, in the springtime. However, the plant’s lengthy leathery leaf is the main attraction.

Toxicity of Anthurium Weberbaueri

You should be cautious before letting your child and pets go near Anthurium weberbaueri.

According to ASPCA, Anthurium weberbaueri is toxic to humans and pets.

Sick Cat
Diagnosis of Anthurium weberbaueri poisoned Cat (Source: Unsplash)

Like other Araceae family plants, the stem, flowers, seeds, leaves, and roots all feature needle-like calcium oxalate crystals that are insoluble and toxic.

These calcium crystals are released when these plants are bitten or chewed.

These crystals are toxic, penetrating, and irritating tissues in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.

It’s also important to note that the sap might lead to allergic responses and skin rashes.

As a result of Anthurium weberbaueri’s toxic nature, pets and children should not go near your plant and play with it.

Therefore, you must use numerous measures to keep your weberbaueri away from children, cats, and dogs. Among them are:

Tips to Avoid Anthurium Weberbaueri Toxicity

  • Use a hanging pot where pets and children will not be able to access them.
  • Choose an isolated room to keep your toxic plants to avoid contact with dogs and youngsters.
  • You can fill a spray bottle with diluted lemon juice and sprinkle them on your plant’s leaves. As dogs do not like citrus smell or taste.
  • Also, you can spray cayenne pepper on the plant; pets such as cats will avoid it.

If you feel any emergency for your pet and children, you can contact the following helplines.

Propagation methods for Anthurium Weberbaueri

It’s always wonderful for a plant parent to multiply other sister plants from a single plant.

As a result, you should not pass up the opportunity to multiply your Anthurium weberbaueri.

You can quickly propagate Anthurium weberbaueri through root division and steam cutting.

Newely propagated Anthurium weberbaueri in a garden
Newly propagated Anthurium weberbaueri (Source: Facebook)

The best thing about Anthurium weberbaueri is that stem cuttings and root divisions are simple to reproduce; all you need is a proper propagation procedure.

On the other hand, it might be impossible to grow them from seeds as Anthurium weberbaueri seeds are hard to come by.

Henceforth, this plant can only be propagated from seeds by professional growers.

Essential Materials for Propagation

You may need to make specific arrangements before the propagation.

Materials RequiredPurpose
Gardening KnifeFor stem cutting
Gardening GlovesFor safety
Potting MixPotting Medium
PerliteFor extra drainage
Rooting HormoneFor best growth
Terracotta Pot with a Drainage HoleWell draining organic pottig mix
HumidifierTo maintain the humidity

1. Propagation of Anthurium Weberbaueri via Roots Division

Root division is one of the most straightforward strategies for propagation, with a higher possibility of success.

Here is an easy stepwise detail on how you can propagate Anthurium weberbaueri by its roots division.

  • Take the plant out of the pot thoroughly.
  • Remove any soil surrounding the roots. Then look for offshoots in your weberbaueri.
  • Unless the plant has a few roots and leaves, you can grab as many as you want for propagation.
  • Ensure that there are no infestations of disease or pests on the offset.
Propagation via root division
Propagation via root division (Source: Country Gardener)
  • Now detach the offset from the mother weberbaueri plant’s roots.
  • Use a sharp sterilized knife to follow the separation process.
  • The offset is now ready for propagation. You can now plant them directly in the soil.

Quick Tip! Adding rooting hormones can enhance the plant’s growth.

2. Propagation of Anthurium Weberbaueri via Stem Cuttings

When the plant is actively growing, you can start taking stem cuttings in the spring or early summer.

Step 1: Prepare the Stem Cutting

As easy as it may sound, cutting the stem for propagation is not an easy job.

  • First, use ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol to disinfect your pruning shears.
  • Choose a healthy green stem with at least one leaf that appears healthy.
  • Cut the stem slightly below the bottom leaf node using the pruning shear.
  • Prepare multiple stem cuttings if your mother plant is bushy. However, make sure each cutting contains at least one node.
  • For each cutting, make an incision at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Remove any remaining leaves, leaving only one or two on the stem.
Stem node diagram
Stem node diagram for Stem Cutting Ideas (Source: Wikimedia)

Step 2: Choose the Propagation Medium

You have two different mediums, soil, and water, for rooting your weberbaueri.

Propagating in Water Medium

Another popular propagation technique is rooting in a water media, generally known as hydroponics.

  • Pour chlorine-free filtered water into a clean, transparent jar.
  • Infuse the water with liquid rooting hormone or apply rooting hormone powder to the wound.
  • Place the cutting in the water somewhere warm with plenty of indirect sunlight.
  • Do not forget to change the water every 4-7 days.
  • Allow 2-3 weeks for new plant roots to appear. Wait a few weeks for fresh leaves to emerge on the stalks.

You can transplant the plant to a pot in soil medium once the root reaches 3-4 inches.

Propagating in Soil Medium

  • Allowing the stem cutting to stay idle for an extended period is not beneficial.
  • Begin by combining rooting hormone and antifungal agent to avoid fungus infestation.
  • Gently apply the mixture to the cut ends. Alternatively, cinnamon powder can also help to protect from infection.
  • Plant the stem cutting in the potting mix mentioned above in the soil mix section.
  • Later, water your plant thoroughly and position it in a spot that receives indirect light for speedy growth.

3. Propagation of Anthurium Weberbaueri via Seeds Germination

If you ever come across Anthurium weberbaueri seeds, here’s how to successfully sow them and germinate.

  • As a growth medium, the seed loves wet cocopeat. It’s also great to immerse the seeds overnight in water.
  • Gently sow the seeds into the organic-rich seedling soil at an inch interval.
  • To speed up germination, wrap the propagation container in a clear plastic bag.
Propagation through Seeds in the tray
Propagation via Seeds in the tray (Source: Unsplash)
  • Provide high humidity and lots of indirect light for the seeds to germinate.
  • To keep the soil adequately moist, water it regularly.
  • Make some holes to let air through because the moisture in the plastic beads up.
  • You can use organic fertilizer to boost the growth of your plants.

Common Problems in Anthurium Weberbaueri

The foliage and its rare nature is the primary reason for growing Anthurium weberbaueri.

As a result, if pests and disease infest, or the plant leaves go yellow, brown, or curling, you will undoubtedly be unhappy losing your plant.

Even though pests and diseases have little impact on Anthuriums, weberbaueri is susceptible to them.

Without further ado, let us talk about those issues and possible remedies!

1. Minerals Insufficiency

In Anthuriums, magnesium deficiency is a common mineral insufficiency and deficiency.

Magnesium is an essential element for maintaining a plant’s energy and color.

Yellowing of leaf due to lack of minerals
Yellowing of leaf due to lack of minerals (Source: Wikimedia)

Your plant may show stunted growth, tiny leaves, and yellowing leaves.

Further, to meet your plant’s feeding needs, you must be careful while selecting the fertilizer.

Therefore, choose a fertilizer with a good balance of macro and micronutrients, including magnesium.

2. Pests Infestation

Anthurium weberbaueri can succumb to various fungal and bacterial infections if you grow them in inadequate conditions.

Most diseases are alleviated by adequately fertilizing and watering the plants.

Remember that Anthurium weberbaueri is poisonous to pets, not pests!

As a result, you must inspect your plants frequently for symptoms of pests.

Pests feasting on a leaf
Pests feasting on a leaf (Source: Pixabay)

Pests that affect your plant include aphids, scales, mealybugs, whiteflies, and spider mites.

Pests NameSigns of Trouble
Spider mites1. Leaf wilting and dropping with a yellowish halo is one of the most noticeable symptoms.
2. There is the look of freckled leaves.
ThripsThrips might be seen in the form of thrips feces, injured plant components, or black patches.
Nematode1. By nature, nematodes burrow and consume fleshy roots, causing root rot.
2. The plant shrinks and becomes less strong as a result of this slowed growth rate.
Mealybugs1. Mealybugs appear on plant leaves as small, flat, oval white dots.
2. They leave a white cotton-like substance on the leaves and have a powdered or fuzzy appearance.
White Flies1. They are small flying insects that typically feed on the undersides of the leaves.
2. Yellowing, shriveling, and dropping leaves are common.
Aphids1. Curling and falling off leaves.
2. Stunted growth.

Solution Measures

  • Use a water hose to dislodge eggs and larvae, or use an insecticidal spray to destroy whiteflies immediately.
  • You can use yellow sticky traps to control the further spread of pests.
  • Or, you can hand pick the pests and drop them in a soapy water solution.
  • Apply horticultural oil or Neem oil over the plant for an organic remedy.
  • To get rid of deadly bugs, use pest repellants like Malathion solution or Pyrethrin spray as a last resort.

Preventable Measures

  • Inspect your houseplants regularly for bugs and pests.
  • In the spring and summer, once in 2-4 weeks, wash the plant with a clean or soapy water solution.
  • Rubbing 98% isopropyl alcohol once or twice during the growing season can deter pests by rubbing 98% isopropyl alcohol once or twice during the growing season.
  • Do not buy plants with yellow leaves, decaying stems, or spider webs.

To naturally repel pests, grow basil and mint or sage and rosemary around the Anthurium weberbaueri.

3. Common Diseases

Anthurium weberbaueri can succumb to a variety of fungal and bacterial infections.

Certain bacterial and fungal illnesses have an impact on the plant. They can occur as a result of a variety of irregularities in their conditions and surroundings.

When humidity exceeds 70%, illnesses including Black Nose Disease, Bacterial Leaf Spot, Phytophthora, Bacterial Blight, Anacthrose, and Root Rot may become active.

Bacterial blight disease on plant
Bacterial blight disease on the plant (Source: Stocklib)

Most infections are alleviated by adequately fertilizing and watering the plants.

However, if your plant is afflicted, there are techniques to identify and treat the illness.

Fungal Diseases

The following are the most prevalent fungal diseases that infect your Anthurium weberbaueri throughout the vulnerable periods.

Furthermore, the causative agents and symptoms are not left behind to aid in your identification.

Fungal DiseasesCausative AgentSymptoms
Black Nose DiseaseOlletotrichum gloeosporioidesSmall black flecks appearance on the leaves indicating its rot.
Pythium (Phytophthora) Root RotPhytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica, Pythium splendensWilting of plants, browning, or black lesions appear on the leaves, and the roots become mushy and fragile.
AnacthroseColletotrichumInfected plants develop dark, water soaked lesions on stems.

Bacterial Diseases

Anthurium weberbaueri can be infected with a variety of infections.

Several bacterial and fungal diseases may affect plants due to abnormalities in their environment and surroundings.

Let’s look into some of the common bacterial diseases in detail.

DiseasesCausative AgentSymptoms
Bacterial WiltRalstonia solanacearumBacterial wilt causes the leaves and stem to turn brown, especially during growing seasons.

From the infected part, brown slime is released.
Bacterial BlightXanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiaeThe leaves turn brown.

The blossoms to become dull.

Water-soaked lesions along the leaf edges.
Rhizoctonia (Root Rot)Rhizoctonia solaniThe bacteria damages the roots and lowers the stems.

Plant becomes incapable of supporting its own weight.

Solution Measures

  • Apply fungicides like Medallion (fludioxonil) or the ones containing copper, Benomyl, or Mancozeb.
  • Examine the problem for severity and act if it appears to be becoming worse, such as root rot and stem rot.
  • For root rot, consider clipping the damaged sections with sterilized pruning shears and transplanting them to a new potting mix.
  • Chlorothalonil is an effective fungicide that can ease the problem.
  • Agrimycin is one of the most efficient antibacterial agents for treating all kinds of plant bacterial infections.

Loosen the soil mixture surrounding your infected Anthurium weberbaueri to improve airflow.

Preventable Measures

  • When you bring new plants to your home, inspect and quarantine them before keeping them with other houseplants.
  • Spray your plant with a fungicide once or twice a year.
  • Do not compactly group your plants. Plants need good air circulation to bypass fungal and bacterial infestations.
  • Avoid over-watering and misting leaves at night.
  • When the soil seems compressed, loosen the top layer to allow air to move through the soil.

FAQs About Anthurium Weberbaueri

Is Anthurium Weberbaueri an Air Purifier?

According to a NASA clean air research, Anthuriums can purify your space by removing dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, ammonia, toluene, and xylene.

Anthurium Weberbaueri, when grown inside, allows you to breathe air free of toxins.

Is Anthurium Weberbaueri a Rare Anthurium?

Anthurium weberbaueri is one of the uncommon and rare Anthuriums and is also one of the most expensive.

It is, however, not impossible to locate.


Anthurium weberbaueri is a simple plant to care for. Once the plant is in the suitable soil media and location, watering is a breeze.

Grab an Anthurium weberbaueri if you desire a splash of greenery, warmth, and delight for your eyes.

If you provide them with a pleasant place to live, they will repay you by cleaning the air and beautifying your location.

Why wait after you’ve mastered Anthurium care techniques?

Happy gardening!

If you are looking for any guide on care tips of Anthuriums, Read on: Anthurium Bullatus, Anthurium Polyschistum, Anthurium Cobra, Anthurium Plowmanii, and Anthurium Splendidum.


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