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Hoya Pubicalyx — Ultimate Grow & Care Guide

Hoya pubicalyx gives tiny star-shaped pink flowers with even lighter pink colors towards the center. 

However, you must take care of some basics to allow your Hoya flower and thrive.

Hoya pubicalyx thrives in warm temperatures ranging from 60-75°F, indirect sunlight, humidity between 55-70%, 2-3 times a week watering, occasional pruning, and yearly fertilization.

You can continue this article to learn more about keeping your green companion happy and blooming!

Overview of Hoya Pubicalyx

Hoya gained popularity worldwide due to its unique flowering pattern and long blooming period with the nature of light feeders.

Beautiful Hoya plant with pinkish flowers.
Support your Hoya plants with trellises to encourage their growth.

The plant possesses a climbing habit and produces astonishing pale-yellow flowers in clusters.

Check out the table below to learn more about Hoya pubicalyx.

Scientific NameHoya pubicalyx
Common NamePorcelain Flower, Wax Plant, Silver Pink Vine
OriginSeveral countries of Asia
(Philippines, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, New Guinea etc.) and Australia
USDA Hardiness Zone 10 b to 11b
Plant TypeEvergreen
Growth SizeAverage height of around 9 feet
Growth HabitQuick Growers
FoliageThick, glossy leaves with narrow petioles
The petiole grows opposite along the stem with a leathery feel
Flowering HabitFlowers from late spring to late summer
ToxicityMildly toxic to pets and children

Hoya Pubicalyx: Best Care Tips

Creating an optimum environment to make your Hoya bloom each growing season can be a bigger deal if you don’t know the basics of your plant care.


6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight

Regular watering 2 times a week for evenly moist soil

Temperature within the range of 60 to 75°F

Humidity level in between the range of 55% to 70%

Light, airy, and well-draining soil composition
Fertilizer icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon

Potassium-rich liquid fertilizer once or twice in the growing season

Repot every six months or annually

Propagate via Stem cuttings, Leaf cuttings, and from seeds

Although it is a low-maintenance plant, some parameters should be optimized for your plant to thrive and bloom healthily.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Due to its tropical nature, Hoya pubicalyx enjoys warmer seasons rather than colder ones.

The plant demands at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight with a temperature of 60 to 75°F for optimum growth and blooming.

Direct sunlight can cause leaf burn followed by yellow and brown leaves. So, keep your Hoya pubicalyx away from long hours of direct sunlight.

However, frost and temperatures below 50°F can be deadly, and this tropical plant can get injured when exposed to this temperature.

Moreover, fruits and roots are more prone to frost injury.

Tips to Maintain Optimum Temperature & Sunlight 

  • If you plan to grow the pubicalyx outside, cover it with shade fabric to protect it from direct sunshine.
  • However, providing at least 14 hours of artificial lighting is best if it is the only light source.
  • Hoyas flowers can only bloom if you provide ample light. You can also leave it in a dark area during the rest of the period.
  • You can use heat padsfrost blankets, or insulating plastics during winter to protect it from extreme cold.

2. Watering & Humidity

The first and basic thing to know about Hoya pubicalyx is that it hates wet feet. Therefore, avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

As a general guideline, water it two or three times per week in the summer and once weekly in the winter.

Similarly, A humidity level between 55% to 70% is ideal for the plant.

Underwatering brings about compact and dry soil which leads to yellow leaves.

However, overwatering symptoms are wilting, shedding of leaves, and root rot.

Tips to Maintain Optimum Watering & Humidity

  • Remember, the watering frequency is directly proportional to the intensity of light and temperature.
  • The density of the soil moisture also affects the watering volume. Watering volume needs to be intensive when the soil mix is lightweight.
  • Use your hand/moisture meter and water when the top 1.5 inches or more of the topsoil is dry.
  • You can keep your plant near a humidifier or mist it using a spray bottle.

3. Soil & Fertilization

You can use a soil mix with orchid bark, coarse perlite, and peat-free compost.

Moreover, pubicalyx prefers soil with an average pH of around 6.5 to 7.

Summer is the best time to feed the plant occasionally during active growth.

Also, balance the fertilizing as per your Hoya’s need since both over-fertilizing and under-fertilizing affect the plant.

Go through the table to identify the signs of overwatering & underwatering.

Signs of Lack of FertilizationSigns of Over Fertilization
Slow plant growthLeaves will turn brown
Lack of phosphorus may lead to no bloomSalt build up on the soil surface
Weak stem and pale foliageYellowing, wilting of the stem

Tips for Keeping the Right Amount of Soil & Fertilization 

  • For a perfect result, try mixing 1 part cactus mix, 1 part orchid mix, 1/2 perlite, and 1/2 organic compost.
  • Potassium-rich liquid fertilizer can be the best option that can provide the necessary nutrients for growth enhancements.
  • Avoid adding fertilizer to a dry potting mix or soil.
  • You can skip any fertilization during the winter and fall because the plant goes into the semi-dormant stage.

4. Potting and Repotting

When you initially bring a new Hoya home, wait until the roots have grown out of the potting mix before attempting to transplant them into something larger.

Depending on how quickly they grow, re-potting can take anything from six months to every couple of years.

The re-potting gap will give them enough time to acclimate to their new surroundings and prevent transplant shock during the colder months.

Tips to Repot Properly

  • Avoid large pots if you want the plant to stay root-bound. However, always use a larger pot than your plant’s container.
  • You can aid the plant’s upward ascent by providing some vertical support.
  • Do not transplant your Hoya plant if your indoor temperature is below 50ºF.
  • For cultivating Hoya pubicalyx, most gardeners use clay pots with drainage holes.

5. Scanty Pruning

You can easily clip your Hoya back to encourage younger growth if it grows leggy over time.

However, pruning also prevents the hazards of pests and disease infestations.

Generally, the summer or early spring is the best time to prune the Hoya pubicalyx plant.

It is mostly pest-free, especially when grown indoors, because they can’t survive indoors.

Here is the table with the common pest and the way of their identification.

Common Pests & DiseasesTips to Identify
Root-knot nematodeYou can see large knots attached on the roots.
ScaleBugs with shelly scales live under the leaves.
MealybugsThe leaves begin to become yellow and wrinkle.
Fungus GnatsFungal Gnats deposit eggs, which hatch into tiny, almost invisible worms that feed on peat vegetation.
AphidsThese small insects can be found on the backs of leaves, flower buds, and stem bases.
Sooty MoldBlack or dark brown spots on upper leaf surface.
Bacterial BlightYellowing, browning, withering of leaves.

Practical Solutions

  • Try to trim the plant only after the blooming season ends, and remember to wear gloves to prevent allergies.
  • Give your plant a deep washing or spray them away with a fast-flowing water current to remove them.
  • You can spray neem oil or wash them off with insecticidal soap. For two weeks, repeat the application process every three days.
  • Yellow sticky traps may work for pests and isolate the infected plant immediately.

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Growth Rate: Hoya Pubicalyx

Hoya pubicalyx is one of the fastest-growing Hoya plants that ceases to grow during the dormant winter.

During dormancy, the plant does not grow and shows signs of dry, droopy leaves, which is normal.

Clusters of Hoya flowers.
The plant may take up to 1-2 years to bloom.

Normally, the Hoya plants can reach an average height of around 9 feet, but with the right conditions, they can grow beyond 10 feet.

Hoya plants are grown for their astonishing glossy foliage, reaching up to 12cm long and 9cm wide.

Moreover, Hoya plants bear dusty pink star-shaped flowers with a light-pink central star, and the flower clusters grow on the tips of the peduncles.

Are you worried about your Hoya not blooming? Improper light, transplant shock, and improper sunlight might be the reasons.

Toxicity of Hoya Pubicalyx

Hoya species have a milk-like sap that is mildly poisonous.

Consumption or contact with the white sap might result in health problems or allergies.

You may see vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions if a pet eats your Hoya plant excessively.

Remember: If you suspect your pets or children have ingested parts of Hoya, call:

Additionally, handle Hoya pubicalyx cautiously because the plant carries sharp leaves and stems.

Therefore, use gloves to avoid any cuts or scrapes around the plant.

Propagation Methods for Hoya Pubicalyx

You can see the best propagation results during the active growing season, which is summer and spring.

Here are some of the well-known effective methods to propagate your plant:

1. Stem Cutting

Stem cutting is one of the most effective methods to propagate your Hoya plant.

Here’s How you can Make the Cuts

  • Take a 5 to 7-inch clip from the node-filled growing end of the stalk with well-sterilized garden equipment.
  • Plant the cutting with the nodes at least 4 inches deep in the soil medium.
  • You can plant the cutting in sphagnum moss or potting soil.
  • It is best to propagate the Hoya pubicalyx cuttings using plastic or zip-lock bags.

2. Leaf Cutting

Leaf cuttings are not successful as stem cuttings, and this method only serves as an alternative to the stem-cutting method.

  • Simply remove a leaf from the mother plant and put it 3.5 cm below the soil’s surface.
  • New plants will grow from the leaf base after about five weeks.
  • You can utilize every new growing to start a new plant.
  • You can even start it by submerging it in warm water until it takes root.

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3. Growing from Seeds

The best sowing period is at the end of spring or early autumn. Let’s get some tips to grow Hoya from seeds.

  • Firstly, store them in a dark, dry spot.
  • Sow the seeds on the surface in free-draining compost. It is ideal to use a peat moss soil mixture between 20 and 25°C(68-77°F).
  • Organic fertilizer can work magic for your plants, and you can add some compost tea to encourage growth.

Depending on the environment, germination can take 3 to 5 weeks.

FAQs about Hoya Pubicalyx

Is the Hoya Pubicalyx an Invasive Species?

Hoya pubicalyx is not an invasive species but can show invasive patterns if you leave them outdoors without any maintenance.

Is there an Easy Way to Get Rid of Hard Water Marks on Hoya Pubicalyx Leaves?

The most common remedy is the diluted solution of vinegar. Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of vinegar and a pint of water and apply it circularly.

From Editorial Team

Hoya pubicalyx is not a high-maintenance indoor plant. 

However, the essential steps are tracking the light, temperature, and watering recurrence.

Also, to shield young or soft leaves from harsh light, Hoya pubicalyx develops the natural plant pigment “Anthocyanin.”

Happy gardening!

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