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How to Get Kalanchoe to Rebloom? [Know the Tricks]

Although the Kalanchoe naturally gives out the clustered vibrant four-petaled bloom once a season, you can still make it to rebloom during dormancy.

Generally, induce rebloom in Kalanchoe by providing conditions similar to the winter days for at least six weeks. For that, grow the plant in well-draining, moist soil and keep the pot in the darkroom for 14 hours and the rest in bright light without any water or feeds till the buds appear.
Surf till the end to learn the most popular ways to rebloom and enjoy your Kalanchoe flowers almost all year round.

How Many Times Does Kalanchoe Bloom?

Kalanchoe plants can produce flowers all year round if the growing conditions are similar to the tropical African native region.

However, under normal circumstances, Kalanchoe blooms only once a year from late fall to early spring indoors, as they love shorter days and longer nights.

This is because Kalanchoe plants are photoperiodic and bloom in response to the light they receive throughout the day.

So to make the Kalanchoe give blooms almost all year round, expose it to natural stressors.

Some plant lovers have reported that they can rebloom their Kalanchoe nearly three to four times a year using the stressors.

How Long Does Kalanchoe Bloom Last?

Kalanchoe is one of the longest-blooming flowering plants giving clusters of four-petaled flowers.

The blooms can last almost eight weeks to 6 months, making them one of the most popular plants.

However, the flowers of Kalanchoe droop and wilt after completing the first cycle. So you must cut back the dead bloom to give way to new bloom.

How to Get Kalanchoe to Bloom For The First Time?

Kalanchoe flowering indoors is not as rare as other houseplants, but it is tricky.

During the natural blooming period, your Kalanchoe will produce bright orange, red, pink, or yellow flower clusters but will not if the condition is wrong.
A pink bloom of Kalanchoe is growing in a peat of soil in a pot.
The bloom of Kalanchoe is robust and vibrant.

Kalanchoe plants are highly particular, requiring patience and a perfect blend of the external environment to bud.

So follow the care steps to make your Kalanchoe bloom for the first time in the blooming season.

  • Provide the ideal temperature between 60 and 85ºF.
  • Place the Kalanchoe outdoors in a warm, humid climate, but move them indoors once the draft hits.
  • Overwatering kills Kalanchoe. Henceforth, water it once or twice a week, depending on the plant size, and make sure the topsoil is dry before watering.
  • Fertilize the plant monthly with a 20-20-20 NPK ratio fertilizer during the growing seasons.
  • Usually, you can try repotting Kalanchoe once yearly when blooming stops, but repot them before flowering if bought recently.
  • It is essential to prune your Kalanchoe after each blooming period to encourage new and refreshed growth.
  • Use neem oil or insecticidal soap to eliminate bugs like Aphids, mealybugs, and scales, which feed on the plant sap and affect the bloom.
  • Kalanchoe plants can grow both outdoors and indoors. However, they only grow in pots and not on the ground.

Fall and spring seasons are the best time of the year for you to induce blooms in your Kalanchoe.

  • If you feel your Kalanchoe is dying or ill, propagate the leaves or stem cuttings.

Naturally occurring exotic blooms of Kalanchoe can never satisfy a gardener’s need, as you might want to see it happy all year round.

So learn the ways to induce your Kalanchoe to rebloom once again quickly.

1. De-head the Spent Flowers

To make the evergreen perennial Kalanchoe flower all year round, de-heading is the key.

Once the flowers surpass their blooming period, they lose the petals and start forming seed pods, leading to the entire shift of plant energy into seed production.

So to shift the focus of Kalanchoe on producing new blooms, better to deadhead the spent and wilted flowers.

However, remember to use clean, sterilized scissors or pruners to prevent further infection.

2. Stimulate a Dormant Period

The dormant period is essential for your Kalanchoe to gather energy and be ready to bloom again.

  • Step 1: Keep your plant in a closet or a dark space for at least thirteen to fourteen hours.
  • Step 2: Provide the plants with about ten hours of bright light. Position them preferably somewhere outdoors or by a window. The key is to keep it slightly warm and away from cold air.
  • Step 3: Do not water or feed your Kalanchoe plant until you see buds appearing.

You will notice a few buds on your plant after the sixth week.

  • Step 4: Move the plant to a brighter location than the current one.
  • Step 5: Resume watering the plant.

3. Low Temperature Is a Must

Keep your Kalanchoe in a cold and bright room for six weeks, with temperatures around 50-65ºF.

The colder room, the better!

4. Check the Light Requirements

Make sure it receives 10 hours of bright light every day. Then, move it to a completely dark room for 14 hours daily.

Make sure not to disturb this bright and dim light setting.

5. Water Requirements

Strictly avoid watering your Kalanchoe if you want them to bloom.

Even if you feel like they might die without water, this stress is beneficial to produce new flowers to mimic a dry winter season.

Water them only after the third week, and drain the drainage plate.

6. Do Not Fertilize

Do not use any fertilizers on your Kalanchoe during this period.

Keep them away from all kinds of plant food, whether organic or inorganic.

When plants enter dormancy, they do not require any fertilizer, as fertilization will do more harm than good in such circumstances.

7. Let Your Kalanchoe Rest Completely

Check for budding after the sixth week. If you find that your Kalanchoe is budding, place it in a sunny location as usual.

Now go ahead and give it some water and plant vitamins.

Usually, it might take around six to eight weeks to see budding in your Kalanchoe plant.

And if you don’t, there might have been a mistake in the process.

What To Do After Kalanchoe Stops Blooming

For starters, remove the dead flowers, prune all the dead or dying leaves, and give them a tiny boost of all-purpose fertilizers.

Next, if you want your Kalanchoe to start blooming again, you might want to stimulate the dormant period, as mentioned earlier.

However, gardeners inform you that it is good to give your plant a break for a month before subjecting them to another cycle of stress.

From Editorial Team


Kalanchoe allows you to enjoy the most robust blooms in the winter as they are low-light lovers.

Meanwhile, you can now trick your Kalanchoe into giving out the buds even in the off-season by mimicking the environment of shorter days and longer nights indoors.

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