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Kalanchoe Flower: Everything you Need to Know

Kalanchoe flowers are a feast for the eyes, given their striking colors and unique shapes.

Generally, Kalanchoe plants can produce flowers all year round, primarily in late winter to late spring. They have different colored flower clusters. The blooms can last from weeks to months, reaching between 6 and 18 inches tall and wide.

Kalanchoe flowers are a fun, attractive plant that helps keep your house healthy. Continue reading to learn more about this flower.

How Often does the Kalanchoe Flower?

Kalanchoe flowers bloom almost all year round and for a more extended period.

Kalanchoe is a slow-growing plant that can take up to five years to reach maturity. It blooms when it reaches maturity and is between 6 and 18 inches tall and wide.

Kalanchoe Flower
For the Kalanchoe flower to bloom, the plant needs to mature properly.

These plants’ flowers are photoperiodic, meaning that the flower’s production depends on the length of the day.

It blooms most regularly from late winter to late spring, and the flowering cycle slows as the daylight increases.

Usually, it takes six weeks of 14-hour nights to gain enough energy to bloom.

Kalanchoe plant produces attractive leaves, and the flowers bloom in all the rainbow shades, such as red, pink, magenta, orange, yellow, and white.

Overview of Kalanchoe Flower

Kalanchoes are lovely succulent houseplants that come from Madagascar and tropical Africa.

Its name comes from the Chinese term “Kalan Chau,” which means “falling and growing.” It also represents persistence and everlasting love.

In the table below, I have summarized the overview of this flower:

Scientific NameKalanchoe
Common NameFlaming Katy, Christmas Kalanchoe, Panda Plant
Native Madagascar and Tropical Africa
Flower TypePerennial, Succulent
StructureGrows in clusters
Blooming SeasonLate winter to spring
FragranceVaries from flower to flower
Flower shadesRed, Magenta, Pink, Orange, Yellow and White
PollinationCross Pollination
ToxicityToxic to pets, considered non-toxic to humans

The Kalanchoe flower has tight, compact bundles. Those bundles contain seeds that are tiny, around 2.5 million per ounce.

Kalanchoe Flower Pollination

The Kalanchoe flower is protandrous. To produce seeds, it needs pollen from another plant.

The flower’s male stamens mature before the female carpels, preventing self-fertilization.

To grow a new Kalanchoe plant, you can buy seeds from internet stores or your local nursery or cross-pollinate the blossom to get the seed.

Follow the following steps to cross-pollinate two Kalanchoes.

  • Get a Q-tip or a small paintbrush.
  • Collect the pollen from the Kalanchoe flower after it fully blooms. You can either gently shake it or blow it.
  • Get that pollen in the paintbrush. Try to get as much pollen as you can.
  • Transfer the pollen from the stamen of one flower to the Stigma of another flower by rubbing the brush over the Stigma.

The above steps can force pollinate it, and you can crossbreed different varieties of Kalanchoe and see what colors those breeds will bring.

However, natural pollinators such as bees, flying insects, and ants are the most effective at pollinating Kalanchoe Flowers.

How to Make a Kalanchoe Plant Flower?

If you wish to grow a Kalanchoe, consider the following conditions.

  • Provide your plant with bright but indirect light for not more than 14 hours a day.
  • Water your Kalanchoe every one or two weeks just before noon to get a good blossom.
  • The Kalanchoe bloom prefers a constant indoor temperature between 55 and 80°F.
Different colored Kalanchoe kept together.
You must fulfill all its care requirements if you want your Kalanchoe to bloom.
  • Maintain an ideal humidity, ideally between 30 to 50%. However, it can tolerate lower humidity, around 30-35%.
  • For the Kalanchoe flower to bloom, use an organic liquid bloom fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 0-10-10.
  • Use high-quality potting soil containing perlite (white granules) or sand with a pH of 5.8-6.3.
  • For Kalanchoe to rebloom, cut back on watering and fertilizing during its dormant period.
  • Do not prune the plant entirely, as the main attraction of Kalanchoe is its flowers.

Common Problems with Kalanchoe Flowers

Kalanchoe flowers suffer from several common plant problems.

The following are a few of the common problems and their causes.

Under WateringFlower colors fading off, wrinkly and shriveled-up leaves
Over WateringDrooping, wilting, and rotting of the roots
High HumidityLoss of leaves, Yellow leaf spots, Damaged flower heads and buds
Excessive SunlightDrying of flowers leaves falling off
Lack of SunlightUnbalanced growth, falling of leaves and flower petals, elongated stems
Pests and DiseasesPowdery mildew, leaf-spot disease, yellow, speckled leaves

Uses of Kalanchoe Plant Flowers

Kalanchoes are well-known for their therapeutic properties.

There are approximately 150 different species of Kalanchoe, and several contain medicinal properties, which is why Kalanchoe has been used in traditional medicine for ages.

The Kalanchoes flower, on the other hand, is toxic and isn’t utilized for medical purposes.

But, the non-flowering aerial parts, especially the plant leaves, have those medicinal qualities.

Regardless, flowers are widely used as ornamental plants. They’re commonly used for aesthetic and commercial purposes.

In addition, Kalanchoes are trendy plants to give as gifts. A gorgeous Kalanchoe will make an excellent gift for your loved ones.

Toxicity of Kalanchoe Flower

According to ASPCA, Kalanchoe is toxic to cats, dogs, birds, and other livestock.

The Kalanchoe flower contains cardiotoxic bufodienolides that make it poisonous.

Almost all of the Kalanchoe species are toxic to animals. These flowers can harm your pet, even if they only consume a small portion.

However, witnessing clinical signs like vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal heart rate is rare.

Hence keep your Kalanchoes inaccessible to your pets to protect them from getting poisoned.

Call the following numbers if you, your kids, and your pets ever consume the Kalanchoe flower.

Editor’s Note

Now we know that Kalanchoes are indeed a versatile plant. So, to cheer yourself up at home or work, consider getting yourself a Kalanchoe from your nearest stores.

Do not discard them after they have flowered once. Instead, encourage Kalanchoe to bloom again.

It will just need a little effort from your side.

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