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How to Fix Drooping Fiddle Leaf Fig? [Revival Tips]

The drooping leaves of Fiddle Leaf Fig fail to purify the air under poor care, but you can fix it before the situation worsens.

Generally, drooping in Fiddle Leaf is due to improper watering, extreme temperatures, inadequate lighting, or repotting shock. Still, you can fix the drooping in Fiddle Leaf Fig by watering the plant when 75% of the soil dries or relocating to a brighter area.

Continue till the end to learn the trick to revive the Fiddle Leaf Fig, as it is not difficult, and even inexperienced gardeners may do it.

How to Fix Drooping Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves?

Drooping leaves in Fiddle Leaf Fig can be expected if they occur in a recently bought plant from a nursery or shifted location.

However, it can be troublesome if the drooping occurs in a healthy indoor plant that you have been tending carefully.

Hence, it is vital to discover the reason behind the drooping Fiddle Leaf Fig so you can fix it appropriately on time.

1. Solve Improper Watering Issues

Watering your Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves too much will cause them to droop, dry, and drop.

Overwatering also drowns the roots and impairs the plant’s capacity to absorb water, oxygen, and critical nutrients required for growth.

Similarly, root rot is caused by too much moisture remaining stagnant in the soil.

A white pot containing the yellow and drooping leaves of Fiddle Leaf and is lying beside a window.
Fiddle Fig signals watering issues by turning the leaves yellow and falling off.

On the other hand, you may notice branches going limp or leaves drooping and crisping up if you allow your Fiddle Leaf Fig’s soil to dry up entirely.

Fix Overwatering Issue

  • Put several layers of newspaper in a tray and place the plant over the paper overnight to dry the excess moisture.
  • Relocate the pot of Fiddle Leaf Fig to the natural light area until the water dries completely.
  • Trim away any mushy or dark-colored roots the next day with clean, sharp scissors.
  • Your plant should be repotted in a clean container with new potting soil if the situation is beyond recovery.

Fix Underwatering Issue

  • Shift the pot of Fiddle Leaf Fig to a more shaded area if the light is too bright.
  • Submerge your Fiddle Leaf Fig pot in a bucket or tray of water, allowing the plant to absorb sufficient water.
  • Alternatively, shower the plant until the water runs out of the drainage holes.
  • You can also mist the plant thoroughly each day and loosen the soil to allow water to reach deep down.

Tips to Properly Water your Fiddle Leaf Fig

  • Water your plant once a week or every ten days during summer. During winter, water as per the dryness of the soil.
  • Make sure the roots aren’t submerged in water for a long period.
  • Similarly, press your finger into the soil’s top 2 inches to check the moisture. Leave it alone if it’s still moist.
  • Purchase a low-cost soil moisture meter to know the level of soil moisture.
  • In addition, while watering your Fiddle Leaf, allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Water when the top 50-75% of the soil is dry and keep a consistent watering schedule.

2. Maintain Ideal Temperature

Fiddle Leaf Figs have specific temperature needs that, if not met, might harm your plant’s health.

Similarly, if left neglected for too long, high temperatures can cause your leaves to droop, acquire black-brown patches, and dry.

Increased temperatures promote excessive water loss during transpiration, resulting in sagging and sick leaves.

Likewise, cold drafts are unsuitable for Fiddle Leaf Figs, as it causes your leaf to dry out and droop.

Tips to Provide Ideal Temperature

  • Move your Fiddle Leaf Fig if it is in the draft line of air conditioning.
  • Cover the window with a sheer drape in the afternoons to avoid scorching light leading to increased temperature.
  • Spray the Fiddle Leaf’s leaves throughout the dry winter months to keep your plant hydrated and cool.
  • Similarly, during the harsh winter, you can manage the temperature with the help of winter frost blankets and heating pads.

3. Provide Ample Indirect Light

Given the size of the Fiddle Fig, you can estimate that the dark green leaves require enough light (at least 6 hours) to maintain their vibrancy.

Also, light plays a significant role in maintaining the stomata level in the leaves, which are responsible for the green color.

However, in the absence of sufficient light, the portion of the leaves starts to discolor, turn yellow, droop, and fall over.

Tips to Provide Adequate Sunlight

  • Place your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a south-facing window where it will receive consistent sunlight but protect from the rays by installing a curtain.
  • Similarly, you may also assist your plant with an artificial grow light.
  • During the winter, it’s crucial to maintain your plant beside the window while ensuring it doesn’t absorb any chilly air.
  • Occasionally rotate the plant to ensure that the plant gets enough light.

4. Maintain Appropriate Humidity Levels

Fiddle Leaf Fig plants require medium humidity between 30 and 65%, or it becomes finicky and shows signs of drooping and yellowing.

Meanwhile, you need to be more cautious if you live in a dry area, as the humidity tends to be low.

Many plant types lose a lot of water when the humidity is low. As a result of the lack of water pressure, the leaves begin to turn brown from the edges and droop.
The leaves of Fiddle Fig with a leaf having brown edges.
Edges that turned brown are sure to droop at last.

Also, the plant will not take in the necessary nutrients due to the dry atmosphere.

Tips to Maintain Ideal Humidity

  • Pebble trays: Place the pot on a tray with stones and water to let it evaporate gently, increasing the humidity surrounding your plant.
  • Grouping plants: By grouping your houseplants, you may gradually increase the humidity in that area.
  • Place the plant in the bathroom: The bathroom naturally has a humid climate created by hot showers and steamy baths, suitable for growing more fragile exotic plants.
  • Humidifier: A humidifier is the best technique to control the humidity around your plants. But ensure the space isn’t excessively humid, as it can foster mold and fungal infection.
  • Misting: During the summer, when temperatures may increase over ideal levels, you can occasionally spray your plant’s leaves.

5. Prevent Repotting Shock

The most common cause for the drooping Fiddle Leaf Fig is the shock experienced after repotting them.

Shock is usually due to a change in the plant’s potting media, pot, and location. As your plant adjusts to its new home, its leaves frequently seem sagging and floppy.

Even though repotting allows your Fig’s roots to extend, it will take a week or two to adjust to its new surroundings.

Repotting may be unsettling, so don’t be alarmed if your plant sheds a leaf or appears unhappy initially.

In addition, if you stick to your regular care routine, it should be able to bounce back more robustly with its new container and soil.

The drooping in Fiddle Leaf Fig from the repotting shock takes far longer to fix than watering and lighting issues, as the plant focuses initially on root growth.

Tips While Repotting your Fiddle Fig

  • Repotting your plant with fresh soil every 2-3 years is a good idea to acquire fresh nutrients.
  • Choose a pot with drainage holes at the bottom that is only 1-2 inches wider than its present pot.
  • Add four parts high-quality potting mix to one part pine bark mulch and one part horticultural charcoal. This will be an excellent, well-draining combination for your Fiddle Leaf Fig.
  • While removing your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, do not place it in freezing water. It will cause shock to your plant.
  • Until the plant recovers, do not fertilize it.
  • Pour a sugar and water solution over the soil to prevent severe transplant shock.

Note: The Fiddle Leaf Fig takes approximately 5-7 days to recover from the Repotting Shock.

From Editorial Team


Seeing a drooping and wilted Fiddle Leaf Fig might make the owner nervous. Fortunately, if addressed early, this illness is treatable.

Implementing a watering schedule is a great place to start when it comes to restoring your plant’s health.

Happy gardening!

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