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Best Soil For Fiddle Leaf Fig – Commercial or DIY? [Updated 2024]

Fiddle Leaf Fig elevates mood and improves indoor oxygen levels, but those offerings may falter when grown in the wrong soil mix.

Generally, droopy, spotty, and discolored leaves in Fiddle Leaf Fig with slow growth often indicate poor soil quality. Hence, always choose moist, humus-rich, well-draining soil with a pH of 6-7 containing peat moss, organic substrate, and perlite.

Read on to learn about the best soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig trees in pots and gardens and how to prepare one at home.

What Type of Soil To Use for Fiddle Leaf Fig?

A healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig requires weekly watering during spring and summer to sustain itself.

You can buy commercial potting mix for your plant, such as ready-to-use cactus mix, or prepare your soil at home.

So, the ideal soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig should facilitate drainage with medium water retention capacity without making soil soggy.

Image illustrates the signs of using wrong soil in Fiddle Leaf Figs
Wrong soil invites several issues in Fiddle Leaf Figs.

Besides, here are other factors you should contemplate before choosing the best potting soil for the Fiddle Leaf Fig plant.

1. Drainage Capacity

Fiddle Leaf Fig prefers to have the top 1-2 inches of soil dry between watering schedules.

But, soil that drains too fast without poor water retention capacity can result in underwatering issues.

Thus, you should use peat-based soil with some organic perlite for Fiddle Leaf Fig as it ensures ideal drainage.

Pro Tip: Add pebbles at the base of the planter before pouring soil mix to discourage waterlogged conditions.

2. Soil Nutrition

Fiddle Leaf Fig plants are light feeders that do not rely heavily on regular fertilization to flourish.

They grow with monthly application of nitrogen-rich fertilizer in spring and summer.

Likewise, aim for sterilized organic fertilizer or homemade compost to replenish soil nutrients.

Remember, when soil lacks essential nutrients, Fiddle Leaf Figs will lean or droop and show leggy growth.

3. Soil Acidity

Avoid acidic soil and refrain from adding organic mulch like coffee grounds or tea leftovers, as it can choke the roots.

Fiddle Leaf Figs plants are picky about soil pH level, preferring slightly neutral to acidic soil, i.e., 6-7.
Image represents a Fiddle Leaf Fig plant
Aim to use soil that is neither too acidic nor too alkaline.

You can use a soil pH meter to assess the pH levels before growing the plant.

But, add some ground limestone to make the soil slightly alkaline and sulfur powder to make it acidic.

4. Soil Temperature

Warm soil is vital for healthy root growth, as cold soil temperature can increase viscosity and decrease water absorption.

The ideal potting mix temperature is 60-80°F. Anything less or more can negatively influence growth.

Apart from using heat pads or frost blankets, trap soil warmth using mulch during winter.

Meanwhile, ensure the temperature does not exceed 90°F as it can kill all beneficial soil microorganisms.

Therefore, position them in an east window where they can get warmth from the morning sunlight.

Signs of Using the Wrong Potting Mix

The Fiddle Leaf Figs will exhibit distress when the soil mix is faulty.

Some major signs of improper soil use you should actively seek out are as follows.

  • Yellowing and drooping leaves
  • Brown leaf spots
  • Root rots (with a foul smell)
Image represents repotting Fiddle Leaf Fig plant
Repotting halts the spread of root rot to the upper parts of the plant.
  • Stunted, leggy, or sparse growth
  • Premature leaf drops
  • Pests and fungal diseases
  • Mineral salt buildup

Best Soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

Fiddle Leaf Figs can grow in the same mix for over a year without intermediate repotting.

Hence, some of the best potting mixes for Fiddle Leaf Figs are as follows.

Commercial MixAdvantages
Miracle-Gro Houseplant Potting MixIt contains a combination of organic and inorganic matter.

A 4-quart soil mix bag is enough to fill two 5-inch pots.

No need to fertilize for up to 6 months after application.
Professional Fiddle Leaf Fig SoilIt contains rich organic matter.

The addition of sand creates soil stability.

Pink bark chips allow for soil aeration by creating air pockets.
Perfect Plants Fiddle Leaf Fig SoilIt provides sufficient drainage.

The soil mix retains moisture.

Fertilizer is included.
Espoma Organic Potting MixIt contains rich organic matter.

The earthworm casting provides rich organic nutrients.

Contains a blend of endo and ecto-mycorrhizae.
Mother Earth Coco-Perlite MixIt promotes soil drainage and aeration.

The rich coco coir content provides lightness and prevents waterlogging.

DIY Potting Mix for Indoor Fiddle Leaf Fig

Rather than relying on a commercial mix, you can prepare ideal soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig at home.

Furthermore, preparing a mix at home gives you control over the component ratio to blend a proper soil mix.

Recipe 1

Remember to use a blend of organic and inorganic matter.

Recipe 2

For the first 6 months, you do not need to fertilize Fiddle Leaf Fig after repotting the plant in the new potting mix.

From Editorial Team


Fiddle Leaf Fig requires a properly curated mix for sound drainage and root expansion.

Also, good soil provides structural support and promotes healthy micro-bacterial growth.

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