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10+ Popular Varieties of Flowers for April

April is known as the month of joy and action. Similarly, April birth flowers can honor your garden with multicolored shades under the growing season.

Daisy flowers, Sweet peas, Tulips, Snapdragons, and Gardenias are some flowers that flourish in April, which have unique colors with different meanings and symbolism.

Read this article to learn some most popular varieties of April flowers.

April flowers add color, texture, and biodiversity to gardens and ecosystems and are also essential food sources for many organisms, such as honey bees.

Some of these flowers are mentioned below:

1. Daisy Flower (Bellis perennis)

Daisies are native to Europe and temperate regions of Asia, and you can identify them by their white petals and bright gold disc.

Plant size ranges from 50-60 cm, and their single flower heads are about 2.5-5 cm in diameter. Also, you should deadhead them from time to time for better growth.

These beautiful spring and summer flowers belong to the plant family Asteraceae and closely resemble sunflowers.

Their gorgeous white petals symbolize peace, whereas the yellow disc symbolizes joy and happiness.

2. Sweet Peas (Lathyrus odoratus)

They are the annual climbing plants that grow to a height of 1-2 meters. At the same time, flowers range in diameter from 2-3.5 cm.  

Sweet peas flower belongs to the family Fabaceae, and flower color may vary from White, pink, purple, and red to peach.

Sweet peas flower
Sweet peas flowers are a masterpiece to look at.

Moreover, this beautiful Spring plant flowers, especially in the month of April, and is native to Southern Italy.

The flowers of these plants are strongly scented. 

3.  Tulips (Tulipa gesneriana)

These gorgeous plants are native to Southern Europe and belong to the family Liliaceae. 

The height of Tulip plants is 10-70 cm, and flower size can be 3-10 cm in diameter. 

Their blooming season is in early April, and they produce large, showy, brightly colored flowers, generally red, pink, yellow, or white.

Similarly, these plants bear solitary flowers in the shape of cups or stars.

4. Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus)

Snapdragons are native to Europe and Asia and belong to Plantaginaceae.

The height of plants usually ranges from 6-48 inches, and flower size from 3.5-4.5 cm in length. 

Snapdragon plant blooms in various colors like white, yellow, pink, red, orange and purple. 

The peak blooming season is from April to June.

5. Gardenias (Gardenia jasminoides)

Gardenias belong to the plant family Rubiaceae and are native to Asia.

These are evergreen shrubs and small trees of height starting from 1 to 15 meters, and the size of flowers is 5-16 cm.

Gardenia Flower
The blooms of Gardenia can last several weeks before finally wilting!

Furthermore, these are white or pale-yellow colored flowers, borne solitary or in small clusters.

Gardenia fruits also have medicinal value, as they are used for anxiety problems, reducing high blood pressure, etc.

6. Roses (Rosa spp.)

Despite being astonishingly beautiful, the flowers of these plants also have certain nutritional values.

They are rich in vitamins A and C and have many antioxidant properties.

These commonly found flowers, which originated from Eurasia, add a massive beauty to your garden. They may reach up to 15 inches in height. 

These flowers are included in the family Rosaceae. The color of roses can be white, red, pink, etc, depending on the species. 

7. Peonies (Paeonia officinalis)

These plants are native to China and Europe.

These herbaceous perennials are generally 0.25-1 m tall and belong to the family Paeoniaceae.

Usually, Peonies bear large bisexual flowers at the stem end.

Likewise, flowers are often fragrant, with colors ranging from purple and pink to red.

Peonies bloom from late Spring through early Summer.

8. Freesia (Freesia refracta)

Freesias belong to the family Iridaceae and are native to South Africa.

Moreover, these plants are 4-16 inches tall and have flowers ranging from 1-2 inches.

Freesia has tunnel-shaped fragrant flowers.

Genus Freesia consists of several species having different colors.

Likewise, these April flowers bear fragrant flowers in the shape of a funnel. Moreover, color varieties are pink, red, white, yellow, orange, blue, and purple. 

9. Delphinium (Delphinium spp.)

Delphinium is native to tropical regions of Africa. The size of the plant ranges from 1.2-1.8 m in height to 6-9 cm in width.

Additionally, plants bear the raceme of many flowers at the top of the stem, and flower color ranges from purple and blue to red, yellow, or white.

Moreover, flowers of Delphinium are used to create blue dyes and inks.

These plants belong to the family Ranunculaceae.

10. Buttercups (Ranunculus spp.)

Buttercups are native to Europe, North America, and South America. The plant size scales from 40 to 60 cm in height and 15 to 25 cm in width. 

These flowering plants belong to the family Ranunculaceae. 

Usually, flowers of buttercups are hermaphrodite, which are borne singly or in a cyme

Furthermore, flowers consist of five yellow, greenish, or white petals.

Unfortunately, all parts of Buttercups contain glycoside that causes blister when chewed, making the plant toxic to pets and humans.

11. Irises (Iris germanica)

Did you know flowers of Irises are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes? They are used to prepare cough syrups and in the treatment of acne.

Flowers of Irises are in the shape of a fan, containing one or more symmetrical six-lobed flowers.

Iris bloom or flower
Iris plant is usually known for their fan shaped flowers.

These are native to Europe, Asia, and North America. The plant size ranges from 6-12 inches in height to 1-2 feet in width.

Irises are included in the family Iridaceae. Additionally, flowers are mostly of blue and purple shades.

12. Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)

Cornflowers are native to the temperate regions of Europe.

Generally, these plants are 40-90 cm tall and have grey-green branched stems.

These flowers belong to the family Asteraceae and are of intense blue color arranged in capitula of 1.5-3 cm diameter.

Additionally, people use them as a natural food color. They produce papery flower heads surrounded by bracts.

13. Lisianthus (Eustoma russelianum)

These astonishing flowers are native to Northern America.

These herbaceous plants are perennial and annual and are 1 to 3 feet tall and 6 to 12 inches wide.

Lisianthus Flower
Despite their beautiful looks, these pretty flowers are fragranceless.

Generally, these belong to the family Gentianaceae.

Similarly, they bear white and purple flowers in the shape of bells with flaring lobes that bloom in upright stems. 

The foliage of this plant is dark green, lance-shaped, and slightly flexy in texture.

FAQs About Flowers for April

What are the color varieties of Lisianthus?

When you go to the nurseries for flowers for April, you can get White and Purple colors of Lisianthus.

Which April flowers are poisonous to Pets?

Besides being extremely stunning, some April flowers, such as Tulips and Irises, are toxic to pets.

What can be the best flowers for April’s birthday and wedding?

Although all the April flowers are equally beautiful, people use Daisies and Sweet Peas flowers the most on April birthdays.

Similarly, Freesia, Snapdragons, and Gardenias are best for April weddings.

Wrapping Up…

April flowers are the most attractive flowers which can be masterpieces for your homes/gardens.

You can do pruning and spraying of pesticides for microbial infections. Additionally, do not add fertilizer to these plants during their blooming period.

However, you can feed every three to four weeks until the plant re-establishment.

Choose well!

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