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Coconut Flower Facts With Fruit Harvesting [101 Guide]

A Coconut plant takes about 5-10 years to produce a flower, but after the blossoms appear, they continue blooming for several decades.

Generally, Coconut flower bear inflorescence, including spathe and spadix, that becomes orange or yellow when mature. The spathe contains nectar that attracts insects for pollination. The pollinated flower fertilizes, and the female flower develops into Coconut fruit.

Coconut flower usually blooms throughout the year, but the peak flowering season is the rainy season.

So, go through this complete article to learn every detail about Coconut flowers and how the Coconut fruit develops from a flower.

What Does Coconut Flower Look Like?

Coconut differs from other palm trees due to its ability to produce flowers and fruits. 

A Coconut plant produces clustered flowers that look like yellow or orange ornaments on a tree.

The main part is the spadix which contains elongated and branched inflorescence and reaches 6-12 inches long.

Bee on a Coconut flower
Coconut flower has sweet nectar and fragrance that attracts pollinators.

Moreover, the boat-shaped spathe surrounds the spadix that is green when young. The spathe turns yellow or orange upon maturity.

Inside the spathe, there are numerous flowers that are either male or female. Some flowers contain male and female reproductive organs in the same flower.

Additionally, this amazing flower also produces nectar droplets that gather on the spathe. The fragrance and the sweet nectar attract insects for pollination.

Coconut Flower Pollination

Coconut flowers attract various pollinators like birds, bats, bees, butterflies, and many more with their fragrance and nectar.

These pollinators move from flower to flower, searching for nectar and transferring pollen to the female reproductive organ.

Moreover, they also help cross-pollination by taking pollen into the female flower of different Coconut trees.

After the pollination, fertilization occurs, and the female flowers develop into the Coconut fruit.

However, Coconut flowers are also capable of self-pollinating. So, it’s not a big deal if there are no pollinators.

How To Harvest Coconut?

Coconut flowers produce the fruits after about nine months of blooming. The fruit is green when young and gradually becomes brown.

Besides, the whole Coconut plant contains multiple benefits for the garden and health. 

Moreover, the fruit also contains a single seed and the seed is the edible part that you enjoy.

  • Before harvesting, make sure the husk has changed its color and the fruit is heavier and filled with water.
  • The mature fruits start self detach themselves and fall to the ground.
  • You can also use the specialized detaching tool to remove the Coconut easily.
  • However, if the height is reachable, simply climb the tree and detach the ripe Coconuts.
  • To detach the fruits with equipment, hook the pole around the Coconut and pull the fruit.
  • Collect the harvested Coconuts in a safe area, ensuring they are free from physical damage.

To enjoy the Coconut you harvested, remove the outer husk with husk opener and make the hole first to get the water. Then, break the shell and enjoy the fresh Coconut meat.

From Editorial Team

Uses Of Coconut Flower!

Besides fruit production, you can use Coconut flowers for several purposes like decoration, vinegar production, and culinary uses.

Moreover, the flowers also bear different medicinal benefits like anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and blood sugar regulation.

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