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Asparagus Fern Flower: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that the Asparagus Fern is not a Fern, despite its name?

They are arch-like Ferns and have flowers like Asparagus but a members of the Lily family. 

Generally, the Asparagus Fern blooms from August to September. The blooms sprout in a lengthy cluster along the stalk. The flowers are white, small, and star-shaped with orange-yellow anther tips. Each flower has 3 petals and 3 sepals, giving off a sweet tropical scent.

The Asparagus Fern plant is widely used for its foliage, but not many people know about its flowers. 

Continue reading to learn more about this modest flower.

Overview of Asparagus Fern Flower

The Asparagus Fern/ Common Asparagus Fern is native to southern Africa and is widely used as an ornamental house plant. 

The long flat branching stem of the Asparagus Fern plant is shaped like a lance and is dark green with a prominent and flat midrib. 

In terms of the flowers, they are tiny, white in color, and only bloom under optimal circumstances.

The flower of the Asparagus Fern indicates the plant’s maturity to reproduce the new ones.

Now, let us see the general overview of the Asparagus Fern flower on the table. 

Scientific NameAsparagus densiflorus
StructureBushy, twining vine with wiry,spiny stems
Size8mm in diameter
Flower TypePerennial
Bloom SeasonSpring to Fall
Flower ColourWhite
ScentSweet tropical fragrance
PollinationSelf Pollination

Besides, the plant is excellent for filler planting in vases, especially hanging baskets and big urns where the delicate foliage can cascade down.

How Often Does The Asparagus Fern Flower Bloom?

A healthy and happy Asparagus Fern Plant will flower annually with tiny white blooms and berries. These little blooms develop in elongated clusters along the stems.

The flowers are fragrant but are too small, making them often unnoticeable. 

Asparagus Fern flower blooms from August to September, whereas the fruit normally develops from September to October and remains until the next flowering cycle. 

Each bloom consists of six tepals: three petals, and three sepals, giving off a similar appearance. These blooms can go up to 8mm in diameter. 

A photo of a bunch white Asparagus Fern Blooms.
It is rare for a domestically grown Asparagus Fern to bloom indoors due to insufficient growing conditions.

Asparagus Fern flower is glossy, star-shaped, mostly white, and sometimes light pink in color with yellow-orange anthers.

If you maintain the plant in optimum conditions, it can grow for a long time, around ten years.

Similarly, during summer, the flower lasts for about two weeks.

Asparagus Fern Flower Pollination

Asparagus Fern Plant reproduction depends heavily on pollination as it is the only way to survive and evolve.

Typically, plants are either dioecious, where male and female parts are on different plants, or monoecious, where both male and female are on the same.

Also, the flowers can be hermaphroditic and have male and female reproductive parts in the same flower.

Recent research suggests that most African Asparagus Ferns typically have hermaphroditic flowers, unlike most Eurasian species, which are dioecious.

For the Asparagus Fern flower to pollinate, a honeybee or other external pollinators must visit both the male and female plants. After pollination, plants produce seeds through which they germinate.

Female flowers produce little round berries with a diameter of up to 1/4 inch. The green fruits turn glossy red on maturity; each contains one to three black seeds.

Since many birds are attracted to the fruits, they unintentionally spread seeds. These seeds then take around four to six weeks to germinate.

How to Make an Asparagus Fern Flower?

Asparagus Fern flowers are generally easy to grow. The plant is mainly grown for its lovely foliage.

Similarly, you need to do some care and attention to make them bushy and bloom.

Let us see the caring requirements for the Asparagus Fern to flower below.

  • Maintain a warm temperature ranging from 55-70 degrees Fahrenheit for them to bloom.
  • Water the plant every once or twice a week when the top soil is dry, and in winter, water only once a month. For the Asparagus Fern plant to bloom and prosper, avoid overwatering.
  • This plant prefers bright indirect sunlight. So, provide at least 4-6 hours each day. Artificial LED light can compensate for the absence of light.
  • Humidity is very crucial for them to produce a flower. Maintain high humidity of around 60%. You can also use humidifiers to maintain the humidity level.
  • Fertilize the plant weekly during the summer and once a month in winter with a slow-release fertilizer high in Phosphorus to promote flower and fruit formation.
  • Asparagus Fern prefers well-draining, slightly acidic (pH 6.5-6.8) soil mix to grow and bloom fully.
  • The plants are susceptible to pests like spider mites and mealy bugs. You can control these by using gentle insecticides like Neem oil

What Should You Do with the Asparagus Fern Flower?

The Flower on your Asparagus Fern signifies that the plant receives all the necessary nutrients.

In essence, the flower does not harm the plant but could slow down the formation of new leaves.

The flowers of Asparagus are bell-shaped with whitish yellow petals.

The only function of this tiny white Asparagus Fern flower is reproduction.

Even without the blossoms, growing Asparagus Fern is beautiful.

You can easily cut the flowers unless you want to encourage flowering since they are primarily planted for their foliage. This helps the plant divert the energy to further growth. 

Additionally, prune the Asparagus Fern and remove dead stems from the base to keep it in shape.

Never use your bare hand to pull off the flowers and the stems, as their soft-looking leaves have sharp thorns.

Inspect the plant for dead and wilted flower stems. Hold the stem on its base and cut the branches connecting the flowers.

Pro Tip: Do not prune more than 20% as it stresses the plant.

Health Considerations to Keep in Mind

Many of the flowers belonging to the Lily family, like Peace Lily, are toxic. Asparagus Fern is yet another poisonous houseplant that belongs to the same family. 

According to ASPCA, the Asparagus Fern plant is toxic to animals, including cats and dogs, due to a steroid compound known as sapogenins.

It can cause dermatitis allergies with repeated dermal contact and upset the stomach if consumed with berries.

The symptoms elevate into vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal distress.

Further, the plant is not poisonous to humans. However, dermatitis and skin rashes may result from contact with the sap.

It is recommended to contact a vet nearby or the hotlines below in case of an emergency. 

From Editorial Team


Asparagus Fern Flowers are versatile perennials that thrive with minimal care and attention.

Although you cannot eat this ornamental flower, it can add taste to your room and surroundings.

Moreover, the Asparagus fern has many benefits, such as air purification, improved mental health, and adding humidity to the air.

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