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Anthurium Warocqueanum: Best Care Tips

The stunning large leaves of Anthurium warocqueanum crumble and turn yellow under poor care habits.

Queen Anthurium thrives in a bright indirect sunlit room with a warmth of 68-86°F. For optimal growth, provide 70-90% humidity and feed them diluted (1/4th) fertilizer and distilled water weekly in an active season. Use a loose, porous aroid mix of pH 6.5-7.5 with moderate water retention.

Let me walk you through the comprehensive care guide, so you can enjoy the immense foliage of Queen Anthurium.

Overview of Anthurium Warocqueanum

Anthurium warocqueanum is a tropical climbing perennial native to Columbia. They are popular for their extensive leaves.

Also known as Queen Anthurium, they belong to the largest Anthurium genus of the Araceae family.

Scientific Name Anthurium warocqueanum
Common Name Queen Anthurium
Growth Zone9a to 11b
Growth RateFast growth
Growth HabitEpiphytic perennial climber
Growth SizeIndoor: 3 feet tall

Outdoor: 6 feet tall
Grown For Foliage
FoliageColor: Dark green foliage with velvety backside

Size: Up to 3 - 6 feet long.
Flowering HabitsSmall infloresence with a spathe and spadix
ToxicityHighly Toxic to both animals and humans

Anthurium Warocqueanum Care

Anthurium Warocqueanum is a durable tropical plant with moderate care needs. But many gardeners do not suggest this Queen Anthurium to beginners.

Therefore, better not to gamble with the Queen on the first go if you are new to gardening.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Anthurium warocqueanum proliferates in partially shaded canopies where the temperature stays >55°F.

They grow immense in a bright but indirect sunlit room with warmth 68° – 86°F. Place them outdoors, ensuring 8 hours of dappled light if you live within 9a to 11b.

Moreover, the morning sun works like a charm, so place them near an east or northern window.

But again, direct sun is a big NO. Exposure to direct sun destroys the leaves due to rapid dehydration.

It causes the leaves to curl, brown dry edges, and discoloration.

Remember, their velvety green fades away under low light and cold drafts. Furthermore, it pushes the plants’ growth, disabling them from reaching their full size.

In such situations, rely on grow lights (10 hours) that provide heat and light, frost blankets, or heating pads.

2. Watering & Humidity

Anthurium warocqueanum can not stand being thirsty and prefers to have its leaves dewy.

To satisfy the thirst of Queen Anthurium, fetch them water once every week and maintain humidity over 70%. However, reduce it to once in 2 to 3 weeks in winter.

If your plant lacks water and humidity, the leaves will curl, wilt and drop. They will also look droopy and lose their vigor.

Conversely, overwatering or high humidity causes yellowing leaves with slimy stems. They also trigger pest and fungal diseases.

Many aroid plants prefer to have their topsoil completely dry before watering. But refrain from doing so for Anthurium.

You can aim for a saucer approach to keep your Anthurium warocqueanum hydrated.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Anthurium warocqueanum asks for nutrient-rich, porous soil to sustain its velvety foliage.

They thrive in loose, acidic soil of pH 6.5 to 7.5 and prefer weekly fertilization at small dosages. 

Anthurium warocqueanum does not grow well in soil. Thus, give it sphagnum moss to grow on.

Otherwise, you can prepare a soilless potting mix using perlite, orchid barks, peat moss, and compost.

plant fertilization tips
Avoid fertilizing your plants in winter as they stay dormant in winter to avoid overfertilization issues.

Meanwhile, mimic their natural feeding habits by giving liquid fertilizers after diluting them to their 1/4th strength.

Otherwise, you can rely on nitrous slow-release fertilizers once every two months.

4. Potting and Repotting

Anthurium warocqueanum won’t make a fuss for 2 to 3 years in a wooden or terracotta pot.

While choosing the ideal pot for your Queen Anthurium, ensure they have multiple drain holes. If they do not, you can drill one.

But if you notice your Anthurium has roots shooting out from drain holes and has outgrown the pot, consider repotting them.

In general, summer or spring is the ideal time to repot your Anthurium warocqueanum using pots 2″ bigger than the previous pot.

Meanwhile, to ensure less repot stress, soak the plant a few days before repotting. 

Is your Anthurium have wilting leaves after repotting? Do not worry! That’s how they deal with repot stress and recover within a few days.

5. Pruning

Until and unless your Anthurium warocqueanum hosts pests or gets infected with fungal diseases, you don’t need to prune them.

Besides, if you see a dead or decaying leaf, you can snip it off with sterilized scissors or a knife.

In general, scales, spider mites, mealybugs, or thrips trouble the Queen Anthurium. Meanwhile, bacterial blight and leaf spots are common fungal infections.

In such troubling times, pruning becomes handy as it can control and prevent further spreading.

Other than that, apply neem oil and fungicides containing phosphoric acid to treat and control fungal infection.

Furthermore, regularly clean the leaves with soapy water to discourage unwanted pest guests.

Anthurium Warocqueanum: All About Growth Rate

Anthurium warocqueanum has a unique growing habit where its baby leaves look identical to the leaves of Monsteras.

However, within a few days, they achieve an astounding size during spring and summer.

Meanwhile, they barely grow and stay dormant in the winter season.

The adult Anthurium leaves can grow up to 6 feet long under ideal care and maintenance.

In contrast to their large foliage, they have a relatively smaller plant height when kept indoors, i.e., a meter tall.

Not only does their foliage add aesthetic tropical beauty, but they also convey their health status.

anthurium Warocqueanum on pot
Anthurium warocqueanum has seven different common varieties and are Dark Form, Chonk, Esmeralda, waterburyanum, magnificum and crystallinum.

If your Queen Anthurium has multiple big broad leaves, they are healthy and thriving for more.

Conversely, very few or one leaf may indicate something is not going well with them.

Healthy Anthurium has dark green leaves with a silvery vein that gets more pronounced gradually. Their leaves have a velvety backside and are pretty sturdy and thick in size.

Similar to the Philodendron flowering, Queen Anthurium also produces typical aroid inflorescence.

However, Anthurium kept indoors is unlikely to bloom regardless of the level of care they receive.

The unshowy blooms have a small creamy white spadix wrapped in yellowish-green spadix.

After successful pollination, your Queen Anthurium can produce small redberries like aroid fruit.

Toxicity of Anthurium Warocqueanum

According to ASPCA, Anthurium warocqueanum is toxic to all pets and humans.

All parts of the Queen Anthurium contain highly toxic calcium oxalate crystals. 

Upon ingestion, a burning sensation in the mouth, excessive drooling, and vomiting occur in pets.

The oxalate crystals can also swell the respiratory tract and cause breathing difficulty if your pets eat Anthurium in larger amounts.

As a first aid, you can give your pets milk to ease the burning sensation and reach out to the vet promptly.

Here I have listed a few hotline numbers to get help if you suspect Anthurium poisoning in your pets or kids.

Thus proper caution is a must while placing them indoors. So, ensure they are out of reach from your pets and kids.

But do not worry if you happen to touch them, as they do not pose any threat from touching.

Propagation Methods for Anthurium Warocqueanum

Anthurium Warocqueanum can be propagated via stem cutting and offset division methods.

Generally, early spring is preferred for the propagation of Anthurium to encourage maximum growth.

Before jumping into the propagation, ensure you have rooting hormone, pruning shears and fresh soil mix.

1. Offset Division

Let the offsets grow up to 4 to 5 inches tall on the crown, and then only use them to propagate your plant.

  • Cut the small offset pups ensuring roots are intact on the cutting.
  • Place the cutting on a moist Sphagnum Moss.
  • Ensure cutting is placed at least 20cm apart from each other.
  • You can give them a nitrous boost for optimal growth.
  • Keep the newly divided plant in a warm and humid room.

2. Stem Cutting

Find a healthy stem with at least one leaf on top and make a clean cut at a 45° angle.

After cutting the stem, partially dip them in a jar filled with rooting hormone and water. 

To ensure the water does not get stagnant, replace the water every now or then and keep the jar in a bright room.

Within a month, you can notice new roots sprouting and once they grow over an inch, transplant them in a pot using a fresh mix.

Besides that, you can directly sow the cuttings after the callus form on the stem.

  • Take a pot with drainage holes and fill 1/3rd of it with perlite.
  • Place the stem cutting in a pot leaving the leaf over the soil.
  • Or place the pot in a terrarium to ensure rapid growth.
  • Within a month, new root growth should be visible.
  • Consider transplanting them after a few months.
  • Proceed with the usual Anthurium care routine.

Anthurium Warocqueanum for Sale

Anthurium warocqueanum is comparatively rare than other Anthuriums, but it is accessible, thanks to the internet.

However, some varieties of Anthurium warocqueanum, like Chonks and Crystallinum, are rare, even online.

Here are a few online retailers where you can buy Queen Anthurium.

Places To BuyDelivery
EtsyWithin 3 to 7 business days
EcuageneraShips within 2-3 days
CarniveroShips 1-3 business days after order
NSE TropicalsTakes almost a week
The Plant Lady SFWithin a week

Wrapping Up…

Anthurium warocqueanum is a fast-growing aroid with thick, velvety green leaves that grows big with proper nurture.

Remember, if the unshowy flowers of Queen stay green, it is a sign they are not getting enough sunlight. So, try relocating them to somewhere bright.

All The Best!

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