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Anthurium Scandens: Best Grow & Care Guide

Anthurium Scandens represents a terrarium plant that can survive in sealed-glass containers under little care!

Generally, Anthurium Scandens enjoy 6 to 8 hours of bright to medium indirect sunlight with 50-90°F temperature and humidity of 60-80%. It also thrives in well-draining soil with 6.1-6.5 pH, weekly watering, quarterly fertilization in a year, repotting every 1-2 years and pruning all year around. 

Although the care seems similar to other Anthuriums, do not miss out on Scandens, for they give never-ending blooms an entire year.

Follow the article till the end to bring the Anthurium Scandens home and maintain optimum health.

Overview of Anthurium Scandens

The Scandens species of Anthurium originated from Costa Rica, flourishing its roots from Southern Mexico to Southern Brazil.

Common NamesPearl laceleaf, Anthurium dolosum, Anthurium leucocarpum, Grape Anthurium
FoliageGreen glossy evergreen foliages

Size: 6-13 cm

Shape: Oval and elliptical
Flowering PeriodAll-year-round in the interval of 2-3 months
FruitsWhite purplish berries
Plant TypeCreeping Ephyptic plant
Growth Habits Scandens take three years to reach maturity
USDA Growth Zones10b-11
ToxicityHighly toxic

Toxic to cats, dogs and humans
Common PestsMealybugs, Scales, Aphids, Thrips and Spider mites
Horticultural DiseasesBacterial Blight, Bacterial Wilt, Leaf Spot, Black Nose Disease, Pythium (Phytophthora) Root Rot, and Rhizoctonia Root Rot

Anthurium Scandens – A Complete Care Guide

The epiphytic perennial Anthurium Scandens demands minimal care to flourish its tropical leaves.

A template containing the entire care for the Anthurium scandens.
Follow the given steps to enjoy the foliage and bloom every year.

Indulge in detailed tips to care for your Anthurium Plants after this little capsule of gardening advice!

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Anthurium Scandens flourishes in a warm room (64-77°F) lightened with bright indirect sunlight.

Ensure 6 to 8 hours of filtered sunlight daily to expect the flower. To do so, keep them a few feet away in an east window.

This Anthurium grows and adapts fine outdoors in 10b-11 USDA zones. But protect them from the direct sun and cold frosts.

Direct sunlight and extreme heat can dehydrate the plant resulting in scorched, dry, brittle yellow leaves.

Conversely, low light and temperatures < 50°F suppress plants’ growth resulting in leggy, sparse foliage growth.

Thus, aim for incandescent lights, heat pads, frost blankets, or sheer drapes to keep Anthurium Scandens safe and warm.

2. Watering & Humidity

Anthurium Scandens do not fuss if you are keeping the soil slightly moist and their leaves dewy.

Maintain humidity levels at 60 to 80% and offer 0.8 cups of water every nine days in spring and summer. Or, you can rely on a moisture meter and ensure the topsoil is dry before watering.

Like Anthurium Watermaliense, Scandens also stay dormant in winter. Thus, cut back on misting and watering in winter to avoid drowning.

Overwatered Anthurium shows signs like yellowing and limping alongside soggy, moldy soil. It also risks pest issues and fungal disease infections.

However, no water and humidity < 40% results in curling, droopy leaves with grayish, shrunken soil.

Thus, opt for the failsafe saucer watering method by adding a few pebbles. Also, regularly mist and gather plants like Areca palm to ensure optimum humidity.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

As Anthurium Scandens require regular watering, you must choose nutrient-rich soil with well-drainage.

Low to no fertilization can stunt plant growth resulting in smaller leaves, discoloration, and fewer blooms.

Give the plants a loose, porous, acidic (6.1 to 6.5 pH) anthurium mix with medium water retention. And feed them with phosphoric fertilizer every 3 to 4 months.

Prepare an organic soil mix using orchid bark, peat moss, perlite, and compost to avoid chemical burns.

Anthurium Scandens in pot
This Anthurium naturally grows on rocks but can thrive in potting soil best.

Too much fertilizer accumulation in the soil can burn the roots and result in curling leaf tips and brown spots.

So, cut back on fertilizing your Scandens in winter to avoid overfertilization.

4. Potting & Repotting

Anthurium Scandens love to be bound to the same pot for their entire life, as they are tuberous.

So choose at least 5 inches pot at the beginning of potting to free yourself from the burden of repotting.

However, following their growing phase, the roots start to poke out of the drainage hole and have stunted growth after a year or two.

But you can wait a while before repotting if there is loosened soil and perform repotting in two to three years.

While repotting, choose at least 2 to 3 inches wider and bigger pot and fill it with a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter.

Better to perform the repotting during drier months, from early to late spring, to prevent stressing the Scandens.

5. Occasional Pruning

Anthurium Scandens easily get attacked by pests that form colonies underneath the leaves.

The most common pest attacking Scandens are scale insects, thrips, and vine weevils.

They feed on the blossoms and transfer the necrotic virus to other plants with rapid munching on the leaves.

So treat these pests with insecticidal soap or neem oil. You can also trim the damaged part with sterilized scissors or pruning shears

Also, they can outgrow the pot and become a host of diseases like powdery mildew, leaf spots, and root rot.

The affected plant shows a greyish and whitish powdery substance at the bottom of the plants, and a rotten smell comes from the roots with a brown spot on the leaves.

To treat the diseased part, spray the plant with copper-rich fungicides.

And ultimately, you can prune the plant any time of the year to remove the unwanted weight of Anthurium scandens.

Anthurium Scandens: All About Growth Rate

The Scandens species of Anthurium have slow to moderate growth with year-long blooming from spring, summer, and fall.

Anthurium Scandens can attain a height ranging from 15 cm to 91 cm depending on the growing condition, with the leaf blade extending up to 6-15 cm in about three years.

Interestingly, you can enjoy the small, pale green flamingo blooms about 2 to 5 times a year, giving out the best from a slow creeper.

After completing the blooming period in about three months, the Scandens develop clusters of purple to white berries, giving out the look of pearls.

A pot containing the mature leaves of Anthurium scandens with pearl shaped berries.
The berries are like a natural pearl from the plant, aiding the beautification of the house.

The glossy, oblong to elongated shaped foliage emerges from a thin, brown stem having a width of about 6 cm.

Toxicity of Anthurium Scandens

According to ASPCA, all Anthurium species, including Anthurium Scandens, is toxic to pets and humans.

The harmful insoluble calcium oxalate crystal is present in every part of the plant so, ingestion of any part is dangerous.

Hypersalivation, mouth irritation, vomiting, and frequent pawing are the signs of Anthurium poisoning. 

Consumption of Scandens in large amounts can result in kidney failure.

To lower the burning sensation in the mouth, you can give them milk as first aid. If your pet has breathing difficulty, immediately take them to the vet. 

You can rely on these hotlines if you suspect your pets or kids took a nibble out of the plant.

Thus, strategically place the plant away from curious pets and kids’ reach.

Though Anthurium Scandens won’t harm or trigger any irritation from skin contact, it is advised to wear gloves while handling the plant.

Propagation Methods for Anthurium Scandens

Better to be clear that propagation not only multiplies the numbers but sometimes enhances growth and promotes blooms.

Here, you can learn to propagate the Anthurium Scandens using rhizomes, seeds, and tubers.

1. Propagation via Rhizomes 

The bulb-like fleshy root rhizomes grow horizontally, along the trails and near the soil surface.

Follow the steps to divide them during the spring or fall.

  • Start by watering the plant a day before dividing it to loosen up the soil.
  • Next day, use a spade to mark the root ball and remove them from the soil without hurting the main system.
  • Then, wash off the excess soil from the roots to have a clear vision of rhizomes.
  • Now, be ready to split the root balls into half from the middle, leaving the stem and branches attached.
  • Again, split off the detached rhizomes into small plant sections.
  • But remember to stay within the number of splits, as the main root should not lose more than one-third of its diameter.
  • Then, prepare the pots according to the division you have made and fill them with an organic potting mix or soil composition as mentioned above.
  • Lastly, place the pot in a bright, warm spot for optimum growth. 

You can even cover the pot with plastic containing small holes for higher humid conditions.

2. Propagation via Tuber Cuttings

Tubers in Anthurium Scandens are the main underground stem containing nodes you can find alongside the rhizomes.

Perform the propagation from tubers mainly in the spring, their active growing season.

  • Start by pulling off the roots from the ground.
  • Then, cut off the tubers into two to four inches long pieces leaving behind at least two nodes in each cutting.
  • Check and remove the old and diseased tubers to promote only healthy growth.
  • Next, plant each segment of tuber at most half the length deep in the peat-based organic potting mix.
  • Make sure the growing bud faces upward and near the soil surface.
  • Lastly, provide the ideal growing condition for the new Scandens to grow further in about 4-6 weeks.

3. Propagation via Seeds

Propagation from seed is time-consuming and takes about 4-6 weeks to germinate.

Start by collecting the seeds from the market or the blooms of previous growth.

  • Fill a seedling tray or pot with damp moss. Peat moss works best for Anthuriums.
  • Sow the seeds in a row and press them slightly inside the peat.
  • Cover the tray or pot with plastic containing holes to promote humidity.
  • Also, provide the seeds warmth by placing a heating mat beneath the tray and ample bright light for the first three weeks.

After about 2-3 months, you can transfer the seedlings to a new pot.

Learn more about the seed propagation of Anthurium through the video below!

Anthurium Scandens for Sale

After knowing the ultimate care of Anthurium Scandens, you are ready to bring new plants home.

Look out for the sites below to buy Scandens.

ShopsShipping Time
Peace Love and HappinessWithin 24 hours
Cheyd Plant Lady2 days after placing order
Rare Palm SeedsWithin 9 days of placing order
Etsy3 to 5 days of placing order

If you wish to live around the Anthurium Plants, choose and invite one of the 20+  Anthurium varieties.

From Editorial Team

Cut off Spent Anthurium Scandens Flowers to Promote More Growth

Once the blooms die, deadhead them using sterilized shears. This helps free up the available nutrients for the rest of the plant and promotes the healthy growth of foliage. 

Cut the Anthurium Plant down to the place where the flower stem develops from the main stem.

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