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Anthurium Forgetii: Ultimate Care Tips with Buying Guide

The dark green leaves with crystalline silver veins of an Anthurium forgetii gracefully stand out among many other plants.

The velvety aroids know how to flaunt their big artistic leaves, attracting many human eyes. They spread vibrance around the room.

Like me, you must have been fascinated with its unique leaves with no sinus or upper lobes. That is how they can flexibly hang with a teardrop shape.

Anthurium Forgetii
Anthurium Forgetii

Like any other plant, they come with certain traits, and care needs to be provided accordingly.

Anthurium forgetii prefers bright indirect lighting, excellent draining soil mix, around 65% humidity, weekly waterings, and a temperature between 18-25°C. Be wary of fertilizing during spring and summer with proper pruning to keep them healthy. Also, consider repotting every 2-3 years or when the plant is pot-bound.

Once your get hands-on with these beauties and bring them home, it is difficult to resist not checking on them now and then.

But they do require more love and care than other Anthurium family plants. With the following tips and tricks, you can do no wrong with your green companion.

Overview of Anthurium Forgetii

Anthurium forgetii is more inclined towards the terrestrial plant as epiphytic. They do not grow very big or eye-catchy plants with their size but a quite small one that fits right at a cute corner of your house.

NameAnthurium forgetii
NativeColumbia and Ecuador
Plant typeEvergreen
Growth RateModerate grower
Maximum 2 feet wide and 4-5 feet of height
FoliageRoundish oval in shape with silver veins that lacks a sinus.
FlowerLasts for a few months

Anthurium Forgetii For Sale

First of all, the most decent budgeted idea is to propagate your Anthuriums if you can. Otherwise, we have a list of options to hunt it in the market.

You can purchase your Anthuriums from nearby nurseries or in the following places. Check out the buying portals and their prices.

Buying PortalPrices
Best Buds$90.37
Minaqu Home Nature$100
Candy Floriculture$330

Plant Guide and Care Tips for Anthurium Forgetii

The artistic teardrop-shaped Anthurium forgetii is not a very fussy plant compared to other plants.

Be patient and give them what they need to bloom at their best.

FactorsFavorable Condition
LightingBright indirect Sunlight
WateringInspect and water weekly if the top 25% of the soil is dry.
Temperature18°C (64°F) - 25°C (77°F)
Soil MixWell Draining Mix
Compost, orchid bark, and perlite.
FertilizerHigh Nitrogen diluted fertilizer
Apply once a month (spring to summer)
PruningAfter 2 years of their growth
Use sterilized shears and scissors
PropagationStem Cutting,
Air layering,
Root Separation methods
RepottingEvery year during late spring or summer
PestsMealybugs, Spider mites, Aphids, Thrips, Scales
Apply oil sprays and horticultural soap
DiseasesFungal and Bacterial diseases
Use fungicides

1. Bright Indirect Lighting

Correct lighting is equally as important as taking care of other factors regarding your plants.

Medium – bright indirect lighting is excellent for growing and absorbing maximum photosynthesis. Provide it to your Anthurium forgetii throughout the day.

Avoid direct sun gazes that destroy and burn your plant.

Anthurium forgetii is resistant to low light, but do not keep it in the dark room. This will cause their leaves to be pale, and the whole plant will grow feeble.

Some areas of your house might get a lot of bright light at one time of the day. You can temporarily shift it and place it back later if this happens.

The best place is to have them in a north or east-facing window. The sunlight easily passes through the window glass but does not create that harsh glaze.

A total of at least 4-6 hours of light in a day keeps your plant healthy and happy.

If, in any case, you are struggling to receive some natural lights, then artificial lighting can be an option. Place your plant a few inches further from the bulb.

2. Provide consistent Watering

A balance of watering the right amount and in proper intervals can make you go a long way to bloom your Anthurium forgetii.

Re-water the soil when the top 1-2 inches of the soil becomes dry. Keep checking and water every week during winter and twice a week during summer.

It is better to make the soil remain moist but not soaked during its growing period.

Be cautious about neither over nor underwatering your plants. Sometimes you might get fooled by seeing the dry soil from outside, but the root balls might still be all soaked up inside.

Having drainage holes in your pots reduces the hassle of overwatering your plants. Therefore, carefully opt for the pot that has a hole.

Overwatering causes yellow leaves, dark brown leaves, and various fungal diseases. At the same time, underwatering causes droopy plants and dry brown leaves.

The best is to quince their thirst with rainwater. Distilled water is also an option, but plants watered with rainwater tend to grow more quickly.

Put a wooden stick inside your soil a few inches deeper. If it is dry, then water your plant babies. If the stick comes out wet, recheck it after a few days.

For the perfect result, you can use a moisture meter to measure the level of the moistness of your root ball in the soil. It easily shows when to water your plants.

How To Use: Insert the meter inside the soil halfway. Do not leave it in the soil since it might ruin the meter. If it shows 4, then it is time to water.

3. Ideal Room Temperature

Providing your Anthurium forgetii with an ideal room temperature helps them survive and grow quicker.

The temperature might fluctuate due to various natural external causes.

Avoid placing your Anthurium forgetii in an area with less than 10°C. Maintain a good temperature for your Anthurium forgetii between 18°C (64°F) – 25°C (77°F).

The cold swifts can be lingering due to the open windows and drafts passing through the corridors or doors.

The heat and suffocation might prevail because of closed doors and windows. Too much-unwanted exposure can damage your Anthurium forgetii with various disease infestations.

Tips to Maintain the Ideal Temperature

  • Especially during evening and night-time, the temperature can fluctuate to a lower degree. It needs to be considered not to let the plants suffer in the cold.
  • Try to keep the room with plants well ventilated, especially during spring/ summer times but away from drafts.
  • Avoid artificial vents like heaters, air conditioners, fans, or fireplaces; go for fresh and natural air circulation for your plants.
  • Heating pads and frost cover can also be used to control the temperature of your plants.

4. High Humidity

Many tend to have a similar impression regarding watering and providing humidity to the plants by many.

However, this is not true as humidity also plays a separate big role in the health of your plants. Lack of it can make your plants very dry and dull.

The ideal humidity for your Anthurium Forgetii is 60 – 70%.

As the humidity level accelerates, it kicks in the growth of the leaves larger and greener.

Everyone is not blessed with a perfect environment where they live. Likewise, all the places do not have high humidity naturally.

No worries that we have got a solution for this by using various options:

  • Placing humidifiers near your plants lets them absorb the mist easily.
  • Mist spraying is one of the simplest and easiest ways to provide humidity to your plants. Depending on the weather (winter or summer) on how dry it gets, you can spritz it on alternate days.
  • A Pebble tray is another method by placing pebbles on your tray and pouring water into it without drowning the stones.

Benefits of Pebble Tray! As the height increases, the pot will not directly contact the water. The slow evaporation of the water keeps supplying humidity to the soil and plant.

Another natural and easy way is to shift the plant to your bathroom or kitchen.

The steam while we shower and water usage creates moisture in a bathroom’s air. In the same way, water particles/ droplets are formed while cooking foods that add value to your plants as humidity.

5. Well-Draining Soil Mix

Too dry or too wet soil is unhealthy for your plants. The consistency and constituents included in the soil make a difference in the overall growth of the plant.

I highly recommend using draining soil with a mix of perlite, orchid bark, vermiculite, and compost.

The mixture creates good aeration in the soil creating a balance of absorbing the moisture and draining extra water.

Warning!! While trying to keep the soil moist do not make it soggy (root rot).

If possible, you can use other components such as sphagnum moss, gravel, charcoal, and peat moss too.

If you are looking for some ready-made potting mix, here are some commercial products.

However, I do not recommend the use of a ready-made potting mix since they can be very dense. Making it yourself with all the necessary ingredients works best instead.

Watch this for DIY potting mix,

6. Say NO to High Fertilization

In the name of caring for your plants, it is bad to be over-fertilizing them without having proper guidance about it.

If anybody is doing so, then it creates the worst experience! Every plant works differently, and the nature of sensitivity also differs.

Likewise, these Anthuriums are not well suited to high fertilization.

An ideal fertilizing period for your Anthurium forgetii is from March to September. Provide it at an interval of 5 – 6 weeks.

Moderation is the key to success. You can also feed them during their rapidly growing stage every 3 – 6 weeks. It acts as a booster supplement.

You can use eggshells, banana peels, onion skins, garlic, and ginger covers to use as homemade or organic fertilizers.

Organic Fertilizer
Organic Fertilizer (Source: Pixabay)

You can apply liquid fertilizers with a balanced ratio of nutrients with NPK 20:20:20, concentration as per the instruction. For example, you can use Indoor Plant Food that contains the right amount of nitrogen.

In addition to this, it is always good to read the instruction label written in the packaging bottle. It is important because different products work differently.

Anthurium Forgetii: All About Growth Rate

Anthurium forgetii takes time to grow and has a low bar limit with growth. 

You might not reach the stage of how much you want them to increase their height as the overall size of the Anthurium forgetii ranges from 4-5 feet.

In the beginning, growing leaves take quite some time. You might see one or two popping in a month.

Likewise, the plant does not grow a lot, but its leaves do. They become denser and larger with proper nourishment and attention.

A healthy growing plant has a leaf size of 20-30 cm in width.


The Anthurium forgetti grows yearly, but flowering is not very common. It does not grow in a bunch or so.

You might see an individual bloom popping up with quite a short lifecycle. They last for a few months and die out.

The dying bloom also takes up some energy and nutrition from the plant. Therefore, it is good to trim them off once they fall out. It helps to focus energy on other parts of the plants and the upcoming new blooms.

8. Potting and Repotting

As mentioned above, a drainage hole is a crucial factor in your plant pot. It keeps the soil well aerated and avoids root rots.

No matter how much attention you shower to your plants, wrong pots will ultimately lead to your plants suffering.

Select the right size of pots by getting a little larger than your plant’s root ball.

So, it must not be congested or planted in extra big containers; large pots encourage retaining unwanted excessive water.


It is essential to repot since the crammed-up pots squish the roots forming knots and stagnating the flow of nutrients.

Repotting is usually not an issue for Anthurium forgetii since they grow slowly. You can use the same first pot for a long time until they show a dire need to get a bigger one.

Repot your Anthurium every year during the late spring or summer season.

Only when your plant seems congested and packed, switch it to a new one. Other than that, they do it when they are infected with diseases or pests.

Worry Not! Slight wilting is common in Anthuriums after Repotting for the first few days.

Tips to Repot Anthurium Forgetii

  • Take a container one size larger than the one you’re currently using. The diameter should be 2.5-5 cm bigger than the old one.
  • To prevent potting mix from fleeing through the drainage hole, cover it with a tiny piece of a paper towel or a rock.
  • Use a light, well-draining medium potting mix that closely resembles the plant’s present potting mix.
  • Fill the new container halfway with fresh potting mix.
  • Carefully remove the Anthurium from its present container.
  • To loosen the roots, gently probe the tight rootball with your fingertips.
  • Fill up around the root ball with potting soil after placing the Anthurium in the pot.
  • Lightly compact the potting mix with your fingers.
  • Water (lightly) the soil to settle it, and then add more potting soil if necessary.
  • For a few days, place the plant in a shaded spot.

9. Pruning Forgetii

Pruning is not that big since these plants do not grow large.

You will need to trim off your plants when the leaves and flowers die out or during propagation. As said earlier, it helps divert the energy and nutrients to other parts of the plants.

You can start pruning your plant when required after two years of their growth when they begin to mature.

Tips to Prune Anthurium Forgetii

  • Make sure to operate with clean sterilized scissors and shears. It prevents diseases and germs from getting transferred to the plant.
  • Go for the leaves and blooms that are dead and dried out.
  • The brown and yellow parts of the plants can be trimmed.
  • Make sure to utilize the stem and root cuttings for propagation.

Other than that, try to groom the plant well with its appearance too.

Toxicity of Anthurium Forgetii

Anthurium forgetii is actually toxic to humans and pets if ingested. So it is better to keep them away from your little ones.

The calcium oxalate crystals in Anthurium forgetii can lead to swelling of your mouth, breathing/ swallowing difficulty, burning sensation, irritation to your mouth, oral blisters, swelling, and oral blisters.

Touching the sap that oozes out from the plant can burn, itch, and irritate the skin.

You can use cold medicines, painkillers, or licorice to subside the effect of the toxins.

Ingesting any part of it can cause oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, swallowing, and decreased appetite in your pets.

If the difficulty further escalates then contact APCC at (888) 426-4435 or call your local veterinarian at soonest possibility.

Propagation of Anthurium Forgetii

There are various ways to propagate your Anthurium forgetii, i.e.,  through cuttings, separation, and air layering.

Moreover, cutting is considered the best and easier method for its highest success rate. 

The best time to propagate an Anthurium is during its active growth period, summer and spring.

1. Stem Cutting

Stem cutting is the easiest way to multiply your plant. Follow the steps below:

  • Choose a healthy part of your plant that looks fresh. Cut below a stem node that contains at least two leaves attached.
  • Fill a glass with water and put the cutting in the glass without submerging the leaves.
  • During summer, the water level might decrease faster. If so, then refill it.
  • Change water with a clean new one every week. It keeps the cuttings healthy. You can also use a propagation promoter to boost its growth.
  • After 3 – 4 weeks, you will see roots coming from the stem. Check if the roots are 2 inches long. If yes, it’s time to plant it in a pot with proper soil mix.
  • Dig in your potting soil, put the selected roots inside 2 inches deep, and firmly close it with the soil again.
  • Take proper care from then onwards, considering all the factors as required. However, do not fertilize them for at least 1 – 2 months.

2. Root Separation

Following is a step-by-step process of the separation propagation:

  • Opt to propagate your plant during the spring season.
  • Dig in and dismantle the soil stuck on the roots.
  • Divide the roots and slowly separate the ones that segregate easily. Please select one of them for propagation with at least two leaves attached.
  • Dig in the prepared soil pot, put the selected roots inside 2 inches deep, and firmly close it again with the soil.
  • Take proper care from then onwards, considering all the factors as required. However, do not fertilize them for at least 1 – 2 months.

Also Watch,

3. Air layering

Air layering is not that popular, but some do use this method. You can try it too. Check out the following steps for the process:

  • Select a fresh, healthy part of your plant that creates a shallow cut next to the node.
  • Wrap the cut with damp sphagnum moss and firmly cover it with plastic wrap, holding it by a string or rubber band. Try not to keep the moss soggy but just damp.
  • Slowly, you will see roots growing within 3 – 4 weeks.
  • Are the roots 2 inches long? If yes, you can cut it off along the roots attached to potting soil!
  • Digging in the other prepared with your soil, put the selected roots inside 2 inches deep, and firmly close it with the soil back again.

Take proper care from then onwards, considering all the factors as required. However, do not fertilize them for at least 1 – 2 months.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of Anthurium Forgetii

What is the difference between Silver Veined and Plain Green Leaves of Anthurium Forgetii?

Some Anthurium Forgetii has silver veins in their leaves, and some are plain green.

It is not due to any reasons behind your caring regimes. They differ only in their appearance, but both of them are the same.

It is similar as some of us have black hair strands and some have brown.

Is there any Difference in the Care Treatment for Anthurium Forgetii Dark?

Anthurium forgetii Dark has darker leaves than the normal ones.

Though they look a bit different, there is no difference in how it works. The care instructions are the same as stated above.

Summing Up!

The current article pretty much gives overall guidance to bloom your Anthurium Forgetii to its best.

A few tips and tricks make you go a long way to keep your space well-decorated and fresh with these pretty-looking plants.

The white veins flowing on their big broad leaves are what attracts many! Treasure the one you have at home and keep flourishing it more.

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