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Why Do Trees Grow Fruit? Everything You Need To Know

Do you know delicious, pulpy fruits are the tactics of the trees to attract you towards it to grow another baby tree with the fruit you eat?

Generally, trees grow fruits to attract different birds and animals that disperse the seeds and help them to reproduce and grow into a new plant. So, it’s not OK to leave fruit on a tree as overripe fruit may attract pests and diseases.

Moreover, some seeds can germinate only after removal of the flesh. Leaving them on the trees can halt the seeds from germination.

So, go through this complete article to know why a tree grows fruits and continue with this if you want to harvest them.

Is It OK to Leave A Fruit On a Tree?

When you leave fruit on a tree, it begins to ripen, and gradually, the overripe fruits start to fall on the ground.

These fallen fruits eventually start to rot, attracting many unwanted pests. Such pests can be destructive as they suck the sap of the leaves, making them nasty.

Pests are also the source of transfer of many pathogenic infections from rotten fruits to trees. Your tree may face serious issues like leaf spots, cankers, etc.,  that can also lead to death.

Red apple on a tree
Harvest the fruit when it becomes ripe to enjoy the best flavor.

Additionally, overripe fruits also make the tree look unappealing. The fallen fruits may start to smell bad, which is not good for the environment.

Also, those fruits that fall on the ground are unsuitable to use, leading to wastage.

Thus, it’s not OK to leave a fruit on a tree as it’s unhealthy for you and your tree. Instead, you can pick up ripe fruit and use it to make delicious desserts, jams, jellies, etc.

Why Do Trees Grow Fruit?

Basically, trees grow fruit to reproduce and give a new plant the next year. As fruit contains a seed inside, it can germinate into a new plant.

Moreover, naturally colorful fruits help attract birds and animals for the dispersal of the seeds. These pollinators feed on the juicy fruits and disperse seeds.

The seeds that disperse into the ground develop into a new plant after getting suitable conditions.

Furthermore, the fleshy part of the fruit nourishes the seeds and protects them from damage. Undamaged seeds can reproduce successfully.

Additionally, trees grow fruit to store the energy for future use. During winter, when there is scarcity, high sugar content in the fruits provides energy to the trees.

When To Harvest A Fruit From A Tree?

There is no fixed answer on the best time to harvest a fruit, as different fruits contain unique structures.

However, it’s better to know that the best time to harvest any fruit is when it becomes fully ripe.

You can also harvest fruit when it’s young or unripe if you like the sour flavor of some fruits. It depends upon your preference.

Some fruits, like Mangoes, Peaches, Plums, etc., show ripening signs by changing their color and becoming more fragrant. Meanwhile, some fruits, like Grapes, Apples, etc., may only change their color but stay firm.

But, some fruits like Avocado never become fully ripe. You must pick the unripe fruit and let it soften at room temperature.

Thus, harvest a fruit from a tree when it is slightly unripe to enjoy the best flavor. 

From Editorial Team

Some Extra Tips!

While harvesting a fruit, always use sharp and sterilized tools to avoid unwanted infections and clean picking.

Moreover, avoid damage to the tree while picking the fruits. Properly dispose of the overripe fruits to maintain good tree health and avoid pathogenic diseases.

Also, while harvesting fruits like Mangoes, wear gloves and long-sleeved clothes to protect your clothes from the toxic sap.