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Venus Fly Trap Flower: Everything you Need to Know

Did you know that the Venus Fly Trap plant also produce flower besides luring insects to its leaves to capture for its meal?

Venus Fly Trap plant begins flowering in the Spring on 6-8 inches long stalks after the dormancy. It has a small, star-shaped white flower with green veins extending from the base of the petals toward the edge.

The plant’s traps are often misunderstood as plant flowers, but they are colorful leaves.

Keep reading till the end to unveil everything you need about Venus Fly Traps flower, so you do not fall for misleading rumors.

How Often Does the Venus Fly Trap Flower?

Charles Darwin called the Venus Fly Trap plant “one of the most magnificent plants.” It is one of the most well-known carnivorous plants in the world.

Venu Fly Trap
This well-known carnivorous plant has aesthetic white flowers beside the magnetic traps.
Venus Fly Trap is a perennial that flowers in Spring, and each flower lasts a few weeks. They can flower one to twelve times per season.

Remember, the plant that has matured enough only produces flowers which usually takes 3-4 years.

Venus Fly Trap flowers to set seeds and reproduce, just like any other flowering plants.

Venus Fly Trap Flower Overview

Hailing from marshy coastal North and South Carolina, the Venus Fly Trap has a white flower with green veins extending from the petals’ base.

To protect the pollinators from being trapped, the flower sits on almost six-inch long thick, cylindrical stalks.

So, unlike its leaves, the Venus Fly Trap flower is entirely harmless and only focuses on pollination.

Scientific NameDionaea Muscipula
NativeNorth America
Plant TypePerennial
Blooming SeasonSpring, Summer
Flower ShapeStellate (star shaped)
Flower ColorWhite
ScentFruity Scent
SeedsSmall, black and shiny
PollinationSelf pollination

The Venus Fly Trap plant invests a lot of energy to make a single flower, and after flowering, they often wither down.

Flowering can weaken the plant for almost a year; without proper care during this phase, the plant can die off.

Nonetheless, the Venus Fly Trap flower every year and justify its meaning for ‘Persistence.’

This flower produces sweet nectar and attracts the bugs like Ants, Beetles, Grasshoppers, and Spiders.

How Do You Pollinate Venus Fly Trap Flower?

Venus Fly Trap flowers are capable of self-pollination and can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

This plant produces a sweet smell that attracts pollinators, but humans cannot.

However, cross-pollination can help produce many seeds and dynamic germination.

Amongst 64 diverse species of pollinators that the Venus Fly Trap flower attracts, bees and beetles are the main pollinating agents.

The flowers of Venus Fly Traps are elevated on their stems, which stand somewhat above the plants’ traps or leaves.

This helps to keep the pollinators away from getting trapped on the leaves.

As the indoor Venus Fly Trap flower does not have the privilege to attract pollinators, so help the plant with hand pollination.

  • Collect the pollen from the anther and the long filament from the flower after it fully blooms.
  • For collecting the pollen, you can use a Q-tip or a brush.
  • Rub the pollen on the Stigma of another flower to transfer it there.
  • After the successful pollination, Venus Fly Traps produce black seeds.

How to Make a Venus Fly Trap Plant Flower?

Contrary to popular perception, Venus Fly Traps are relatively easy to grow, even for a rookie gardener like me.

You should have no trouble making a mature Venus Fly Trap plant flower if you adhere to some essential maintenance instructions.

  • Place the Venus Fly Trap plant in a bright sunny spot ensuring six or more hours of direct sunlight.
  • Use artificial grow light to counterbalance the lack of sunlight.
  • Maintain the temperature between 70 and 95°F and do not allow the temperature to dip below 40°F in winter.
  • Ensure the humidity level is over 50% for optimal growth and flowering.
  • Give the plant acidic sphagnum-based nutrient-free soil with good drainage and aeration.
  • Avoid adding compost or fertilizer to the soil mix, as it can kill the Venus Fly Trap plant.
They typically obtain most of the nitrogen they need from the proteins of insects they catch with their leaves.
  • Relocate the plant to a cold location from November to February to let it rest in dormancy. Its leaves will turn black and wither.
  • Remove dead leaves before the active growing season and repot the plant if necessary.
  • Use chemical-free water every 10-14 days and let the tap water sit before watering the plant, as dissolved alkaline can kill the flytraps.

What To Do with Venus Fly Trap Plant Flowers?

Venus Fly Trap flowers are beautiful, but they often exhaust the plant.

If the plant size is small and weak, the flowering phase can wither down the plant entirely with stunted growth.

Thus, pinch off the stalk to prevent the small, unhealthy plant from flowering altogether to skip flowering.

But you can allow the bigger, healthy Venus Fly Trap plants to flower, and once they begin to wither, you can deadhead them.

With prompt deadheading, the energy spent on reproduction will be diverted toward better foliage growth.

aesthetic venus fly trap flower
The white aesthetic flowers takes a toll on the plant if the plant is not healthy.

Remember, after flowering, the plant will not die, given that the plant is healthy and big enough to carry out an exhausting process.

Thus, analyze the condition of your plant before deciding whether to allow the plant to flower.

That said, allow the flowers and proceed with pollination to harvest Venus Fly Trap seeds.

Health Considerations to Keep in Mind

Plenty of houseplants are toxic and contain poisonous substances unsafe for your pets, but Venus Fly Trap is not.

According to the ASPCA, Venus Fly Trap plants are completely non-toxic and do not threaten the health of cats and dogs.

The compounds present within this plant do not cause any harm to cats, dogs, or humans.

But, the fresh plant may irritate the skin when it comes into contact with it.

However, minor stomach discomfort may arise if your kids or animals accidentally consume the plant.

Here are some hotlines that can help you with houseplant poisoning in pets.

Venus Fly Trap For Sale

You can buy Venus Fly Trap in different online shops at reasonable prices.

Places to BuyDelivery Time
Amazon4-8 days
Predatory Plants5-7 days
Walmart3-4 days

From Editorial Team

Skipping Flowering? Do It Soon!

If you have decided to skip flowering to keep the exotic pest-trapping leaves intact, aim to snip off the flower stalk as soon as it sprouts out.

Remember, the stalks with a flower bud on them mean the plant has already used much energy. But still, snipping them can save some energy.

Besides decorating your homes, Venus Fly Traps reduce the population of insects and pests.

However, Venus Fly Traps are a little difficult to care for. So, try to provide them with proper soil, water, and temperature.

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