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Underwatered Prayer Plant: Here’s What to DO!

A Prayer plant is an attractive option for homeowners as they present you with striking foliage.

It is found in the tropical jungles of Brazil, where it blossoms in the springtime. However, it doesn’t flower very often as a potted plant inside our houses. 

Let’s face it, we are not always present for our indoor buddies, and we may be required to travel for extended periods than we anticipated.

Our dear potted Prayer plants may be left unattended for extended periods, and there is a high chance of a significant gap in our watering routine.

As a result, the dirt in the container dries out over prolonged periods, causing the plant to collapse.

Generally, underwatered Prayer plant shows sighs like dry and crusty topsoil, crunchy, the yellow turning of the foliage, and eventually, it’s falling off. Routine check for the plants’ needs (humidity or less sunlight), water more constantly, keeping an eye on the soil moisture, etc., are some ways to fix it.

Prayer Plant
Prayer Plant

Prayer plants must be properly cared for, as insufficient moisture or humidity can lead them to wilt.

If your Prayer plant requires some water therapy, keep reading. This piece will look at bringing a Prayer plant back to life after it has suffered hydration negligence. 

Underwatered Prayer Plant: Will it die?

If you detect wilting foliage on your Prayer plant, realize that it is suffering and seek your prayers!

Withered leaves indicate that there is a problem with your plant. It is something you should take care of.

If you believe it is underwatered, you should double-check the soil moisture content before making any modifications to your maintenance regimen.

Prayer Plants demand more water during the warmer summer months than in winters.

Plants that do not receive enough water may inevitably die, no argument! As soon as you identify a watering issue, you should learn how to save your beloved Prayer plants.

Too little water can create various issues for your Prayer plant, including dry crunchy leaves and withering of the entire plant.

After a prologued period of lack of moisture, a Prayer plant might finally lose all the water molecules in its body and die.

How to Revive a Prayer Plant? Find out The Easy Way Possible

Underwatered Prayer Plant: Signs!

With more and more plants to look after, it is almost unavoidable that some won’t get the moisture they require.

But you could still revive underwatered Prayer Plants if you catch them early and are still in good form.

Cute Prayer Plant
Cute Prayer Plant

Below are some of the ubiquitous signs and symptoms of underwatered Prayer plants. 

1. Discolored leaves

Take a hard look at your plant’s older leaves. If your plant isn’t getting enough water, the leaves will turn yellow and curl from around the margins.

Before actually falling off your plant, the margins will become dry and brittle.

2. Dead leaf tips

The ends and margins of leaves dry out and turn brown when a plant doesn’t get enough water. Ultimately, the entire leaf will turn brown and die.

3. Wilting leaves

Wilting is a symptom of both underwatering and overwatering.

When you examine the leaves of a plant that has been underwatered, you will find that they are crisper rather than limp.

Wilting indicates a shortage of water going through a plant’s cells in this scenario.

Searching for the reasons for those nasty curls on your Prayer Plants! Here is it: Why are the Leaves on my Prayer Plant Curling?

4. Stunted growth

Growth will be slower than expected if you persistently underwater a plant yet provide it with adequate water to survive.

It is possible that new development, like leaves, will be negligible.

5. Dry soil

If the soil seems dry to the fingertips, watering is likely required. You may always examine the soil by inserting your finger as far as it will go into it.

It is time to water if you don’t feel any moisture.

When growing Prayer plants in pots, dirt sliding away from the edge of the pot indicates that the plant is underwatered and needs to be tended as soon as possible

Underwatered Prayer Plant: Causes and What to do!

While we go into the suggestions for why your Prayer plant is drooping, keep in mind that resurrecting a Prayer plant is a process that takes time.

Revitalizing a Prayer plant will necessitate careful thought and knowledge of the plant’s core character and requirements.

Here are some of the Causes of your beloved Prayer Plant being underwatered with its Solution. Know the cause and follow the solutions for their speedy recovery

1. Irregular watering

Your Prayer plant prefers moist soil all of the time. Be sure that you are not overwatering or underwatering your plant in due process.

Maintain a regular watering schedule when 25% of the topsoil is dry.

IKEA.. 403.941.18 Vattenkrasse Watering Can
Watering the indoor plant (Source: Amazon)

If you let the soil on your Prayer plant dry out entirely, the leaves may become floppy, sag, and potentially brown and curl.

Solution and Preventive Measures

  • A vigorous soak is required if the soil is dried throughout the pot.
  • Immediately water your plant until you see water running out through the drainage holes.
  • Make a schedule for hydrating your plant regularly.
  • Go for a self-watering pot in case you are habitual of forgetting to quince their thirst.
  • Rainwater would be the best type of water you can offer your Prayer plant with.

2. Fast Evaporation

While Prayer plants are tropical species that prefer the sun and prosper well on a sunny windowsill, they should not be kept in direct sunlight for prolonged hours.

Prayer plants are moderately small and, in the wild, would be shadowed by other gigantic plants. 

Solution and Preventive Measures

  • Don’t position your Prayer plant in direct sun, or it will dry out and start to wither.
  • It is suggested that you place your Prayer plant in indirect sunlight.
  • Keep a watch on your Prayer plant to determine if it is becoming used to the quantity of light it is receiving.
  • If you witness that the borders of your plant’s leaves are twisting and turning brown, this hints at too much heat and light. You can either transfer your plant to a shady location or place a shade above it.
  • Remember to add rocks to the bottom of your Prayer plant pot the next time you re-pot it. This will help with ventilation and runoff.
  • Use a tray with pebbles to collect the water. This is to keep your plant moist but not wet.
  • Use a high-quality potting mix with draining as well as moisture-retaining features.

3. Low humidity

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that placing their Prayer plants near a heat source will provide them with the warmth they require to survive.

Although done with kind intentions, it is frequently the cause of low humidity near Prayer plants.

Tropical plants that flourish in excessive humidity are known as Prayer plants. In low humidity, they frequently begin to wilt.

Misting flowering plants
Misting flowering plants (Source: Pexels)

Solution and Preventive Measures

  • Purchase a humidity meter and determine if the air surrounding your Prayer plant has a low humidity level. 
  • If the air that surrounds your Prayer plant is deficient in moisture, purchase a humidifier and install it near your plant to continuously humidify the air. 
  • Don’t leave your Prayer plant on a window during the cold season. Drafts may cause your plant to shrivel and become brown.
  • It is ideal to keep your plant someplace warmer but keep it away from heaters if possible, as this will limit the humidity accessible to your plant.

To maintain your Prayer plant clean and neat, brush it every two weeks.

You can clean the leaves of your plant using a moist towel. This will not only make your plant seem better, but it will also help it stay hydrated.

Tips to Prevent Underwatering issues in Prayer Plant

1. Water More Constantly

If you are convinced you are smothering your plants, water them more frequently and use more water.

Avoid overwatering, but make sure this thirsty plant gets enough!

2. Keep an Eye on the Moisture Level

Regularly check if the soil is too dry. If you do not prefer sticking your fingers inside the pot, place a stick in the dirt to help you keep track of water content.

When in uncertainty, a moisture meter can be helpful!

3. Water from the Roots

Another helpful strategy is submerging the pot in a pitcher or pan of water, allowing the plant to absorb moisture from the roots.

If you have been neglecting your green companions’ demand to be watered for a long time, a good soak will make it happy.

Along with soak, these solutions and preventive measures will be your PLUS point. And here is how you should do that:

And here is how to do it:

  • Find a container strong large enough to Place the planter.
  • Fill half of the container with rained, distilled, or filtered water as tap water may contain chlorine.
  • Leave the plant down to soak the water for a few minutes. The water will be absorbed through the drainage holes.

The plant will not only quince its thirst, but the soil mix will also throw away the salts that have been accumulated there for so long.

4. Daily Check

You undoubtedly enjoy visiting your plants to see what’s happening if you are a typical plant parent.

Continue with your Prayer-plant visitations. Each day, inspect your plants to see whether they want water or other attention.

If your attempts promptly assist the plants in resolving their water stress concerns, you should witness new growth within a few days.

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Prayer plants are popular houseplants worldwide because of their gorgeous leaf. They are tropical plants that require special attention.

Wilting can occur due to poor conditions or maintenance, and your plant may eventually die.

Prayer Plant
Dying Prayer Plant

On a brighter note, you can revive your underwatered Prayer plant with proper care, as mentioned above.

Ensure your plants are well watered, free of pests, and positioned in a draught-free spot where they can get plenty of sunlight.

Aren’t you yet interested on Prayer plants? You would be more amazed to know about its varieties with the article: 15 Different Types of Prayer Plants

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