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Red Creeping Thyme Seeds: Guide To Propagating & Harvesting

Red Creeping Thyme seeds are small and have long viable periods. But, if you don’t protect them from moisture, they can easily get damaged.

To plant Red Creeping Thyme from seeds, harvest them during fall and plant them in the following spring. Ensure to maintain warm soil temperatures between 65-75°F and always sow them exposed to sunlight.

If you want to learn the in-and-out ways to plant the seeds of Red Creeping Thyme seeds and learn about their aftercare, follow below!

Overview Of Red Creeping Thyme Seeds

Red Creeping Thymes (Thymus serphyllum ‘Coccineus’) are excellent ground cover plants that bloom with a plethora of shades during summer.

However, Red Creeping Thyme sets seeds during fall (between September and October) and prefers USDA zones 4-9.

Each individual seeds are tiny, darkish-brown, and oval in outline, about 0.0625 inches long, which you can collect and plant in the following spring or during fall.

Usually, the seeds germinate within 2-3 weeks, and the soil temperature (around 65-75°F), along with sunlight, is the crucial germinator initiator for the plant. 

Although the adult plants of Red Creeping Thymes have the capacity to endure harsh winters (around -30°F), their seeds cannot tolerate too hot or too cold.

Hence, wait for the soil temperature to warm up to 65°F first if you decide to plant the seeds directly on the ground.

Advantage Of Growing Red Creeping Thyme [Gardening Benefits]

Before we dive into planting and growing Red Creeping Thymes seeds, let’s see their benefits.

  • Red Creeping Thymes are suitable for dry summers, drought-tolerant, and require less water for growth.
  • The vibrant blooms of Red Creeping Thyme lure pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
  • Minty foliage of Creeping Thyme repulses herbivores, such as deer and rodents.
  • However, the minty Creeping Thyme leaves are edible, and you can use them to flavor various dishes.
  • Further, the crawling habit of Creeping Thyme helps fill in the gaps in your gardens.
  • You can also use the Creeping Thyme as border plants to surround the edges of your garden sidewalks.
Thyme plants have unusual ways of fortifying the garden, as they are great companion plants!

How To Grow Red Creeping Thyme From Seeds?

To grow Red Creeping Thyme seeds, you need to first harvest the seeds from the plants during fall (September and October).

Harvesting Red Creeping Thyme Seeds

Follow these steps to harvest the seeds of Thyme.

  • Wait for the seeds to become fully ripe and are ready to fall off the plant.
  • Jerk the flowering stems with seeds and place a white cloth below to catch the seeds.
  • Collect them in labeled glass jars or paper bags.

Storing Red Creeping Thyme Seeds

You can store the seeds in the cooling rack of the fridge if you live in the warmer zones.

However, you can also preserve the seeds at temperatures between 35°F and 45°F.

Ensure that the seeds are dry and not damp. Also, avoid plastic bags or containers that can trap moisture.

However, you should constantly monitor the seeds for mold or decay.

With good measures, the seeds of Red Creeping Thymes can stay viable for up to 3 years.

When & Where To Plant Red Creeping Thyme Seeds?

The best time to plant or sow the seeds is during spring (viable soil temperature of 65°F).

However, you can start the seeds about 8-10 weeks before the last frost indoors during the late fall and then transplant the seedlings outdoors later.

Hence, follow these steps to grasp the concept of planting Red Creeping Thyme seeds.

  • Take a well-draining, moist premium potting mix and fill it in a seed germination tray.
  • Plant the seeds on the surface and keep the soil temperature around 65-75°F.
  • However, keep the seeds at a distance of 2-3 inches apart and place the setup in a warm and sunny spot.
  • With that said, the seeds should germinate within 2-3 weeks.
  • Plant the individual seedlings after they grow about 3-4 inches tall in suitable terracotta planters.
  • Keep the seedlings near a sunny (south or open east-facing) window and follow with normal care routine. 
Image represents planting space for Red Creeping Thyme plants
Red Creeping Thyme plants need at least 1-2 feet distance on field planting space.

Tips To Care For Red Creeping Thyme Plants

After the seedlings grow to a proper height, you may need to care for the seedlings like the adult plants.

  • Light: 6-8 hours of direct daily sunlight.
  • Watering: Every 1-2 weeks in spring & summer and monthly during fall & winter.
  • Temperature: Surrounding temperatures of 65-75°F.
  • Humidity: 30-50% of ambient air moisture.
  • Soil: Well-draining & porous (soil pH 6-8).
  • Fertilizer: Balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer annually in early spring (avoid fertilizer application during fall and winter).
  • Pruning: Trim the dead, decaying, pest-infested, or diseased parts during early spring.
  • Repotting: Transplant annually during late spring or early summer in new garden areas or in new planters.

From Editorial Team


The seeds of Red Creeping Thyme require light to germinate. Hence, keep them disclosed while planting them.

If necessary, only plant the seeds about 0.25 inches deep to protect them from frost.

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