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Philodendron Lemon Lime [Complete Care Guide] 

Philodendron Lemon Lime has bright chartreuse heart-shaped, dark-green leaves with a lime green variegation.

However, the green color fades completely when overwatered.

Generally, Philodendron Lemon Lime requires bright indirect sunlight, 40-50% humidity, 60-75°F temperature, and weekly water. They thrive in well-draining soil (6-8 pH) replenished with a monthly balanced fertilizer aided with seasonal prune.

Even with minimal care, Philodendron Lemon Lime can stay upbeat. So, stick with the article to make them attain new heights.

Overview of Philodendron Lemon Lime

Philodendron hederaceum, endemic to America, has cascading leaves in various colors ranging from vibrant yellow to lime.

This Philodendron species is perpetual, so they stay fresh and lovely throughout the seasons.

Scientific NamePhilodendron hederaceum Lemon
Common NameLemon Lime Heartleaf Philodendron, Lemon Lime Philodendron
Family Araceae
OriginCentral to South America
USDA Zone9-11
Growth HabitGrows throughout the year
Plant TypeClimber
Plant Size12-24 inches height
7-10 inches in length
1-2 inches width
FoliageBright lime green with light brown, pink tint
Toxicity Toxic to pets and humans

Philodendron Lemon Lime [Complete Care Guide]

Being a fellow tropical Philodendron, try to mimic the natural habitat-like condition for optimal growth.

Quick Care hack of Philodenron Lemon Lime
Give your Philodendron Lemon Lime a moist but not soggy soil, maintain humidity above 60%, and then you are golden.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

The delicate foliage of Philodendron Lemon Lime prefers to sit in indirect bright sunlight with the warmth of 60-75°F.

Place them 3-5 feets away east window, ensuring morning sunlight for optimal growth. Otherwise, in USDA 9-11, you may grow them outdoors.

They oppose direct sunlight due to potential sunburn from excess heat. Scorched Lemon Lime leaves have brown spots and dry leaf edges on yellowing leaves.

Likewise, low light and temperatures (<55°F) result in leggy or stunted growth and yellowing, droopy leaves. 

Therefore, use artificial grow lights for 7-10 hours, heat pads, and frost blankets to avoid such issues.

Similarly, utilize sheer drapes to reduce the sunlight intensity and avoid placing your plants near any radiators.

2. Water & Humidity

If Lemon Lime Philodendron is turning brown, soft, wilting, or yellow foliage, you have underwatered them.

However, it is due to over-watering if the leaves turn brown, yellow, or mushy and lose their yellow-green (bright green) color.

Provide your Philodendron Lemon Lime water once a week in summer but cut back in winter to once a month.

Similarly, maintain a humidity level above 60% and don’t let it dip below 40%.

Use the bottom watering approach aided with pebbles to keep your Philodendron hydrated.

As watering needs vary, invest in a moisture meter or allow the top two inches of soil to dry before watering.

Likewise, occasionally mist them in summer using spray bottles to keep humidity at optimal levels.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Philodendron Lemon Lime flourishes in well-draining, porous pH 6-8 soil enriched with organic manure.

Prepare a soil mix containing cocopeat, perlite, organic compost, and orchid barks. Similarly, feed your Lemon Philodendron with a monthly balanced fertilizer.

But cut back fertilizer up to once in two months during dormant winter to avoid overfertilization.

plant fertilization tips
Avoid fertilizing your plants in winter as they stay dormant to avoid overfertilization issues.

Excess fertilizer can accumulate salt on the soil and cause chemical burns, root rot, and brown spots in aroids like Philodendron spp. , and Peace Lily.

Contrarily, nutrient-deficient Philodendrons have slow, stunted growth with weak, lanky stems and small new leaves.

Thus, aim for consistent fertilization using products from verified retailers. Also, dilute them before applying them to avoid burns.

4. Potting and Repotting

Philodendron Lemon Lime is lenient about pot size, so they won’t fuss about staying in an 8-10 inches pot for over 2 years.

But once they outgrow the pot, they must be repotted immediately.

Roots poking out from drain holes, stunted growth, and abrupt dropping foliage are the signs of potbound Philodendron.

Moreover, you must repot your Lemon Lime Philodendron when they are infected with fungal diseases.

Common fungal diseases of Philodendron include Mildew, Fusarium wilt, and Rhizoctonia rot.

To treat and control such problems, repot Philodendron in a new pot with a new potting mix after removing infected parts.

Ensure to use a terracotta or clay pot to ensure optimal drainage and ensure the pot is bigger than the previous one.

5. Regular Pruning

Prune your Lemon Lime Philendron once in about 3-6 months, depending upon its size and growth rate.

Feel free to trim your Philodendron if you see dead, discolored, or damaged leaves.

Furthermore, immediately prune them if you notice pests troubling your Philodendron.

Generally, pests like mealy bugs, fungus gnats, and spider mites often invade Philodendron Lemon.

Alongside pruning using sterilized pruners, apply neem or horticultural oil to discourage future pest invasion.

Furthermore, refrain from over-pruning and trim only 35% of the plant to avoid severe pruning stress.

Also, aim to prune them in early spring to make them bushy and avoid winter pruning.

Philodendron Lemon Lime: All About Growth

A tropical climber with a slow growth rate, Philodendron Lemon Lime actively unfurls new leaves in spring and summer.

But they stay dormant in winter to preserve energy to make a comeback in spring.

They can grow over 2 feet tall and spread 12 inches with ideal natural habitats like Care. But can grow roughly over 10 feet in nature.

Meanwhile, the individual leaves are 7-8 inches long, while the stem is 1 inch wide and 12 inches long.

juvenile philodendron lemon lime leaf
The young, juvenile leaves of Philodendron hederaceum Lemon has striking pinkish yellow leaves that gradually turn neon green as they mature.

The stems of this Philodendron spread in gigantic vines, rapidly spilling down in substantial volumes.

The leaves start as electrifying pinkish-yellow buds, evolve into a deep lime shade and ultimately turn neon green as they mature, just like the leaves of Lemon Lime Pothos.

Blooms are uncommon on the Lemon Lime heartleaf Philodendron. Thus, flowering indoors is very rare.

But, in nature, they produce typical Philodendron inflorescence in a stunning pearl white.

Furthermore, lack of flowering results in no seeds, and it is often hard to find one.

If you get one, you can use seeds to propagate, but it is a sophisticated process with meticulous care needs.

Toxicity of Philodendron Lemon Lime

According to the ASPCA, all Philodendron species are toxic to pets and humans.

All parts of the Philodendron Lemon Lime plant contain toxic insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, making them toxic to dogs, cats, and even humans.

Accidental consumption of Lemon Philodendron can cause oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypersalivation.

A large amount of consumption can introduce severe swelling of the respiratory tract, causing breathing difficulties.

Therefore, keep the plant out of kids’ and pets’ reach with necessary preventive steps to avoid poisoning.

Here are a few helplines to rely on if you suspect any houseplant poisoning with those symptoms.

Philodendron Lemon Lime Propagation 

Philodendron Lemon Lime can be propagated in spring or summer via stem cutting and air layering methods.

But stem cutting is preferred over other methods due to easy steps with a higher success rate.

Before jumping into propagation, gather tools like sterilized pruners and rooting hormones.

1. Propagation Via Stem Cuttings

Lookout for a healthy stem and trim it with sharp pruning shears, leaving a pair of leaves on top.

  • Water Medium: Place the cutting in a jar filled with fresh water and rooting hormone.
  • Change the water every 3-5 days and keep the jar in a bright, warm place.
  • Within a week, cutting should sprout roots.
  • Soil Medium: Directly plant the cutting in fresh soil mix after applying rooting hormone to the cut ends.
  • Mimic a mini greenhouse by wrapping the pot with a plastic cover.
  • Keep the soil moist but not soggy for optimal rooting.
  • New roots should sprout within 2-3 weeks.
  • Replants them into a new pot once cutting has firm, legit roots. 

2. Propagation Via Air Layering

Aim to air-layer your Philodendron Lemon in the active growing season.

  • Select a stem section from the nourishing mother plant’s stem with a node.
  • Remove extra leaves from the stem and cut the bark.
  • Layer the cut section with peat moss and soil, cover it with plastic, and tie the ends to boost the humidity.
  • Once you see the new roots, remove the plastic and carefully cut just below the stem with the new roots.
  • Transfer it to a disinfected new (GulfportPharmacy) pot with the proper potting mix.

FAQs About Philodendron Lemon Lime

Is Lemon Lime Philodendron the same as Neon Pothos?

No, Lemon Lime Philodendron is not the same as Neon Pothos.

Juvenile Lemon Philodendron leaves are pinkish-yellow and turn neon green as they mature.

How much sun does a Lemon Lime Philodendron need?

They prefer 6-8 hours of bright indirect sunlight at the east window. Protect them from the afternoon sun but ensure a few hours of the morning sun.

Final Thoughts

The Lemon Lime Philodendron is a lovely tropical plant that blooms in the spring and summer but only on rare occasions.

Compliment your space with vibrant chartreuse yellow while maintaining a moist setting for them to thrive.

All The Best!

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