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Philodendron Jose Buono: A Complete Care Guide

Adorned for variegated leaves, Philodendron Jose Buono stays upbeat with minimal care despite being one of the rare Philodendrons.

Generally, Philodendron Jose Buono thrives in bright filtered light (6-8 hours), a temperature of 60-85°F and humidity of 60% or more. Airy, porous soil of pH 6.1 to 7.3 with weekly watering and monthly fertilization aided with occasional pruning and repotting once every 2-3 years ensures ideal growth.

Continue reading to ensure Philodendron Jose thrives in your problem-free rare plant collection.

Philodendron Jose Buono Overview

Native to tropical rainforests of Colombia, Philodendron Jose Buono is also known as Giant Hastatum.

This tropical plant shows a lot of similarities with the Laceleaf plant (Anthurium spp.), Scindapsus spp., and Swiss cheese plant(Monstera spp.) in terms of care requirements and morphology.

Go through the table below to learn more about Philodendron Jose Buono.

Scientific NamePhilodendron domesticum
Common NamePhilodendron ‘Jose Buono,’
Giant Hastatum,
Philodendron ‘Variegatum,’
NativeTropical parts,
Especially found in Colombia and the Caribbean region.
Growth ZoneUSDA 9-11 zones
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial epiphyte
Growth SizeOutdoors: 10 feet in height in its native environment

Indoors: 4 feet
SpreadAbout 3 feet on maturity
Leaf Size2 feet in length and
9 inches in width on maturity
Grown ForFoliage
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets

Philodendron Jose Buono – Best Care Hack

Aim to mimic natural habitat-like conditions to grow Jose Buono Philodendron to attain optimal growth.

Here, look at Jose Buono’s quick care requirements and optimal conditions.

Quick Care hack for Philodendron Jose Buono
Maintain these quick basic care to keep your Philodendron happy and thriving for more with unique creamy white variegation.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

The Philodendron Jose Buono adores 6 to 8 hours of ample sunlight with a warmth of about 60-85°F.

3-5 feet away at east or patio reflecting morning sunlight is suitable for Jose Buono. But they can stay outdoors in 9 to 11 USDA zones.

They are reluctant about direct sunlight and excess heat due to risks of sunburn and extreme dehydration.

Excessive sunlight and heat can scorch Philodendron Jose leaves, causing brown, dry leaf edges on yellowing leaves.

In contrast, low light and cold drafts (<50°F) result in leggy or stunted growth with discoloration of leaves.

Thus, aim for grow lights, frost blankets, and heat pads or utilize a light meter to measure and place plants accordingly.

2. Watering & Humidity

Like every other tropical plant, Philodendron Jose Buono loves consistently moist substrate at higher (>60%) humidity.

For ideal watering, fetch them water once a week in the active season and twice a month in winter. Similarly, regularly mist them in the morning for optimal humidity.

An underwatered Philodendron develops dry and crispy, curly leaves with brown edges. Meanwhile, overwatered ones develop limpy and soft leaves.

Besides that, improper watering and humidity cause yellow-brown leaves with stunted growth.

foliage of philodendron jose buono
Keep your Philodendron hydrated with a consistent watering habit and adjust it with other parameters.

Furthermore, excess moisture and humidity can invite graver issues like root rot, pests, and fungal diseases.

Thus, use a moisture meter or water once the topsoil feels dry to be on a safe boat.

Otherwise, opt for bottom watering with occasional overhead showering aided with pebbles to keep humidity >40% at all times.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Philodendron Jose Buono plant grows flawlessly in well-draining, light, porous soil enriched with organic manure.

Give your Jose Buono a soil mix (pH 6.1 to 7.3) of peat moss, perlite, organic compost, orchid barks, and activated charcoal. Also, give them 3-2-1 fertilizer once a month in spring.

Nutrition deficiencies cause drooping, wilting, and discoloration of Philodendron foliage alongside stunted growth.

Contrarily, excess fertilizer results in salt accumulation leading to a chemical burn, root rot, and brown spots.

Thus, cut back on fertilization in the winter dormant season. Also, dilute the fertilizer before use as per the product label.

4. Occasional Pruning

Philodendron Jose Buono is a low-maintenance plant needing no regular pruning.

However, do not hesitate to prune if your Jose Buono hosts unwanted pests like mealy bugs and spider mites.

Snip all infected parts using sterilized pruning shears and spray neem oil and pesticides over the entire plant.

Also, prune off old, decaying, damaged foliage to promote newer healthy growth.

Likewise, if they grow out of shape, prune them using sterilized pruners to make Jose Buono bushy.

5. Potting and Repotting

Start your Philodendron Jose Buono with an 8-10″ terracotta pot and repot them (2-3 years) once they outgrow the pot.

Generally, Jose Buono shows signs like roots poking out of the draining holes, slower water uptake, and stunted growth.

If your Philodendron is infected with fungal diseases like leaf spot, fire blight, and root rot, immediately repot them.

After thoroughly trimming infected parts, apply fungicides and repot them using a fresh soil mix.

Also, ensure the pot has multiple drain holes if they do not, drill one and proceed with repotting Philodendron in spring.

Philodendron Jose Buono: All About Growth

Philodendron Jose Buono is a tropical slow-growing climber that actively grows in spring and summer.

However, they barely unfurl new leaves and stay dormant throughout the winter.

In their native home, they grow up to 10 feet tall with a spread of about 3 feet. However, they can grow about 4 to 6 feet tall indoors.

They are an epiphytic climber, so you can stake them using a moss pole like how you would stake a Monstera.

Philodendron Buono has two feet long, elongated green leaves with a thick leathery creamy white variegated half-moon surface.

half moon variegation on leaf of philodendron jose buono
The creamy white variegation on the Philodendron Jose Buono is what makes them popular.

The variegation slowly starts to fade on maturity, giving the plant a striking green color.

Moreover, they produce typical Philodendron flowers after maturing in their natural habitat. But flowering is rare for indoor Philodendrons.

The flower is white to pale green and generally hides in the broad leaves of Philodendron.

Note: Philodendron Paraiso Verde can be distinguished from Philodendron Jose Buono by their large foliage with mottled green variegation.

Toxicity of Philodendron Jose Buono

Like all the Philodendron species, Philodendron Jose Buono is a toxic aroid plant due to insoluble calcium oxalate crystals throughout its parts.

According to ASPCA, Philodendrons like Jose Buono is poisonous to dogs, cats, and horses.

Furthermore, the University of California categorized Philodendrons into 3rd and 4th-class toxic.

Accidental consumption can cause symptoms like oral irritation, difficulty breathing, nausea, and stomach pain in humans.

In pets, the toxin causes vomiting, drooling, irritability, pawing at the mouth, etc.

If you have caught any such symptoms, seek medical assistance immediately. Consult a local veteran or call these helplines.

Propagation Methods for Philodendron Jose Buono

Philodendron Jose Buono can be propagated via stem cutting and seeds in early summer to later summer.

However, propagation via seeds is not recommended as they take a long time with meticulous steps.

Thus, I will be guiding you with stem cuttings only. Before hopping on propagation steps, gather tools like sterilized pruners, fresh soil mix, and rooting hormones.

  • Look for a healthy stem with nodes and aerial roots.
  • Cut right below the node using a sterilized pruner.
  • Ensure each cutting has at least one node and two leaves.
  • Plant the cutting in a fresh soil mix.
  • Cover the pot with clear plastic to make a DIY mini greenhouse.
  • Thoroughly water and place the pot in a well-lit, warm area.

Within 4 to 6 weeks, the planted cutting should have firm, legit roots established on the potting medium.

Once the new Philodendron outgrows the pot, transplant them to a larger pot with a fresh new mix.

You can also use water and rooting hormone mix to root the stem cuttings.

All you have to do is put the cutting in a jar filled with water and rooting hormone and wait 4 to 6 weeks for rigid root growth.

Then transplant them in fresh soil mix and proceed with regular Philodendron care.

Philodendron Jose Buono for Sale

Unlike other Philodendrons, Jose Buono is comparatively expensive and costs over $100.

Thanks to the internet, Philodendron Jose is easy to find, although they are rare species of Philodendron.

Here are some of the verified retailers with Philodendron Jose Buono for sale.

SitesExpected Delivery Date
EtsyWithin 5-7 days after placing an order
Gabriella PlantsWithin 7 days after placing an order
Aroid MarketWithin 4 to 7 days
NSE TropicalsWithin a week
Plant VineWithin 7 to 10 business days
EcuageneraWithin 2 to 3 weeks after placing order

Philodendron Jose Buono Vs. White Knight Philodendron

Check out the table below for the similarities and differences between Philodendron Jose Buono and White Knight Philodendron.

Philodendron Jose BuonoWhite Knight Philodendron
Height upto 3 metersHeight upto 3 meters
Paddle shaped leaves with size upto 24 inchesHeart-shaped leaves with size upto 2 inches
Dark green leaves with lemon green variegationDark green leaves with white variegation
Whitish green spathe hooding creamy-white spadixCreamy-white spadix covered by whitish green, purple-tinted spathe

FAQs about Philodendron Jose Buono

Is Philodendron Jose Buono Rare?

Yes, Philodendron Jose Buono was one of the rarest species but is now available all over the internet, thanks to its ever-rising popularity.

Is Philodendron Jose Buono a Climbing Plant?

Philodendron Jose Buono is an epiphytic climber with elongated broad green leaves like any other Philodendron plant.

Final Thought

Keep your Philodendron Jose Buono at high humidity using a humidifier or placing them near other tropical plants.

But remember to strategically place them away from your kids and pets to avoid the unfriendly nature of Jose Buono.

All The Best!

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