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Pearls and Jade Pothos: Best Grow & Care Guide

Growing the trailing Pearls and Jade plant is easy to maintain, like any other Pothos species. It is relatively easy and pays off with signature-variegated foliage.

Grow Pearls & Jade Pothos in slightly moist soil and keep them at a brightly lit location with an optimum temperature of 60-85°F and no humidity below 70%. Fertilize only during the growing season to boost bushy foliage.

Watch for extreme temperatures, lighting, and moisture that may damage their signature leaves.

Here is a complete guide about caring for your beloved Pothos plant.

Pearl and Jade Pothos Overview

Pearl and Jade Pothos is a mutated species of Marble Queen Pothos that hail from the islands of French Polynesia.

Pearl and Jade Pothos plant
Also known as the Devil’s Ivy, the plant gives out unique patchy green and white leaves that last throughout the year.

Here is a table with the essential details about Pearl and Jade Pothos.

Scientific NameEpipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’
NativeFrench Polynesia
USDAZone 9-12
PruningTrim overgrown vines and old leaves every spring
PropagationPropagate by stem cutting in spring
ToxicityToxic to humans or animals
WateringKeep the plant slightly moist by regularly watering when the top few inches dry out
LightingMedium to bright lighting
HumidityAt least 70%
SeasonGrowing season Feb to May, July to Sept
Temperature60-85°F (15-30°C)
Soil typeRich, well-drained, and light substrate
Pest/DiseasesSpider mites, Scales, Mealybugs, Aphids, Rhizoctonia Blight, and Stem Rot

A Complete Care Guide For Pearls and Jade Pothos

The plant may face stunted or slowed growth when the lighting is poor, or the humidity is seemingly low.

Here is a complete guide on caring for Pearls and Jade Pothos.

1. Watering & Humidity

The plant prefers a slightly moist mixture with 60-70% humidity.

Excess watering is one of the significant causes of root rot in Pothos, while underwatering makes the plant lose water through transpiration.

 Stalled growth with yellow, browning leaves is the sign of an overwatered plant, while yellowing foliage with a couple of crispy spots is the sign of a severely underwatered plant.

Although experts advise watering the plant once a week, you should wait for the soil to dry out between watering.

The air is too dry if the plant leaves’ tips turn brown. You would need to raise the moisture level immediately to maintain healthy foliage.

Tips for Watering & Humidity in Pothos

  • As per the rule of thumb, allow the top few inches of potting mix to dry out between watering, and use a spray bottle to avoid overwatering.
  • Water as long as the soil is damp; don’t wait to be completely soaked, and immediately throw away the drained water.
  • Alternatively, place the pot on a saucer filled with water for 15-20 minutes to allow the bottom soaking method.
  • Consider adding a room humidifier or placing multiple houseplants in the room.

2. Temperature & Sunlight

Always maintain the temperature between 60 and 85°F (15 to 29°C) with bright indirect sunlight.

Too cold a temperature below 60°F sends the plant to winter stress, damaging the pathways for nutrients and water from reaching the leaves.

Discolored and withered leaves are the first signs of winter-stressed plants, whereas brown leaves result from harsh temperatures above 90°F.

An east-facing or south-facing window is ideal for Pothos.

Tips for Maintaining Proper Temperature & Sunlight

  • Avoid low-light conditions, as they can cause leaves to retain dark green color, which may not be suitable for a decorative plant.
  • Occasionally mist the plant leaves in the growing season (Ensure the leaves are not dripping. Wet leaves may lead to bacterial and fungal infections).
  • Bring your plant inside in winter and avoid keeping them close to cold and chilly windows.
  • Place young Pothos under LED grow lights in winter to compensate for the lack of sunlight.

3. Soil & Fertilization

Growing in mildly acidic soil (pH 6.1-6.5) is more rewarding for Pothos than water because the plant gets bushier.

When growing them in water, ensure to use non-chlorinated water. While for a solid potting medium, ensure the soil mix is not bland or too dense.

However, avoid compact soil mix that blocks the air pockets to keep the roots well-aerated and prevent waterlogging problems.

Pearl and Jade is a light feeder. In that sense, it may only need mild plant food once every month in the growing season.

Improper fertilization results in wilting and drooping of leaves, stunted growth, and brown dots on leaves.

Tips for Soil mix & Fertilizing Pearl and Jade Pothos

  • Before applying fertilizers, mix the solution to half-strength with water and apply directly over the soil.
  • Use slow-release fertilizers such as granule fertilizers to let the plant slowly take up the nutrients and cut it back at the end of the growing season.
  • Prepare a Pothos soil mix with peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, and shredded bark in a ratio of 4:2:1:1.
  • Alternatively, you can buy a Miracle-Gro potting mix from the store.

4. Potting & Repotting 

The Pearls and Jade are slow growers, so they can go without repotting for years.

It usually requires repotting once every 2-3 years. 

Stunted growth, black spots on bottom leaves, and roots growing out of drainage holes are signs your Pothos needs repotting.

The pots made from terracotta, clay, or ceramic are considered best for Pothos.

Tips for Repotting Pearls and Jade Pothos

  • Choose a clay, ceramic, or terracotta pot 2″ larger in diameter.
  • Prepare the fresh potting mix or buy an all-purpose one from the market.
  • Transplant the plant into the fresh soil mix and thoroughly water it to moisten it.
  • Keep the pot in a warm, bright-lit location.

Your plant is ready to take root in the new potting soil and grow further.

5. Plant Pruning 

Pearls and Jade requires regular pruning to keep them from growing too big and recovering from pests and pathogens invasion.

Although you can use moss poles to support overhanging vines, keeping them short and bushy is better.

You can prune up to 2 inches (5 cm) from the soil line but prune less if you prefer to keep long vines intact.

Cut brown and dead foliage to keep the plant healthy when pruning the vines.

Moreover, the common pests disturbing Pothos are Mealybugs, Aphids, Spider mites, and Leaf Scales.

You can use  Neem oil and Horticultural oil to get rid of them.

Root rots and bacterial leaf spots are major diseases inhibiting the plant’s growth. However, you can use Azoxystrobin and plant antibiotics.

Tips for Pruning Pothos

As a rule of thumb, prune your Pothos plant at least once a month to complete it and avoid leggy stems.

  • Start by cutting from the bottom using sterilized equipment. Take out the leggy stems first, then move on to the leaves.
  • Cut the leggy vine 1/4 inch above each leaf node to help accelerate the growth of new vines at each leaf node.
  • Decontaminate the equipment before storing them away.

Pearls and Jade Pothos: All About Growth Rate

Pearls and Jade Pothos are avid climbers that reach 6-10 feet with a monthly growth rate of 0.75-1 inch and require some support, like a moss pole.

Pearl and Jade Pothos in hanging pot
Pearl and Jade Pothos thrive in USDA zones 9-12.

While growing it up to 30 feet is possible, it often grows slowly compared to N-joy Pothos which grows monthly at 1-2 inches.

Since this plant is only grown in its juvenile phase, it does not see any flowers.

You could wait for the plant to mature before seeing flower stalks with a cream spathe marked with purple texture.

Toxicity of Pearls and Jade Pothos

Pothos like Peals and Jade are poisonous to humans and pets because of Calcium oxalate crystals.

When consumed, the crystals are released into the bloodstream and cause burning sensations, mouth irritation, drooling, vomiting, decreased appetite, etc.

Therefore, you should keep the plant away from the reach of kids and pets.

If you find your pet has accidentally consumed or chewed on the plant, consider calling up Pet Poison Helpline or calling at (855) 764-7661 immediately.

Propagation Methods for Pearls and Jade Pothos

Although multiple propagation methods exist, propagating through stem cutting works best with Pearls and Jade Pothos.

It is a great idea to reproduce new saplings from your existing plant or salvage a dying plant from winter stress or bacterial infection.

You can use any of the two propagation mediums.

Propagation in Water

Cut the healthy stem with a few leaves just about a quarter-inch below the node (where the leaves, roots, and aerial roots grow).

  • Place the plant inside a jar of room-temperature water and ensure at least one node is underwater. Place it in bright, indirect light.
  • Refill the water in the jar when the level gets lower and replace it once a week to keep the medium clean. It may take a couple of days before you get to see roots.
  • Once the seeds are 2-3 inches long, consider potting them in potting soil (Potting in soil protects new roots from cold and fluctuating temperatures).
Pearl and Jade Pothos with variegated leaves
Consider propagating your plant in spring or early summer while repotting to allow the new feeder root to grow efficiently.

Propagation in Soil

Propagating in a potting mix is another popular medium that eliminates the need for rooting the stems in water.

  • Follow the same process as before and prepare the fresh stem cutting for potting.
  • Take a small container (3-4”) and fill it with moistened potting mix
  • Dip the cut end in rooting hormone before setting it into the pot. The rooting hormone will provide an additional boost for root proliferation.
  •  Ensure at least one node is under the soil when burying the stem but avoid burying any leaves.
  •  Place the container in a sunny location with indirect light and moisten the soil.

Additionally, you can grow Pearls and Jade from seedlings, but it may take longer than usual to see good results. 

FAQs About Pearls and Jade Pothos

Here is a list of a few common questions and questions about Pearls and Jade Pothos.

Why are the Plant Stems, Leaves, and Tips Browning?

Brown stems are the result of overwatering. Also, brown leaves and tips are due to excessive sunlight, winter stress, or fungal and bacterial infection. 

Why is my Pothos Failing to Get Variegated Leaves?

Pothos fail to get variegated leaves due to optimum light and temperature fluctuation. Provide indirect bright light and warm temperature to Pothos. 

Can Pearls and Jade Pothos Revert?

All variegated plants, including Pearls and Jade, can revert to their non-variegated forms. 

If you witness your plant reverting, prune out the reverted shoot and plant it in another pot.

Why are my Pearls and Jade Leaves Drooping?

While the soil is moist, dropping foliage is primarily a sign of the rootbound condition, and the only solution is to repot it in a larger pot.

From Editorial Team


The low light condition encourages lengthier vines and green leaves. In contrast, bright light limits the vine but provides the signature leaves.

Moreover, they are easy to maintain and look after. All you need to do is maintain the lighting, humidity, location, and temperature.

When the conditions are right, the plant will give out dark green leaves variegated with white and silver-grey tints.

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