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Monstera Sierrana: Best Grow & Care Guide

It will be hard for you to differentiate young Monstera Sierrana if placed among Monstera Brazilian plants, so be careful when purchasing one!

Generally, Monstera Sierrana prefers bright indirect sunlight for 5-8 hours a day, 65-85°F temperature, at least 50% humidity, and a well-draining aroid mix with weekly watering. It also demands monthly fertilization during actively growing seasons, occasional pruning, and repotting every 2-3 years.

Did you know that there are over 50 species of Monstera? Some of them are super common, whereas some are quite rare.

Continue reading to get the comprehensive care guide for Monstera Sierrana.

Overview of Monstera Sierrana

Native to tropical America, Monstera Sierrana is most often confused with Monstera Deliciosa due to its close resemblance.

This exotic tropical beauty is rare and was discovered by George Bunting in 1961 from the mountain range of Mexico.

Scientific NameMonstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana
Common NameMonstera Sierrana
Plant OriginTropical America
Native RegionSierra de Juárez mountain range in Oaxaca, Mexico
USDA Zones10b to 12
Mature Size3 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide
Growth RateSlow
FoliagePalm like leaves with deep splits
FloweringInflorescence pale yellow to yellow flowers spadix with a spathe
FruitingSpadix Fruiting
ToxicityToxic to Pets and Humans
Common Pests Mealybugs, Spider Mites, and Brown Scales
Common DiseasesAnthracnose, Root Rot Disease, Bacterial Leaf Spots

Monstera Sierrana: Plant on Sale

Getting the original variety can be challenging as the market is full of false plants. So, we have gathered some online vendors to bring the plant to your doorstep. 

ShopDelivery Time
Etsy3 to 7 business days
Home Base Goods2 to 3 weeks

Monstera Sierrana: A Complete Grow & Care Guide

Monstera Sierrana will bless you with luscious fenestrated leaves, even with a little care and attention.

Not only Monstera Sierrana but most Monstera species are relatively considered low-maintenance plants. 

Monstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana
Quick care instructions for Monstera Sierrana are shown in the figure above.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

While growing Monstera indoors, you can place the plants near an eastern-facing window so that they receive adequate morning sunlight.

Typically, Monstera Sierrana needs 5-8 hours of bright indirect light with temperatures of 65° to 85°F to thrive.

Furthermore, hardiness zones from 10 to 12 would be ideal for this Monstera.

Direct and excessive sunlight can scorch the sensitive leaves of your Monstera Sierrana. If your Monstera has a sunburn, learn about how to fix them.

Besides, yellowing and limping of leaves and dehydration are common symptoms. 

Also, black or brown spots on the leaves and curling of the leaves appear due to low light. You can also place them under artificial grow lights to ensure they always get proper sunlight.

Monstera Sierrana, like other Monsteras, can withstand the cold till it’s above 50°F. If the temperature drops below it, increase the temperature with heating pads. 

Or shield the Monstera plant with a frost blanket and withdraw the plant from cold drafts. 

2. Watering & Humidity 

Yellowing leaves, root rot and fungal infections are the prime appearances if Monstera Sierrana stands long in the water pond. 

Also, brown leaf edges and wilting, curly and crispy leaves can show signs when the plant thirsts for water. 

Ideally, Monstera Sierrana prefers watering weekly during the spring and summer seasons with above 50% humidity. 

Use filtered, distilled, or rainwater and if the temperature drops and humidity, water Monstera bi-weekly.  

Therefore, you need to water your plants when you find two or three inches of the topsoil dry.

Pro Tip! You can use the chopstick and plunge it into the soil to check whether the top few inches of top soil are dry or not. 

You can also place the Monstera in the kitchens or bathrooms or group it with other houseplants if the plant needs high humidity.  

Monstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana foliage
Excess humidity can invite fungal infections.

Alternatively, using a humidifier and locating a plant container on a pebble water tray also works.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Monstera plants are native to the rainforest and thrive in the rich soil of decayed leaves.

Provide Monstera Sierrana with light, airy soil (pH 5.5 to 6.5) and feed it with balanced (5:2:3) fertilizer once a month during spring and summer.

You can also make a DIY Soil recipe: 2 parts of compost potting mix + 2 parts of perlite + 1 part of sphagnum peat moss + 1 part of coco coir

But you must cut off on fertilizing Monstera plants during winter as they go through dormancy.

Bi-monthly fertilization will be sufficient to keep the Monstera Sierrana during the winter. Here are some fertilizer recommendations along with apt soils. 

Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting MixMiracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food
Soil Sunrise Potting Soil MixBonide 037321001089
RePotme Potting Soil MixScotts Super Bloom Water Soluble Plant Food

Always apply liquid fertilizers only after diluting them to their half-strength and avoid over-fertilization to prevent build up salts in the soil.

4. Potting & Repotting  

Opt for glazed terracotta or ceramic pots for potting and repotting Monstera, as they facilitate water drainage most efficiently.

Monstera Sierrana is generally a slow-growing plant, so repotting is not necessary until the plant outgrows the container.

Repot Monstera Sierrana every 2-3 years during early summer or spring, usually in the bigger pot than the previous pot, i.e., 2 inches bigger.

Consider repotting if you feel the plant with stunted growth due to yellow leaves or compact soil.

Gently take out the plant by turning the pot upside down.

Also, inspect the roots for any infections or injury and, if present, cut them off, followed by applying fungicides on the cut ends.

And prune off all yellowing, damaged, and decaying parts of the plant.

5. Occasional Pruning

It is always better to prune old, decaying, or damaged parts to keep your plant healthy.

Also, your Monstera Sierrana may have plant diseases such as anthracnose, bacterial leaf spots, southern blight, rusts, or botrytis due to root rot.

Apply Agrimycin to fight back and treat bacterial infections, and control bacterial infections like bacterial leaf spots.

Alternatively, you can also use Medallion or Prostar to control fungal infections effectively.

Some common pests, including Mealybugs, Scales, Aphids, and Spider mites, can also infest your Monstera Sierrana to suck up all nutrients from the plant.

To treat the infestation, dip the cotton swab in an insecticidal houseplant soap and use it to wash away the pest.

Ultimately, you must prune off Monstera Sierrana to remove infestation and diseases. Cut back the plant by one single swing cut at a 45° angle in the growing seasons but no more than 1/3 part of the entire plant!

Monstera Sierrana: All About the Growth Rate

To justify the word Monstera in its name, Monstera Sierrana can grow up to 3 feet tall with 2-3 feet in width.

However, it can reach 20 feet tall in its natural habitat.

Monstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana
Monster Sierrana can reach up to 3 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide.

Monstera Sierrana is popular for its evergreen, thick-textured, heart-shaped foliage with exotic fenestrations.

In contrast to the other Monstera plant leaves, Sierrana leaves have deeper fenestration up to midribs with fewer lobes and do not feature ears at the tip of the leaf.

Meanwhile, its stems are thick and green, which can grow aerial roots in their wilderness.

Generally, Monstera Sierrana takes 2-3 years to mature and produce a spadix flower covered with a hoodie-like spathe.

After pollination, it produces maize-like fruit and greenish-pale seeds.

Toxicity of Monstera Sierrana

Like any other Monstera plants, Monstera Sierrana is mildly toxic to animals and humans.

Monstera Sierrana contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals to cause unusual behaviors when consumed. 

Oral irritation, intense burning sensation in the mouth areas, excessive drooling, frequent pawing on the mouth, swollen throat, vomiting and loss of appetite are some symptoms visible after poisoning.

You need to contact veterinary professionals as soon as possible for further assistance in accidental consumption.

Propagation Methods for  Monstera Sierrana

Generally, Monstera Sierrana can be propagated via stem cutting, air layering and seeds in the spring or summer seasons.

1. Propagation via Stem Cutting

For efficient propagation via stem cutting, try to cut a healthy stem of an adult plant with at least one node and leaf.

Let the cutting dry for a day to form a callus, and then follow rooting either in water or soil.

  • Apply rooting hormone to the cut ends of the cuttings to encourage plant growth.
  • Add the potting mix and gently plant the cutting, leaving the attached leaf outside the soil.
  • Water to keep the soil moist, and use plastic to mimic a mini greenhouse to preserve humidity.
  • Place the planted cutting in a brightly lit place with a warmer temperature.  
  • After about ten days, you might notice new root growths and let them be till they are a few inches long.
  • Transplant the cuttings to the individual plant pot with fresh mix and place them in indirect sunlight.

If you wish to propagate in water, repeat the rooting hormone process like in a soil medium. 

Have a clean jar and submerge the stem cuttings. Replace the water every day to provide fresh water, and the stem section will begin sprouting delicate roots in around ten days.

As the root develops and gets an inch or two, repot the plant in a bigger pot. You will see the plant growing new leaflets in about a month.

2. Propagation via Seeds

The seeds have a short shelf life, so sow them as soon as you extract them from the fruit for better germination.

Before sowing seeds, ensure they are not older than a year and soak them in lukewarm water.

  • Select a well-draining potting mix containing perlite to facilitate better air circulation and spray the potting mix with water to moisten it.
  • Place the seeds into the soil half an inch below the surface.
  • Keep the tray in a well-ventilated and lit place. You can also cover it with a plastic sheet or a lid to maintain the humidity.
  • Maintain temperature values between 70 to 80°F along with an average humidity of 60%.
  • When the seedlings develop into strong saplings, transplant them into an individual pot.

As opposed to propagating with stem cuttings, this method may take more than several months to grow into a mature plant.

Get this video if you wish to propagate Monstera Sierrana through air layering!

Monstera Deliciosa Var Sierrana vs. Brazilian Form

Both of these varieties of Monstera are rare and quite expensive; hence people get confused with them.

Meanwhile, it is very hard to identify these two plants if they are young and beautiful.

Monstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana vs brazilian form
Younger Monstera Sierrana and Brazilian are harder to distinguish but are distinguishable once they reach maturity.

However, distinct features can be seen once the plant becomes an adult with full-grown leaves.

Monstera Deliciosa var. SierranaMonstera Deliciosa var. Brazilian
Monstera Sierrana has small-sized leaves. The Brazilian form has chunkier leaves.
Pinnae is narrow and the lobe is extended near the midrib of the leaves.Pinnae is broader and contains splits that do not extend to the midrib.
There are less splits in the leaf.There are more splits in the leaf along with some holes.
They have very few number of small ears.They have prominent ears with high lobes.
It is comparatively expensive than Brazilian form and costs up to $3000 approx.It is expensive but comparatively less than Monstera Sierrana and costs up to $1000 approx.

Final Thought

Monsteras are distinctive plants with large, gorgeous glossy, fenestrated foliage and getting Monstera Sierrana can be a unique experience. 

Provide the plant with tropical environments like bright indirect sunlight, warm temperature, high humidity and monthly fertilization.

Also, you must be careful about growing this plant along with pets at home! 

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