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How to Grow Lavender in Pots? [Get Easy Tips]

Lavenders are free-spirited herbs that thrive outdoors in full sunlight, so growing one in a pot can be challenging but not impossible!

Take a seedling or a few seeds of Lavender and plant them in a deep pot about 12-16 inches wide with a well-draining mix. Or take Lavender stem cuttings about 4 inches long, dip the cut ends in rooting hormone, and place them in a potting mix. 

Remember, keeping potted Lavenders healthy requires mimicking similar outdoor conditions or their natural environment.

Is Lavender Good for Pots?

Lavenders are Mediterranean herbs that were widely found in warmer North African belts. Today, you can find it in many homes.

Lavender can grow well in a pot, but growing one can be more challenging because it can restrict root growth and make maintaining proper soil moisture levels harder.

Potted lavender indoors
Potted Lavender plants require as much light as possible when growing indoors.

Similarly, pot-grown Lavender plants require frequent pruning to avoid overcrowding and tipping over.

Remember, it’s a no-nonsense herb that requires specific care and maintenance to thrive.

Did you know Lavender is one of the best Zone 4 perennials?

However, growing Lavender in a pot can also be beneficial as it provides greater flexibility in terms of placement, especially if you have a small garden space.

Using pots gives you greater control over soil moisture and drainage, which is harder to achieve with garden plants.

As all Lavenders are not hardy, it is good to plant them in the pot to harden off and then transplant them to the garden.

Also, Lavender flowers quickly and maintain a good size even in the pot.

How to Plant Lavender in the Pot?

Potting Lavender plants is similar to potting any houseplant and should be done in early spring to allow optimal growth.

Moreover, you should consider these three crucial factors when potting Lavender plants.

1. Choose the Appropriate Species

Over 45 different Lavender species have over 450 varieties, but not all grow well in a pot.

Start with finding the best Lavender for pots. Here are a few recommendations for potted Lavenders.

Lavandula angustifolia-English lavender makes a popular potted lavender due to its compact size and slow growth rate.
-It produces purple-blue flowers and can grow up to 2-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide.
Lavandula stoechas-Spanish lavender has a smaller size and bushier growth habit.
-It grows 2 feet tall and produces pink or purple flowers with distinctive "rabbit ears."
Lavandula x intermedia-A hybrid of L. angustifolia and L. latifolia is known for its large, fragrant flowers and long bloom time.
-It grows 2-3 feet tall and wide.
Fernleaf lavender-It has delicate, fern-like foliage and produces fragrant, pink or purple flowers.
-It attains smaller size, growing up to 2 feet tall and wide.
French lavender-It has gray-green foliage and produces fragrant, purple-blue flowers.
-It grows up to 2-3 feet tall and wide, and allows pruning.

In the pot, you can also grow Munstead, Lavandula stoechas, Grosso, Lavandula pinnata, and Woolly Lavender.

2. Select an Appropriate Container

Lavenders are deep growers with shallow roots that grow horizontally. 

Therefore, choose a pot with deep shallow space to allow Lavender roots to flourish and spread evenly.

  • Select a pot at least 12-16 inches deep and has a few drainage holes in the bottom.
  • Start with large pots, as these herbs can grow to the size of small shrubs with a complex root system.
  • Choose ceramic, clay, or terracotta pots that encourage microbial activity in the soil.

3. Potting Mix

The best soil for Lavender in pots is well-draining soil that is slightly alkaline and nutrient-rich.

  • You can quickly prepare it at home by mixing equal parts sand or perlite, peat moss or compost, some garden soil, and bone meal or slow-release fertilizer.
  • Otherwise, mix 30% coarse sand or gravel with 70% organic compost to prepare a quick potting mix.
  • Check the soil pH using a pH tester and adjust it by adding lime or sulfur to achieve the desired pH between 6.5-7.5.

4. Plant the Lavender

You can start with the Lavender seeds sowing on the sandy soil with a light layer of perlite. The seeds will sprout in 2-3 weeks if the environment is favorable.

When the seedlings are large enough with 3-4 leaves to pot, follow the next steps below. 

  • Fill the pot with the premade potting mix. Add a handful of sand or gravel to the soil to improve drainage.
  • Adding a balanced fertilizer to the soil before planting can help provide it with the necessary nutrients. Avoid it if you have premixed the soil mix with fertilizer.
  • Gently remove the Lavender from its container by tilting the pot and loosening any tightly bound roots.
  • Place it right at the center of the pot, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface.
  • Fill in around the plant with additional potting mix and press down gently.
  • Water the plant thoroughly after planting, ensuring the soil is evenly moist. Remember to throw away excess water collected in the cachepot.

Practice a similar method to propagate Lavender stem cuttings.

  • Remember to take a non-flowering cutting about 4 inches long and remove leaves from the bottom 2 inches in early summer.
  • Dip the cutting end in rooting hormone and insert it in a well-draining potting mix, either in a large cup or small pot.
  • Place the pot in a warm, bright place, water it regularly, and cover it with a clear plastic bag to promote a humid environment.
  • Remove the plastic bag after 2-3 weeks and move the pot to a sunny location.
  • Water it regularly but be careful not to make the soil soggy.
  • After a few more weeks, the plant is well-established and ready for transplantation to a larger pot.
Growing Lavenders outdoors can keep them with companion plants, including Alliums, African Daisies, Zinnia, Basil, Oregano, and Rosemary

Lavender Plant Care in Pots

Once established, Lavenders show fairly draught-tolerant behaviors, so be careful when watering along with other care requirements.

  • Watering: Water your Lavender once a week or when the top one inch of soil feels dry to touch in the growing season but cut back to earlier in two weeks in winter.
  • Fertilizing: Use a slow-release, all-purpose fertilizer once in spring or apply balanced, liquid fertilizer every two weeks in spring.
  • Pruning: Prune immediately after flowering by cutting back about one-third of the plant. Never cut into the woody part; remove the two leaf sets above the wood.
  • Sunlight: Place in a south-facing window where it can get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Humidity: Use a room humidifier to keep the relative humidity level between 40-60% for optimal growth.
  • Winter Care: Move the Lavender in pots inside the garage or covered porch over winter, and cover it with a frost cloth or blanket to prevent cold damage.
  • Pests and diseases: Avoid exceeding humidity over 70% and keep the soil soggy to prevent fungal infestation due to root rot. Optional: Wash the plant with neem or horticultural oil every few months to prevent pests like spider mites and aphids.
Explore the secrets of keeping your Lavender Topiary in good shape.

Lavender Plants in Pots for Sale

Here are a few online retailers specializing in selling potted Lavender plants.

RetailerDelivery Period
Gardens4You3-5 business days
Amazon5-8 business days
Etsy3-7 business days

From Editorial Team


Growing Lavender in pots indoors provides several benefits, including the ability to control the growing conditions, mobility, and versatility in placement.

Ensure optimal growing conditions, especially winter care to keep them healthy.

Additionally, monitor the plant for pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.

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