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Why do Kimberly Queen Fern Leaves get Crisp and Dry?

I brought a Kimberly Queen fern home about a year ago. It was perfectly great until last month when I noticed the leaves were progressively turning dry and crisp and didn’t appear to be doing well.

It is not a great sign when a plant becomes dry and sick. So what should you do if your plant starts to turn yellow?

To find out how and why, I conducted my research, talked to a friend with the same plant, and realized that I wasn’t providing my Kimberly Queen Fern with the proper care.

In general,  if the Kimberly Queen Fern plant is not watered enough or too lightly, the plant’s moisture reserves in the leaves are depleted. Additionally, pests, nutrient deficiency, overfertilization, insufficient lighting, and temperature fluctuations cause Kimberly Queen Fern’s leaves to become dry and crispy.

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Kimberly Queen fern leaves
Kimberly Queen Fern turning leaves crisp and dry symbolizes limited care.

In this article, I want to offer my knowledge and experience with the plant, hoping that this information will be useful if you’re going through a similar time.

Is it Normal for Kimberly Queen Fern Leaves to get Dry and Crispy?

It is not normal for Kimberly Queen Fern leaves to become dry and crisp; rather, it indicates that the plant is not receiving a perfect environment.

Water stress, low humidity, over-fertilization, pest infestation, and natural deterioration could all be contributing factors.

Identifying and correcting the problem’s root cause may assist your Kimberly Queen in regaining its green leaves.

What causes Kimberly Queen Fern Leaves to turn Dry and Crisp?

It indicates plant stress if your Kimberly Queen fern leaves look dry and crisp. It’s a sign that the plant isn’t growing in the best possible conditions.

Below, you will find that I have mentioned some possible issues and methods (or solutions) to help your Kimberly plant thrive once again.

1. Dry Soil

You may have accidentally skipped a watering session if you notice dry or crisp leaves.

If you let the soil on your Kimberly Queen fern dry out completely, the leaves may droop, crisp up, and fall.

Kimberly Queen is a plant that requires constant moisture in the soil. It should be damp but not wet to the touch.

dry soil in the pot of kimberly queen fern
Adding peats is great for additional drainage.

Avoid allowing your Kimberly Queen plant’s soil to become too dry for an extended period.


The amount of water you use to water your plant required is determined by many factors. Because it is dependent on your home and surroundings, each circumstance is unique.

  • Water your plant first thing in the morning. It allows plenty of time to absorb the water and evaporate any excess throughout the day’s heat. When you water in the evening, drying takes longer, and your plant is more prone to disease.
  • Allowing the topsoil to become slightly dry between waterings is a good idea. However, it will almost certainly require extra water during the spring and summer months and reduced watering during the cold months.

2. Low Humidity

Remember that even if you water your plants regularly, they can still lack humidity, causing the leaves to become dry and crisp.

The Kimberly Queen Fern plant demands a lot of humidity, and dry surroundings cause the leaves to become crispy.

Kimberly Queen fern transparent pot
Kimberly Queen Fern needs humidity around 70%.

These houseplants must be kept in an environment with a relative humidity of 40 to 60 percent.


  • Misting the plant’s leaves is one of the simplest techniques to increase humidity in the surrounding environment.
  • Give your high-humidity-loving plants a 30-second lukewarm shower. This increases humidity, washes away dust or dirt and dissuades pests from settling in.
  • Establishing a small plant community by putting them close together can help increase the humidity in the air.

3. Pest Infestation

Your plant is stressed if it doesn’t get enough water. Unfortunately, at this time, the plant is most vulnerable to pest infestations and diseases.

Also, if you don’t wash your plant regularly, dust and pests can build upon and below the leaves, making them dry and crisp.

Kimberly Queen is vulnerable to aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, fungus gnats, and other common houseplant pests.


  • Washing your plant regularly will assist in keeping pests at bay. Simply place your plant in the shower and allow the water to run over it for a few minutes.
  • Spray your plant using a mix of warm water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  • Neem oil, which is organic and safe to use and works in various ways, can be sprayed on the pest as it suffocates insects and impairs their feeding, mating, and development.

4. Overfertilizing the Plant

The condition of the leaves can be affected by the fertilization schedule.

When you overfertilize, the roots of your plants become harmed. If your plant roots are injured, they won’t efficiently take up water and transfer it to the leaves, resulting in dry, crisp leaves.

Compared to many other foliage plants, Kimberly Queen ferns are light feeders. They prefer a fertilizer with a balanced ratio, such as 20-10-20.


  • Once spring comes around, it’s a good idea to treat Kimberly Queen houseplant with a balanced fertilizer. It would help if you did this no more than once every two weeks for the best results.
  • Ensure you measure any fertilizer you’re using precisely and stop using it during winter when the plant is not actively growing.

5. Inadequate Lighting

Light is an important aspect of plant maintenance, and if it is not received correctly by the plant, it will manifest itself in various ways, one of which is through dry leaves.

Kimberly Queen fern in pot by window
Kimberly Queen Fern needs 8 hours of light daily.

The direct sunshine is not good for the Kimberley Queen ferns. Kimberley Queen ferns thrive in light settings ranging from partial to low.


  • Kimberly Queen Fern should be put in windows that do not receive direct sunlight because direct sunlight causes spots on the leaves and can sometimes cause sunburn.
  • Make sure your Kimberley Queen ferns enjoy at least 8 hours of indirect sunshine daily.
  • If you’re growing your Kimberly Queen Fern outside, a shady spot with dappled sunshine is perfect.

6. Nutrient Deficiency

If essential nutrients are out of balance, the plant may start to show signs of stress.

Your plant’s nutrient deficiency might appear in various ways, including dry, crispy leaves.

The easiest approach to avoid nutrient deficiencies is to ensure you’re feeding your plants the right nutrients to the appropriate level for your growing medium.

That does not, however, imply that more is always better. It’s critical not to over-nutrient your plants.


  • After taking care of any nutrient imbalances, look for a supplement with all the nutrients you need, such as nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium, and apply it to the afflicted leaves.

Read this article to learn about the symptoms of nutrient deficiency and how to deal with them: Solutions for Plant Nutrient Deficiencies.

7. Temperature Fluctuation

Dry, crisp, and unhealthy leaves are an indication of fluctuation in temperature.

Plant stress, growth inhibition, or a sickly look may result from very low or high temperatures and foliage damage or drop.

Kimberley Queen ferns bloom in temperatures ranging from 50 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your Kimberly is experiencing temperature problems, it may appear to be sick.


  • Reduce the ambient temperature by roughly 41 degrees Fahrenheit compared to summertime. And the lowered temperature should ideally begin to increase again around the start of spring, which will stimulate new growth.
  • You should always keep Kimberley Queen ferns away from heat sources such as fireplaces and heaters.

What to do if Kimberly Queen Fern Leaves are Dry and Crisp?

The first thing is to get rid of those dead leaves. Then, after you’ve removed it, try to figure out why your plant isn’t getting enough nutrients and try to suit the plant’s needs.

kimberly queen fern hanging
Kimberly Queen Fern can get 3 feet tall for maximum height.

Taking care of plants is not easy, but don’t give up or neglect them just because they aren’t doing well. That negligence is the first reason the plant suffers, so now is the time to care to the fullest.

If you are an active listener, your plants always communicate with you, so be gentle with them. Determine the source of the issue and make the required adjustments.

Should I Remove the Dry Leaves on Kimberly Queen Fern? 

You may remove the dry leaves on your Kimberly Queen Fern plant. Kimberly Queen will not re-grow once they have become dry and crisp.

If a large portion of the leaf is damaged, removing them is better so your plant can concentrate on healing elsewhere.

It will improve the plant’s growth, encourage new growth, and keep it from becoming droopy.

Tips to Prevent Dry and Crispy Leaves in Kimberly Queen Fern

According to a NASA study, the Kimberly Queen Fern is one of the most popular ferns at home since it is one of the best air-purifying plants to remove harmful chemicals from indoor air.

To help you take proper care of the most popular fern plants at home, I have compiled a list of caring suggestions in the hopes that it would be useful.

  • The Kimberly Queen Fern is sensitive to rough water. If your tap water contains a lot of salt, fluorine, or chlorine, you should consider switching to filtered water.
  • To avoid waterlogging, ensure the pot you choose for your Kimberly Queen Fern has drainage holes.
  • Only use a pot that is slightly larger than your fern’s existing rootball. Because the considerable amount of unused soil in large pots might hold extra moisture and cause root rot, ferns don’t mind being a little root-bound.
  • The removal of dead, damaged, or diseased vegetation promotes the growth of new, healthy foliage.


As you can see, there are various reasons why the leaves on your lovely Kimberly Queen Fern plant get dry and crisp. You shouldn’t be worried, though.

You can avoid it with a simple plant care routine that produces brilliant, healthy green leaves.

If you know the plant’s particular requirements, you will treat each situation with care and resolve the issue as quickly as feasible.

Regular maintenance and observation can help you avoid it.

So keep what we learned here in mind and give your Kimberly Queen Fern plant the best life.

Check out my other articles if there are Rhaphidophora Leaves Turning Yellow?

Happy Gardening!

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