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Jade Satin Pothos: Ultimate Grow & Care Guide

Jade Satin Pothos is a unique, attractive, vining Scindapsus species with big jade-colored leaves.

Allowing it to climb on a pole or other vertical arrangement maximizes Jade Pothos’ development potential.

Jade Satin Pothos can grow in a wide range of illumination conditions inside but not in full shade. The plant prefers warm temperatures (60-85 °F) and moderate to high Humidity (40% or more). Water every 1/2 weeks allowing the soil to dry out in between, and fertilize your plant once a month.
Jade Satin Pothos is famous for its beautiful ornamental leaves.

However, hanging baskets are the greatest maintenance method since they may trail down.

You’ll need to trim the vines as they grow longer. Despite this, the rare plant is relatively easy to maintain and will be an exotic addition to your green collection!

Let’s dive into the care guide for thriving the Jade Satin without further wait.

Jade Satin Pothos Overview

Scindapsus plants, in general, originate from Southeast Asia, where they grow abundantly. This includes regions like the Philippines and Bangladesh, which are warm and humid.

Scindapsus Pictus Jade Satin needs a good climate and sufficient maintenance to thrive.

Climbing plants are prized for their lush, attractive foliage and low maintenance requirements, such as;

Common Name Jade Satin Pothos
Scientific Name Scindapsus Pictus Jade Satin
Origin Southeast Asia
USDA10-12 Zones
Nature Climbing
Average Height Trails to 3 ft (90 cm) or more.
Foliage Dark green leaves with a texture of a satin
Toxicity Toxic to people, dogs and cats.

How to Care for your Jade Satin Pothos?

The following are some of the most important things you may apply to your Jade Satin Pothos plant:

ParametersFavorable Conditions
Light Requirements Bright, indirect light
Temperature 60°-85°F is ideal for the growth.
Watering Water every 1-2 weeks
Allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
HumidityModerate to high Humidity.
(40% and higher)
Soil Type A well-draining soil
pH 6.1-6.5
Fertilizer Once a Month in from spring to fall
Avoid in the winter
Pruning Prune as per the requirement of the plant
Propagation Stem cuttings
Repotting Repot every 2-3 years
Diseases/ Pests Root rot
Aphids, Scale, Spider mites, Fungus, Gnats, Mealybugs

1. Light and Location

The majority of typical indoor plants are tropical natives with similar growing conditions.

Because the Jade Satin Scindapsus Pictus is also native to these regions, the plant demands medium to high lighting.

As a result, it will best thrive with six or more hours of intense, indirect light every day.

Window with proper Sunlight
Window with proper sunlight

Overexposure to sunlight causes leaves to turn pale and yellowish-green, with burned patches that appear pale white-tan or brownish mixed with whitish spots.

Leggy or slow/stunned growth can be seen if your plant is light deprived.

Similarly, You should place it around 5-6 feet away from a Sun-facing window or 2-3 feet away from a Southeast-facing window to get brilliant indirect sunlight.

To be sure about the kind of Sunlight your Pothos would LOVE, Read; Do Pothos Like Direct Sunlight?

If you are planning to plant it outdoors, make sure to keep it under some shade, away from the scorching sunlight.

In addition, artificial lighting can also be used for interior blinds or during the winter when there is little natural light. Double the time amount if you are using an Artificial Grow Light.

2. Watering Requirement

One of the essential aspects of Jade Satin Pothos’ development and upkeep is water.

One cup of water once a week should be enough if your plant is in a 6-inch container.

A girl is watering the plant with a can
A girl is Watering the Plant.

Before watering, wait until the top third of the soil has dried. Stick your finger in it to check for aridness; if it feels moist, wait until it dries before rehydrating it.

Jade Satin Pothos prefers damp soil when actively developing in the spring and summer. It is, however, prone to being overwatered.

Wilting and yellow leaves are two symptoms of the plant getting too much water. The roots will decay if submerged in water for a lengthy period.

On the other hand, underwatering is less worry because the Pothos can survive some dryness. It will quickly recover after you water it and appear perky again over the next 24 to 48 hours.

Furthermore, water your Pothos once a week throughout the spring and summer and every 14 days during the fall and winter.

Easy Tip: Determine the presence of water in the soil with a moisture meter.

3. Ideal Temperature

Climate is another crucial component in maintaining the health of your Jade Satin Pothos.

The plant is native to the tropics. As a result, it favors warm to mild settings.

Similarly, from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, warm temperatures are ideal for this plant. Thus, it makes Pothos USDA Zones 10 to 12 hardy.

Likewise, it can’t stand frost or snow, so putting it outside in the winter will kill it before spring arrives.

Avoid Cold Temperature for your Pothos.

In addition, cold weather reduces enzyme activity, resulting in lower nitrogen uptake by plants, causing the plant to wilt and perish due to its inadequate growth.

As a result, don’t leave the plant outside once the winter months begin.

The Pothos can also withstand higher temperatures. However, it will not endure temperatures below 50 degrees for an extended time.

Similarly, high temperatures can also inhibit enzyme function, resulting in a reduction in plant metabolism.

While indoors, keep it away from air conditioning, cold vents, and drafty spaces.

Tips: Use heating pads on pots of young plants to keep them warm

4. Perfect Humidity

Satin Jade Pothos is indigenous to Southeast Asia, where the climate is hot and humid.

Similarly, it is indifferent to average home humidity as long as it stays between 40% and 50%.

Depending on its other life circumstances, it can even withstand temperatures in the upper 30s. However, you should check the humidity level in your house.

Also, keep an eye on how low it drops during the hot, dry summers and winters when the air moisture tends to dry up quite a bit.

Making of pebble tray for humidity
A Pebble tray is an easy way to increase Humidity.

Indoor plants can’t get rid of their water vapor if the Humidity is too high at a low temperature,  bringing the evaporation process to a halt. If this is the case, plant roots will not absorb additional nutrients due to a lack of space.

You might use one of the following humidity-boosting solutions if the Humidity is too low for the plant’s demands:

  • You should place your plant in a bathroom, kitchen, or near other plants. These areas have higher levels of water vapor than the rest of the home, which can aid the plant’s survival in arid circumstances.
  • Fill the pebble tray with pebbles to the top. Fill the tray with water when that’s done. The plant’s air becomes saturated with water vapor as the water slowly evaporates, increasing humidity levels.
  • Similarly, a Humidifier is the most practical way of increasing Humidity for your Satin Pothos.
Note: Misting should be avoidable for your Pothos. The reason for this is that the plant has delicate crinkled leaves. Touching them too much or spraying them with a lot of water might harm or change their texture.

5. Proper Soil Mix

Damp soil makes it difficult for the Jade Satin Pothos to thrive. It is also susceptible to root rot and fungal infections in this environment.

As a result, stay away from heavy soils and those that retain moisture.

Instead, choose soil that can quickly absorb excess moisture.

A well-draining soil of 6.1 to 6.5 pH value will aid Jade Satin Pothos’ healthy growth. 

Peat moss, pine bark, and perlite or vermiculite are a fantastic mix that works exceptionally well for the growth of Jade Satin Pothos.

6. Fertilization Requirements

The Jade Satin Pothos does not require fertilizer due to its ease of care and low maintenance.

Use a balanced liquid fertilizer with a 20-10-10 (or 2-1-1) ratio if you still want to use a tiny bit of it.

Similarly, this method will increase nitrogen levels during the growing season.

Once a month, from spring to fall, use a 50 percent water solution of the fertilizer. However, make sure you don’t go overboard.

Overfertilization might lead to browned or blackened limp roots. Similarly, it will also affect the leaves of your Pothos, making them yellow and wilt.

Coffee grounds and Rice washed water are excellent and readily available organic fertilizers.

Organic Compost; Fertilizer for Plants
Organic Fertilizer

Fertilizer is solely used to make up for poor soil quality, speed up plant growth, and maintain the plant looking healthy.

In addition, you do not need to feed your Pothos during the winter season.

Here is an article on Pothos Fertilizer: Everything You Need to Know.

7. Growth Habits

If allowed to thrive within a hanging basket or encouraged to climb up a trellis, poles, arches, or fences, the Jade Satin Pothos is a Vining/Climbing plant that may grow up to 5-12 feet long.

It is a climber, implying that it may reach its full potential if it can climb up some support.

The Scindapsus Pictus “Jade Satin” leaves are beautiful and distinctive, with no variegation.

The leaves of this cultivar are produced without silver marks.

Instead, they feature thick, deep emerald-colored, heart-shaped leaves with a netted pattern and are chlorophyll-rich.

Beautiful Foliage of Jade Satin Pothos
Beautiful Foliage of Jade Satin Pothos (Source: Etsy)

9. Common Pests in Jade Satin Pothos

Pests aren’t a problem with Jade Satin Pothos; however, spider mites, fungus gnats, and scale, on the other hand, might be a problem since they like to feed on the plant’s sap.

Scales: Scales are waxy pests that dwell on plants. Yellow or rust-colored areas on the leaves may emerge, and the sap may begin to dry up.

Fungus Gnats: Fungus gnats are little flies that feed on an organic breakdown in soil, potting soil, other container media, and other sources.

Their larvae eat fungus and organic materials in the soil, but they also devour roots, making them a hazard in greenhouses, nurseries, potted plants, and indoor landscapes.

Fungus Gnats in the leaf of Pothos. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Spider mites: Spider Mites are spherical, black, or red mites that feed on the sap on the underside of the leaves. Look for a silky web under the leaves and drooping and curling leaves to detect an infestation.

Mealy Bugs: Mealybugs have a powdered wax covering on their bodies, and their bodies taper towards the tail. Mealybugs damage plants by draining the juice from them, and, like many pests, they prefer new growth.

Their damage causes the leaves to discolor and fall off the plant over time.


  • Combine the soap and water in a mild concentration (starting a one teaspoon per gallon and increasing as necessary). It would be best if you sprayed plants with a soapy solution.
  • Use a cotton ball soaked in regular rubbing alcohol, wipe the leaves to kill the pests, and remove them.
  • It’s critical to prune and remove infected branches, twigs, and leaves.
  • You can use a steady stream of water to remove pests. If required, repeat the procedure.
  • Similarly, You can spray neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and horticultural oils on the plants to remove the pests.

Preventive Measures

  • Use flypaper or more sophisticated, attractive sticky traps to catch fungus gnats hovering about houseplants and windows.
  • Reduce the amount of food and water the plant receives.
  • Keeping detritus like fallen leaves, flowers, and fruit out of the soil around your plants is critical.
  • Similarly, keep the leaves clean by wiping them down regularly.
  • To help prevent fungus gnats from laying eggs around your plants, add a 1/4 inch of horticultural sand on the top of the soil in your pots.
Is Pest infestation really a problem in Pothos? Read in detail about the signs, causes and remedies: Do Pothos Attract Bugs?

10. Diseases in Satin Pothos

If moisture is not controlled, your Jade Satin Pothos can develop an illness such as root rot.

Root rot is a disease that affects trees planted in moist or damp soil. This decomposing disease may kill almost any tree or plant.

And its symptoms are more or less similar to other diseases and pests, such as poor growth, wilted leaves, early leaf loss, branch dieback, and final death.


  • Clean the roots gently under running water and remove all brown, mushy roots with scissors before replanting.
  • Just above the injured area, cut the healthy root—Replant within a few hours by working swiftly.
  • Continue treating the root rot by removing the dirt from the plant’s container. Use a bleach solution thoroughly to clean the pot.
  • Dip the remaining healthy roots in a fungicide solution if feasible to kill any root rot fungus.
  • After treating the root rot, repot your Jade Satin pothos in a clean potting mix.

Preventive Measures:

  • It would be best to avoid over-watering your Pothos.
  • The best would be to watch whether the soil is already saturated from rain, colder temperatures, or shade.
  • Potting soil and pots with drainage holes are required for container plants.
  • Regularly empty any saucers beneath houseplants.

11. Propagation of Jade Satin Pothos

The easiest and most efficient technique to propagate Jade Satin Pothos is through stem cutting.

When the plant is actively developing in the spring or early summer, this is the perfect time to do it. The cuttings will be able to root and grow swiftly due to it.

In comparison to soil propagation, water propagation appears to have a better success rate. However, I advise you to choose the most comfortable strategy, which gives you the greatest results.

Below is a step-by-step guide for you to propagate in both ways!

  • Cut the stem into a 3 to 5-inch length. A healthy stem with a few leaves is ideal.
  • To see the leaf nodes, remove the bottom leaves.
Do you want to try seed germination for your Pothos? Here is an article on How to Successfully Grow Pothos From Seeds?

For Water Propagation

  1. Place the cut side of the stem into a glass, jar, or water.
  2. Keep the jar in a bright, indirect light source.
  3. You’ll notice roots starting to form in around two weeks. Allow them to develop further.
  4. You may transplant the cutting to a tiny pot with fresh potting mix once the roots have grown to approximately an inch in length.
  5. You may also keep the cutting in water to develop for a bit.
Are you a fan of Water propagation? Increase your learning with; How Long Does It Take For Pothos To Root In Water?

For Soil Propagation

  1. Make a small container (6″ pot) to plant your seeds. Fill it up with new, well-draining potting soil.
  2. Before or after planting the stem cutting, you can moisten the soil. Avoid moist, squishy soil if at all possible. It’s enough if it’s moist.
  3. Then, in the soil, place the stem cutting.
  4. You can use a plastic bag with holes to cover the plant. The pores enable air to circulate while the sack boosts Humidity, accelerating early development.
  5. Under a warm location, place the plant in solid indirect light.
  6. It should take around three weeks to form roots. However, unlike the water jar, you won’t see the roots. You may test this by softly tugging on the plant. It should resist, indicating that the roots are forming.

12. Potting and Repotting

Jade Satin Pothos does not require regular repotting because of its moderate growth. The initial repot might take up to two years, but things grow up quickly after that.

It would be good in its pot for about 2-3 years before it needs repotting.

In addition, repot your Pothos before each growing season to replenish all soil nutrients.

Similarly, looking at the container will give you an indication of when to repot the plant.

Check to see whether the roots are emerging from the bottom. When the roots coil up within the container, the plant gets heavy; this is also the time to repot into a larger container.

A Healthy Potting Mix
Ready for repotting Pothos.

Step-by-step guide for Repotting your Jade Satin Pothos

  1. Find a container 2 inches wider than the one you’re using now. Make sure you don’t go any bigger than 2 inches.
  2. You’ll replace old soil with fresh, well-draining potting soil, so have some on hand.
  3. Remove the plant from its present container with care.
  4. Examine the roots and clean the root ball of any extra soil or dirt.
  5. Similarly, separate the roots that have become more twisted. You’ll notice more overlapping roots the more pot confined the plant is.
  6. Fill the new container approximately a third of the way with fresh potting mix.
  7. In the new pot, place the root ball. The surplus area should then be backfilled with dirt.
  8. Lastly, water your repotted Pothos until the soil is damp.

13. Pruning Jade Satin Pothos

As previously said, Scindapsus Pictus varieties are often sluggish growers; thus, it is critical to prune them periodically and repot them at the appropriate time to maximize their growth.

Pruning is necessary to create bushier growth and a fuller appearance.

They grow sagging after reaching 4-5 feet, especially in hanging baskets, so you’ll need to trim them.

Step-by-Step Guide to Pruning your Pothos

  1. With your thumb and finger, pinch the developing tips of vines. This forces side branches to grow into their vines.
  2. Trim the stems of overgrown vines appropriately with a sharp knife. Just above a leaf node, cut the vine.
  3. To revitalize the plant, trim the entire plant down to two to four inches in height with scissors or a sharp knife. It encourages new growth from the plant’s base.
Want a fuller, bushier Pothos? Here is the way; How to Make Pothos Fuller?

14. Toxicity

People and pets are both poisoned by Pothos. Similarly, it is true regarding Jade Satin Pothos as well.

Because human systems can not metabolize calcium oxalate crystals, ingesting pieces of the plant causes discomfort in the mouth, throat, tongue, and digestive tract.

Consuming the plant can cause nausea, vomiting, edema, and other issues.

According to ASPCA, Jade Satin Pothos is toxic to dogs, cats and horses.

Similarly, dogs and cats are poisoned by satin pothos.

The plant can irritate a cat or dog’s mouth, lips, and tongue if they eat it. Increased salivation, vomiting, and trouble swallowing may also occur in the pet.

Note: Call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible if you fear your pet has swallowed a potentially dangerous chemical.

How to prevent your pets from eating Jade Satin Pothos?

  • Citrus peels like grapefruit, lemon, lime, or orange have a pungent odor that most pets despise.
  • Place your houseplants on a top shelf, i.e., out of reach of your pets, especially if they’re hazardous. This is one of the most crucial remedies for keeping your pets safe from your plants.
  • One of the reasons your pets enjoy destroying your plants is that it serves as a toy. Provide safe toys for your Pets.
To detailedly know more about the Pothos Toxicity for Pets, Read; Are Pothos Toxic to Pets?

FAQs about Jade Satin Pathos

1. How do you Train Jade Pothos to Climb?

Because a pothos won’t climb on its own, guide its tendrils along a wall or ceiling with a detachable support system.

In addition, string, command hooks, and metal picture hangers all work well to support Satin Jade Pothos.

How Do I Get my Pothos to Trail Faster? Provides you the detailed information as per the title suggests.

2. Where can I Find a Jade Satin Pothos?

Although Jade Satin Pothos is a rare plant that is difficult to find, you may look out for this plant in various online stores!

Jade satin pathos- The Plant store
Jade Satin Pathos (Source: the plant store)

Below are a few lists of online shops that give a catch of this rare plant.


The Jade Satin Pothos are incredibly resilient plants that add tropical vibes to your personal space.

Similarly, as mentioned in this article, your Pothos will flourish and thrive as per your expectations with proper care.

We hope the article cleared your doubts about the plant and made you ready to add another rare and beautiful plant to your collection.

I hope you have a great day and happy gardening!

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