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Bird of Paradise: Is the Plant Safe or Toxic to Cats?

The Bird of paradise may seem like a top-drawer decorative houseplant, but it can be toxic to cats.

Bird of Paradise is toxic to cats, dogs, and horses because of their stomach-irritating qualities. The tannins and hydrogen cyanide found in the flower, seeds, and leaves are the most common sources of poisoning.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about its toxicity, including preventing and treating your cat.

Is Bird of Paradise Toxic to Cats?

The answer is a resounding YES. On the other hand, the range of toxicity depends on the plant’s stage of development.

Consequently, the flower is the most dangerous portion of the plant.

If the Bird of paradise is grown indoors, it is only moderately hazardous to cats, as the bloom is rarely cultivated indoors.

There’s nothing to worry about if they come into contact with the plant. But, on the other hand, Chewing the leaves and flowers can be toxic to your cats.

Therefore, if you have a cat in the house, you should keep the Bird of paradise plant and your cat safe from one another.

Which part of Bird of Paradise is Poisonous?

Bird of paradise is a harmful plant for cats in general.

The leaves, the flower, and the seeds constitute the poisonous part that can have fatal consequences when consumed sufficiently.

Bird of Paradise
Almost all the parts of the Bird of Paradise plant are toxic to your cat.

The tannin in the leguminous pod produced by the flower protects the plants from bacterial and fungal infections. At the same time, the low-concentrated hydrogen cyanide in leaves aids in regulation and absorption.

The flower is therefore regarded as more hazardous because of the abundance of tannic chemicals in the blossoms.

In addition, the leaves containing trace levels of hydrogen cyanide are only dangerous if consumed in large quantities.

Part of PlantToxic elementSide effects
Flower (leguminous pod)TanninsOcular Discharge,
Mild to High Fever,
Nausea, Vomiting, Drowsiness and
Mal-absorption of protein/leanness.
LeafHydrogen cyanideDilated pupils,
Laborious breathing,
Bright red-colored gums,
Nausea, Vomiting, Drowsiness,
Loss of consciousness, and Death.

Will Eating Bird of Paradise Plant Kill my Cat?

The toxic level of the Bird of paradise plant is determined by how much your cat has consumed and how long the toxin has remained in the cat’s body.

To claim that a bird of paradise plant will never kill your cat would be an understatement.

The tannin chemicals in the plant are poisonous but not fatal. However, it can cause a high fever if left unattended.

On the other hand, the hydrogen cyanide in the Bird of Paradise can be lethal.

In cats, the acute fatal dose of hydrogen cyanide is 2mg.

The genus Caesalpinia contains abundant hydrogen cyanide, so the owner should watch the cat around such plants. Death in bunnies has been reported as a result of Bird of paradise poisoning.
Besides the grueling toxicity, the Bird of Paradise also has some benefits you can leverage.

Symptoms for Bird of Paradise Poisoning in Cats

If a pet swallows any part of this plant, poisoning symptoms may appear within 20 minutes.

Symptoms of poisoning include:

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dehydration
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Muscle Tremors
  • Fever
  • Mal-Absorption of Protein

First Aid Treatment from Bird of Paradise Poisoning

If you suspect your cat has eaten the Bird of paradise plant, seek medical help and administer first aid immediately.

Even if you didn’t see your cat eat this plant, you should take them to the clinic as soon as possible if they show signs of toxicity.

Contact your local veterinarian right once or call the poison control hotline:

You should have information on your cat’s breed, age, sex, weight, symptoms, and the toxin they swallowed on hand.

Here are some things you can do to help yourself feel better until the vet arrives:

  • Wrap the cat in a blanket if it is unconscious or shaking.
  • Take your pet to an open place with sufficient ventilation and illumination if it is feeble or has fainted. Other symptoms will be visible, and the cat can enjoy the fresh air.
  • Try safely removing the plant parts from your cat’s hair, skin, and mouth.
  • If your cat has recently swallowed the plant (within an hour), induce vomiting, but consult your veterinarian first.
  • If your cat has swallowed the plant more than an hour ago and is semi-conscious or convulsing, do not induce vomiting.
  • Do not feed your cat without approval from the vet.
  • If your cat is awake and not too startled – and the vet says so – it’s a good idea to give it some fresh water to drink.

Along with these things, also make preparations for your pet’s transportation to the veterinarian.

DO NOT! I repeat, DO NOT wait for the symptoms to go away on their own.

For emergency cases, you should have some first aid kits like American Pet Supplies and Pet First Aid Kit.

Recovery Stage

The healing prognosis will be determined by how much your cat swallowed and how promptly it received medical assistance.

In most cases, the whole healing time is around two weeks.

Sleeping cat
It may take around two weeks for your cat to recover fully.

To confirm that the entire toxin has left the animal’s system, your veterinarian may wish to keep your pet overnight or for a few days.

Then, your pet has a fair chance of recovering with adequate medical care.

The owner should keep the cat’s activity levels to a minimum for a few days to allow enough energy to recover from the event.

Do not miss the follow-ups!

How to Prevent Your Cat from Eating Bird of Paradise?

We can avoid plant poisoning by ensuring that your cat does not have access to hazardous plants. It is especially crucial for indoor plants and flowers like Bird of paradise, ivy, rubber plant, umbrella plant, etc.

Pet owners can use the following methods to keep their pets from eating poisonous plants:

1. The Use of Repellants

As a cat deterrent, spray diluted or full-strength vinegar on garden edges, fences, garden décor, and even plants.

You can also sprinkle chili powder on the leaves. Be careful! This method is painful for your cat.

Mothballs can also be used in the absence of other repellants. But keep in mind that mothballs are hazardous to pets if swallowed.

Citrus and Peppermint oil are also unpleasant to cats as cats cannot stand their smell.

2. Hanging Planters

Keep the plant confined within the parameters that the cat can’t reach.

Fencing does not work for cats because they are jumpy and can reach practically anywhere.

On the other hand, using hanging pots for the plants might work. But first, check to see if your cat can reach the plant.

3. Use Foil wrap

Place aluminum foil around the plant; cats hate the feeling of the foil under their feet.

4. Alternative Plants

If your cat continuously nibbles and bites plants, they’re bored. You may provide your cat with a safe chewable plant.

Some alternative chewing plants include Cat grass, Lemongrass, Basil, etc.

5. Adding Coffee Grounds to the Mix

You can benefit from adding coffee grounds to the plant’s soil in two ways.

First, it keeps pets and pests away from the plant and is an excellent natural fertilizer for your plants.

6. Out of Sight

The best solution for your cat and plant would be to keep your plant out of sight.

Your cat cannot get poisoned if it cannot see the plant.

Keep both of them away and enjoy your furball and beautiful bloom.

Final Verdict

We did our best to answer the worrying question, ‘is bird of paradise toxic to cats’?.

Keep your plants out of reach of your pets, and teach them not to eat any toxic plants. It will protect your plants, pets, and even yourself from harm.

In a nutshell, the Bird of paradise and cats are opposed. Therefore, keeping your cat out of the Bird of paradise plant’s reach is essential.

If you have a bird of paradise plant, it is best to be well-prepared by knowing the emergency contact number for your local veterinarian or animal poison hotline.

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