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Is Amur Honeysuckle Edible? [Myths Busted]

The name Amur Honeysuckle may deceive you for a sweet delicious berry, but the perennial Honeysuckle is far from being edible.

Since every part of Amur Honeysuckle (leaves, stem, and berries) possesses mild toxins, they are not edible. While the vibrant flower produces nectar, attracting bees and other pollinators, they are unsuitable for humans to eat.

Besides, the colorful yellow to red berries and the green foliage could be a great addition to our home with a few maintenance tips, so follow along.

Is Amur Honeysuckle Toxic?

Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) is a large deciduous shrub popular for its white flowers and red berries.

But behind these 14-20 feet tall beauty hides its toxic effect.

Generally, the berries and other parts of the Bush Honeysuckle, like leaves and stems, contain mild toxins. Despite the mild toxicity, which is yet to be scientifically proven, their consumption may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.
A portrait of Honeysuckle berries which is not edible.
Honeysuckle berries look quite similar to a miniature cherry.

Ingestion of berries may cause nausea, stomach ache, and diarrhea, with no lethal consequence.

That said, we do not recommend or encourage you to eat Bush Honeysuckle berries. However, you might encounter online trends of trying weird food, including Honeysuckle berries, but understand the casualty before diving into one.

Are Any Parts of Amur Honeysuckle Edible?

Given the mild toxic nature of Amur Honeysuckle, most of the parts, like leaves, stems, and berries, are not edible. Neither is there any evidence of the use of the Amur Honeysuckle berries in the past.

Most of it has to do with the bland and unpalatable taste of the berries.

Unlike the delicious Strawberry and Pineberry, Amur berries do not make it to your breakfast table, as they lack the sweet taste and chewability.

Also, the toxic range is yet to be fully uncovered, so people are unwilling to take any possible associated risks. Thus, as of now, Amur Honeysuckle and its parts are considered non-edible.

However, you might wonder about the Honeysuckles bloom used as a garnish in your drinks. Well, they are edible types, different from the toxic Amur Honeysuckles.

If you still wish to get the taste of Honeysuckle, varieties like Honeyberry (Lonicera caerulea) and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) are the edible alternative.

Does Amur Honeysuckle Have Any Use?

Although Amur Honeysuckle might not have any proven scientific or traditional medical use, they do have certain uses.

Generally, the tube-like or bell-shaped white to yellowish-white color enhances the aesthetics of your home garden.

Also, the plant features dense foliage with vibrant red berries, making it a popular landscaping choice, especially in gardens and parks.

A bee on the honeysuckle flower, attracted by its fragrance.
If you have a Honeysuckle plant around, stay tight for some frequent bee visits.

Further, the lush blooms produce nectar during the active growing season (late spring to early summer).

This nectar, followed by a sweet fragrance, attracts pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Moreover, these pollinators aid in the pollination of surrounding plants as well.

From Editorial Team

Keep The Plant Away From Kids & Pets!

As much as the Honeysuckle adds to the beauty of your home, it is always safe to keep them at a distance from your pets and kids.

In case your pets or kids happen to ingest it, contact a nearby health professional to prevent any mishaps.

All The Best!

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