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10 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants

Having indoor plants is always a boon in the pot, as these easy-to-care boast beautiful foliage and vibrant blooms with health benefits on the top.

Generally, indoor plants provide well-being benefits like reducing stress levels, giving beautiful blooms, sharpening your attention, improving indoor air quality, faster recovery from illness, boosting the decorations, etc.

Scroll till the end to look at a few more benefits of these indoor plants in detail.

10 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants

Most indoor plants are handy when placed with indoor objects and do not take up much space but can bring out the best in the environment.

Let’s look at the benefits.

1. Reduce Stress Level

Indoor plants are such a pleasant thing to look at. Like, they charm your eyes and provide you with aesthetic pleasure.

Having plants around you and watching them frequently has many positive impacts, like lowering blood pressure, psychological benefits, and calming effects.

National Library of Medicine says interaction with indoor plants can reduce psychological and physiological stress.

Another research by Ellison Chair says that tasks done under the influence of plants have a calming effect on humans and boost autonomic nervous system activity.

Asparagus fern is beneficial against many heart problems, maintains the heart rate, and well being of the heart.

Moreover, bedrooms are the best places to locate indoor plants to reduce stress.

2. Provides Beautiful Blooms

The long-stemmed white to purple, red, and orange vibrant blooms improve the house’s decorative look and give out beautiful aromas.

Different flowers serve different purposes and help in your well-being. Let’s look at them in detail.

Symbol of RomanceRose, Tulip, Peony, Orchid
Medicinal FlowersLavender, Sage, Calendula, Echinacea
Fragrant FlowersNarcissus, Plumeria, Jasmine, Hyacinth, Lilac
Decorative FlowersTulips, Orchids, Lilies, Roses
A bunch of flower along with rose is lying over the basin in a vase in an indoor.
Bunches of indoor plants, including Roses, can go well in a vase.
Indoor plants are the favorites of most plant people around the world for decoration. As young adults, you must admire the beauty of plants.

3. Sharpens your Attention

Different plants activate your ‘attention-boosting’ nerves. Due to different indoor plants, you can provide selective attention to certain things.

You can easily focus on your assignment or household chores if you work in the presence of a plant.

In a survey, researchers found that plants improve the concentration of elementary-level students.

Another research published in Science American also proves that the presence of interior landscape plants boosts one’s attention.

Household plants are also known to improve worker productivity. Horticultural therapy can boost cognitive skills and immunity and let you have fewer sick days at work.

4. Eases Dry Skin

If you have dry skin problems, a household plant is something you should get as soon as possible as it can increase relative humidity, thus alleviating dry skin.

Your skin glows best when it is hydrated, and higher relative humidity is the thing for you.

If there are some air-induced or dry skin-induced allergies, indoor plants can also help you with the treatment.

Plants like the Spider plant, Areca palm, Rubber plant, Peace Lily, and the succulent like Jade plant, etc., are famous for providing humidity to the environment.

So, take care of your plant, and they will take care of you in return.

5. Faster Recovery from Illness

Indoor plants can benefit the well-being of patients currently recovering from any illness.

According to a research article, patients heal faster and suffer less pain if surrounded by plants.

Plants like Lily and Orchids can benefit patients who need a quick recovery. As mentioned, plants are also helpful for reducing stress.

And you must have guessed that a stressless patient will heal faster. So, indoor plants are like pain relieving medication.

6. Induces Better Sleep

Some indoor plants help you get that great night’s sleep you’ve been craving for so long.

And no, plants do not secrete some “sedative-hypnotics” that make you fall into a deep slumber; it is not as simple as that.

Let’s look at how some plants work to provide you with a quality nap.

PlantsFactors that cause sleepStudies
English IvyCollects airborne mold and Increases respiration in the roomNational Library of Medicine
Areca Palm and Snake PlantImproves air quality by removing toxins from the airHealthline
AloeveraProduces oxygen at nightNational Library of Medicine
Peace LilyIncreases room's humidityNASA
LavenderSweet smell of lavender relaxes you and help reduce blood pressure and heart rateNational Library of Medicine

On top of that, plants release a ton of oxygen, helping to relieve mild insomnia.

7. Helps Against Mental Illness

Planting the plants inside, tending to their needs, and caring for them can keep your mind occupied and stress-free.

The only stress you’ll get is whether your plant is growing well. And trust me, that’s good stress.

Researchers at the National Library of Medicine claim that indoor plants are beneficial in making people with depression, anxiety, and other mental conditions feel better.

If you have a problem with memory, you can trust horticultural therapy to help you with your problem.

According to a report, a GP practice in Manchester prescribes potted plants to patients with mild symptoms of anxiety and depression.

8. Provides Job Satisfaction

Of course, you need to work hard, but getting potted plants on your office desk will help you achieve that.

Researchers at the National Library of Medicine tested 440 Amazon employees from the United States and India.

They found that employees with access to natural elements like plants and sunlight had greater job satisfaction and commitment.

Horticultural therapy can be a great way to start!

9. Indoor Air Pollution Abatement

According to the report by Minnesota Pollution Control, people in the USA spend most of their time indoors, and the indoor air inside is five times more polluted than outside.

To filter out pollutants like benzene, xylene, ammonia, etc., and improve indoor air quality, you better grow indoor plants as they have air purifying quality.
Spider plant as the best air purifying plant
Spider plants are one of the best air-purifying plants.

Peace lilies, Spider plants, and Florist’s Chrysanthemums are the interior plants that can remove five types of pollutants.

Also, indoor plants like Gerbera Daisy and Golden Pothos reduce the carbon dioxide in the air and release oxygen.

Let’s look at some other interior plants that serve the same purpose.

English IvySnake Plant
AloeveraDragon Tree
Weeping FigChinese Evergreen
Rubber PlantPineapple Plant
Bamboo PalmDracaena
Peace LilyZZ Plant

10. Great for Healing Purposes

A benefit that is maybe more considerable than the benefits mentioned above is their part in healing minor injuries and illnesses.

Either by consumption or application, certain indoor plants serve as healing medicines and are immediate first aid to your injuries.

Let’s look at some of the plants that have healing properties.

PlantsHealing PropertiesStudies
Aloe VeraAloe Vera juice is good for digestion.
It can treat minor burns, cuts and infection.
National Library of Medicine
Kava PlantIt contains "kavalactones" that work as anti-anxiety compounds and is consumed as tea.National Library of Medicine
English MarigoldIt helps you get rid of body pain while applied.Britannica
ChamomileChamomile is a consumable plant that is also a digestive relaxant.
It treats many gastrointestinal problems.
National Library of Medicine
Basil PlantBasil plant makes the bones strong.
It has antifungal, anti-oxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
National Library of Medicine
Oregano PlantOregano plants are natural antiseptic and have anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.McCormick Science Institute

Disadvantages of Indoor Plants

Houseplants may have many health benefits, but every coin has two sides. Indoor plants have their share of harmful effects as well.

Although the effects may not be generalized as they differ from person to person, they still linger around. They still may be harmful.

1. May Invite Pests

You may not want tiny pests lingering around your house, but sometimes indoor plants invite them.

Plants like the Fern, Fiddle Leaf Fig, and Peace lily love humidity, and the pesky tiny insects are attracted to the humid environment.

So, if you don’t want pests to roam your home as if they own it, you’ll need to discover ways to control them.

Do not think about discarding the plant as a whole, though.

2. Few Plants are Bad for Your Health

Not all plants treat and heal you from your illness; some plants can negatively affect your Health.

Many indoor plants are known for removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) found in the air of most households.

But few household plants can release Volatile Organic Compounds into the air. Identify and avoid plants that do that.

Research conducted on four house plants concludes that they release a certain amount of VOC in the indoor air.

The effect of VOC is not precisely known, but it will surely affect the Health of humans.

3. Caring for Some Plants Can Take a Toll on You

While some live plants can do fine with the minimum care you provide them, others are too needy.

Plants like Alocasia, Caladium, Calathea, Stromathe, etc., need extra tending and care to flourish properly.

They need perfect conditions for them to grow up in their ideal shape.

You might have to pay attention to these plants and tend to their watering, sunlight, temperature, and other needs.

So you would prefer to choose your plant wisely.

4. Some Plants are Toxic to Pets and Children

Plants aren’t always adorable. Sometimes the most beautiful plants are the most dangerous or toxic.

Although highly toxic plants are usually not found in the typical household, few are still available.

They may not technically be “poisonous,” but they can be toxic. Most plants contain Calcium oxalates crystal that can hurt your mouth if you consume the plant.

ASPCA has categorized different plants stating how toxic or poisonous they are. Check them out to be on the safe side.

Such plants may not spare your pets as well. Small kids and pets will have mild to severe effects from consuming toxic plants.

You can be prepared to see symptoms like vomiting, drooling, heavy breathing, oral discomfort, drooling, and pawing at your pet’s mouth or face.

If you ever encounter such problems, consult your nearest doctor or the helpline number immediately.

Also, watch,

From Editorial Team


As previously said, indoor plants can decorate your home, provide aesthetic enjoyment, improve indoor air quality, and provide various other benefits.

Use terracotta or ceramic flowerpots to boost the growth of plants.

However, there is a disadvantage to indoor plants, especially aroids.

The Aroid plants like Monstera and Aglaonema contain Calcium oxalate crystals that are toxic to humans and pets.

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