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7 Ice Plant Benefits You Can Get Easily

Did you know Ice Plant (Delosperma) received its name from bladder-like hairs? The light comes into play and makes the plant sparkle like ice crystals.

While they are pleasant on the eyes, Ice Plant contains endless uses and benefits. 

Generally, the Ice Plant helps reduce inflammation, manage high blood pressure, treat ulcers, and relieve oral and minor skin problems. It also helps reduce stress, sharpen attention and boost productivity. It is also useful for culinary purposes.

Delosperma plants represent perennials that boast tiny thorns on leaves.

Ice Plants produce daisy-like flowers that bloom in red, yellow, pink, and purple colors.

They are deer-resistant and creeping succulents that can cover a large area, forming a garden. Besides aesthetics, Ice Plant has more to offer, and this article has attempted to inform you.

Significant Benefits of The Ice Plant

Ice Plant is applicable everywhere, from a chemist’s lab to a cookhouse. This low-maintenance plant can be perfect for you if you are starting your plant-parent journey or if you are a busy person.

Here are some primary things you can expect from Ice Plant.

1. Helps Reduce Inflammation And Treat Ulcer 

One of the significant health benefits of the Ice Plant includes reducing inflammation to a substantial level.

According to Cleveland Clinic, inflammation occurs when your immune system releases inflammatory cells and cytokines in response to disease, injury, or another external irritant.

According to the Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, the aqueous extract of Delosperma reseii leaf shows anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties through a significant level of saponin.

When the researchers experimented on mice, the saponins extracted from the Ice Plant instantly reduced inflammation by 37%.

Ice Plant helps treat inflammation and ulcer effectively.

One example of an inflammatory reaction is edema. It occurs when excess fluid is trapped in body tissues, and Ice Plant helps treat this condition.

Thus, the Ice Plant can serve as a functional food component for preventing and treating inflammation.

The molecule tannin in the Ice Plant treats ulcers almost equally to any anti-ulcer drug produced in a laboratory.

2. Aids Healing Wound

Applying Ice Plant to cut and burn wounds also aids in healing. The juice of the Ice Plant provides relief and coolness to the scars.

Likewise, the tannin in the plant sap is an excellent wound sealer.

A National Library Of Medicine shows that a total tannin content encourage wound-healing in mice.

Scientists presume this effect is due to antibacterial activities and the cell pro-proliferative effect of the tannin compounds.

Applying sap of Ice Plant on the wound helps relieve pain.

The article has also mentioned that applying tannin solution obtained from plant parts reduces infection.

Thus, the tannin solution can also eliminate burn and wound scars.

An article published in PubMed indicates that tannins effectively absorb toxic materials and bacteria from burn wounds.

They do it by precipitating poisonous materials in burned tissue. Tannins also help relieve pain and eliminate any chances of secondary infections.

Thus, you can apply Ice Plant saps to burn wounds for instant relief.

3. Keeps Mind Stress-Free

I will tell you a secret. Ice Plants are psychoactive, positively affecting your brain and making you calm and happy.

They stimulate your mind and keep you free from stress. Likewise, eating Ice Plants will also help sharpen your attention.

According to Web MD, psychedelics like Ice plants stimulate the brain’s serotonin system and suppress other neurotransmitters that make you feel low.

Houseplants like Ice Plant help relax the mind.

This plant can also be used to manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Thus, you can purchase oil extracted from Ice Plant and use it as a massage oil to see its magic.

4. Helps Prevent Acne

Ice Plant can also be an excellent remedy for annoying pimples and acne.

Tannins can remove free radicals and promote anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic, and wound healing properties.

Likewise, Saponin present in Ice Plants also helps prevent acne.

According to a Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Saponins kill Propionibacterium acne, a major bacteria responsible for acne and pimples.

Extract of Ice Plant helps treat and prevent acne and pimples.

A PubMed also mentions that the saponins work by binding with cholesterol inside the cell, forming a saponin-cholesterol complex that further lyses the cells.

Thus, you can apply the leaves of Ice plant plants to the affected area of your skin for a natural acne remedy.

5. Protects Against Dental Caries

Did you know a high saponin diet protects your teeth and gums? The Ice plant benefits people struggling with tooth decay. That’s right!

According to a PubMed, saponin-rich foods like the Ice plant can significantly lower dental caries.

Scientists owe this to the foam-like consistency of Saponin, which reduces biofilm formation on teeth and gums.

Chewing leaves of Ice Plant can relieve dental caries.

Saponin binds to the bacteria and effectively removes them as you brush your teeth or gargle.

According to the Journal Of Dentistry Of Tehran University, plant saponins inhibit bacteria like Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus mutans, and Lactobacillus spp, the primary culprits of tooth decay. 

This way, the inhibition occurs due to cell lysis.

Thus, using Ice Plants in your day-to-day life has several benefits, and the protection of your oral health is one.

6. Excellent Home Decor

The beauty of the Ice Plant, especially its flowers, allows the plant to be an excellent addition to your house.

You can create beautiful artwork with Ice Plants, including candles, wall decor, stained glass, etc.

ice plant by  the window
Ice Plant can make statement look to the table.

Here is a stained glass decor idea that makes a beautiful yet inexpensive gift for any occasion.

DIY Stained Glass Decor

  • Take some Ice Plant flowers and press them with a heavy old book for about a month.
  • After a month, collect the flowers. Take a piece of glass slab and clean its front and back.
  • Place the flowers on the glass and use glue if necessary.
  • Place another glass slab on top of it and seal the edges with the help of metallic tape.
  • Clean up the outer glass and use binder clips to secure the glasses.
  • You can remove the binder clips after a while.
  • Your stained glass is ready to be gifted or hung on your wall.

If you own cats, Delosperma echinatum is a safe choice to grow at home.

7. Low-Maintenance Plant

One of the significant benefits of the Ice Plant is that it does not require much care. The plant is fire-resistant and deer-resistant.

The plant can grow outdoors and flourish on hard surfaces, including rocks. However, sandy loam is the best if you desire to grow the plant in a pot.

Ice Plants are a good choice for novices.

Here is a quick care requirement for the Ice plant. 

Care RequirementOptimum Condition
SunlightFull sunlight, 6 to 8 hours of day
WaterOnce a week during summer

Once every two weeks during winter
TemperatureAbove 12℃ (54℉)
SoilDry, sandy, well-drained soil with pH of 6.5-7.5
Humidity 30%-70%
FertilizerOrganic or natural fertilizer

Once in the fall
Re-potting Once every two years
Pruning Prune in fall after the flowers fade

Where To Buy Ice Plant?

Now that you are familiar with the plant and its beneficiary uses, you might want to get one. It is easy to find Delosperma at a local nursery or online.

ShopsDelivery Time
Ebay9 to 20 business days
Jackson & PerkinsWithin 7 business days
Wilson Bros Garden3 to 7 business days
Woodies Garden GoodsWithin 5-7 business days


Everyone can use Delosperma in their daily lives, from an older adult struggling with severe inflammatory disease to a young teenager dealing with acne.

Likewise, you can gift your DIY ice plant decors to your loved ones.

Thus, you can widely leverage Ice Plants if you can grow even a single plant at home. 

If you have grown other houseplants, you may also need to know about the benefits of Ti Plant and ZZ Plant.

Happy Gardening!

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