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How to Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron? [3+ Simple Techniques]

Unlike the Pink Princess Philodendron, you can propagate the Split Leaf Philodendron and expect the child plant to be exact replica of its parent ones.

You can propagate Split Leaf Philodendron by stem cutting or air layering method. For optimal results, aim to propagate them in Spring or early summer. And within a month or two, you can have a brand new generation of Split Leaf Philodendron with easy propagation steps.

Thus, read on to learn all key propagation steps so you can successfully propagate Split Leaf Philodendron.

Can You Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron?

Like any other Philodendron plant, you can propagate Split Leaf Philodendron with a simple steps.

There are two common propagation methods to propagate the Split Leaf Philodendron. They are via stem cutting and air layering methods.

Although Split Leaf Philodendrons have seeds, they are hard to germinate. So, it means propagation via seeds is not suitable.

Nevertheless, you can challenge yourself and grow the Split Leaf Philodendron from their seeds.

Remember, Spring or early Summer is the best time to propagate the Split Leaf Philodendron for optimal propagation. At this time of the year, the plant’s growth is optimal. So, there is a high chance of successful propagation.

split leaf philodendron plant
Do you know Split Leaf Philodendron is often confused with Monstera Deliciosa, but they are not the same?

On the other hand, refrain from propagating the Split Leaf Philodendron (Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum) in winter.

The plant is dormant in winter, so the cutting might take longer to root. Also, you need to go the extra mile to protect cutting from cold temperatures.

How to Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron?

Similar to Monstera, Split Leaf Philodendron can not be propagated without nodes.

So, if you are wondering if you can propagate the broken leaves of Split Leaf Philodendron, unfortunately, the answer is no.

That said, if the broken leaves have a stem with a healthy node, then perhaps you can propagate them.

You can propagate Split Leaf Philodendron via stem cutting and Air layering methods.

Now, without further dillydallying, let us get started with step-by-step Split Leaf Philodendron propagation.

1. Stem Cutting

Stem cutting is the most common, simple, yet faster propagation method. Moreover, with this method, you can root the cuttings in water or soil.

But before taking cutting off the plant, ensure the mother Philodendron plant is mature and healthy.

Then only locate the strong, healthy stem with at least two leaves to begin the propagation.

As roots sprout from the nodes only, cut the 3-6″ stem below a leaf node at an angle of 45°. You can remove the bottom leaves off the cuttings and leave a pair of leaves on top.

Now, allow the cut ends to form a callus, and then you can root the cuttings in water or directly plant them in the soil.

1.1 Rooting On Water

  • Apply rooting hormone to the cut edges to encourage faster rooting.
  • Submerge the cutting in a clear jar filled with clean water without any leaves touching the water.
  • Place the jar in bright indirect sunlight and ensure a relatively warm temperature.
  • If the stem is tall, provide support to the stem or use a tall container.
  • Change the water every week with fresh, chemical-free water.
propagation by water of split leaf philodendron
Adding rooting hormone can boost the rooting process.

Within two months, you can see legit root growth on the stem cutting. Then you can transplant each cutting into the pot. And ensure to use a well-draining, organic soil mix.

Afterward, you can proceed with regular Split Leaf Philodendron care.

1.2 Rooting On Soil

You can also directly plant the stem cuttings into the well-draining substrate for rooting. Remember to keep the soil mix moist but not soggy, as it could cause rotting.

Also, no need to add fertilizer as the nutrients present in the fresh soil is enough for the growth of cutting.

Unlike rooting in water, you can not track the root growth while rooting cuttings in soil. Furthermore, the root growth in the soil is slower than in water.

2. Air Layering

You can also propagate Split Leaf Philodendron via the air layering method. However, this method is slightly more difficult than stem cutting.

  • Find a healthy stem section of the plant with multiple nodes.
  • Carefully make a small cut on the stem right below a leaf node.
  • Add rooting hormone to the cut and add sphagnum moss, then wrap it using a plastic bag.
  • Ensure to wrap it properly so that the moss does not fall off.
  • Regularly mist the moss to keep the humidity level intact.
  • The root should sprout from the cut within two weeks to a month.
  • Once the roots are legit sturdy, you can carefully cut the root ball and plant it in a fresh potting mix.

Editor’s Note

Aftercare for Newly Propagated Split Leaf Philodendron!

Unlike the established Philodendrons, newly propagated plants are fragile and require more care.

Thus, place them in bright indirect sunlight (at least six hours) and water once a week. Also, keep the temperature at 64-77°F and humidity at 70-80%.

Likewise, always use a loose, airy, nutrient-rich soil mix with proper drainage for better growth.

All The Best!

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